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dc446 - Spring 1903 - bschoner   (Jan 28, 2013, 6:58 pm)
Looks to me like the attached map has Italy's A Apu in Ven.

On Mon, Jan 28, 2013 at 6:43 PM, Michael Penner wrote:
Unfortunately, it appears that we have lost our Turkey. Thanksgiving will
never be the same. Bret, you're still in this thing if you want to submit
moves. I suspect there will be a couple surprises coming this turn. We've
only got one retreat to resolve, which will be due tomorrow. I've assumed
the retreat on the map, but it still needs to be confirmed.

A Albania - Greece
A Budapest - Trieste (*bounce*)
A Serbia - Supports Bulgaria
A Vienna - Trieste (*bounce*)
F Bulgaria Supports Ionian Sea - Aegean Sea (*cut*)

F North Atlantic Ocean - Mid-Atlantic Ocean
F York Supports London
A London Holds

A Wales - Liverpool
F Irish Sea Supports Wales - Liverpool
F English Channel - Wales
F Brest - English Channel
A Spain - Gascony
A Belgium Holds (*dislodged*)

F North Sea - Belgium
F Denmark - North Sea
A Kiel - Ruhr
A Munich - Burgundy
A Holland Supports North Sea - Belgium

F Naples - Ionian Sea
F Ionian Sea - Aegean Sea
A Venice - Apulia
A Tunisia Holds

F Norway Supports Denmark - North Sea
F Sweden - Skagarrak
A St. Petersburg - Finland
A Moscow - Ukraine
A Sevastopol Supports Rumania
A Rumania Supports Black Sea - Bulgaria
F Black Sea - Bulgaria (ec) (*fails*)

No Moves Received

France's A Belgium may retreat to Picardy or Off the Board.

Next Deadline:
Summer 1903 retreat is due on Tuesday, January 29, at 4pm CST (10pm GMT).


dc446 - Spring 1903 (Winter Blitz) Mr_Green Jan 28, 07:18 pm
Much to the shock and horror of everyone (except, perhaps, the Turk)...
Let's keep that army in Picardy instead of slaughtering it. 

On Mon, Jan 28, 2013 at 7:16 PM, Michael Penner <mvpenner(at)gmail.com> wrote:

Good point. I will fix that with tomorrow's retreat announcement.

On Mon, Jan 28, 2013 at 6:58 PM, Brian Schoner <bschoner(at)gmail.com> wrote:

Looks to me like the attached map has Italy's A Apu in Ven.



On Mon, Jan 28, 2013 at 6:43 PM, Michael Penner <mvpenner(at)gmail.com> wrote:

> Unfortunately, it appears that we have lost our Turkey. Thanksgiving will

> never be the same. Bret, you're still in this thing if you want to submit

> moves. I suspect there will be a couple surprises coming this turn. We've

> only got one retreat to resolve, which will be due tomorrow. I've assumed

> the retreat on the map, but it still needs to be confirmed.


> Austria:

> A Albania - Greece

> A Budapest - Trieste (*bounce*)

> A Serbia - Supports Bulgaria

> A Vienna - Trieste (*bounce*)

> F Bulgaria Supports Ionian Sea - Aegean Sea (*cut*)


> England:

> F North Atlantic Ocean - Mid-Atlantic Ocean

> F York Supports London

> A London Holds


> France:

> A Wales - Liverpool

> F Irish Sea Supports Wales - Liverpool

> F English Channel - Wales

> F Brest - English Channel

> A Spain - Gascony

> A Belgium Holds (*dislodged*)


> Germany:

> F North Sea - Belgium

> F Denmark - North Sea

> A Kiel - Ruhr

> A Munich - Burgundy

> A Holland Supports North Sea - Belgium


> Italy:

> F Naples - Ionian Sea

> F Ionian Sea - Aegean Sea

> A Venice - Apulia

> A Tunisia Holds


> Russia:

> F Norway Supports Denmark - North Sea

> F Sweden - Skagarrak

> A St. Petersburg - Finland

> A Moscow - Ukraine

> A Sevastopol Supports Rumania

> A Rumania Supports Black Sea - Bulgaria

> F Black Sea - Bulgaria (ec) (*fails*)


> Turkey:

> No Moves Received


> Retreats:

> France's A Belgium may retreat to Picardy or Off the Board.


> Next Deadline:

> Summer 1903 retreat is due on Tuesday, January 29, at 4pm CST (10pm GMT).
dc446 - Spring 1903 (Winter Blitz) Viper Jan 28, 06:43 pm
Unfortunately, it appears that we have lost our Turkey. Thanksgiving will never be the same. Bret, you're still in this thing if you want to submit moves. I suspect there will be a couple surprises coming this turn. We've only got one retreat to resolve, which will be due tomorrow. I've assumed the retreat on the map, but it still needs to be confirmed.

A Albania - Greece
A Budapest - Trieste (*bounce*)
A Serbia - Supports Bulgaria
A Vienna - Trieste (*bounce*)

F Bulgaria Supports Ionian Sea - Aegean Sea (*cut*)

F North Atlantic Ocean - Mid-Atlantic Ocean
F York Supports London
A London Holds


A Wales - Liverpool
F Irish Sea Supports Wales - Liverpool
F English Channel - Wales
F Brest - English Channel

A Spain - Gascony
A Belgium Holds (*dislodged*)

F North Sea - Belgium
F Denmark - North Sea
A Kiel - Ruhr
A Munich - Burgundy
A Holland Supports North Sea - Belgium

F Naples - Ionian Sea
F Ionian Sea - Aegean Sea
A Venice - Apulia
A Tunisia Holds

F Norway Supports Denmark - North Sea

F Sweden - Skagarrak
A St. Petersburg - Finland
A Moscow - Ukraine

A Sevastopol Supports Rumania

A Rumania Supports Black Sea - Bulgaria
F Black Sea - Bulgaria (ec) (*fails*)

No Moves Received

France's A Belgium may retreat to Picardy or Off the Board.

Next Deadline:
Summer 1903 retreat is due on Tuesday, January 29, at 4pm CST (10pm GMT).
dc446 - Spring 1903 (Winter Blitz) Viper Jan 28, 07:16 pm
Good point. I will fix that with tomorrow's retreat announcement.

On Mon, Jan 28, 2013 at 6:58 PM, Brian Schoner <bschoner(at)gmail.com> wrote:

Looks to me like the attached map has Italy's A Apu in Ven.



On Mon, Jan 28, 2013 at 6:43 PM, Michael Penner <mvpenner(at)gmail.com> wrote:

> Unfortunately, it appears that we have lost our Turkey. Thanksgiving will

> never be the same. Bret, you're still in this thing if you want to submit

> moves. I suspect there will be a couple surprises coming this turn. We've

> only got one retreat to resolve, which will be due tomorrow. I've assumed

> the retreat on the map, but it still needs to be confirmed.


> Austria:

> A Albania - Greece

> A Budapest - Trieste (*bounce*)

> A Serbia - Supports Bulgaria

> A Vienna - Trieste (*bounce*)

> F Bulgaria Supports Ionian Sea - Aegean Sea (*cut*)


> England:

> F North Atlantic Ocean - Mid-Atlantic Ocean

> F York Supports London

> A London Holds


> France:

> A Wales - Liverpool

> F Irish Sea Supports Wales - Liverpool

> F English Channel - Wales

> F Brest - English Channel

> A Spain - Gascony

> A Belgium Holds (*dislodged*)


> Germany:

> F North Sea - Belgium

> F Denmark - North Sea

> A Kiel - Ruhr

> A Munich - Burgundy

> A Holland Supports North Sea - Belgium


> Italy:

> F Naples - Ionian Sea

> F Ionian Sea - Aegean Sea

> A Venice - Apulia

> A Tunisia Holds


> Russia:

> F Norway Supports Denmark - North Sea

> F Sweden - Skagarrak

> A St. Petersburg - Finland

> A Moscow - Ukraine

> A Sevastopol Supports Rumania

> A Rumania Supports Black Sea - Bulgaria

> F Black Sea - Bulgaria (ec) (*fails*)


> Turkey:

> No Moves Received


> Retreats:

> France's A Belgium may retreat to Picardy or Off the Board.


> Next Deadline:

> Summer 1903 retreat is due on Tuesday, January 29, at 4pm CST (10pm GMT).
dc446 - Spring 1903 (Winter Blitz) Viper Jan 29, 09:22 pm
It comes as no surprise that France has opted for the retreat, but here's a message making it official. I've also updated the map to include all of Italy's moves.


A Belgium - Picardy

Next Deadline:
Fall 1903 moves are due on Thursday, January 31, at 4pm CST (10pm GMT)
dc446 - Spring 1903 - Viper   (Jan 28, 2013, 6:43 pm)
Unfortunately, it appears that we have lost our Turkey. Thanksgiving will never be the same. Bret, you're still in this thing if you want to submit moves. I suspect there will be a couple surprises coming this turn. We've only got one retreat to resolve, which will be due tomorrow. I've assumed the retreat on the map, but it still needs to be confirmed.

