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In gunboat, no one can hear you scream... Full press gunboat.


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G.M. emaildandip2011-at-gmail-dot-com
VariantGunboat  [Wiki]
Cur SeasonSpring 00
Next Deadline2020-06-26 @ 22:00:00 GMT
Result2-Way Draw
S. C.34
Start Date2020-03-31
End Date2020-06-24
Real-Life Time86 days
Slideshow SC Chart
| Default House Rules | Rating Calculation
Seq Country   Player Result S.C. Seas NMRs Rtg
0 Austria Captain of the Watch Silver Star9ConradWDraw 17 22 0 12.04 1266.88
0 England Artisan Gold Star9Shaunanthony1Draw 17 22 0 10.77 1342.47
0 France Order of the Shrubbery Gold Star9garry.bledsoeEliminated 0 18 0 -5.75 1320.85
0 Germany Captain of the Watch Blank9BaronVonPWNEliminated 0 18 0 -3.62 1194.45
0 Italy Captain of the Watch Gold Star9SlangersEliminated 0 20 0 -5.71 1323.1
0 Russia Artisan Blank9RAlanCEliminated 0 16 0 -3.84 1250.31
0 Turkey Countryman Blank9fhizzoEliminated 0 14 0 -3.86 1210.63

PREV  Fall 1908 Adjudication:  NEXT    

Big turn. England marches into Paris and Spain, but loses Moscow to the Austrians, who take a score of capitals with their capture of Moscow, Rome, and Ankara. Which of course eliminates our Russian player, who decides to take a sabbatical in Iceland. ! Thank you for playing Russia, all the best of luck to you in your future games!

Interesting note: Third game on a standard map in a row that I've Gmed which has seen eliminations for both Russia and Turkey.

Two retreats, but as the army in Moscow could only go to Saint Petersburg and the fleet in Spain (south coast) could only go to the Gulf Of Lyon, I auto retreated both.

Winter! Here's the orders I all require:





23 hours! So get them in by Saturday the 6th of June, 22:00 NZST.

I'll see y'all on D-day.

Have fun!

Best regards,

F Adriatic Sea - Ionian Sea
A Armenia - Smyrna (*Fails*)
F Black Sea Supports A Constantinople - Ankara
A Constantinople - Ankara
A Galicia - Warsaw (*Bounce*)
A Rome Hold
A Sevastopol Supports A Warsaw - Moscow
A Tyrolia Supports A Munich
A Ukraine Supports A Warsaw - Moscow
A Venice - Tuscany
A Warsaw - Moscow

F Berlin Supports F Kiel
F English Channel, no move received
F Gascony Supports F Mid Atlantic Ocean - Spain(sc)
F Gulf of Bothnia Hold
F Kiel Supports F Berlin
A Livonia Supports A Moscow
F Mid Atlantic Ocean - Spain(sc)
A Moscow Hold (*Dislodged*)
F North Atlantic Ocean - Mid Atlantic Ocean
F North Sea Convoys A Yorkshire - Belgium
F Norwegian Sea - North Atlantic Ocean
A Picardy - Paris
A Portugal Supports F Mid Atlantic Ocean - Spain(sc)
A Yorkshire - Belgium

A Burgundy - Marseilles (*Bounce*)
A Silesia - Warsaw (*Bounce*)

A Munich Hold

F North Africa - Western Mediterranean
A Smyrna Supports F Ankara (*Cut*)
F Spain(sc) - Marseilles (*Dislodged*)
A Tuscany - Piedmont
F Tyrrhenian Sea - Naples

F Ankara - Iceland (*Succeeds, but for the sake of the game must be disbanded*)
Franz Joseph to Edward VIII - Peaceful intentions were not apparent last turn. Punitive expedition to Moscow.

AH to Russia - Two fleets in the Black Sea ...
France-AH: Real simple. England was able to stab me because you delayed my capture of Germany. That plus the continued effort to thwart me with no thought to the impact on England's solo run. Just your own thoughts on getting a 2-way. So why would I want allow that? England just took advantage of the situation. A solo loss or a 2-way loss...they are both the same to me.
Russia to Austria-Hungary: Please allow our fleet safe and peaceful transit through the Bosporus on our way to Iceland.

Russia to Italy: We ask of you the same, safe and peaceful transit through the Straits of Gibralter on our way to Iceland. We really need the rest after the butt-whooping we've had, and we hear that they have very relaxing hot spring spas up there.

Diplomacy games may contain lying, stabbing, or deliberately deceiving communications that may not be suitable for and may pose a hazard to young children, gullible adults, and small farm animals.

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