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dc401 s07 retreats! - pedros   (Apr 02, 2012, 11:36 am)
Cancel that.  Silly old me!

From: Michael Sims

Sent: 02 April 2012 16:01

To: Pete Dale; alwayshunted(at)hotmail.com; cbend37(at)aol.com;
kodiplomacy(at)gmail.com; daniel.johnson(at)ret.gov.au; mrh(at)panix.com; stevencaponigri(at)gmail.com;
dc401; mttmvp(at)gmail.com

Subject: dc401 s07 retreats!


Italy:  Tyl-Pie



move to Bur fixed on this map.




Split Bur and SWI, connect Ruh and Mar

F: Split Hol and Rhur, connect Bur and Kiel

G: connect Lvn/Stp, Split Mos/GoB.  Move the Mos fleet to NC.

I: Connect ION and MAO, separate Tun and OTB

R: Connect Sevastapol-Smyrna, Separate Constantinople/Black Sea


interesting ones there, including the trapped Italian F Con - which may disband
immediately or stand trapped until water is reconnected to Con.


single order by tomorrow (Tues) 4/3, 3pm Central, else it stays on the
board.  Italy can just send his request to the group so we all know.


07 due Friday!  4/6, 3pm Central.





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dc401 s07 retreats! - pedros   (Apr 02, 2012, 11:36 am)
Mike – I can’t see Switzerland!

From: Michael Sims

Sent: 02 April 2012 16:01

To: Pete Dale; alwayshunted(at)hotmail.com; cbend37(at)aol.com;
kodiplomacy(at)gmail.com; daniel.johnson(at)ret.gov.au; mrh(at)panix.com;
stevencaponigri(at)gmail.com; dc401; mttmvp(at)gmail.com

Subject: dc401 s07 retreats!


Italy:  Tyl-Pie



move to Bur fixed on this map.




Split Bur and SWI, connect Ruh and Mar

F: Split Hol and Rhur, connect Bur and Kiel

G: connect Lvn/Stp, Split Mos/GoB.  Move the Mos fleet to NC.

I: Connect ION and MAO, separate Tun and OTB

R: Connect Sevastapol-Smyrna, Separate Constantinople/Black Sea


interesting ones there, including the trapped Italian F Con - which may disband
immediately or stand trapped until water is reconnected to Con.


single order by tomorrow (Tues) 4/3, 3pm Central, else it stays on the
board.  Italy can just send his request to the group so we all know.


07 due Friday!  4/6, 3pm Central.





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DC 413 Draw Passes! - TheFinalCountdown   (Apr 02, 2012, 11:12 am)
Thanks to the GM and all the players. It was a fun one.
Here are my thoughts on the game...

I opened on initially friendly terms with everyone around me, but quickly started stabbing. I violated a truce in the Black Sea early on and used it to gain an upper hand over Russia. I was working well with Germany and I saw the opportunity to expand into Russia and Austria with his help. I had been talking for a while with France and I was convinced in 1902-1903 that I would see the French fleets in the Med (if you recall he had 2 there and Italy was not positioned to counter) move against Italy. It was on those pretenses (and believing that Italy and Austria were not allied but merely neutral) that I stabbed Austria to grab Serbia. Unfortunately, the French attack on Italy that I was promised and the Austrian/Italian alliance I didn't believe in were both untrue. At that point, with no allies remaining on the board and Germany retreating to fight his own battles, I was left scrambling to defend. I made a few bad guesses but in the end, I couldn't hold off the AI attack with nobody really attacking them on the backside.

Apologies to Austria and Russia for the stabs, but alas, you both survived and I did not...
On Mon, Apr 2, 2012 at 11:57 AM, John R <untitled36(at)hotmail.com> wrote:

Not sure if we'll see any more EoG's, though I really hope we do! Here's my take on things...

From the outside perspective, it seemed like there was a lot of shifting of alliances s it was sort of hard to keep track of what was really going on. I think it was about winter of 1902 that I mentally made my prediction of a strong finish for Germany and/or Turkey. And I was dead wrong. Still, both played well, and in my mind this game will always be "The one where Germany took Sevastapol in 1902." As has been mentioned, I think that rogue unit had a big impact on the early game. If nothing else, it developed the blood feud between Germany and Russia that essentially undid them both.

I think turkey had a strong showing, but seemed unable to gain a solid alliance.

Germany was ambitious, perhaps overly so, as it appears he was attacking Russia and England both when he was stabbed by France.

England did fine. His downfall was the French F Bre-Eng in Spring 02, which I'm not certain he could have predicted. once the channel fell, he had to play defensively, and thus lost the ground he had gained.

Russia started out well, but just got dog-piled. Not sure if that was a diplomatic failing, or if it was just "one of those things" where the stars aligned against him. I remember an email from him with his F02 moves being "cautiously optimistic" about the game. That was the turn he was attacked by all four of his neighbors. However, with grit and determination, he managed to eke out a survival, outlasting every other power besides the victors. That says volumes.

Austria and Italy, they were one of the very few (maybe only) alliances that lasted all game. I think this was their success. I am surprised that the two powers with so many combined NMRs managed to win, and frankly, that sort of irks the GM side of me. Smile But at the same time, they did do a good job of setting up a defense against France, and they deserved the draw.

France played the game well, obviously. He certainly earned his lion's share in the draw, and came very close to soloing. The last couples rounds were sort of guessing games, and those are tough ones to call especially as a player.

Congrats to the 3 draw participants! You were a good group to work with! I'm sure I'll see some of you in round two!


Matthew Barnes

Brown University 2013
Mechanical Engineering


DC 413 Draw Passes! - untitled36   (Apr 02, 2012, 10:57 am)
Not sure if we'll see any more EoG's, though I really hope we do! Here's my take on things...

From the outside perspective, it seemed like there was a lot of shifting of alliances s it was sort of hard to keep track of what was really going on. I think it was about winter of 1902 that I mentally made my prediction of a strong finish for Germany and/or Turkey. And I was dead wrong. Still, both played well, and in my mind this game will always be "The one where Germany took Sevastapol in 1902." As has been mentioned, I think that rogue unit had a big impact on the early game. If nothing else, it developed the blood feud between Germany and Russia that essentially undid them both.

I think turkey had a strong showing, but seemed unable to gain a solid alliance.

Germany was ambitious, perhaps overly so, as it appears he was attacking Russia and England both when he was stabbed by France.

England did fine. His downfall was the French F Bre-Eng in Spring 02, which I'm not certain he could have predicted. once the channel fell, he had to play defensively, and thus lost the ground he had gained.

Russia started out well, but just got dog-piled. Not sure if that was a diplomatic failing, or if it was just "one of those things" where the stars aligned against him. I remember an email from him with his F02 moves being "cautiously optimistic" about the game. That was the turn he was attacked by all four of his neighbors. However, with grit and determination, he managed to eke out a survival, outlasting every other power besides the victors. That says volumes.

Austria and Italy, they were one of the very few (maybe only) alliances that lasted all game. I think this was their success. I am surprised that the two powers with so many combined NMRs managed to win, and frankly, that sort of irks the GM side of me. Smile But at the same time, they did do a good job of setting up a defense against France, and they deserved the draw.

France played the game well, obviously. He certainly earned his lion's share in the draw, and came very close to soloing. The last couples rounds were sort of guessing games, and those are tough ones to call especially as a player.

Congrats to the 3 draw participants! You were a good group to work with! I'm sure I'll see some of you in round two!



dc394 s10 results! - FuzzyLogic   (Apr 02, 2012, 10:05 am)
In addition, Elven TRL moved to Auryn.  Will fix on the retreat map.

Things are looking very grim for the Leprechauns this year... after hanging on for so long at 2 centers, both appear to require nothing short of the touch of an angel to survive...
Retreats - Due Tues 4/3, 3pm Central!
Gnome A Hundred Acre Wood can retreat to Newa River or Elephant Graveyard.
Knight A Merrow can retreat to Necronomicon.
Dwarf A Carpantha can retreat to Temple of Doom
A Hollow Earth Supports A Carpantha - Mount Nimro (*Cut*)
A Knockshegowna - Merrow
A Lubrick Supports A Knockshegowna - Merrow
A Fitzgibbon - Tuatha
A Devils Canyon - Snow Witch
A Allerleirauh - Knockshegowna
A Carpantha - Mount Nimro (*Dislodged*)
A Ancient Necropolis - Spirit Pond (*Fails*)
A Undermountain Supports A Devils Canyon - Snow Witch
F Prekkendorran Hts(nc) - Florin
F Fantastica - Travers Town (*Bounce*)
A Waterdeep Hold
A Hoarluk - Twisted Tunnels
A Cormyr - Valley of Lost Honor
A Faerun - City of Splendors
A Dhunia - Silvanesti
F RIVER OF THE DAWN - Great Glacier
F ROARING RAPIDS Supports A Dhunia - Silvanesti
F NORTH RAINBOW LAKE Supports F Terabithia (*Ordered to Move*)
F THREE RIVER LAKE, no move received
A Hundred Acre Wood - Khemri (*Dislodged*)
A Troldhaugen Hold
A Daniloth Supports A Hundred Acre Wood - Khemri
F SABLES SWAMP Supports A Hundred Acre Wood - Khemri (*Cut*)
A Mordor - Candlekeep
A Rohan - Two Towers
F The Neverwood - Travers Town (*Bounce*)
A Fjord - Magrathea
A Baldurs Gate - Kara-Tur
A Krikkit - Shining Stream
A Great Glacier - Dragon Coast
F The High Way - SEA OF FALLEN STARS (*Fails*)
F SEA OF FALLEN STARS - Enchanted Isles (*Fails*)
A Paras Derval - Kingdom of Hearts
A Mount Nimro Supports A Spirit Pond - Hollow Earth (*Cut*)
A Diamond Mines Supports A Khaz Modan - Carpantha
A Khemri - Hundred Acre Wood
F Starkadh Supports A Khemri - Hundred Acre Wood
A Sleepy Hollow - Khemri
A Ice Reach - Knurremurre
A Spiral Castle - Dragons Teeth Mtns
A Spirit Pond - Hollow Earth (*Fails*)
F Owlwood - SABLES SWAMP (*Fails*)
A Cave of Ordeals - Yggdrasil
A Merrow - Lubrick (*Dislodged*)
A Drynwyn Supports A Khemri - Hundred Acre Wood
A Gwynir Supports A Sleepy Hollow - Khemri
F Andarien Plain Hold
A Pendaran Wood - Sleepy Hollow
F Cliffs of Insanity - RIFT CANYON
A Tymwyvenne - Cave of Ordeals
A Khaz Modan - Carpantha
A Snow Witch - Nowwhat
F CHURNING REACH Supports A Myth Drannor (*Cut*)
F RUGGED COAST Supports F Cliffs of Insanity - RIFT CANYON
F Terabithia - Dhunia
A Myrtle - Terabithia
A Loxley, no move received
F Pans Labyrinth, no move received
A Ansalon, no move received
F Enchanted Isles, no move received
F Never Never Land, no move received
A Neverpeak Mtn, no move received
A Avalon, no move received
A Myth Drannor, no move received
F Endor, no move received
F GRIEF REEF, no move received
F HIGH SEAS, no move received
F WAY THE HECK, no move received
F BIKINI BOTTOM, no move received
F PIRATE SHOALS, no move received
A Grissel - Tumnus
A Tarsis Hold
F The Silver city - BEAVERSDAM
A Sorrows End Supports A Tymwyvenne - Cave of Ordeals
A Kahvi - Abby Normal
F Orboros - TROG BOG
A Grendel Supports A Plains of Dust - Kahvi
A The Julianthes - The Old Gristmill
A Plains of Dust - Kahvi
A Kender - Dargaard Keep
A Walk of Clouds - To-Gai-Ru
A Uhl Belk Supports F Terabithia (*Ordered to Move*)
A Thra Supports A The Julianthes - The Old Gristmill
F ZEBOIMS DEEP Convoys A The Julianthes - The Old Gristmill
F Krynn, no move received
F Everglot, no move received
F Skellington, no move received