A Albania - Greece
A Budapest - Trieste (*bounce*)
A Serbia - Supports Bulgaria
A Vienna - Trieste (*bounce*)

F Bulgaria Supports Ionian Sea - Aegean Sea (*cut*)

F North Atlantic Ocean - Mid-Atlantic Ocean
F York Supports London
A London Holds


A Wales - Liverpool
F Irish Sea Supports Wales - Liverpool
F English Channel - Wales
F Brest - English Channel

A Spain - Gascony
A Belgium Holds (*dislodged*)

F North Sea - Belgium
F Denmark - North Sea
A Kiel - Ruhr
A Munich - Burgundy
A Holland Supports North Sea - Belgium

F Naples - Ionian Sea
F Ionian Sea - Aegean Sea
A Venice - Apulia
A Tunisia Holds

F Norway Supports Denmark - North Sea

F Sweden - Skagarrak
A St. Petersburg - Finland
A Moscow - Ukraine

A Sevastopol Supports Rumania

A Rumania Supports Black Sea - Bulgaria
F Black Sea - Bulgaria (ec) (*fails*)

No Moves Received

France's A Belgium may retreat to Picardy or Off the Board.

Next Deadline:
Summer 1903 retreat is due on Tuesday, January 29, at 4pm CST (10pm GMT).


dc445 spring 03 - catsfather   (Jan 28, 2013, 3:02 pm)
The spring of uncertainty ... and that was from my point of view!
Retreats due:
French F Belgium can retreat to Holland.
English F English Channel can retreat to London or Wales or Irish Sea.
Italian F Ionian Sea can retreat to Adriatic Sea or Apulia or Naples or Tunis.
Deadline is Tuesday, 9pm GMT.

Movement results for Spring of 1903. (dc455)

Austria: A Trieste - Budapest (*Fails*).
Austria: A Vienna Supports A Trieste - Budapest.

England: F English Channel - Mid-Atlantic Ocean (*Dislodged*).
England: A London - Denmark.
England: F North Sea Convoys A London - Denmark.
England: F Sweden - Finland (*Bounce*).

France: F Belgium Supports A Paris - Picardy (*Dislodged*).
France: F Brest Supports F Mid-Atlantic Ocean - English Channel.
France: A Burgundy - Marseilles (*Bounce*).
France: F Mid-Atlantic Ocean - English Channel.
France: A Paris - Picardy.
France: A Spain - Marseilles (*Bounce*).

Germany: A Berlin - Silesia.
Germany: F Denmark - Kiel.
Germany: A Munich - Burgundy (*Fails*).
Germany: A Picardy - Belgium.
Germany: A Ruhr Supports A Picardy - Belgium.

Italy: F Gulf of Lyon - Tyrrhenian Sea.
Italy: F Ionian Sea Hold (*Dislodged*).
Italy: A Tyrolia - Piedmont.
Italy: A Venice Supports A Trieste (*Ordered to Move*).

Russia: F Baltic Sea Supports A Warsaw - Prussia.
Russia: A Budapest Supports A Rumania (*Cut*).
Russia: A Galicia Supports A Budapest.
Russia: F Norway Supports A St Petersburg - Finland (*Fails*).
Russia: F Rumania Hold.
Russia: A St Petersburg - Finland (*Bounce*).
Russia: A Warsaw - Prussia.

Turkey: F Aegean Sea Supports F Eastern Mediterranean - Ionian Sea.
Turkey: F Bulgaria(sc) - Greece.
Turkey: A Constantinople Hold.
Turkey: F Eastern Mediterranean - Ionian Sea.
Turkey: A Greece - Albania.
Turkey: A Serbia Supports A Greece - Albania.

The following units were dislodged:

French F Belgium can retreat to Holland.
English F English Channel can retreat to London or Wales or Irish Sea.
Italian F Ionian Sea can retreat to Adriatic Sea or Apulia or Naples or Tunis.

Unit locations:

Austria: A Trieste, A Vienna.
England: A Denmark, F North Sea, F Sweden.
France: F Brest, A Burgundy, F English Channel, A Picardy, A Spain.
Germany: A Belgium, F Kiel, A Munich, A Ruhr, A Silesia.
Italy: A Piedmont, F Tyrrhenian Sea, A Venice.
Russia: F Baltic Sea, A Budapest, A Galicia, F Norway, A Prussia, F Rumania,
A St Petersburg.
Turkey: F Aegean Sea, A Albania, A Constantinople, F Greece, F Ionian Sea, A

Ownership of supply centers:

Austria: Trieste, Vienna.
England: Edinburgh, Liverpool, London, Sweden.
France: Belgium, Brest, Marseilles, Paris, Portugal, Spain.
Germany: Berlin, Denmark, Holland, Kiel, Munich.
Italy: Naples, Rome, Tunis, Venice.
Russia: Budapest, Moscow, Norway, Rumania, Sevastopol, St Petersburg, Warsaw.
Turkey: Ankara, Bulgaria, Constantinople, Greece, Serbia, Smyrna.

Austria: 2 Supply centers, 2 Units: Builds 0 units.
England: 4 Supply centers, 3 Units: Builds 0 units.
France: 6 Supply centers, 5 Units: Builds 0 units.
Germany: 5 Supply centers, 5 Units: Builds 0 units.
Italy: 4 Supply centers, 3 Units: Builds 0 units.
Russia: 7 Supply centers, 7 Units: Builds 0 units.
Turkey: 6 Supply centers, 6 Units: Builds 0 units.

The next phase of dc455 will be Retreats for Spring of 1903.


dc445 spring 03 (Winter Blitz) catsfather Jan 29, 03:13 pm
After a spring of uncertainty, no real uncertainty with the retreats.
English fleet Eng -> Lon
French fleet Bel -> Hol
Italian fleet to Tunis
Fall orders due on Thursday at 9pm GMT.
Apologies to those who received "I've got no orders from you" and
worried the deadline was past. I just start to get worried when we're
within 24 hours of a deadline and I'm missing orders. Don't, however,
think this means you should expect a reminder. Some days I just don't

On 28 January 2013 21:02, Hamish Williams wrote:
The spring of uncertainty ... and that was from my point of view!

Retreats due:

French F Belgium can retreat to Holland.
English F English Channel can retreat to London or Wales or Irish Sea.
Italian F Ionian Sea can retreat to Adriatic Sea or Apulia or Naples or Tunis.

Deadline is Tuesday, 9pm GMT.

Movement results for Spring of 1903. (dc455)

Austria: A Trieste - Budapest (*Fails*).

Austria: A Vienna Supports A Trieste - Budapest.

England: F English Channel - Mid-Atlantic Ocean (*Dislodged*).

England: A London - Denmark.

England: F North Sea Convoys A London - Denmark.

England: F Sweden - Finland (*Bounce*).

France: F Belgium Supports A Paris - Picardy (*Dislodged*).

France: F Brest Supports F Mid-Atlantic Ocean - English Channel.

France: A Burgundy - Marseilles (*Bounce*).

France: F Mid-Atlantic Ocean - English Channel.

France: A Paris - Picardy.

France: A Spain - Marseilles (*Bounce*).

Germany: A Berlin - Silesia.

Germany: F Denmark - Kiel.

Germany: A Munich - Burgundy (*Fails*).

Germany: A Picardy - Belgium.

Germany: A Ruhr Supports A Picardy - Belgium.

Italy: F Gulf of Lyon - Tyrrhenian Sea.

Italy: F Ionian Sea Hold (*Dislodged*).

Italy: A Tyrolia - Piedmont.

Italy: A Venice Supports A Trieste (*Ordered to Move*).

Russia: F Baltic Sea Supports A Warsaw - Prussia.

Russia: A Budapest Supports A Rumania (*Cut*).

Russia: A Galicia Supports A Budapest.

Russia: F Norway Supports A St Petersburg - Finland (*Fails*).

Russia: F Rumania Hold.

Russia: A St Petersburg - Finland (*Bounce*).

Russia: A Warsaw - Prussia.

Turkey: F Aegean Sea Supports F Eastern Mediterranean - Ionian Sea.

Turkey: F Bulgaria(sc) - Greece.

Turkey: A Constantinople Hold.

Turkey: F Eastern Mediterranean - Ionian Sea.

Turkey: A Greece - Albania.

Turkey: A Serbia Supports A Greece - Albania.

The following units were dislodged:

French F Belgium can retreat to Holland.

English F English Channel can retreat to London or Wales or Irish Sea.

Italian F Ionian Sea can retreat to Adriatic Sea or Apulia or Naples or Tunis.

Unit locations:

Austria: A Trieste, A Vienna.

England: A Denmark, F North Sea, F Sweden.

France: F Brest, A Burgundy, F English Channel, A Picardy, A Spain.

Germany: A Belgium, F Kiel, A Munich, A Ruhr, A Silesia.

Italy: A Piedmont, F Tyrrhenian Sea, A Venice.

Russia: F Baltic Sea, A Budapest, A Galicia, F Norway, A Prussia, F Rumania,

A St Petersburg.

Turkey: F Aegean Sea, A Albania, A Constantinople, F Greece, F Ionian Sea, A


Ownership of supply centers:

Austria: Trieste, Vienna.

