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In gunboat, no one can hear you scream... Full press gunboat.


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G.M. emaildandip2011-at-gmail-dot-com
VariantGunboat  [Wiki]
Cur SeasonSpring 00
Next Deadline2020-06-26 @ 22:00:00 GMT
Result2-Way Draw
S. C.34
Start Date2020-03-31
End Date2020-06-24
Real-Life Time86 days
Slideshow SC Chart
| Default House Rules | Rating Calculation
Seq Country   Player Result S.C. Seas NMRs Rtg
0 Austria Captain of the Watch Silver Star9ConradWDraw 17 22 0 12.04 1266.88
0 England Artisan Gold Star9Shaunanthony1Draw 17 22 0 10.77 1342.47
0 France Order of the Shrubbery Gold Star9garry.bledsoeEliminated 0 18 0 -5.75 1320.85
0 Germany Captain of the Watch Blank9BaronVonPWNEliminated 0 18 0 -3.62 1194.45
0 Italy Captain of the Watch Gold Star9SlangersEliminated 0 20 0 -5.71 1323.1
0 Russia Artisan Blank9RAlanCEliminated 0 16 0 -3.84 1250.31
0 Turkey Countryman Blank9fhizzoEliminated 0 14 0 -3.86 1210.63

PREV  Spring 1908 Adjudication:  NEXT    

Spring has sprung! Not a whole lot of proper action this turn... The Austrians take Rome, and that's about it.

The EGP fails, and it has not been re-proposed.

No retreats, so time for the Fall! Three days, so Friday the 5th of June, 22:00 NZST. As always, that's Thursday for you!

Have fun!

All the best,

F Black Sea Supports A Constantinople - Ankara
A Constantinople - Ankara (*Fails*)
A Galicia Supports A Warsaw
A Rumania - Sevastopol
A Sevastopol - Armenia
F Trieste - Adriatic Sea
A Tyrolia - Venice
A Ukraine Supports A Warsaw
A Venice - Rome
A Vienna - Tyrolia
A Warsaw Hold

F Baltic Sea - Gulf of Bothnia
F Berlin Supports F Kiel
F Brest - Gascony
F Edinburgh - Norwegian Sea
F English Channel Convoys A London - Picardy
F Holland - North Sea
F Kiel Supports F Berlin
A Liverpool - Yorkshire
A Livonia Supports A Moscow
A London - Picardy
F Mid Atlantic Ocean Supports F Brest - Gascony (*Cut*)
A Moscow Supports A Silesia - Warsaw
F North Atlantic Ocean Supports F Mid Atlantic Ocean
A Portugal - Spain (*Fails*)

A Paris - Burgundy
A Silesia - Warsaw (*Fails*)

A Munich Hold

F North Africa - Mid Atlantic Ocean (*Fails*)
A Piedmont - Tuscany
A Smyrna Supports F Ankara
F Spain(sc) Supports F North Africa - Mid Atlantic Ocean (*Cut*)
F Western Mediterranean - Tyrrhenian Sea

F Ankara Hold
AH to France - Did I miss something here? Too much cognac? It seems to me England stabbed you. Is that not an English army in Iberia? All I did was help out a poor lost band of fellow Germans.

AH to England - Still supporting the two way draw. No need for those armies. Regret to say any new armies in Scandinavia or Germany will be viewed as an act of war. Feel free to send as many as you want into France.
England - Italy: Gibraltar is and always shall be a part of the British empire. I suggest that you retreat from our waters now.

Edward V111 - Franz Joseph: Race you to 18, although an honourable draw is also acceptable.

England to France: Thank you for your kind words, my Kronenbourg 1664 supping buddy. I hear that Warsaw is delightful this time of year.

England to France: Delicious fish restaurants in Marseilles.

England to Players: Hang on in there everyone, we get our third monarch of the game in four moves time.
Italy to Austria: I don’t care about anything anymore other than you not winning you, you mountain hiking, edelweiss singing huckster!

Diplomacy games may contain lying, stabbing, or deliberately deceiving communications that may not be suitable for and may pose a hazard to young children, gullible adults, and small farm animals.

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