dc401 s07 retreats! - FuzzyLogic   (Apr 02, 2012, 10:00 am)
Italy:  Tyl-Pie
Russia:  Con-Ank
French move to Bur fixed on this map.
E: Split Bur and SWI, connect Ruh and Mar
F: Split Hol and Rhur, connect Bur and Kiel
G: connect Lvn/Stp, Split Mos/GoB.  Move the Mos fleet to NC.
I: Connect ION and MAO, separate Tun and OTB
R: Connect Sevastapol-Smyrna, Separate Constantinople/Black Sea
Some interesting ones there, including the trapped Italian F Con - which may disband immediately or stand trapped until water is reconnected to Con.
That single order by tomorrow (Tues) 4/3, 3pm Central, else it stays on the board.  Italy can just send his request to the group so we all know.
Fall 07 due Friday!  4/6, 3pm Central.


dc401 s07 retreats! (dc401 - Seismic) pedros Apr 02, 11:36 am
Mike – I can’t see Switzerland!

From: Michael Sims

Sent: 02 April 2012 16:01

To: Pete Dale; alwayshunted(at)hotmail.com; cbend37(at)aol.com;
kodiplomacy(at)gmail.com; daniel.johnson(at)ret.gov.au; mrh(at)panix.com;
stevencaponigri(at)gmail.com; dc401; mttmvp(at)gmail.com

Subject: dc401 s07 retreats!


Italy:  Tyl-Pie



move to Bur fixed on this map.




Split Bur and SWI, connect Ruh and Mar

F: Split Hol and Rhur, connect Bur and Kiel

G: connect Lvn/Stp, Split Mos/GoB.  Move the Mos fleet to NC.

I: Connect ION and MAO, separate Tun and OTB

R: Connect Sevastapol-Smyrna, Separate Constantinople/Black Sea


interesting ones there, including the trapped Italian F Con - which may disband
immediately or stand trapped until water is reconnected to Con.


single order by tomorrow (Tues) 4/3, 3pm Central, else it stays on the
board.  Italy can just send his request to the group so we all know.


07 due Friday!  4/6, 3pm Central.





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dc401 s07 retreats! (dc401 - Seismic) pedros Apr 02, 11:36 am
Cancel that.  Silly old me!

From: Michael Sims

Sent: 02 April 2012 16:01

To: Pete Dale; alwayshunted(at)hotmail.com; cbend37(at)aol.com;
kodiplomacy(at)gmail.com; daniel.johnson(at)ret.gov.au; mrh(at)panix.com; stevencaponigri(at)gmail.com;
dc401; mttmvp(at)gmail.com

Subject: dc401 s07 retreats!


Italy:  Tyl-Pie



move to Bur fixed on this map.




Split Bur and SWI, connect Ruh and Mar

F: Split Hol and Rhur, connect Bur and Kiel

G: connect Lvn/Stp, Split Mos/GoB.  Move the Mos fleet to NC.

I: Connect ION and MAO, separate Tun and OTB

R: Connect Sevastapol-Smyrna, Separate Constantinople/Black Sea


interesting ones there, including the trapped Italian F Con - which may disband
immediately or stand trapped until water is reconnected to Con.


single order by tomorrow (Tues) 4/3, 3pm Central, else it stays on the
board.  Italy can just send his request to the group so we all know.


07 due Friday!  4/6, 3pm Central.





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dc401 s07 retreats! (dc401 - Seismic) scaponig Apr 02, 08:23 pm
 I'm just going to have that fleet hang out for a while. F Con stays. 

On Monday, April 2, 2012, Michael Sims wrote:

Italy:  Tyl-Pie
Russia:  Con-Ank
French move to Bur fixed on this map.
E: Split Bur and SWI, connect Ruh and Mar
F: Split Hol and Rhur, connect Bur and Kiel
G: connect Lvn/Stp, Split Mos/GoB.  Move the Mos fleet to NC.
I: Connect ION and MAO, separate Tun and OTB

R: Connect Sevastapol-Smyrna, Separate Constantinople/Black Sea
Some interesting ones there, including the trapped Italian F Con - which may disband immediately or stand trapped until water is reconnected to Con.
That single order by tomorrow (Tues) 4/3, 3pm Central, else it stays on the board.  Italy can just send his request to the group so we all know.
Fall 07 due Friday!  4/6, 3pm Central.
dc401 s07 retreats! (dc401 - Seismic) FuzzyLogic Apr 05, 09:27 am
Hey y'all,
Friday is tomorrow!  Good Friday in fact.  What better day to have some good results?  Or by which to submit some good orders?  They don't have to be great, so there's no reason to fret.  In keeping w the theme of the day, good should be sufficient.

From: Michael Sims
Sent: Mon 4/2/2012 10:00 AM
To: Pete Dale; alwayshunted(at)hotmail.com; cbend37(at)aol.com; kodiplomacy(at)gmail.com; daniel.johnson(at)ret.gov.au; mrh(at)panix.com; stevencaponigri(at)gmail.com; dc401; mttmvp(at)gmail.com
Subject: dc401 s07 retreats!

Italy:  Tyl-Pie
Russia:  Con-Ank
French move to Bur fixed on this map.
E: Split Bur and SWI, connect Ruh and Mar
F: Split Hol and Rhur, connect Bur and Kiel
G: connect Lvn/Stp, Split Mos/GoB.  Move the Mos fleet to NC.
I: Connect ION and MAO, separate Tun and OTB
R: Connect Sevastapol-Smyrna, Separate Constantinople/Black Sea
Some interesting ones there, including the trapped Italian F Con - which may disband immediately or stand trapped until water is reconnected to Con.
That single order by tomorrow (Tues) 4/3, 3pm Central, else it stays on the board.  Italy can just send his request to the group so we all know.
Fall 07 due Friday!  4/6, 3pm Central.
dc394 s10 results! - FuzzyLogic   (Apr 02, 2012, 9:35 am)
Things are looking very grim for the Leprechauns this year... after hanging on for so long at 2 centers, both appear to require nothing short of the touch of an angel to survive...
Retreats - Due Tues 4/3, 3pm Central!
Gnome A Hundred Acre Wood can retreat to Newa River or Elephant Graveyard.
Knight A Merrow can retreat to Necronomicon.
Dwarf A Carpantha can retreat to Temple of Doom
A Hollow Earth Supports A Carpantha - Mount Nimro (*Cut*)
A Knockshegowna - Merrow
A Lubrick Supports A Knockshegowna - Merrow
A Fitzgibbon - Tuatha
A Devils Canyon - Snow Witch
A Allerleirauh - Knockshegowna
A Carpantha - Mount Nimro (*Dislodged*)
A Ancient Necropolis - Spirit Pond (*Fails*)
A Undermountain Supports A Devils Canyon - Snow Witch
F Prekkendorran Hts(nc) - Florin
F Fantastica - Travers Town (*Bounce*)
A Waterdeep Hold
A Hoarluk - Twisted Tunnels
A Cormyr - Valley of Lost Honor
A Faerun - City of Splendors
A Dhunia - Silvanesti
F RIVER OF THE DAWN - Great Glacier
F ROARING RAPIDS Supports A Dhunia - Silvanesti
F NORTH RAINBOW LAKE Supports F Terabithia (*Ordered to Move*)
F THREE RIVER LAKE, no move received
A Hundred Acre Wood - Khemri (*Dislodged*)
A Troldhaugen Hold
A Daniloth Supports A Hundred Acre Wood - Khemri
F SABLES SWAMP Supports A Hundred Acre Wood - Khemri (*Cut*)
A Mordor - Candlekeep
A Rohan - Two Towers
F The Neverwood - Travers Town (*Bounce*)
A Fjord - Magrathea
A Baldurs Gate - Kara-Tur
A Krikkit - Shining Stream
A Great Glacier - Dragon Coast
F The High Way - SEA OF FALLEN STARS (*Fails*)
F SEA OF FALLEN STARS - Enchanted Isles (*Fails*)
A Paras Derval - Kingdom of Hearts
A Mount Nimro Supports A Spirit Pond - Hollow Earth (*Cut*)
A Diamond Mines Supports A Khaz Modan - Carpantha
A Khemri - Hundred Acre Wood
F Starkadh Supports A Khemri - Hundred Acre Wood
A Sleepy Hollow - Khemri
A Ice Reach - Knurremurre
A Spiral Castle - Dragons Teeth Mtns
A Spirit Pond - Hollow Earth (*Fails*)
F Owlwood - SABLES SWAMP (*Fails*)
A Cave of Ordeals - Yggdrasil
A Merrow - Lubrick (*Dislodged*)
A Drynwyn Supports A Khemri - Hundred Acre Wood
A Gwynir Supports A Sleepy Hollow - Khemri
F Andarien Plain Hold
A Pendaran Wood - Sleepy Hollow
F Cliffs of Insanity - RIFT CANYON
A Tymwyvenne - Cave of Ordeals
A Khaz Modan - Carpantha
A Snow Witch - Nowwhat
F CHURNING REACH Supports A Myth Drannor (*Cut*)
F RUGGED COAST Supports F Cliffs of Insanity - RIFT CANYON
F Terabithia - Dhunia
A Myrtle - Terabithia
A Loxley, no move received
F Pans Labyrinth, no move received
A Ansalon, no move received
F Enchanted Isles, no move received
F Never Never Land, no move received
A Neverpeak Mtn, no move received
A Avalon, no move received
A Myth Drannor, no move received
F Endor, no move received
F GRIEF REEF, no move received
F HIGH SEAS, no move received
F WAY THE HECK, no move received
F BIKINI BOTTOM, no move received
F PIRATE SHOALS, no move received
A Grissel - Tumnus
A Tarsis Hold
F The Silver city - BEAVERSDAM
A Sorrows End Supports A Tymwyvenne - Cave of Ordeals
A Kahvi - Abby Normal
F Orboros - TROG BOG
A Grendel Supports A Plains of Dust - Kahvi
A The Julianthes - The Old Gristmill
A Plains of Dust - Kahvi
A Kender - Dargaard Keep
A Walk of Clouds - To-Gai-Ru
A Uhl Belk Supports F Terabithia (*Ordered to Move*)
A Thra Supports A The Julianthes - The Old Gristmill
F ZEBOIMS DEEP Convoys A The Julianthes - The Old Gristmill
F Krynn, no move received
F Everglot, no move received
F Skellington, no move received



dc394 s10 results! (dc394) FuzzyLogic Apr 02, 10:05 am
In addition, Elven TRL moved to Auryn.  Will fix on the retreat map.