England: Edinburgh, Liverpool, London, Sweden.

France: Belgium, Brest, Marseilles, Paris, Portugal, Spain.

Germany: Berlin, Denmark, Holland, Kiel, Munich.

Italy: Naples, Rome, Tunis, Venice.

Russia: Budapest, Moscow, Norway, Rumania, Sevastopol, St Petersburg, Warsaw.

Turkey: Ankara, Bulgaria, Constantinople, Greece, Serbia, Smyrna.

Austria: 2 Supply centers, 2 Units: Builds 0 units.

England: 4 Supply centers, 3 Units: Builds 0 units.

France: 6 Supply centers, 5 Units: Builds 0 units.

Germany: 5 Supply centers, 5 Units: Builds 0 units.

Italy: 4 Supply centers, 3 Units: Builds 0 units.

Russia: 7 Supply centers, 7 Units: Builds 0 units.

Turkey: 6 Supply centers, 6 Units: Builds 0 units.

The next phase of dc455 will be Retreats for Spring of 1903.
dc445 spring 03 (Winter Blitz) catsfather Jan 30, 10:33 am
Map showing yesterday's results attached.
On 29 January 2013 21:13, Hamish Williams wrote:
After a spring of uncertainty, no real uncertainty with the retreats.

English fleet Eng -> Lon
French fleet Bel -> Hol
Italian fleet to Tunis

Fall orders due on Thursday at 9pm GMT.

Apologies to those who received "I've got no orders from you" and
worried the deadline was past. I just start to get worried when we're
within 24 hours of a deadline and I'm missing orders. Don't, however,
think this means you should expect a reminder. Some days I just don't


On 28 January 2013 21:02, Hamish Williams wrote:
> The spring of uncertainty ... and that was from my point of view!
> Retreats due:
> French F Belgium can retreat to Holland.
> English F English Channel can retreat to London or Wales or Irish Sea.
> Italian F Ionian Sea can retreat to Adriatic Sea or Apulia or Naples or Tunis.
> Deadline is Tuesday, 9pm GMT.
> Movement results for Spring of 1903. (dc455)
> Austria: A Trieste - Budapest (*Fails*).
> Austria: A Vienna Supports A Trieste - Budapest.
> England: F English Channel - Mid-Atlantic Ocean (*Dislodged*).
> England: A London - Denmark.
> England: F North Sea Convoys A London - Denmark.
> England: F Sweden - Finland (*Bounce*).
> France: F Belgium Supports A Paris - Picardy (*Dislodged*).
> France: F Brest Supports F Mid-Atlantic Ocean - English Channel.
> France: A Burgundy - Marseilles (*Bounce*).
> France: F Mid-Atlantic Ocean - English Channel.
> France: A Paris - Picardy.
> France: A Spain - Marseilles (*Bounce*).
> Germany: A Berlin - Silesia.
> Germany: F Denmark - Kiel.
> Germany: A Munich - Burgundy (*Fails*).
> Germany: A Picardy - Belgium.
> Germany: A Ruhr Supports A Picardy - Belgium.
> Italy: F Gulf of Lyon - Tyrrhenian Sea.
> Italy: F Ionian Sea Hold (*Dislodged*).
> Italy: A Tyrolia - Piedmont.
> Italy: A Venice Supports A Trieste (*Ordered to Move*).
> Russia: F Baltic Sea Supports A Warsaw - Prussia.
> Russia: A Budapest Supports A Rumania (*Cut*).
> Russia: A Galicia Supports A Budapest.
> Russia: F Norway Supports A St Petersburg - Finland (*Fails*).
> Russia: F Rumania Hold.
> Russia: A St Petersburg - Finland (*Bounce*).
> Russia: A Warsaw - Prussia.
> Turkey: F Aegean Sea Supports F Eastern Mediterranean - Ionian Sea.
> Turkey: F Bulgaria(sc) - Greece.
> Turkey: A Constantinople Hold.
> Turkey: F Eastern Mediterranean - Ionian Sea.
> Turkey: A Greece - Albania.
> Turkey: A Serbia Supports A Greece - Albania.
> The following units were dislodged:
> French F Belgium can retreat to Holland.
> English F English Channel can retreat to London or Wales or Irish Sea.
> Italian F Ionian Sea can retreat to Adriatic Sea or Apulia or Naples or Tunis.
> Unit locations:
> Austria: A Trieste, A Vienna.
> England: A Denmark, F North Sea, F Sweden.
> France: F Brest, A Burgundy, F English Channel, A Picardy, A Spain.
> Germany: A Belgium, F Kiel, A Munich, A Ruhr, A Silesia.
> Italy: A Piedmont, F Tyrrhenian Sea, A Venice.
> Russia: F Baltic Sea, A Budapest, A Galicia, F Norway, A Prussia, F Rumania,
> A St Petersburg.
> Turkey: F Aegean Sea, A Albania, A Constantinople, F Greece, F Ionian Sea, A
> Serbia.
> Ownership of supply centers:
> Austria: Trieste, Vienna.
> England: Edinburgh, Liverpool, London, Sweden.
> France: Belgium, Brest, Marseilles, Paris, Portugal, Spain.
> Germany: Berlin, Denmark, Holland, Kiel, Munich.
> Italy: Naples, Rome, Tunis, Venice.
> Russia: Budapest, Moscow, Norway, Rumania, Sevastopol, St Petersburg, Warsaw.
> Turkey: Ankara, Bulgaria, Constantinople, Greece, Serbia, Smyrna.
> Austria: 2 Supply centers, 2 Units: Builds 0 units.
> England: 4 Supply centers, 3 Units: Builds 0 units.
> France: 6 Supply centers, 5 Units: Builds 0 units.
> Germany: 5 Supply centers, 5 Units: Builds 0 units.
> Italy: 4 Supply centers, 3 Units: Builds 0 units.
> Russia: 7 Supply centers, 7 Units: Builds 0 units.
> Turkey: 6 Supply centers, 6 Units: Builds 0 units.
> The next phase of dc455 will be Retreats for Spring of 1903.
dc444 Spring 03 adjudication - jerome777   (Jan 28, 2013, 3:02 pm)
Now then everyone,

Hi from cold and wet Britain!

Here's your moves for Spring 03:

F Aegean Sea Supports A Bulgaria - Constantinople
A Budapest - Trieste
A Bulgaria - Constantinople (*Fails*)
A Greece Hold
A Trieste - Tyrolia
A Vienna - Bohemia (*Bounce*)

F English Channel - North Sea (*Dislodged*)
F North Sea - Helgoland Bight (*Bounce*)
F Norwegian Sea Supports F English Channel - North Sea (*Dislodged*)

F Brest Supports F Picardy - English Channel
A Burgundy - Marseilles (*Bounce*)
F Mid-Atlantic Ocean Supports F Picardy - English Channel (*Cut*)
F Picardy - English Channel
A Spain Hold

F Baltic Sea Convoys A Sweden - Kiel
A Belgium Supports F Kiel - Holland (*Void*)
F Denmark - Sweden (*Fails*)
F Holland - North Sea
F Kiel - Helgoland Bight (*Bounce*)
A Munich - Bohemia (*Bounce*)
A Sweden - Kiel (*Fails*)

F Ionian Sea Hold
A Piedmont - Marseilles (*Bounce*)
A Venice Supports A Trieste - Tyrolia
F Western Mediterranean - Mid-Atlantic Ocean (*Fails*)

F Barents Sea - Norwegian Sea
F Norway Supports F Barents Sea - Norwegian Sea
F Rumania Supports F Sevastopol - Black Sea
F Sevastopol - Black Sea
A St Petersburg - Moscow
A Ukraine Supports F Rumania

F Ankara Supports A Constantinople
A Armenia - Smyrna
A Constantinople Supports A Armenia - Smyrna (*Cut*)

So, we've retreats due:

English F English Channel can retreat to Irish Sea or Wales or
           London (or OTB)
English F Norwegian Sea can retreat to North Atlantic Ocean or
Clyde or Edinburgh (or OTB)

Danilo, can you get me your retreats ASAP please - and by the deadline which is tomorrow, 2100GMT. I'll adjudicate as soon as I hear from you.

Autumn 03 will be due Thursday 31 January, 2100GMT.

Take care all,



dc444 Spring 03 adjudication (Winter Blitz) jerome777 Jan 29, 03:06 pm
Hi everyone,

Here's England's retreats:

F English Channel - Wales
F Norwegian Sea - Clyde

Autumn 03 will be due Thursday 31 January, 2100GMT.

Take care all,

SOUTH AMERICA 5.2 NEEDS # - vegas_iwish   (Jan 28, 2013, 4:48 am)
Game full yet more trying to enter.


Diplomacy Variant - mmedeiros   (Jan 26, 2013, 4:10 pm)
Is anyone intested in play-testing a Diplomacy variant that incorporates several variants? I was working on one but would only take it to completion if I can get some interested folks.