Things are looking very grim for the Leprechauns this year... after hanging on for so long at 2 centers, both appear to require nothing short of the touch of an angel to survive...
Retreats - Due Tues 4/3, 3pm Central!
Gnome A Hundred Acre Wood can retreat to Newa River or Elephant Graveyard.
Knight A Merrow can retreat to Necronomicon.
Dwarf A Carpantha can retreat to Temple of Doom
A Hollow Earth Supports A Carpantha - Mount Nimro (*Cut*)
A Knockshegowna - Merrow
A Lubrick Supports A Knockshegowna - Merrow
A Fitzgibbon - Tuatha
A Devils Canyon - Snow Witch
A Allerleirauh - Knockshegowna
A Carpantha - Mount Nimro (*Dislodged*)
A Ancient Necropolis - Spirit Pond (*Fails*)
A Undermountain Supports A Devils Canyon - Snow Witch
F Prekkendorran Hts(nc) - Florin
F Fantastica - Travers Town (*Bounce*)
A Waterdeep Hold
A Hoarluk - Twisted Tunnels
A Cormyr - Valley of Lost Honor
A Faerun - City of Splendors
A Dhunia - Silvanesti
F RIVER OF THE DAWN - Great Glacier
F ROARING RAPIDS Supports A Dhunia - Silvanesti
F NORTH RAINBOW LAKE Supports F Terabithia (*Ordered to Move*)
F THREE RIVER LAKE, no move received
A Hundred Acre Wood - Khemri (*Dislodged*)
A Troldhaugen Hold
A Daniloth Supports A Hundred Acre Wood - Khemri
F SABLES SWAMP Supports A Hundred Acre Wood - Khemri (*Cut*)
A Mordor - Candlekeep
A Rohan - Two Towers
F The Neverwood - Travers Town (*Bounce*)
A Fjord - Magrathea
A Baldurs Gate - Kara-Tur
A Krikkit - Shining Stream
A Great Glacier - Dragon Coast
F The High Way - SEA OF FALLEN STARS (*Fails*)
F SEA OF FALLEN STARS - Enchanted Isles (*Fails*)
A Paras Derval - Kingdom of Hearts
A Mount Nimro Supports A Spirit Pond - Hollow Earth (*Cut*)
A Diamond Mines Supports A Khaz Modan - Carpantha
A Khemri - Hundred Acre Wood
F Starkadh Supports A Khemri - Hundred Acre Wood
A Sleepy Hollow - Khemri
A Ice Reach - Knurremurre
A Spiral Castle - Dragons Teeth Mtns
A Spirit Pond - Hollow Earth (*Fails*)
F Owlwood - SABLES SWAMP (*Fails*)
A Cave of Ordeals - Yggdrasil
A Merrow - Lubrick (*Dislodged*)
A Drynwyn Supports A Khemri - Hundred Acre Wood
A Gwynir Supports A Sleepy Hollow - Khemri
F Andarien Plain Hold
A Pendaran Wood - Sleepy Hollow
F Cliffs of Insanity - RIFT CANYON
A Tymwyvenne - Cave of Ordeals
A Khaz Modan - Carpantha
A Snow Witch - Nowwhat
F CHURNING REACH Supports A Myth Drannor (*Cut*)
F RUGGED COAST Supports F Cliffs of Insanity - RIFT CANYON
F Terabithia - Dhunia
A Myrtle - Terabithia
A Loxley, no move received
F Pans Labyrinth, no move received
A Ansalon, no move received
F Enchanted Isles, no move received
F Never Never Land, no move received
A Neverpeak Mtn, no move received
A Avalon, no move received
A Myth Drannor, no move received
F Endor, no move received
F GRIEF REEF, no move received
F HIGH SEAS, no move received
F WAY THE HECK, no move received
F BIKINI BOTTOM, no move received
F PIRATE SHOALS, no move received
A Grissel - Tumnus
A Tarsis Hold
F The Silver city - BEAVERSDAM
A Sorrows End Supports A Tymwyvenne - Cave of Ordeals
A Kahvi - Abby Normal
F Orboros - TROG BOG
A Grendel Supports A Plains of Dust - Kahvi
A The Julianthes - The Old Gristmill
A Plains of Dust - Kahvi
A Kender - Dargaard Keep
A Walk of Clouds - To-Gai-Ru
A Uhl Belk Supports F Terabithia (*Ordered to Move*)
A Thra Supports A The Julianthes - The Old Gristmill
F ZEBOIMS DEEP Convoys A The Julianthes - The Old Gristmill
F Krynn, no move received
F Everglot, no move received
F Skellington, no move received

dc394 s10 results! (dc394) FuzzyLogic Apr 03, 12:50 pm
Also, Leprechaun A Myr ordered to Tuatha, not Terabithia.  This creats a bounce w the Dwarves, and will also be amended in the retreats map.

From: Michael Sims
Sent: Mon 4/2/2012 10:05 AM
To: Michael Penner; baz.dip(at)gmail.com; dipcorp.player(at)gmail.com; diplomacy(at)diffell.net; chaosonejoe(at)yahoo.com; welsh_stroud(at)msn.com; Garry Bledsoe; dan.i.sinensky(at)gmail.com; Jerome Payne; jfburgess(at)gmail.com; wealllovekatamari(at)yahoo.com; mjn82(at)yahoo.com; mrh(at)panix.com; sandiegosmith(at)hotmail.com; Spinozas(at)gmx.net; kingkovas(at)gmail.com; clockheardt(at)yahoo.com; tiga124(at)aol.com; tomahaha(at)frontiernet.net
Cc: dc394
Subject: RE: dc394 s10 results!

In addition, Elven TRL moved to Auryn.  Will fix on the retreat map.

Things are looking very grim for the Leprechauns this year... after hanging on for so long at 2 centers, both appear to require nothing short of the touch of an angel to survive...
Retreats - Due Tues 4/3, 3pm Central!
Gnome A Hundred Acre Wood can retreat to Newa River or Elephant Graveyard.
Knight A Merrow can retreat to Necronomicon.
Dwarf A Carpantha can retreat to Temple of Doom
A Hollow Earth Supports A Carpantha - Mount Nimro (*Cut*)
A Knockshegowna - Merrow
A Lubrick Supports A Knockshegowna - Merrow
A Fitzgibbon - Tuatha
A Devils Canyon - Snow Witch
A Allerleirauh - Knockshegowna
A Carpantha - Mount Nimro (*Dislodged*)
A Ancient Necropolis - Spirit Pond (*Fails*)
A Undermountain Supports A Devils Canyon - Snow Witch
F Prekkendorran Hts(nc) - Florin
F Fantastica - Travers Town (*Bounce*)
A Waterdeep Hold
A Hoarluk - Twisted Tunnels
A Cormyr - Valley of Lost Honor
A Faerun - City of Splendors
A Dhunia - Silvanesti
F RIVER OF THE DAWN - Great Glacier
F ROARING RAPIDS Supports A Dhunia - Silvanesti
F NORTH RAINBOW LAKE Supports F Terabithia (*Ordered to Move*)
F THREE RIVER LAKE, no move received
A Hundred Acre Wood - Khemri (*Dislodged*)
A Troldhaugen Hold
A Daniloth Supports A Hundred Acre Wood - Khemri
F SABLES SWAMP Supports A Hundred Acre Wood - Khemri (*Cut*)
A Mordor - Candlekeep
A Rohan - Two Towers
F The Neverwood - Travers Town (*Bounce*)
A Fjord - Magrathea
A Baldurs Gate - Kara-Tur
A Krikkit - Shining Stream
A Great Glacier - Dragon Coast
F The High Way - SEA OF FALLEN STARS (*Fails*)
F SEA OF FALLEN STARS - Enchanted Isles (*Fails*)
A Paras Derval - Kingdom of Hearts
A Mount Nimro Supports A Spirit Pond - Hollow Earth (*Cut*)
A Diamond Mines Supports A Khaz Modan - Carpantha
A Khemri - Hundred Acre Wood
F Starkadh Supports A Khemri - Hundred Acre Wood
A Sleepy Hollow - Khemri
A Ice Reach - Knurremurre
A Spiral Castle - Dragons Teeth Mtns
A Spirit Pond - Hollow Earth (*Fails*)
F Owlwood - SABLES SWAMP (*Fails*)
A Cave of Ordeals - Yggdrasil
A Merrow - Lubrick (*Dislodged*)
A Drynwyn Supports A Khemri - Hundred Acre Wood
A Gwynir Supports A Sleepy Hollow - Khemri
F Andarien Plain Hold
A Pendaran Wood - Sleepy Hollow
F Cliffs of Insanity - RIFT CANYON
A Tymwyvenne - Cave of Ordeals
A Khaz Modan - Carpantha
A Snow Witch - Nowwhat
F CHURNING REACH Supports A Myth Drannor (*Cut*)
F RUGGED COAST Supports F Cliffs of Insanity - RIFT CANYON
F Terabithia - Dhunia
A Myrtle - Terabithia
A Loxley, no move received
F Pans Labyrinth, no move received
A Ansalon, no move received
F Enchanted Isles, no move received
F Never Never Land, no move received
A Neverpeak Mtn, no move received
A Avalon, no move received
A Myth Drannor, no move received
F Endor, no move received
F GRIEF REEF, no move received
F HIGH SEAS, no move received
F WAY THE HECK, no move received
F BIKINI BOTTOM, no move received
F PIRATE SHOALS, no move received
A Grissel - Tumnus
A Tarsis Hold
F The Silver city - BEAVERSDAM
A Sorrows End Supports A Tymwyvenne - Cave of Ordeals
A Kahvi - Abby Normal
F Orboros - TROG BOG
A Grendel Supports A Plains of Dust - Kahvi
A The Julianthes - The Old Gristmill
A Plains of Dust - Kahvi
A Kender - Dargaard Keep
A Walk of Clouds - To-Gai-Ru
A Uhl Belk Supports F Terabithia (*Ordered to Move*)
A Thra Supports A The Julianthes - The Old Gristmill
F ZEBOIMS DEEP Convoys A The Julianthes - The Old Gristmill
F Krynn, no move received
F Everglot, no move received
F Skellington, no move received

dc411 Spring '11 results - notasb   (Apr 02, 2012, 9:01 am)

Austria - RickHunter - Mike Brady
England - metalwarlord - Stuart Winch
France- Godzilla - Marc Peters
Germany - Pete - Pete Marinaro
Italy - RICH3520 - RICH SLOPER - eliminated Winter '04
Russia - dkleiman - Dave Kleiman - eliminated Winter '08
Turkey - fantomas - jean-luc granier

GM Note:

An Austria, England, France Draw has been proposed.  Votes are due with the Fall orders.

I can not find orders from France.




Votes and Fall '11 is due Thursday April 5th 8 AM CDST  (GMT -5)  1300 GMT

Orders and Results:

F Adriatic Sea - Ionian Sea
F Aegean Sea Supports A Constantinople
A Armenia - Ankara
A Constantinople Supports A Armenia - Ankara
F Greece Supports F Aegean Sea
A Rome Hold
A Sevastopol - Moscow (*Fails*)
A Trieste - Tyrolia (*Bounce*)
A Ukraine Supports A Warsaw
A Venice Supports A Rome
A Vienna - Tyrolia (*Bounce*)
A Warsaw Supports A Sevastopol - Moscow

F Baltic Sea Supports F Berlin
F Barents Sea Hold
F Berlin Hold
F Denmark Hold
A Livonia Supports A Moscow
A Moscow Supports A Livonia (*Cut*)
A St Petersburg Supports A Moscow
F Wales Hold

France: NMR
A Belgium, no move received
F Eastern Mediterranean, no move received
A Holland, no move received
A Kiel, no move received
F Marseilles, no move received
F Mid-Atlantic Ocean, no move received
A Munich, no move received
F Naples, no move received
A Piedmont, no move received
A Ruhr, no move received
F Smyrna, no move received
F Tyrrhenian Sea, no move received

F Sweden Hold

A Ankara Hold (*Disbanded*)

Forced Disband:

Turkish A Ankara has no retreats, disbanded.


Dc 402: Autumn 1909 Adjudication - AlanRFarrington   (Apr 02, 2012, 8:16 am)
That should be Monday April 2nd.  ( I was looking at a March calendar ).
Don't forget votes for French solo & DIAS


From: zeclient(at)hotmail.com
To: alley_cat_1990(at)hotmail.com; dc402(at)diplomaticcorp.com; david.d.ellsworth(at)gmail.com; sam_buck_productions(at)mac.com; stewartnairn(at)live.com; justin(at)darkenedpath.com; blueraider0(at)gmail.com; screwtape777(at)gmail.com
Subject: RE: Dc 402: Autumn 1909 Adjudication
Date: Mon, 2 Apr 2012 10:51:43 +0000

.ExternalClass .ecxhmmessage P
.ExternalClass body.ecxhmmessage

April 26th?


From: alley_cat_1990(at)hotmail.com
To: dc402(at)diplomaticcorp.com; zeclient(at)hotmail.com; david.d.ellsworth(at)gmail.com; sam_buck_productions(at)mac.com; stewartnairn(at)live.com; justin(at)darkenedpath.com; blueraider0(at)gmail.com; screwtape777(at)gmail.com
Subject: Dc 402: Autumn 1909 Adjudication
Date: Sat, 31 Mar 2012 16:55:37 -0400

.ExternalClass .ecxhmmessage P
.ExternalClass body.ecxhmmessage

Hey guys,

Looks like we're saying goodbye to our second member now.  Justin you held on for a long time and we all appreciate your dedication  to the game.  We're all very thankful you never NMR'd.  Thanks for playing!

Next Deadline:

Winter 1909 is due Monday, April 26th at Midnight GMT (7:00pm


A Vienna - Galicia

disband F Sweden

Austria:   Supp  0 Unit  2 Remove  2
England:   Supp  0 Unit  0 Build  0
France:    Supp 16 Unit 14 Build  2
Germany:   Supp  1 Unit  1 Build  0
Italy:     Supp  5 Unit  4 Build  1
Russia:    Supp  1 Unit  1 Build  0
Turkey:    Supp 11 Unit  9 Build  2


Alan Farrington


Dc 402: Autumn 1909 Adjudication - AlanRFarrington   (Apr 02, 2012, 8:16 am)
That should be Monday April 2nd.  ( I was looking at a March calendar ).
Don't forget votes for French solo & DIAS


From: zeclient(at)hotmail.com
To: alley_cat_1990(at)hotmail.com; dc402(at)diplomaticcorp.com; david.d.ellsworth(at)gmail.com; sam_buck_productions(at)mac.com; stewartnairn(at)live.com; justin(at)darkenedpath.com; blueraider0(at)gmail.com; screwtape777(at)gmail.com
Subject: RE: Dc 402: Autumn 1909 Adjudication
Date: Mon, 2 Apr 2012 10:51:43 +0000

.ExternalClass .ecxhmmessage P
.ExternalClass body.ecxhmmessage

April 26th?


From: alley_cat_1990(at)hotmail.com
To: dc402(at)diplomaticcorp.com; zeclient(at)hotmail.com; david.d.ellsworth(at)gmail.com; sam_buck_productions(at)mac.com; stewartnairn(at)live.com; justin(at)darkenedpath.com; blueraider0(at)gmail.com; screwtape777(at)gmail.com
Subject: Dc 402: Autumn 1909 Adjudication
Date: Sat, 31 Mar 2012 16:55:37 -0400

.ExternalClass .ecxhmmessage P
.ExternalClass body.ecxhmmessage

Hey guys,

Looks like we're saying goodbye to our second member now.  Justin you held on for a long time and we all appreciate your dedication  to the game.  We're all very thankful you never NMR'd.  Thanks for playing!

Next Deadline:

Winter 1909 is due Monday, April 26th at Midnight GMT (7:00pm


A Vienna - Galicia

disband F Sweden

Austria:   Supp  0 Unit  2 Remove  2
England:   Supp  0 Unit  0 Build  0
France:    Supp 16 Unit 14 Build  2
Germany:   Supp  1 Unit  1 Build  0
Italy:     Supp  5 Unit  4 Build  1
Russia:    Supp  1 Unit  1 Build  0
Turkey:    Supp 11 Unit  9 Build  2


Alan Farrington


dc 408 Italy EOG - stendaswargames   (Apr 02, 2012, 7:40 am)
Thank you, Cory, and side-kick Garry for a splendid job GMing! Always appreciated and never enough thank yous!
Congratulations Tim! Very well played, indeed.
I was all at sea this game, very nervous about playing in this tournament where I traditionally do so badly. I didn’t communicate enough, wasn’t decisive
enough, and cocked it up right-royally. It was fun in Munich, however, and almost fun becoming King of Iberia! Paris is as good a place as any to end your days!
C’est la vie!
Dorian Love
ICT & English Teacher
Roedean School (SA)
Tel: +27 (011) 647-3200
Fax: + 27 (086) 589-0231


From: Timothy Crosby [mailto:tim_crosby(at)hotmail.com]

Sent: Friday, March 30, 2012 3:02 PM

To: 'Cory Burris'; 'Mike Hoffman'; Dorian Love; 'Alex Maslow'; 'Brian Lam'; 'Andrew Tanner'; 'Winter Blitz'; 'Scott Johnston'; 'garry b'; tim_crosby(at)hotmail.com

Subject: dc 408 Turkey EOG

Thank you all for the game. It was very fun….but I guess when you win you can usually say that right?
Cory, thank you for volunteering your time to GM in the WB…(you too Gary)
Let’s start with Mike in Austria….I wanted an alliance with you right from the start. Yes I said the same thing to Russia and for a time I had a fragile alliance with both
but even a fragile one is better than none at all. Mike had some ordering issues and Russia kept making all the right moves so I threw in with Russia. It was like the whole board was pushing us together though I was fighting all the way. I do not remember
too much of Austria going down…Germany sent units south and east and west, I knew long term that was going to be a problem for him but it kept Austria and Russia from really getting any momentum which is what I needed and it spread German armies all over the
Andrew, when those 01 build orders did not post…that sent Italy west and then I could pretty much do anything I needed from there….i sent all my fleets west and picked off
Italian centers when I needed them. I have a bit of experience playing Turkey so I did whatever it took to get as many fleets out to MAO as I could as fast as I could. The land war was not going anywhere….G/A/T/R were all bouncing around for a bit but that
was OK I was more interested in getting to MAO. I think this was when Maslow and I decided that he and I should take the game over and go for a two way draw…looking back…we never actually supported one another’s moves but I worked against him diplomatically
as I am sure he did to me….it looked like we were the guys to beat….until he attacked England. On the next turn he retreated from that attack. Maslow, I think that was your downfall….you had now attacked every one of your neighbors and rebuilding anything
to fight me was going to be very difficult until I was very large and close to the lines. Had you sustained the pressure on England things might have been different….
I think it was only a couple of turns later as Germany moved in on Russia for the kill that I approached Scott and suggested we move in on Germany and knock this down to a
2 player race….i thought if I could get England to land an army or two that all the pressure to my north would collapse and I could make a big push. England said he would do that if I surrendered Iberia….so I let him pick me apart over there at a pace I was
comfortable with while I pushed armies north. The solo bid looked to be stopped and I thought it was until the vote issues started to come up...Maslow said he would never vote for anything that did not include him in the draw. I took this to England and suggested
we move in such a way that he gets the message that it will be E/T or he will be eliminated. In the meantime I supported England to SPA and we attempted to take Italy out….Germany worked on Russia while holding me south….I picked up a second chance to get
a solo when I convinced Scott to send a strong message to Germany about E/T….i played my hand to Germany but England needed to show Germany that he meant business too. I suggested that England put 4 units on KIE and that BUR-MUN be the move to do just that.
I knew that England would be taking MUN with German support but it was imperative that England use BUR for the attack….this left MAR with no defense…when I saw that I new I would/could win.
I know I told E/G that I was not interested in a solo because of the target I would have in round two….but one of my arguments to Scott on why to cut Germany out of the draw
was that we would be eliminating a great player from contention for the tournament. Ultimately that is I why I went for the solo on the second chance; eliminating competition for the overall prize was the intention.
A lot of things happened that I forgot to mention I am sure….Maslow turning Russia against me unexpectedly though Brian you mentioned that you were upset with me never leaving
the Black Sea…so it was probably not too difficult a decision on your part.
Thanks for a good game, I have a lot of respect for each of you and can’t wait to share a board with you again. Good luck to each of you in round number two.
Information contained in any e-mail or attachment from Roedean School (SA) is confidential. You should not disseminate, distribute or copy this e-mail. The views and opinions expressed in this email may not reflect those of any member of Roedean School. If
you are not the addressee (or responsible for delivery of the message to the addressee), please notify the originator immediately by return message and destroy the original message. This message and any attachments have been scanned for viruses prior to leaving
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Roedean School may monitor emails sent to and from the Roedean School network.