Here is how the variant goes: it's a five player variant (France, England, Austria, Spain, Denmark/Sweden) set in early 17th century Europe that utilizes Classic Payola rules and Royale rules (with modifications), and other minor rules that take into consideration, as an example, unit strengths (which are kept secret as in Stratego) and which can be affected by combat, terrain, and winter conditions. Other rules involve variable supply center values and restrictions on naval movements. The Royale rules, suitable to the setting, will allow players to manage a dynastic family (Austrian Habsburg, Spanish Habsburg, Bourbon, Oldenburg/Vasa, Stuart) and use arranged marriages to secure treaties that are enforced by the GM, and to establish build sites through titles. The Payola rules allow for the control of neutral (German and Italian states) and non-neutral units on the board with bribes. With the variable strengths of units, players will know the position of other units on the board but not the strengths (unless revealed through communications or demanded in a treaty). Adds an element of "fog of war".

Another idea I would like to incorporate is that of objectives. In standard Diplomacy things sometime appear to happen spontaneously at the beginning. With objectives, a player can try to meet the objectives some time during the course of the game to improve chances of victory. Objectives would come in the form of public (known to all players) and secret (GM determined objective not revealed to the other players). An objective would be something as simple as securing an alliance with another player or dominating the movement of a neutral unit with bribes throughout the game, to something more difficult such as acquiring and holding a province by succession or by force. Victory is measured in victory points which are acquired throughout the course of the game and modified by the gain or loss of supply centers, making of treaties, and successful completion of objectives. Game concludes when a player reaches a certain number of victory points or by a time limit.

Anyhow, this is how it will go, and if I can get some responses from interested players, I will push this to completion, have a map ready, and all the rules laid out within several weeks or so; and then give it a go with GMing it.

Thanks for your attention to this.



dc446 - Winter 1902 - Viper   (Jan 25, 2013, 7:18 pm)
Well, we spun the no-orders wheel again and this time it landed on Austria. At least you're all taking turns? Year 2 is done and it's on to the Spring of 1903.

No Build Received

F North Sea - York
Remove F Skagarrak

Build F Brest


Build F Naples

Build A Moscow

Next Deadline:
Spring 1903 orders are due on Monday, January 28, at 4pm CST (10pm GMT)


DC436 Austria EOG - cbconnell   (Jan 25, 2013, 5:09 pm)
EOG StatementConfused?Hey all, Austria here!
Buffered by a busy schedule, I failed to uphold deadlines and so threw diplomacy and press out the window, instead opting for chaotic movements against whomever I felt was threatening.??
Thanks to all for playing, I think Germany did a fairly masterful job before being ganged up on - without press this would've been a totally different game!??Til next time,


dc444 Winter 02 adjudication - jerome777   (Jan 25, 2013, 5:08 pm)
Hi everyone,

Hope you're all wrapped up warm on this snowy Burns night. I'm just in from my haggis supper, totally delicious...!

Anyway, here's your adjustments:

Build A Budapest

Build F Brest

Build F Kiel

Defaults, removing F Black Sea

Your Spring 03 deadline is Monday 28 January, 2100GMT.




DC436 Italy EOG - cbconnell   (Jan 25, 2013, 5:06 pm)
Dear all
First and foremost thanks to Craig for managing the game with such good cheer and grace.

Thanks to all for such an interesting game, it could have gone on much longer and swung once again.

In my mind two essential things defined my game experience and prevented the solo that for one crazy moment I thought I might get.

Firstly the superb defence Turkey put up slowing me down and preventing me from freeing units to hold mun; I now know this to be Doug. Ironically while I
was stabbing him on my way to a solo in another game he was frustrating my chances in this one. Someone sent press saying turkey could be defeated if only I could see it. Who was that and what was the advice? Ultimately I could have convoyed nap-syria but
I chose Greece instead and used ems for another purpose. This was a mistake. We live and learn but tur was superb, especially in their final bluff about ceding centres.
Secondly there was one piece of press sent by France, I think, calling a truce and drawing attention to the fact I was on track for a solo. Germany then turned
to face me, mun fell and with it any chance of a solo. (mun was to be my my 18th centre after turkey). It was this truce and Turkey???s defiance that stopped the solo. In my other game I got a solo for precisely the opposite reason. A truce was not
called and turkey did not manage an adequate defence.
Maybe, had I stabbed out of mun to kie or ber the year before that turce ger would have had one less build and I could have defended mun, who knows but I
wrongly anticipated the prolonged stalemate between fra and ger.
I think this game confirms a little pet theory that all diplomacy games should really end in draws. When solos do occur it is usually because the players
do not recognise the threat early enough and fail to disentangle themselves from fruitless stalemates ??in time to react to the leading player.
I think a three way or four way would have been a fair result.
Many thanks to all who played


DC436 France EOG - cbconnell   (Jan 25, 2013, 5:03 pm)
Hi everyone,

Thanks to you all for playing, and thanks to Craig for doing a brilliant job as GM.

This was the first game of Gunboat I've ever played, and I really enjoyed it. I'd certainly be up for more Gunboat in the future, and I'll be happy to GM a game of fog-of-war Gunboat just as soon as I've got time to do that. Stay tuned to the DC site.

So, onto the game. I decided to make England my first target since he put a fleet into ENG for no apparent reason early on in the game, and decided to leave it there. Seems trivial maybe? Well, I had to attack someone, Germany had given me a break in not attacking Mar when it was wide open, and Italy's attention was eastwards, so I let that sleeping dog lie.

I have to say though - Isaac put up a really good fight as England. Indeed, my major regret in this game was in taking so long to put
England to the sword, it fatally distracted my attention from Germany and it also denied him what I think should have been a well-earned survival. Apologies, Isaac. Better luck next time.

Germany got too large for comfort (10 SCs at one point, I think) and so I decided to move with Italy in cutting him back down to size. Unfortunately, Italy decided to turn neutral after securing Mun. Although this was possibly the best short-term tactic for Italy to use, playing Germany and I off against one another, had he continued attacking Germany then I think that there could have been a two-way showdown between Italy and me in the end-game, giving either him or me the chance to try for a solo.

As it was, it became clear to me that my chances of a solo had gone, and so I determined to try my best to secure a place in the draw. The right result prevailed in the end, I think.

Thanks again to you guys for making it a really exciting and
enjoyable game. I haven't enjoyed a game of Diplomacy as much as this one for a while.



DC436 England EOG - cbconnell   (Jan 25, 2013, 5:03 pm)
Hi ,
I had quite a short game.??The??beginning??was going fine , got Norway and both France and Germany going after??
Russia and Italy.??

Germany was looking in good shape and Italy was doing a great using the Press...So I had to decide where to go. My 2 options whereGermany or Russia. ( I thought France would join me , my mistake).

??Russia was a bit too far , so I thought of taking Sweden and so encouraging France to Join me and attack Germany.
However this didn't work as expected since France took advantage of me leaving Liverpool??vulnerable

and although I managed to take over Sweden I lost Liv while Lon and Edi where next in turn.I had no other choice but to retreat and try to stop France. I did try and attack Germany in Hol but thanks to the ( unexpected ) French support this failed too.??

So it was obvious the game was over for me.
However I did my best giving France a fight over Lon and Edi while Germany got both Sweden and Norway without any resistance on my side.??
I hope my struggle over England managed to slow down France , which gave Germany some time .
I would like to thank Craig for GMing , did a great job.As for me, ??I learned another small lesson in Diplomacy.



DC436 Fall 13 results with maps and press - End of... - cbconnell   (Jan 25, 2013, 5:02 pm)
The 3-way draw passed this time...??the game is over! Congratulations to France, Germany and Italy on the draw.
Germany was able to dislodge Russia from St.??Petersburg this round (I moved ahead with retreat and adjustments which removed Russia from the map). Thanks to Russia for sticking with us to the end! Otherwise, there was not much movement around the board.??

It is now time to reveal who our players were for this game:Austria: Joshua Tag - sanjat312England: Isaac Zinner - egni
France: Jerome Payne - jerome777 (GM and player on numerous games at the same time as this game)

Germany: Warren Flemming - alwayshunted (playing two other games and GM for DC434)
Italy: Alfred Nicol - alfdog (Alfred also just had a Solo win in DC434 - playing the same time as this game)
RussiaConfused?Roger Alan - Zydeco (playing two other games)

Turkey: Douglas Kent - diplomacyworld (also played in DC434!)
ALL PLAYERS??-????take the time and submit an??end??of??game??statement.??For those unfamiliar with these, this is where all the players analyze or describe the??game??from their perspective, covering (in as much detail as they wish) their thinking during the??game, the moves they made etc. ??Email these to me??and copy them to all players.

Movement results for Fall of 1913. ??
France: A Burgundy Supports A Munich.France: F English Channel Supports F Mid-Atlantic Ocean.France: F Gulf of Lyon Supports F Spain(sc).

France: F London Supports F English Channel.France: F Mid-Atlantic Ocean Supports F Spain(sc).France: A Picardy Supports A Burgundy.France: F Spain(sc) Supports F Gulf of Lyon.

France: A Yorkshire Supports F London.
Germany: F Baltic Sea Supports A Prussia.Germany: A Berlin - Silesia (*Fails*).Germany: A Kiel Supports A Munich.Germany: A Livonia - St Petersburg.