dc 408 Italy EOG (Winter Blitz) stendaswargames Apr 02, 07:40 am
Thank you, Cory, and side-kick Garry for a splendid job GMing! Always appreciated and never enough thank yous!
Congratulations Tim! Very well played, indeed.
I was all at sea this game, very nervous about playing in this tournament where I traditionally do so badly. I didn’t communicate enough, wasn’t decisive
enough, and cocked it up right-royally. It was fun in Munich, however, and almost fun becoming King of Iberia! Paris is as good a place as any to end your days!
C’est la vie!
Dorian Love
ICT & English Teacher
Roedean School (SA)
Tel: +27 (011) 647-3200
Fax: + 27 (086) 589-0231


From: Timothy Crosby [mailto:tim_crosby(at)hotmail.com]

Sent: Friday, March 30, 2012 3:02 PM

To: 'Cory Burris'; 'Mike Hoffman'; Dorian Love; 'Alex Maslow'; 'Brian Lam'; 'Andrew Tanner'; 'Winter Blitz'; 'Scott Johnston'; 'garry b'; tim_crosby(at)hotmail.com

Subject: dc 408 Turkey EOG

Thank you all for the game. It was very fun….but I guess when you win you can usually say that right?
Cory, thank you for volunteering your time to GM in the WB…(you too Gary)
Let’s start with Mike in Austria….I wanted an alliance with you right from the start. Yes I said the same thing to Russia and for a time I had a fragile alliance with both
but even a fragile one is better than none at all. Mike had some ordering issues and Russia kept making all the right moves so I threw in with Russia. It was like the whole board was pushing us together though I was fighting all the way. I do not remember
too much of Austria going down…Germany sent units south and east and west, I knew long term that was going to be a problem for him but it kept Austria and Russia from really getting any momentum which is what I needed and it spread German armies all over the
Andrew, when those 01 build orders did not post…that sent Italy west and then I could pretty much do anything I needed from there….i sent all my fleets west and picked off
Italian centers when I needed them. I have a bit of experience playing Turkey so I did whatever it took to get as many fleets out to MAO as I could as fast as I could. The land war was not going anywhere….G/A/T/R were all bouncing around for a bit but that
was OK I was more interested in getting to MAO. I think this was when Maslow and I decided that he and I should take the game over and go for a two way draw…looking back…we never actually supported one another’s moves but I worked against him diplomatically
as I am sure he did to me….it looked like we were the guys to beat….until he attacked England. On the next turn he retreated from that attack. Maslow, I think that was your downfall….you had now attacked every one of your neighbors and rebuilding anything
to fight me was going to be very difficult until I was very large and close to the lines. Had you sustained the pressure on England things might have been different….
I think it was only a couple of turns later as Germany moved in on Russia for the kill that I approached Scott and suggested we move in on Germany and knock this down to a
2 player race….i thought if I could get England to land an army or two that all the pressure to my north would collapse and I could make a big push. England said he would do that if I surrendered Iberia….so I let him pick me apart over there at a pace I was
comfortable with while I pushed armies north. The solo bid looked to be stopped and I thought it was until the vote issues started to come up...Maslow said he would never vote for anything that did not include him in the draw. I took this to England and suggested
we move in such a way that he gets the message that it will be E/T or he will be eliminated. In the meantime I supported England to SPA and we attempted to take Italy out….Germany worked on Russia while holding me south….I picked up a second chance to get
a solo when I convinced Scott to send a strong message to Germany about E/T….i played my hand to Germany but England needed to show Germany that he meant business too. I suggested that England put 4 units on KIE and that BUR-MUN be the move to do just that.
I knew that England would be taking MUN with German support but it was imperative that England use BUR for the attack….this left MAR with no defense…when I saw that I new I would/could win.
I know I told E/G that I was not interested in a solo because of the target I would have in round two….but one of my arguments to Scott on why to cut Germany out of the draw
was that we would be eliminating a great player from contention for the tournament. Ultimately that is I why I went for the solo on the second chance; eliminating competition for the overall prize was the intention.
A lot of things happened that I forgot to mention I am sure….Maslow turning Russia against me unexpectedly though Brian you mentioned that you were upset with me never leaving
the Black Sea…so it was probably not too difficult a decision on your part.
Thanks for a good game, I have a lot of respect for each of you and can’t wait to share a board with you again. Good luck to each of you in round number two.
Information contained in any e-mail or attachment from Roedean School (SA) is confidential. You should not disseminate, distribute or copy this e-mail. The views and opinions expressed in this email may not reflect those of any member of Roedean School. If
you are not the addressee (or responsible for delivery of the message to the addressee), please notify the originator immediately by return message and destroy the original message. This message and any attachments have been scanned for viruses prior to leaving
the Roedean School network. However, Roedean School does not guarantee the security of this message and will not be responsible for any damages arising as a result of any virus being passed on or arising from any alteration of this message by a third party.
Roedean School may monitor emails sent to and from the Roedean School network.
dc 408 Italy EOG - stendaswargames   (Apr 02, 2012, 7:40 am)
Thank you, Cory, and side-kick Garry for a splendid job GMing! Always appreciated and never enough thank yous!
Congratulations Tim! Very well played, indeed.
I was all at sea this game, very nervous about playing in this tournament where I traditionally do so badly. I didn’t communicate enough, wasn’t decisive
enough, and cocked it up right-royally. It was fun in Munich, however, and almost fun becoming King of Iberia! Paris is as good a place as any to end your days!
C’est la vie!
Dorian Love
ICT & English Teacher
Roedean School (SA)
Tel: +27 (011) 647-3200
Fax: + 27 (086) 589-0231


From: Timothy Crosby [mailto:tim_crosby(at)hotmail.com]

Sent: Friday, March 30, 2012 3:02 PM

To: 'Cory Burris'; 'Mike Hoffman'; Dorian Love; 'Alex Maslow'; 'Brian Lam'; 'Andrew Tanner'; 'Winter Blitz'; 'Scott Johnston'; 'garry b'; tim_crosby(at)hotmail.com

Subject: dc 408 Turkey EOG

Thank you all for the game. It was very fun….but I guess when you win you can usually say that right?
Cory, thank you for volunteering your time to GM in the WB…(you too Gary)
Let’s start with Mike in Austria….I wanted an alliance with you right from the start. Yes I said the same thing to Russia and for a time I had a fragile alliance with both
but even a fragile one is better than none at all. Mike had some ordering issues and Russia kept making all the right moves so I threw in with Russia. It was like the whole board was pushing us together though I was fighting all the way. I do not remember
too much of Austria going down…Germany sent units south and east and west, I knew long term that was going to be a problem for him but it kept Austria and Russia from really getting any momentum which is what I needed and it spread German armies all over the
Andrew, when those 01 build orders did not post…that sent Italy west and then I could pretty much do anything I needed from there….i sent all my fleets west and picked off
Italian centers when I needed them. I have a bit of experience playing Turkey so I did whatever it took to get as many fleets out to MAO as I could as fast as I could. The land war was not going anywhere….G/A/T/R were all bouncing around for a bit but that
was OK I was more interested in getting to MAO. I think this was when Maslow and I decided that he and I should take the game over and go for a two way draw…looking back…we never actually supported one another’s moves but I worked against him diplomatically
as I am sure he did to me….it looked like we were the guys to beat….until he attacked England. On the next turn he retreated from that attack. Maslow, I think that was your downfall….you had now attacked every one of your neighbors and rebuilding anything
to fight me was going to be very difficult until I was very large and close to the lines. Had you sustained the pressure on England things might have been different….
I think it was only a couple of turns later as Germany moved in on Russia for the kill that I approached Scott and suggested we move in on Germany and knock this down to a
2 player race….i thought if I could get England to land an army or two that all the pressure to my north would collapse and I could make a big push. England said he would do that if I surrendered Iberia….so I let him pick me apart over there at a pace I was
comfortable with while I pushed armies north. The solo bid looked to be stopped and I thought it was until the vote issues started to come up...Maslow said he would never vote for anything that did not include him in the draw. I took this to England and suggested
we move in such a way that he gets the message that it will be E/T or he will be eliminated. In the meantime I supported England to SPA and we attempted to take Italy out….Germany worked on Russia while holding me south….I picked up a second chance to get
a solo when I convinced Scott to send a strong message to Germany about E/T….i played my hand to Germany but England needed to show Germany that he meant business too. I suggested that England put 4 units on KIE and that BUR-MUN be the move to do just that.
I knew that England would be taking MUN with German support but it was imperative that England use BUR for the attack….this left MAR with no defense…when I saw that I new I would/could win.
I know I told E/G that I was not interested in a solo because of the target I would have in round two….but one of my arguments to Scott on why to cut Germany out of the draw
was that we would be eliminating a great player from contention for the tournament. Ultimately that is I why I went for the solo on the second chance; eliminating competition for the overall prize was the intention.
A lot of things happened that I forgot to mention I am sure….Maslow turning Russia against me unexpectedly though Brian you mentioned that you were upset with me never leaving
the Black Sea…so it was probably not too difficult a decision on your part.
Thanks for a good game, I have a lot of respect for each of you and can’t wait to share a board with you again. Good luck to each of you in round number two.
Information contained in any e-mail or attachment from Roedean School (SA) is confidential. You should not disseminate, distribute or copy this e-mail. The views and opinions expressed in this email may not reflect those of any member of Roedean School. If
you are not the addressee (or responsible for delivery of the message to the addressee), please notify the originator immediately by return message and destroy the original message. This message and any attachments have been scanned for viruses prior to leaving
the Roedean School network. However, Roedean School does not guarantee the security of this message and will not be responsible for any damages arising as a result of any virus being passed on or arising from any alteration of this message by a third party.
Roedean School may monitor emails sent to and from the Roedean School network.