Germany: A Munich Hold.Germany: F Norway Supports A Livonia - St Petersburg.Germany: A Prussia Supports A Berlin - Silesia.Germany: A Ruhr Supports A Munich.

Italy: F Aegean Sea - Constantinople.Italy: A Ankara Supports F Aegean Sea - Constantinople (*Cut*).Italy: A Bohemia Supports A Silesia.Italy: A Galicia Supports A Warsaw.Italy: F Ionian Sea - Greece.

Italy: A Moscow Supports A Warsaw (*Cut*).Italy: F North Africa Supports F Western Mediterranean.Italy: A Serbia - Bulgaria (*Fails*).Italy: A Silesia Supports A Warsaw (*Cut*).

Italy: A Tyrolia - Munich (*Fails*).Italy: F Tyrrhenian Sea Supports F Western Mediterranean.Italy: A Ukraine Supports A Moscow.Italy: A Warsaw Supports A Moscow.Italy: F Western Mediterranean Hold.

Russia: A St Petersburg - Moscow (*Dislodged*).
Turkey: F Black Sea - Ankara (*Fails*).Turkey: A Bulgaria Supports A Sevastopol - Rumania (*Cut*).Turkey: A Sevastopol - Rumania.

Unit locations:
France: ?? ??A Burgundy, F English Channel, F Gulf of Lyon, F London, F??Mid-Atlantic Ocean, A Picardy, F Spain(sc), A Yorkshire.Germany: ?? F Baltic Sea, A Berlin, A Kiel, A Munich, F Norway, A Prussia, A??Ruhr, A St Petersburg.

Italy: ?? ?? A Ankara, A Bohemia, F Constantinople, A Galicia, F Greece, A??Moscow, F North Africa, A Serbia, A Silesia, A Tyrolia, F Tyrrhenian??Sea, A Ukraine, A Warsaw, F Western Mediterranean.Turkey: ?? ??F Black Sea, A Bulgaria, A Rumania.

Ownership of supply centers:
France: ?? ??Brest, Edinburgh, Liverpool, London, Marseilles, Paris, Portugal,??Spain.Germany: ?? Belgium, Berlin, Denmark, Holland, Kiel, Munich, Norway, St??Petersburg, Sweden.

Italy: ?? ?? Ankara, Budapest, Constantinople, Greece, Moscow, Naples, Rome,??Serbia, Smyrna, Trieste, Tunis, Venice, Vienna, Warsaw.Turkey: ?? ??Bulgaria, Rumania, Sevastopol.
Austria: ?? ??0 Supply centers, ??0 Units: ??Builds ?? 0 units.

England: ?? ??0 Supply centers, ??0 Units: ??Builds ?? 0 units.France: ?? ?? 8 Supply centers, ??8 Units: ??Builds ?? 0 units.Germany: ?? ??9 Supply centers, ??8 Units: ??Builds ?? 0 units.Italy: ?? ?? 14 Supply centers, 14 Units: ??Builds ?? 0 units.

Russia: ?? ?? 0 Supply centers, ??0 Units: ??Builds ?? 0 units.Turkey: ?? ?? 3 Supply centers, ??3 Units: ??Builds ?? 0 units.
For Immediate Release...
Note to self, if ever you get a chance to convoy to Syria don???t neglect to! Tur would have been dead by now if I had. Please all support a draw proposal. Dear Germany four way is fair, please pop stp, it gets you a centre and ensures the remaining players will all support a four way. Sorry Russia but it???s not on you refusing all the draw proposals on one unit, it would be different if you held some essential stalemate line.

---------------------------Germany to Russia. ??If that press wasn't actually yours then I feel a little bit bad about this, but at least I am talking TO you, right?

Craig to all players: (white press)
From my perspective, this was a very difference experience than other games where I was GM. Without other players to talk to, I found that you would communicate to me what your plans and thoughts were as you played. This was quite different as usually the GM has no idea what is really happening in the game. ??I really enjoyed seeing your strategy play out - but sometimes it was difficult knowing what you had planned wasn't going to work.??

I tried to be??lenient??in timing for orders and such in this game. I knew how busy each of you were with other games, plus with the deadlines so late for most of you that I gave each of you extra time if you needed it. Many times when it appeared that I was late with results, I was waiting for a reply from someone. Long Holidays in the middle of the game didn't help much with game play either.??

For as "good" as everything went in this game... there were some problems that I didn't foresee. The very first thing I noticed was going to be a problem was the press. The first round of releases seemed to be read as all white press by some players. I knew that some players sending black press and other reading as all white press was going to be an issue. ??I thought that I had been clear in setting up the game that all press was going to be accepted, but looking back - even from week 1 - I could tell it was not clear enough... this game was VERY different than most people play -- they just were not used to it.??

Then there was the amount of press. Some players (Alfred!) kept sending press all the time. I wanted press and he sent lots. I tried to send out press on a regular schedule, but at times either I forgot or the timing was off and the press came out after the information was useful. I had asked for clarification on the rules for press, and was told this was going to be an issue. I know that press any time was outside the normal way that gunboat is played, but to me it seemed like a necessary function of game play - so I took the risk.

The other personal item was that I was GM for another game at the same time as this one. I started recruiting for both games at the same time. I don't understand how some of you can GM and play games at the same time while working and having any social life! I had both games with deadlines on the same nights, and was sometimes spending an hour and a half on Mondays between the two games. I really enjoy the adjudication process, but the updates to the website game page often didn't get done on time. If you decide to GM a gunboat game, make sure it is the only game you are involved with!

I hope everyone had fun. I learned a lot in this game myself. I had wanted to play in a gunboat game, but I figured hosting one was a good way to see how it worked before I played in one. ??(anyone up for a gunboat + fog of war game?)


---Just Keep Swimming!


DC436 13 End of Game proposals, press - cbconnell   (Jan 25, 2013, 5:00 pm)
Once again, I have had several end-of-game proposals this week, ??i) Italy solo; ii) F/G/I three-way draw; iii)F/G/I/T four-way draw and iv) DIAS

Since I have four proposals, I need four votes from each remaining (eligible) player. If??any eligible player??votes
NO to a proposal, the proposal does not pass and the game continues. If
all eligible players vote YES on any one proposal, then the game is
over immediately. This (obviously) is a secret??vote and is to be submitted with??(or before)??your Fall 13 orders.

i) Italy Solo. Please vote YES to approve the SOLO, and vote NO to reject the SOLO.

ii) France, Germany, Italy three-way draw. Please vote YES to approve the 3-way tie, and vote NO to reject the 3-way tie.

France, Germany, Italy, Turkey four-way draw. Please vote YES to approve the 3-way tie, and vote NO to reject the 3-way tie.

iv) DIAS - all remaining players (France, Germany, Italy, Russia and Turkey)
share a draw. Please vote YES to approve the DIAS, and vote NO to
reject the DIAS.

Since I have added end-of-game proposals later than I would have liked, I have moved the deadline until tomorrow.

Fall 1913 orders are due on Wednesday, January 23 at 8:30 pm MST (03:30 24-1-13 GMT)

For Immediate Release...
Italy to Russia

Sorry if you feel ignored. I wish you had voted yes, because Germany may choose to eliminate you. if you want my support let me know but you must hold.

Dear Turkey, so you said you???d cede centres, was that just a cunning ruse to try and get off the hook, well done it worked, looks like you will have one rogue unit causing chaos. - Italy

Dear all, when the game ends I will be interested to know who has been turning down these draws. Perhaps Germany should just eliminate stp and then vote in favour of the three way i/f/g/t which I am now, for the umpteenth time, (with the addition of turkey after his clever move) proposing! By the way I have never once proposed an Italian solo. I have proposed the three-way because I believe we are most deserving of the honours. I do not deserve a solo as I could not through diplomacy prolong the stalemate long enough. Turkey deserves the draw as he has defended so well, even if he does end up on simply one unit, I can never get the remaining centres due to stalemate lines and good play by f/g. ??

Best wishes


--Just Keep Swimming


DC436 REVISED Spring 13 results, maps and press - cbconnell   (Jan 25, 2013, 4:59 pm)
Crush: Okay. Squirt here will now give you a rundown of proper exiting technique.??
Squirt: Good afternoon. We're gonna have a great jump today. Okay, first crank a hard cutback as you hit the wall. There's a screaming bottom curve, so watch out. Remember: rip it, roll it, and punch it.??

Marlin: It's like he's trying to speak to me, I know it.??
[to Squirt]??
Marlin: Look, you're really cute, but I can't understand what you're saying. Say the first thing again.

We had two end-of-game proposals that were voted on this season, they both have failed. We continue the game.
France and Italy tested the waters in the??Mediterranean, but no progress was to be had. An election was held in Munich to see if they wanted to be Germans or Italians, they decided to be Germans. Italy and Turkey fought over Rumania, but there was no winner. Otherwise they traded territories. The Great Bear of the North wandered in to Moscow to see what was happening, but no one paid attention so he went back home.

Fall 1913 orders are due on Tuesday, January 22 at 8:30 pm MST (03:30 23-1-13 GMT)
(I will assume there will be another end-of-game proposal [or two or three], so votes will be due at the same time. If we do not have a successful EOG proposal and no significant change in supply center numbers by Fall of 1914, I am considering calling the game a draw and declaring a DIAS. I really like this game and don't want to end it this way, but we don't need to waste each other's time by going in circles. I would accept ANY reason to continue the game however)

??Movement results for Spring of 1913.
France: A Burgundy Supports A Picardy.France: F English Channel Supports F Mid-Atlantic Ocean.France: F Gulf of Lyon Hold.

France: F London Hold.France: F Mid-Atlantic Ocean Supports F Spain(sc).France: A Picardy Supports A Burgundy.France: F Spain(sc) Supports F Gulf of Lyon.France: A Yorkshire Hold.

Germany: F Baltic Sea Convoys A Kiel - Livonia.Germany: A Berlin Supports A Munich.Germany: A Holland - Kiel.Germany: A Kiel - Livonia.Germany: A Munich Hold.

Germany: F Norway Hold.Germany: A Prussia Supports A Kiel - Livonia.Germany: A Ruhr Supports A Munich.
Italy: A Bohemia Supports A Silesia.Italy: A Budapest - Galicia.

Italy: A Constantinople - Ankara.Italy: F Ionian Sea - Tyrrhenian Sea (*Fails*).Italy: A Moscow Supports A Ukraine - Sevastopol (*Cut*).Italy: F North Africa Supports F Western Mediterranean.

Italy: A Serbia - Rumania (*Bounce*).Italy: A Silesia Supports A Tyrolia - Munich.Italy: F Smyrna - Aegean Sea.Italy: A Tyrolia - Munich (*Fails*).Italy: F Tyrrhenian Sea - Gulf of Lyon (*Fails*).

Italy: A Ukraine - Sevastopol (*Fails*).Italy: A Warsaw Supports A Silesia.Italy: F Western Mediterranean Supports F Tyrrhenian Sea - Gulf of Lyon.
Russia: A St Petersburg - Moscow (*Fails*).

Turkey: F Black Sea Supports A Rumania - Bulgaria.Turkey: A Rumania - Bulgaria.Turkey: A Sevastopol - Rumania (*Bounce*).
Unit locations:

France: ?? ??A Burgundy, F English Channel, F Gulf of Lyon, F London, F Mid-Atlantic Ocean, A Picardy, F Spain(sc), A Yorkshire.Germany: ?? F Baltic Sea, A Berlin, A Kiel, A Livonia, A Munich, F Norway, A Prussia, A Ruhr.

Italy: ?? ?? F Aegean Sea, A Ankara, A Bohemia, A Galicia, F Ionian Sea, A Moscow, F North Africa, A Serbia, A Silesia, A Tyrolia, F Tyrrhenian Sea, A Ukraine, A Warsaw, F Western Mediterranean.Russia: ?? ??A St Petersburg.

Turkey: ?? ??F Black Sea, A Bulgaria, A Sevastopol.
The next phase of DC436 will be Movement for Fall of 1913.

For Immediate Release....---------------------------

From the Tsar, my feelings are hurt. The other powers act as if I am a child. Talking around me, over me but not to me. I WILL vote for a DAIS or is it DIAS? Otherwise I will fight on.....I will retake Mos! ??That is all.

Italy to all board

At the time of writing I do not know how things will pass but I???m enjoying the game now on a downward sliding scale if no draw is passed simply because I feel we have come to sensible point and a reasonable end. Germany and France stopped just in time to enforce the stalemate, fair play to them. I hope the draw has passed.

Best wishes to all


---Just Keep Swimming


DC436 Press 13 - cbconnell   (Jan 25, 2013, 4:58 pm)
For Immediate Release....

Germany. ??It seems we have someone trying to stir up trouble still, and it is not me. Probably the same one that is proposing the Italian solos. I will continue to vote for the three way draw.


Italy to board
If this message is from Turkey genuinely, and I have no reason to doubt it, then one of France or Germany is being very greedy! I will vote yes to both as I have to all votes except dias.


Dear Turkey, as the spring orders have to come in at the same time as the draw proposal, and as you clearly want out, please allow me to suggest a rum-arm via bla convoy, and sev hold. This order will no doubt never be enacted if the rest of the board has any sense. Perhaps this will stir them into voting yes 1913 is a respectable length for the game to run. I cannot get 18! Let???s have a three way which is the most fitting result when one looks at the board.


Dear France, just to ensure the German is not playing silly games why not take nts; it ensures your safety?

--- Just Keep Swimming


DC436 13 - end of game proposal & press - cbconnell   (Jan 25, 2013, 4:57 pm)
Hello Everyone...
We have a second end-of-game proposal that needs a vote. In addition to the F/G/I draw, we now have an Italy solo (concession).??

By the Spring 13 deadline, I need to have votes from each remaining (eligible) player. If??any eligible player??votes NO to a proposal, the proposal does not pass and the game continues. If all eligible players vote YES on either proposal, then the game is over immediately. This (obviously) is a secret??vote and is to be submitted with??(or before)??your Spring 13 orders.??

i) Italy Solo (concession). Please vote YES to approve the SOLO, and vote NO to reject the SOLO.

ii) France, Germany, Italy three-way draw. Please vote YES to approve the 3-way draw, and vote NO to reject the 3-way draw.

Spring 13 orders, with EOG votes are due on Saturday 1-19-13 at 8:30 pm MST (20-1-13 03:30 GMT)

For Immediate Release...

Turkey: I have been proposing and voting yes to a number of draws. ??I have voted yes to every proposal regardless of what it was. ??If a 3-way??doesn't??pass I will cede my centers to Italy immediately instead of fighting and delaying their capture.


---Just Keep Swimming


Autumn & Winter 12 results with maps, EOG proposal... - cbconnell   (Jan 25, 2013, 4:56 pm)
Thanks to Italy and Germany submitting orders early... we can now move on to Spring 13.

I have another end-of-game proposal this week,?? F/G/I three-way draw

I need votes from each remaining (eligible) player. If??an eligible player??votes
NO to the proposal, the proposal does not pass and the game continues. If
all eligible players vote YES on the proposal, then the game is
over immediately. This (obviously) is a secret??vote and is to be submitted with??(or before)??your Spring 13 orders.

EOG Proposal - France, Germany, Italy three-way draw. Please vote YES to approve the 3-way tie, and vote NO to reject the 3-way draw.

Spring 13 orders, with EOG votes are due on Saturday 1-19-13 at 8:30 pm MST (20-1-13 03:30 GMT)

Retreat orders for Fall of 1912 and Adjustment orders for Winter of 1912.

Italy: A Rumania - Budapest.

Germany: Build A Kiel.

Unit locations:

France: ?? ??A Burgundy, F English Channel, F Gulf of Lyon, F London, F Mid-Atlantic Ocean, A Picardy, F Spain(sc), A Yorkshire.

Germany: ?? F Baltic Sea, A Berlin, A Holland, A Kiel, A Munich, F Norway, A Prussia, A Ruhr.
Italy: ?? ?? A Bohemia, A Budapest, A Constantinople, F Ionian Sea, A Moscow, F North Africa, A Serbia, A Silesia, F Smyrna, A Tyrolia, F Tyrrhenian Sea, A Ukraine, A Warsaw, F Western Mediterranean.

Russia: ?? ??A St Petersburg.
Turkey: ?? ??F Black Sea, A Rumania, A Sevastopol.

Ownership of supply centers:

France: ?? ??Brest, Edinburgh, Liverpool, London, Marseilles, Paris, Portugal, Spain.
Germany: ?? Belgium, Berlin, Denmark, Holland, Kiel, Munich, Norway, Sweden.

Italy: ?? ?? Budapest, Bulgaria, Constantinople, Greece, Moscow, Naples, Rome, Serbia, Smyrna, Trieste, Tunis, Venice, Vienna, Warsaw.
Russia: ?? ??St Petersburg.
Turkey: ?? ??Ankara, Rumania, Sevastopol.

Austria: ?? ??0 Supply centers, ??0 Units: ??Builds ?? 0 units.

England: ?? ??0 Supply centers, ??0 Units: ??Builds ?? 0 units.
France: ?? ?? 8 Supply centers, ??8 Units: ??Builds ?? 0 units.
Germany: ?? ??8 Supply centers, ??8 Units: ??Builds ?? 0 units.
Italy: ?? ?? 14 Supply centers, 14 Units: ??Builds ?? 0 units.

Russia: ?? ?? 1 Supply center, ?? 1 Unit: ?? Builds ?? 0 units.
Turkey: ?? ?? 3 Supply centers, ??3 Units: ??Builds ?? 0 units.

The next phase of DC436 will be Movement for Spring of 1913.

For Immediate Release...

Italy to board

Who keeps voting no to a three way? I cannot mathematically get a solo now mun is gone and impregnable, as is stp. Therefore it is clearly not me. Turkey is shrinking slowly so has no incentive to refuse the draw. Therefore it must surely be France or Germany. If so they are playing a dangerous game. Currently only they can stab each other and despite Germany???s numerical advantage France are probably best placed to do so. Either way and fight between ger and fra will allow the possibility for an Italian comeback, let???s face it I only profited thus far due to the g/f stalemate. Therefore can I repeat a three-way draw proposal and ask Russia and turkey to accept. Russia should accept as now ger???s fleet has done its job it may well be winging it???s way to take stp for himself. Maybe ger still harbours hopes of a solo? I don???t know. After all he only needs all of fra centres stp plus one more. it has been a fair fight, let???s accept a threeway and leave with honour.