Dc 402: Autumn 1909 Adjudication - zeclient   (Apr 02, 2012, 5:51 am)
April 26th?


From: alley_cat_1990(at)hotmail.com
To: dc402(at)diplomaticcorp.com; zeclient(at)hotmail.com; david.d.ellsworth(at)gmail.com; sam_buck_productions(at)mac.com; stewartnairn(at)live.com; justin(at)darkenedpath.com; blueraider0(at)gmail.com; screwtape777(at)gmail.com
Subject: Dc 402: Autumn 1909 Adjudication
Date: Sat, 31 Mar 2012 16:55:37 -0400

.ExternalClass .ecxhmmessage P
.ExternalClass body.ecxhmmessage

Hey guys,

Looks like we're saying goodbye to our second member now.  Justin you held on for a long time and we all appreciate your dedication  to the game.  We're all very thankful you never NMR'd.  Thanks for playing!

Next Deadline:

Winter 1909 is due Monday, April 26th at Midnight GMT (7:00pm


A Vienna - Galicia

disband F Sweden

Austria:   Supp  0 Unit  2 Remove  2
England:   Supp  0 Unit  0 Build  0
France:    Supp 16 Unit 14 Build  2
Germany:   Supp  1 Unit  1 Build  0
Italy:     Supp  5 Unit  4 Build  1
Russia:    Supp  1 Unit  1 Build  0
Turkey:    Supp 11 Unit  9 Build  2


Alan Farrington


dc411 Spring reminder - notasb   (Apr 01, 2012, 8:59 am)
Spring '11 is due Monday April 2nd 8 AM CDST  (GMT -5)  1300 GMT

If I haven't acknowledged your orders I haven't received them


Dream of Heaven, Angels are calling your name. - Sabaton


dc395 Summer 13 adjudication and map revision - jerome777   (Apr 01, 2012, 5:48 am)
Hi everyone,
I attached the wrong map - d'oh!
Here's the summer 13 map.

--- On Thu, 29/3/12, Jerome Payne <jerome777(at)ymail.com> wrote:

From: Jerome Payne <jerome777(at)ymail.com>
Subject: dc395 Summer 13 adjudication and map revision
To: jerome777(at)ymail.com, pebbleanddrag(at)yahoo.ca, ddz999cat23(at)yahoo.com, mike(at)fuzzylogicllc.com, isaac.zinner(at)gmail.com, alwayshunted(at)hotmail.com
Cc: dc395(at)diplomaticcorp.com
Date: Thursday, 29 March, 2012, 20:46

Hi everyone,
Russia retreats to Kiel.
Like I said yesterday - I screwed up England's convoy orders. A revised map and .dpy file are attached.
There's an EGP to vote upon, an AEI draw. Please include your votes with your autumn moves.
The Autumn 1913 deadline will be next Wednesday 4 April, 2000GMT. I'll try to get us back to Monday deadlines from Spring 1914.


Dc 402: Autumn 1909 Adjudication - AlanRFarrington   (Mar 31, 2012, 3:55 pm)
Hey guys,

Looks like we're saying goodbye to our second member now.  Justin you held on for a long time and we all appreciate your dedication  to the game.  We're all very thankful you never NMR'd.  Thanks for playing!

Next Deadline:

Winter 1909 is due Monday, April 26th at Midnight GMT (7:00pm


A Vienna - Galicia

disband F Sweden

Austria:   Supp  0 Unit  2 Remove  2
England:   Supp  0 Unit  0 Build  0
France:    Supp 16 Unit 14 Build  2
Germany:   Supp  1 Unit  1 Build  0
Italy:     Supp  5 Unit  4 Build  1
Russia:    Supp  1 Unit  1 Build  0
Turkey:    Supp 11 Unit  9 Build  2


Alan Farrington


Dc 402: Autumn 1909 Adjudication (dc402) zeclient Apr 02, 05:51 am
April 26th?


From: alley_cat_1990(at)hotmail.com
To: dc402(at)diplomaticcorp.com; zeclient(at)hotmail.com; david.d.ellsworth(at)gmail.com; sam_buck_productions(at)mac.com; stewartnairn(at)live.com; justin(at)darkenedpath.com; blueraider0(at)gmail.com; screwtape777(at)gmail.com
Subject: Dc 402: Autumn 1909 Adjudication
Date: Sat, 31 Mar 2012 16:55:37 -0400

.ExternalClass .ecxhmmessage P
.ExternalClass body.ecxhmmessage

Hey guys,

Looks like we're saying goodbye to our second member now.  Justin you held on for a long time and we all appreciate your dedication  to the game.  We're all very thankful you never NMR'd.  Thanks for playing!

Next Deadline:

Winter 1909 is due Monday, April 26th at Midnight GMT (7:00pm


A Vienna - Galicia

disband F Sweden

Austria:   Supp  0 Unit  2 Remove  2
England:   Supp  0 Unit  0 Build  0
France:    Supp 16 Unit 14 Build  2
Germany:   Supp  1 Unit  1 Build  0
Italy:     Supp  5 Unit  4 Build  1
Russia:    Supp  1 Unit  1 Build  0
Turkey:    Supp 11 Unit  9 Build  2


Alan Farrington
Dc 402: Autumn 1909 Adjudication (dc402) AlanRFarrington Apr 02, 08:16 am
That should be Monday April 2nd.  ( I was looking at a March calendar ).
Don't forget votes for French solo & DIAS


From: zeclient(at)hotmail.com
To: alley_cat_1990(at)hotmail.com; dc402(at)diplomaticcorp.com; david.d.ellsworth(at)gmail.com; sam_buck_productions(at)mac.com; stewartnairn(at)live.com; justin(at)darkenedpath.com; blueraider0(at)gmail.com; screwtape777(at)gmail.com
Subject: RE: Dc 402: Autumn 1909 Adjudication
Date: Mon, 2 Apr 2012 10:51:43 +0000

.ExternalClass .ecxhmmessage P
.ExternalClass body.ecxhmmessage

April 26th?


From: alley_cat_1990(at)hotmail.com
To: dc402(at)diplomaticcorp.com; zeclient(at)hotmail.com; david.d.ellsworth(at)gmail.com; sam_buck_productions(at)mac.com; stewartnairn(at)live.com; justin(at)darkenedpath.com; blueraider0(at)gmail.com; screwtape777(at)gmail.com
Subject: Dc 402: Autumn 1909 Adjudication
Date: Sat, 31 Mar 2012 16:55:37 -0400

.ExternalClass .ecxhmmessage P
.ExternalClass body.ecxhmmessage

Hey guys,

Looks like we're saying goodbye to our second member now.  Justin you held on for a long time and we all appreciate your dedication  to the game.  We're all very thankful you never NMR'd.  Thanks for playing!

Next Deadline:

Winter 1909 is due Monday, April 26th at Midnight GMT (7:00pm


A Vienna - Galicia

disband F Sweden

Austria:   Supp  0 Unit  2 Remove  2
England:   Supp  0 Unit  0 Build  0
France:    Supp 16 Unit 14 Build  2
Germany:   Supp  1 Unit  1 Build  0
Italy:     Supp  5 Unit  4 Build  1
Russia:    Supp  1 Unit  1 Build  0
Turkey:    Supp 11 Unit  9 Build  2


Alan Farrington
Dc 402: Autumn 1909 Adjudication (dc402) AlanRFarrington Apr 02, 08:16 am
That should be Monday April 2nd.  ( I was looking at a March calendar ).
Don't forget votes for French solo & DIAS


From: zeclient(at)hotmail.com
To: alley_cat_1990(at)hotmail.com; dc402(at)diplomaticcorp.com; david.d.ellsworth(at)gmail.com; sam_buck_productions(at)mac.com; stewartnairn(at)live.com; justin(at)darkenedpath.com; blueraider0(at)gmail.com; screwtape777(at)gmail.com
Subject: RE: Dc 402: Autumn 1909 Adjudication
Date: Mon, 2 Apr 2012 10:51:43 +0000

.ExternalClass .ecxhmmessage P
.ExternalClass body.ecxhmmessage

April 26th?


From: alley_cat_1990(at)hotmail.com
To: dc402(at)diplomaticcorp.com; zeclient(at)hotmail.com; david.d.ellsworth(at)gmail.com; sam_buck_productions(at)mac.com; stewartnairn(at)live.com; justin(at)darkenedpath.com; blueraider0(at)gmail.com; screwtape777(at)gmail.com
Subject: Dc 402: Autumn 1909 Adjudication
Date: Sat, 31 Mar 2012 16:55:37 -0400

.ExternalClass .ecxhmmessage P
.ExternalClass body.ecxhmmessage

Hey guys,

Looks like we're saying goodbye to our second member now.  Justin you held on for a long time and we all appreciate your dedication  to the game.  We're all very thankful you never NMR'd.  Thanks for playing!

Next Deadline:

Winter 1909 is due Monday, April 26th at Midnight GMT (7:00pm


A Vienna - Galicia

disband F Sweden

Austria:   Supp  0 Unit  2 Remove  2
England:   Supp  0 Unit  0 Build  0
France:    Supp 16 Unit 14 Build  2
Germany:   Supp  1 Unit  1 Build  0
Italy:     Supp  5 Unit  4 Build  1
Russia:    Supp  1 Unit  1 Build  0
Turkey:    Supp 11 Unit  9 Build  2


Alan Farrington
Dc 402: Fall 1909 Adjudication - AlanRFarrington   (Mar 31, 2012, 1:39 pm)
Yeah you're actually right.  I don't know why but I seemed to think he had another season to sneak back into a center.

Date: Fri, 30 Mar 2012 20:36:05 -0800
Subject: Re: Dc 402: Fall 1909 Adjudication
From: blueraider0(at)gmail.com
To: alley_cat_1990(at)hotmail.com
CC: dc402(at)diplomaticcorp.com; zeclient(at)hotmail.com; david.d.ellsworth(at)gmail.com; sam_buck_productions(at)mac.com; stewartnairn(at)live.com; justin(at)darkenedpath.com; screwtape777(at)gmail.com

Wait, Austria's dead in the winter.  Why does he even need to retreat?  Unless there's a secret tunnel connecting it and Sev Wink

On Fri, Mar 30, 2012 at 4:05 PM, Alan Farrington <alley_cat_1990(at)hotmail.com> wrote:

Hello all,

Sorry for the wait.  I was waiting on a set of orders that was already sitting in my inbox.  Not quite sure how they slipped past me.  Only 1 retreat to be made.  Looks like we could very well see the end of Austria this year unless Justin can work a miracle in the next turn.

German F Sweden can retreat to Finland or Gulf of Bothnia or
Austrian A Vienna can retreat to Tyrolia or Galicia.