---Just Keep Swimming


DC436 Fall 12 results with maps and press - cbconnell   (Jan 25, 2013, 4:55 pm)
Once again, all three end-of-game proposals have failed. We continue to play the game.
There were centers of activity on the board.. Munich, Ukraine and Rumania. Germany, with help from France was able to retake Munich from Italy. Italy was able to move into the Ukraine, but Turkey was able to retake Rumania. Italy will be able to hold on to his 14 supply centers, while Turkey lost one and Germany gained one.??

The Italian army from Rumania can retreat to Bulgaria, Galicia, Budapest, or disband.

Autumn retreats are due on Thursday, January 17 at 8:30 pm (03:30 18-1-13 GMT)

Movement results for Fall of 1912.??
France: A Burgundy Supports A Munich.France: F English Channel Supports F Mid-Atlantic Ocean.France: F Gulf of Lyon Supports F Spain(sc).

France: F London Hold.France: F Mid-Atlantic Ocean Supports F Spain(sc).France: A Picardy Supports A Burgundy.France: F Spain(sc) Supports F Gulf of Lyon.France: A Yorkshire Hold.

Germany: F Baltic Sea Convoys A Denmark - Prussia.Germany: A Belgium - Holland.Germany: A Berlin Supports A Denmark - Prussia.Germany: A Denmark - Prussia.Germany: A Munich Hold.

Germany: F Norway Hold.Germany: A Ruhr Supports A Munich.
Italy: F Aegean Sea - Ionian Sea.Italy: A Bohemia - Munich (*Fails*).Italy: A Bulgaria - Constantinople.

Italy: A Galicia - Ukraine.Italy: A Moscow Supports A Galicia - Ukraine (*Cut*).Italy: F North Africa Supports F Western Mediterranean.Italy: A Rumania Supports A Galicia - Ukraine (*Dislodged*).

Italy: A Serbia Supports A Rumania.Italy: A Silesia Supports A Bohemia - Munich.Italy: F Smyrna Supports A Bulgaria - Constantinople.Italy: A Tyrolia Supports A Bohemia - Munich.

Italy: F Tyrrhenian Sea Supports F Western Mediterranean.Italy: A Warsaw Supports A Galicia - Ukraine.Italy: F Western Mediterranean Hold.
Russia: A St Petersburg - Moscow (*Fails*).

Turkey: F Black Sea Supports A Ukraine - Rumania.Turkey: A Sevastopol Supports A Ukraine - Rumania.Turkey: A Ukraine - Rumania.
The following units were dislodged:

Italian A Rumania can retreat to Bulgaria or Galicia or Budapest.
Unit locations:
France: ?? ??A Burgundy, F English Channel, F Gulf of Lyon, F London, F Mid-Atlantic Ocean, A Picardy, F Spain(sc), A Yorkshire.

Germany: ?? F Baltic Sea, A Berlin, A Holland, A Munich, F Norway, A Prussia, A Ruhr.Italy: ?? ?? A Bohemia, A Constantinople, F Ionian Sea, A Moscow, F North Africa, A Serbia, A Silesia, F Smyrna, A Tyrolia, F Tyrrhenian Sea, A ??Ukraine, A Warsaw, F Western Mediterranean.

Russia: ?? ??A St Petersburg.Turkey: ?? ??F Black Sea, A Rumania, A Sevastopol.
The next phase of DC436 will be Retreats for Fall of 1912.
For Immediate Release...

------------------------France - the boardConfused?

I'm not sure if I should rise to the bait, but hey, for the record, why not? I am voting YES to the three-way tie. Anyone can see that I'm repositioning my units to defend what I've got against Italy. I know there's no way I can do better than a three-way tie out of this game, so why would I vote it down? Vote 'YES' to the three-way, guys and gals, it is the best outcome that any of us can achieve from this game.

--Just Keep Swimming


DC436 Summer 12 results with map, press and End-of... - cbconnell   (Jan 25, 2013, 4:55 pm)
Once again, I have had several end-of-game proposals this week, ??i) Italy solo; ii) F/G/I three-way tie; and iii) DIAS

Since I have three proposals, I need three votes from each remaining (eligible) player. If??any eligible player??votes NO to a proposal, the proposal does not pass and the game continues. If all eligible players vote YES on any one proposal, then the game is over immediately. This (obviously) is a secret??vote and is to be submitted with??(or before)??your Fall 12 orders.

i) Italy Solo. Please vote YES to approve the SOLO, and vote NO to reject the SOLO.

ii) France, Germany, Italy three-way tie. Please vote YES to approve the 3-way tie, and vote NO to reject the 3-way tie.

iii) DIAS - all remaining players (France, Germany, Italy, Russia and Turkey) share a draw. Please vote YES to approve the DIAS, and vote NO to reject the DIAS.

Fall 12 Orders and EOG votes are due on Wednesday, January 16 at 8:30 PM MST (03:30 17-1-13 GMT)

Retreat orders for Spring of 1912.??
Italy: A Munich - Bohemia.Turkey: disband F Smyrna.

Unit locations:
France: ?? ??A Burgundy, F English Channel, F Gulf of Lyon, F London, F Mid-Atlantic Ocean, A Picardy, F Spain(sc), A Yorkshire.

Germany: ?? F Baltic Sea, A Belgium, A Berlin, A Denmark, A Munich, F Norway, A Ruhr.Italy: ?? ?? F Aegean Sea, A Bohemia, A Bulgaria, A Galicia, A Moscow, F North Africa, A Rumania, A Serbia, A Silesia, F Smyrna, A Tyrolia, F Tyrrhenian Sea, A Warsaw, F Western Mediterranean.

Russia: ?? ??A St Petersburg.Turkey: ?? ??F Black Sea, A Sevastopol, A Ukraine.
The next phase of DC436 will be Movement for Fall of 1912.

For Immediate Release...

Italy to all

I have repeated a three way draw proposal. I am not sure who scuppered the last one. It might well have been Turkey but this is unwise as he is heading for elimination unless the draw passes soon so I doubt it is him. I cannot get a solo at all, so it certainly is not me, therefore I would hazard it was France who vetoed it now he has Germany???s back turned. If it does not pass soon Germany should expect a stab in about two years??? time when any threat of a solo from me has faded. Vote yes to a three way!

Germany to Russia. ??As you can see by my moves, St. Petersburg is not threatened. ??Norway will support it if need be.

---Just Keep Swimming


DC436 Spring 12 REVISED results, with maps & press - cbconnell   (Jan 25, 2013, 4:54 pm)
A mistake was made in reading orders which affected two of Italy's units in the Mediterranean. This mistake did not affect the two disbands, nor did it cause any further conflicts or disbands. This revision is for accuracy, and summer retreats are still due tonight.

There wasn't much more than??re-positioning??this season, but Germany
was able to force Italy out of Munich with help from France. Italy was
also able to force Turkey out of Smyrna - and that was the only activity
in several skirmishes around Moscow and Sevastopol.

Italian army in Munich can retreat to Bohemia or disband. Turkey's Fleet in Smyrna can retreat to Syria or disband
Summer retreats are due on Monday, January 14 at 8:30 pm MST (03:30 15-1-13 GMT)

Movement results for Spring of 1912.
France: A Burgundy Supports A Kiel - Munich.France: F English Channel Supports F North Atlantic Ocean - Mid-Atlantic Ocean.
France: F Gulf of Lyon Hold.France: F London Hold.France: F Mid-Atlantic Ocean - Spain(sc).France: F North Atlantic Ocean - Mid-Atlantic Ocean.France: A Picardy Supports A Burgundy.

France: A Yorkshire Hold.
Germany: A Belgium Supports A Holland - Ruhr.Germany: A Berlin Supports A Kiel - Munich.Germany: F Denmark - Baltic Sea.Germany: A Holland - Ruhr.

Germany: A Kiel - Munich.Germany: F Norway Hold.Germany: A Sweden - Denmark.
Italy: F Aegean Sea Supports F Eastern Mediterranean - Smyrna.Italy: A Budapest - Galicia.

Italy: A Bulgaria - Constantinople (*Bounce*).Italy: F Eastern Mediterranean - Smyrna.Italy: A Galicia - Silesia.Italy: A Greece - Serbia.Italy: A Moscow Supports A Warsaw - Ukraine (*Cut*).

Italy: A Munich Supports A Galicia - Silesia (*Dislodged*).Italy: F North Africa Supports F Tunis - Western Mediterranean.Italy: A Rumania - Sevastopol (*Fails*).Italy: F Tunis - Western Mediterranean.

Italy: F Tyrrhenian Sea Supports F Tunis - Western Mediterranean.Italy: A Venice - Tyrolia.Italy: A Warsaw - Ukraine (*Fails*).
Russia: A St Petersburg - Moscow (*Bounce*).

Turkey: F Constantinople - Black Sea.Turkey: A Sevastopol Supports A Ukraine - Moscow (*Cut*).Turkey: F Smyrna - Constantinople (*Dislodged*).Turkey: A Ukraine - Moscow (*Bounce*).

The following units were dislodged:
Italian A Munich can retreat to Bohemia.Turkish F Smyrna can retreat to Syria.
Unit locations:

France: ?? ??A Burgundy, F English Channel, F Gulf of Lyon, F London, F Mid-Atlantic Ocean, A Picardy, F Spain(sc), A Yorkshire.Germany: ?? F Baltic Sea, A Belgium, A Berlin, A Denmark, A Munich, F Norway, A Ruhr.

Italy: ?? ?? F Aegean Sea, A Bulgaria, A Galicia, A Moscow, A Munich, F North Africa, A Rumania, A Serbia, A Silesia, F Smyrna, A Tyrolia, F Tyrrhenian Sea, A Warsaw, F Western Mediterranean.
Russia: ?? ??A St Petersburg.Turkey: ?? ??F Black Sea, A Sevastopol, F Smyrna, A Ukraine.
The next phase of DC436 will be Retreats for Spring of 1912.

For Immediate Release:-------------------------Germany to Russia. ??As you can see by my moves, St. Petersburg is not threatened. ??Norway will support it if need be.


---Just Keep 'Swimming


DC436 Spring 12 results with maps and press - cbconnell   (Jan 25, 2013, 4:52 pm)
So, the important question you all are wanting to know the answer too.... All the Proposals Failed. We are continuing on with the game.

There wasn't much more than??re-positioning??this season, but Germany was able to force Italy out of Munich with help from France. Italy was also able to force Turkey out of Smyrna - and that was the only activity in several skirmishes around Moscow and Sevastopol.

Italian army in Munich can retreat to Bohemia or disband. Turkey's Fleet in Smyrna can retreat to Syria or disband
Summer retreats are due on Monday, January 14 at 8:30 pm MST (03:30 15-1-13 GMT)

Movement results for Spring of 1912. ??
France: A Burgundy Supports A Kiel - Munich.France: F English Channel Supports F North Atlantic Ocean - Mid-Atlantic Ocean.

France: F Gulf of Lyon Hold.France: F London Hold.France: F Mid-Atlantic Ocean - Spain(sc).France: F North Atlantic Ocean - Mid-Atlantic Ocean.France: A Picardy Supports A Burgundy.

France: A Yorkshire Hold.
Germany: A Belgium Supports A Holland - Ruhr.Germany: A Berlin Supports A Kiel - Munich.Germany: F Denmark - Baltic Sea.Germany: A Holland - Ruhr.

Germany: A Kiel - Munich.Germany: F Norway Hold.Germany: A Sweden - Denmark.
Italy: F Aegean Sea Supports F Eastern Mediterranean - Smyrna.Italy: A Budapest - Galicia.

Italy: A Bulgaria - Constantinople (*Bounce*).Italy: F Eastern Mediterranean - Smyrna.Italy: A Galicia - Silesia.Italy: A Greece - Serbia.Italy: A Moscow Supports A Warsaw - Ukraine (*Cut*).

Italy: A Munich Supports A Galicia - Silesia (*Dislodged*).Italy: F North Africa Supports F Tunis - Western Mediterranean (*Void*).Italy: A Rumania - Sevastopol (*Fails*).Italy: F Tunis, no move received.

Italy: F Tyrrhenian Sea - Western Mediterranean.Italy: A Venice - Tyrolia.Italy: A Warsaw - Ukraine (*Fails*).
Russia: A St Petersburg - Moscow (*Bounce*).

Turkey: F Constantinople - Black Sea.Turkey: A Sevastopol Supports A Ukraine - Moscow (*Cut*).Turkey: F Smyrna - Constantinople (*Dislodged*).Turkey: A Ukraine - Moscow (*Bounce*).

The following units were dislodged:
Italian A Munich can retreat to Bohemia.Turkish F Smyrna can retreat to Syria.
Unit locations:

France: ?? ??A Burgundy, F English Channel, F Gulf of Lyon, F London, F Mid-Atlantic Ocean, A Picardy, F Spain(sc), A Yorkshire.Germany: ?? F Baltic Sea, A Belgium, A Berlin, A Denmark, A Munich, F Norway, A Ruhr.

Italy: ?? ?? F Aegean Sea, A Bulgaria, A Galicia, A Moscow, F North Africa, A Rumania, A Serbia, A Silesia, F Smyrna, F Tunis, A Tyrolia, A Warsaw, F Western Mediterranean.Russia: ?? ??A St Petersburg.

Turkey: ?? ??F Black Sea, A Sevastopol, A Ukraine.

The next phase of DC436 will be Retreats for Spring of 1912.

For Immediate Release:-------------------------Germany to Russia. ??As you can see by my moves, St. Petersburg is not threatened. ??Norway will support it if need be.


---Just Keep 'Swimming


DC436 Press 12 - cbconnell   (Jan 25, 2013, 4:51 pm)
For immediate release...
Russia you keep hitting mos, this I understand, but I???ll wager in one turn???s time you???ll be needing Moscow???s support to stop Germany eliminating you. Hold on and stand still and I will ensure you survive. Keep attacking and I shall let Germany gobble you up.

Italy to Germany

Should have stabbed when I had the chance! Too na??ve of me. Anyway I have voted yes to the threeway.
??Italy to Turkey

I know I have not voted yes for dias. My I encourage you to vote for the three way. I will obviously be pressing home my advantage so I think getting a survival on four centres is better than getting a survival on two or even being eliminated. Sorry I know this is mean but we could not make peace.


---just keep swimming


DC436 Winter 11 results with maps - cbconnell   (Jan 25, 2013, 4:50 pm)
Here are the results from the Winter 11 adjustments.??
Don't forget to turn in your votes for the three end-of-game proposals on the table. If you have already submitted your votes, you may still change them.

Spring 1912 orders and votes are due on Saturday 1-12-13 at 8:30 pm MST (03:30 13-1-13 GMT)??
Adjustment orders for Winter of 1911.
France: Remove A Wales.

Germany: Build A Berlin.Germany: Build A Kiel.
Italy: Build A Venice.
Unit locations:
France: ?? ??A Burgundy, F English Channel, F Gulf of Lyon, F London, F Mid-Atlantic Ocean, F North Atlantic Ocean, A Picardy, A Yorkshire.

Germany: ?? A Belgium, A Berlin, F Denmark, A Holland, A Kiel, F Norway, A Sweden.Italy: ?? ?? F Aegean Sea, A Budapest, A Bulgaria, F Eastern Mediterranean, A Galicia, A Greece, A Moscow, A Munich, F North Africa, A Rumania, F Tunis, F Tyrrhenian Sea, A Venice, A Warsaw.

Russia: ?? ??A St Petersburg.Turkey: ?? ??F Constantinople, A Sevastopol, F Smyrna, A Ukraine.
Ownership of supply centers:
France: ?? ??Brest, Edinburgh, Liverpool, London, Marseilles, Paris, Portugal, Spain.

Germany: ?? Belgium, Berlin, Denmark, Holland, Kiel, Norway, Sweden.Italy: ?? ?? Budapest, Bulgaria, Greece, Moscow, Munich, Naples, Rome, Rumania, Serbia, Trieste, Tunis, Venice, Vienna, Warsaw.Russia: ?? ??St Petersburg.

Turkey: ?? ??Ankara, Constantinople, Sevastopol, Smyrna.
Austria: ?? ??0 Supply centers, ??0 Units: ??Builds ?? 0 units.England: ?? ??0 Supply centers, ??0 Units: ??Builds ?? 0 units.

France: ?? ?? 8 Supply centers, ??8 Units: ??Builds ?? 0 units.Germany: ?? ??7 Supply centers, ??7 Units: ??Builds ?? 0 units.Italy: ?? ?? 14 Supply centers, 14 Units: ??Builds ?? 0 units.Russia: ?? ?? 1 Supply center, ?? 1 Unit: ?? Builds ?? 0 units.

Turkey: ?? ?? 4 Supply centers, ??4 Units: ??Builds ?? 0 units.
The next phase of DC436 will be Movement for Spring of 1912.
---Just Keep Swimming


DC436 Press - cbconnell   (Jan 25, 2013, 4:48 pm)
For Immediate Release...--------------------------
Italy to all

For the record I did not make the Italian solo end game proposal, someone is stirring. I will obviously support it as I will the three way draw.

Italy to Germany

I am now ready to redirect units from the east to the west which I will do if you build two armies and therefore threaten mun. it is my only territorial demand as I said and then only in response to your attack upon me much earlier in the game, I have had ample chance to walk into ber but have not. The people of mun have recently voted in a referendum and prefer pasta to sausage so leave them be in the new annexed Italian enclave. My fleets move against a common enemy, I can work with you, but it will hand the French an advantage over you if you build two armies as I will redirect units against you. let us keep the peace!

Germany to France. ??To answer your question, yes. I am voting for the three way draw and positioning myself to oppose the solo.

---End of Line


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