Autumn 1909 is due no later than March 31st at Midnight GMT.

A Bohemia Hold
A Vienna Hold (*Dislodged*)

F Baltic Sea - Sweden
A Berlin Hold

A Burgundy - Marseilles
F Denmark Supports F Baltic Sea - Sweden
F Helgoland Bight - North Sea
A Kiel - Munich
F Mid-Atlantic Ocean Supports F Spain(sc) - Portugal
A Munich - Bohemia
A Piedmont - Tuscany

F Spain(sc) - Portugal
F Tunis Supports F Tyrrhenian Sea
F Tyrrhenian Sea Supports A Piedmont - Tuscany
A Ukraine - Warsaw
F Western Mediterranean - Gulf of Lyon

A Moscow Hold
F Portugal Hold

F Sweden - Norway

F Adriatic Sea Hold
F Gulf of Lyon Hold
A Trieste - Vienna
A Venice Hold

F Norway - North Sea

F Aegean Sea, no move received
F Albania S F Eastern Mediterranean - Ionian Sea (Failed)

A Budapest Supports A Trieste - Vienna
F Greece S F Eastern Mediterranean - Ionian Sea (Failed)
F Ionian Sea - Tyrrhenian Sea
A Prussia - Silesia
A Serbia - Rumania
A St Petersburg - Moscow
A Warsaw Hold

See you all soon,
Alan Farrington

"It's like in the great stories, Mr. Frodo. The ones that really mattered. Full of darkness and danger they were. and sometimes you didn't want to know the end because how could the end be happy? How could the world go back to the way it was when so much bad had happened? But in the end, it's only a passing thing. The shadow, even the darkness must pass. A new day will come. And when the sun shines it will shine out the clearer. Those were the stories that stayed with you - That meant something. Even if you were too small to understand why. But I think, Mr. Frodo, I do understand. I know now. Folk in those stories had lots of chances of turning back only they didn't. They kept going because they were holding onto something."

"What are we holding onto, Sam?"
"That there's some good in this world, Mr. Frodo. And it's worth fighting for."


dc414 Autumn 1903 retreats - jerome777   (Mar 31, 2012, 6:25 am)
Hi everyone,

All of the retreats are now in:
F Mid-Atlantic Ocean - Spain(nc)
A Burgundy - Belgium
F Baltic Sea - Kiel
A Silesia - Bohemia
disband A Serbia
Your winter adjustments:
 Austria:   Supp  0 Unit  1 Remove  1
England:   Supp  6 Unit  6 Build  0
France:    Supp  4 Unit  4 Build  0
Germany:   Supp  5 Unit  5 Build  0
Italy:     Supp  7 Unit  5 Build  2
Russia:    Supp  7 Unit  5 Build  2
Turkey:    Supp  5 Unit  3 Build  2

We bid 'farewell' to Ed, unfortunately. Thanks for playing, Ed - and better luck in your next game.
The Winter build deadline is Monday 2 April 2000GMT.


DC 413 Austrian thoughts - ConradW   (Mar 31, 2012, 1:12 am)
Well I give my "half way into a nice cab" broad perspective.
Normally if I have Austria my sole goal in the early game is to get as much pressure on Turkey as possible. There's just no getting around it! If Turkey survives to the middle game he'll bite, even if you have the till death alliance. However on the sole basis of an email address to the alma mater of more decades than I'll count basis, I thought - what the heck I'll propose an AT.
Without reviewing the game history here's my broad recall:
 I lost my nerve on the AT and thought to get Italy into Greece, that was the first of the great AI NMR run... I believe I tried the AT once more but I recall that cost me Rumania.
None the less AI got it together to stagger through to what is either country's only reasonable probability optimum outcome - the AIX draw 
Regarding G and R. Now look, 1901 Mun - Boh - I almost never use this youthful expression, but - SERIOUSLY. Now if it were negotiated as in "I'll cover Gal in the Fall - death to Russia!", then OK I'll use that to get even tighter on T. As a surprise - no. Now my  support to Sev of a German army was at the point back when I still had faint AT gleam and well heck get that german army away from me.  And all was to the good, the great GR feud was all to my liking. Not much later I tried coordinating my moves with Germany, so there would be no issues and he promptly blocked my move to Ukr. That was that. Each wanted to survive longer the other and Russia and I were able to work together on that basis. I am usually pretty good about carrying through on those, as long as the other party takes direction well Wink
France was an indirect factor to me. There is clearly no reason for France not to flatter Austria in the early game, an Austria survival to the middle game is almost always beneficial to France, a far more favorably situated country> Yet the AF can end happily and so it did for us.
So particular thanks to our GM who, even if he didn't let me sleep until 1 PM EST and still get my moves in, You did a great job and I appreciated the 'headlines'. And to my ally across the pond, for various reasons we left each other hanging with the NMRs, mine were due to life throwing too much at me as were yours I'm sure, perhaps we have some record for most 2 player misses in a three way draw.
Thanks ALL
From: untitled36(at)hotmail.com
To: welsh_stroud(at)msn.com; davidknight1955(at)gmail.com; ilovethechiefs(at)gmail.com; landru428(at)aol.com; greg.shtraks(at)gmail.com; matthew_barnes(at)brown.edu; rk(at)giorsoine.dk; orders(at)diplomaticcorp.com; blitz(at)diplomaticcorp.com
Subject: DC 413 Draw Passes!
Date: Thu, 29 Mar 2012 23:04:31 -0500

.ExternalClass .ecxhmmessage P
.ExternalClass body.ecxhmmessage

Hey all,
At long last, the war is over. A Three-way draw is awarded to France, Austria, and Italy. Russia is granted a survival. Interestingly, The draws have come incredibly close to passing on several occassions, in fact each turn I believe the draw(s) were thwarted by only a single vote, which was occassionally the automatic NO assigned to an NMR. Congrats to the winners, and thanks to all the players. I hope it was enjoyable for you. I'd love to have you all share your EoG perspectives.
I'm sure I'll see some of you in round two, either as your GM once again, or as a fellow player. Best of luck to you all!



DC 413 France EOG Statement - landru428   (Mar 31, 2012, 12:42 am)
My girlfriend is calling this "Tolstoy's EOG Statement"   Sorry it's so verbose.   I hope everyone writes one.   I'd really love to get a different perspective on the game.   Anyway, here goes.

Never let France open up with 3 builds.    And if he does, please try to stop him.    Germany and England were so focused on Russia that I was able to slowly grow.    
The beginning of this game was all about Germany's bold foray into the east.   I always love moves that create unexpected diplomatic opportunities, and BOH then GAL certainly made things interesting!    Germany was talking to me about his alliance with Russia, but that turned out to all be a ruse that I wasn't in on.   He kept asking me to attack England which I was reticent to do.   Ultimately Germany and England had a plan to kill Russia which I was left out of.   Being left out and lied to told me everything I needed to know about where I stood.   I wish I had known about their plan to hit Russia  from the beginning because my original intent was to go after Italy due to his first round NMR.   We could have found ourselves in my favorite scenario, the Western Triple, except they didn't invite me to the party.   
The next significant moment for France came when I decided to violate the DMZ and take the Channel.   England was understandably upset, but my whole intention was not anti-English.   I realized that without a boat in the north I would be irrelevant and left out of whatever alliances were forming.   My intention was to have something to negotiate with no matter who emerged as the dominant power.    What I ended up doing was pissing England off so much that he never forgave me. 
The game changing moment came when England built F LVP at the end of 02.   At that point Italy and I were facing off in the Med and it looked like we wouldn't be able to untangle ourselves.   England's F LVP enabled me to make an impassioned plea to Italy to make peace.   Alliances were forming (EG+T)and we were being left out and isolated.    We were able to settle our differences and take control of the game.   Italy and I turned the other way and the game assumed the shape it would ultimately end with.
There was another strange moment in SP03.   Germany actually did what he said he was going to do, which I wasn't expecting.   If I had known I might have taken him up on his offer of alliance at that point, but having been lied to every season before that I figured he couldn't be trusted.   This further solidified the game structure.    
By the end of 03 Germany was surrounded by enemies and at risk of losing a center so he did something unexpected that saved me.  He thought we was saving himself by one-dotting England in Norway.   The result was that England didn't get a critical build and was on the defensive against me from that point on.
All this time I was offering England peace, but we were caught in a 'you first' loop.   My offer was sincere, but he must have felt that his position was strong or he would have at least considered it.    I wonder if he would have made a different decision had he known he'd be the first power to be eliminated.     I suppose the issue was still in doubt until F06 when I guessed right and took a second home center from him.    That was his end.
Germany made a late offer of alliance and even offered to help me solo.    The solo offer sounded like an appeal to my vanity, but I was still interested.   Ultimately I felt that he was too good a player and if I gave him even the smallest chance of getting back into the game I'd regret it.     And so the stalemate line formed.
I might have been able to solo had I taken advantage of the NMRs that Italy and Austria were prone to, but I don't regret it.   It's not the same to win just because your opponent gets distracted and fails to submit orders.    I'm happy with the 3 way and just wish I could have convinced Austria to split a 2 way with me.   No offense to Italy who was an excellent ally and extremely trustworthy, but he was sandwiched between Austria and I.   I was too far ahead by the time Austria and I started talking about it.  I should have brought it up sooner, but I have a feeling it wouldn't have mattered.
And that's my piece.  I hope others take a moment to recap the game from their perspectives.   Good game and best of luck in round 2!

On Mar 30, 2012, at 12:04 AM, John R wrote:
Hey all,
At long last, the war is over. A Three-way draw is awarded to France, Austria, and Italy. Russia is granted a survival. Interestingly, The draws have come incredibly close to passing on several occassions, in fact each turn I believe the draw(s) were thwarted by only a single vote, which was occassionally the automatic NO assigned to an NMR. Congrats to the winners, and thanks to all the players. I hope it was enjoyable for you. I'd love to have you all share your EoG perspectives. 
I'm sure I'll see some of you in round two, either as your GM once again, or as a fellow player. Best of luck to you all!


Dc 402: Fall 1909 Adjudication - Blueraider0   (Mar 30, 2012, 11:36 pm)
Wait, Austria's dead in the winter.  Why does he even need to retreat?  Unless there's a secret tunnel connecting it and Sev Wink

On Fri, Mar 30, 2012 at 4:05 PM, Alan Farrington <alley_cat_1990(at)hotmail.com> wrote:

Hello all,

Sorry for the wait.  I was waiting on a set of orders that was already sitting in my inbox.  Not quite sure how they slipped past me.  Only 1 retreat to be made.  Looks like we could very well see the end of Austria this year unless Justin can work a miracle in the next turn.

German F Sweden can retreat to Finland or Gulf of Bothnia or
Austrian A Vienna can retreat to Tyrolia or Galicia.

Autumn 1909 is due no later than March 31st at Midnight GMT.

A Bohemia Hold
A Vienna Hold (*Dislodged*)

F Baltic Sea - Sweden
A Berlin Hold

A Burgundy - Marseilles
F Denmark Supports F Baltic Sea - Sweden
F Helgoland Bight - North Sea
A Kiel - Munich
F Mid-Atlantic Ocean Supports F Spain(sc) - Portugal
A Munich - Bohemia
A Piedmont - Tuscany

F Spain(sc) - Portugal
F Tunis Supports F Tyrrhenian Sea
F Tyrrhenian Sea Supports A Piedmont - Tuscany
A Ukraine - Warsaw
F Western Mediterranean - Gulf of Lyon

A Moscow Hold
F Portugal Hold

F Sweden - Norway

F Adriatic Sea Hold
F Gulf of Lyon Hold
A Trieste - Vienna
A Venice Hold

F Norway - North Sea

F Aegean Sea, no move received
F Albania S F Eastern Mediterranean - Ionian Sea (Failed)

A Budapest Supports A Trieste - Vienna
F Greece S F Eastern Mediterranean - Ionian Sea (Failed)
F Ionian Sea - Tyrrhenian Sea
A Prussia - Silesia
A Serbia - Rumania
A St Petersburg - Moscow
A Warsaw Hold

See you all soon,
Alan Farrington

"It's like in the great stories, Mr. Frodo. The ones that really mattered. Full of darkness and danger they were. and sometimes you didn't want to know the end because how could the end be happy? How could the world go back to the way it was when so much bad had happened? But in the end, it's only a passing thing. The shadow, even the darkness must pass. A new day will come. And when the sun shines it will shine out the clearer. Those were the stories that stayed with you - That meant something. Even if you were too small to understand why. But I think, Mr. Frodo, I do understand. I know now. Folk in those stories had lots of chances of turning back only they didn't. They kept going because they were holding onto something."

"What are we holding onto, Sam?"
"That there's some good in this world, Mr. Frodo. And it's worth fighting for."


DC404 1907 Fall results - RickHunter   (Mar 30, 2012, 7:16 pm)
Another interesting year.  I do not see orders from England; the Prime Minister probably wishes he just sent in the same ones as last time.  A quick reminder to have prelims for Spring/Fall is a good habit.

The Germans finally land in York on a Russian convoy.  Piedmont still is at peace as France and Italy have other fish to fry.  The Turks take Arm, but without the offered Russian assistance.  Meanwhile, Italy lands in Syr.  The Turkish forces in the Balkans are dealt another setback by Austria. 

One retreat (1907 Autumn) is required by Monday, 4/02 5pm ET.

Turkey - A Rum can retreat to Gal or OTB.

Builds/Retreats (1907 Winter) will be due Tuesday, 4/03 5pm ET.

GM Mike "Rick Hunter"


A Budapest - Rumania

A Serbia Supports A Budapest - Rumania (*Cut*)

A Trieste Supports A Serbia

A Vienna - Budapest


F Edinburgh, no move received

F London, no move received

F Norwegian Sea Hold


A Belgium, no move received

A Burgundy Supports A Belgium

F English Channel Supports A Belgium

F Irish Sea - North Atlantic Ocean

A Marseilles Supports A Burgundy

A Picardy Supports A Belgium


F Denmark Supports F North Sea

F Helgoland Bight - Holland

A Holland - Yorkshire

A Munich Supports A Ruhr

A Ruhr Supports F Helgoland Bight - Holland


A Apulia - Syria

F Eastern Mediterranean Convoys A Apulia - Syria

F Ionian Sea Convoys A Apulia - Syria

A Venice, no move received


F Barents Sea - Norwegian Sea (*Fails*)

A Finland Supports F Norway

F North Sea Convoys A Holland - Yorkshire

F Norway Supports F North Sea

A Sevastopol Supports A Smyrna - Armenia (*Void*)

A Ukraine Supports A Budapest - Rumania


F Aegean Sea - Ionian Sea (*Fails*)

A Bulgaria Supports A Greece - Serbia

A Greece - Serbia (*Fails*)

A Rumania - Budapest (*Dislodged*)

A Smyrna, no move received

A Syria - Armenia


Dc 402: Fall 1909 Adjudication - AlanRFarrington   (Mar 30, 2012, 7:05 pm)
Hello all,

Sorry for the wait.  I was waiting on a set of orders that was already sitting in my inbox.  Not quite sure how they slipped past me.  Only 1 retreat to be made.  Looks like we could very well see the end of Austria this year unless Justin can work a miracle in the next turn.

German F Sweden can retreat to Finland or Gulf of Bothnia or
Austrian A Vienna can retreat to Tyrolia or Galicia.

Autumn 1909 is due no later than March 31st at Midnight GMT.

A Bohemia Hold
A Vienna Hold (*Dislodged*)

F Baltic Sea - Sweden
A Berlin Hold
A Burgundy - Marseilles
F Denmark Supports F Baltic Sea - Sweden
F Helgoland Bight - North Sea
A Kiel - Munich
F Mid-Atlantic Ocean Supports F Spain(sc) - Portugal
A Munich - Bohemia
A Piedmont - Tuscany
F Spain(sc) - Portugal
F Tunis Supports F Tyrrhenian Sea
F Tyrrhenian Sea Supports A Piedmont - Tuscany
A Ukraine - Warsaw
F Western Mediterranean - Gulf of Lyon

A Moscow Hold
F Portugal Hold
F Sweden - Norway

F Adriatic Sea Hold
F Gulf of Lyon Hold
A Trieste - Vienna
A Venice Hold

F Norway - North Sea

F Aegean Sea, no move received
F Albania S F Eastern Mediterranean - Ionian Sea (Failed)
A Budapest Supports A Trieste - Vienna
F Greece S F Eastern Mediterranean - Ionian Sea (Failed)
F Ionian Sea - Tyrrhenian Sea
A Prussia - Silesia
A Serbia - Rumania
A St Petersburg - Moscow
A Warsaw Hold

See you all soon,
Alan Farrington


Dc 402: Fall 1909 Adjudication (dc402) Blueraider0 Mar 30, 11:36 pm
Wait, Austria's dead in the winter.  Why does he even need to retreat?  Unless there's a secret tunnel connecting it and Sev Wink

On Fri, Mar 30, 2012 at 4:05 PM, Alan Farrington <alley_cat_1990(at)hotmail.com> wrote:

Hello all,

Sorry for the wait.  I was waiting on a set of orders that was already sitting in my inbox.  Not quite sure how they slipped past me.  Only 1 retreat to be made.  Looks like we could very well see the end of Austria this year unless Justin can work a miracle in the next turn.

German F Sweden can retreat to Finland or Gulf of Bothnia or
Austrian A Vienna can retreat to Tyrolia or Galicia.

Autumn 1909 is due no later than March 31st at Midnight GMT.

A Bohemia Hold
A Vienna Hold (*Dislodged*)

F Baltic Sea - Sweden
A Berlin Hold

A Burgundy - Marseilles
F Denmark Supports F Baltic Sea - Sweden
F Helgoland Bight - North Sea
A Kiel - Munich
F Mid-Atlantic Ocean Supports F Spain(sc) - Portugal
A Munich - Bohemia
A Piedmont - Tuscany

F Spain(sc) - Portugal
F Tunis Supports F Tyrrhenian Sea
F Tyrrhenian Sea Supports A Piedmont - Tuscany
A Ukraine - Warsaw
F Western Mediterranean - Gulf of Lyon

A Moscow Hold
F Portugal Hold

F Sweden - Norway

F Adriatic Sea Hold
F Gulf of Lyon Hold
A Trieste - Vienna
A Venice Hold

F Norway - North Sea

F Aegean Sea, no move received
F Albania S F Eastern Mediterranean - Ionian Sea (Failed)

A Budapest Supports A Trieste - Vienna
F Greece S F Eastern Mediterranean - Ionian Sea (Failed)
F Ionian Sea - Tyrrhenian Sea
A Prussia - Silesia
A Serbia - Rumania
A St Petersburg - Moscow
A Warsaw Hold

See you all soon,
Alan Farrington

"It's like in the great stories, Mr. Frodo. The ones that really mattered. Full of darkness and danger they were. and sometimes you didn't want to know the end because how could the end be happy? How could the world go back to the way it was when so much bad had happened? But in the end, it's only a passing thing. The shadow, even the darkness must pass. A new day will come. And when the sun shines it will shine out the clearer. Those were the stories that stayed with you - That meant something. Even if you were too small to understand why. But I think, Mr. Frodo, I do understand. I know now. Folk in those stories had lots of chances of turning back only they didn't. They kept going because they were holding onto something."

"What are we holding onto, Sam?"
"That there's some good in this world, Mr. Frodo. And it's worth fighting for."
Dc 402: Fall 1909 Adjudication (dc402) AlanRFarrington Mar 31, 01:39 pm
Yeah you're actually right.  I don't know why but I seemed to think he had another season to sneak back into a center.

Date: Fri, 30 Mar 2012 20:36:05 -0800
Subject: Re: Dc 402: Fall 1909 Adjudication
From: blueraider0(at)gmail.com
To: alley_cat_1990(at)hotmail.com
CC: dc402(at)diplomaticcorp.com; zeclient(at)hotmail.com; david.d.ellsworth(at)gmail.com; sam_buck_productions(at)mac.com; stewartnairn(at)live.com; justin(at)darkenedpath.com; screwtape777(at)gmail.com

Wait, Austria's dead in the winter.  Why does he even need to retreat?  Unless there's a secret tunnel connecting it and Sev Wink

On Fri, Mar 30, 2012 at 4:05 PM, Alan Farrington <alley_cat_1990(at)hotmail.com> wrote:

Hello all,

Sorry for the wait.  I was waiting on a set of orders that was already sitting in my inbox.  Not quite sure how they slipped past me.  Only 1 retreat to be made.  Looks like we could very well see the end of Austria this year unless Justin can work a miracle in the next turn.

German F Sweden can retreat to Finland or Gulf of Bothnia or
Austrian A Vienna can retreat to Tyrolia or Galicia.

Autumn 1909 is due no later than March 31st at Midnight GMT.

A Bohemia Hold
A Vienna Hold (*Dislodged*)

F Baltic Sea - Sweden
A Berlin Hold

A Burgundy - Marseilles
F Denmark Supports F Baltic Sea - Sweden
F Helgoland Bight - North Sea
A Kiel - Munich
F Mid-Atlantic Ocean Supports F Spain(sc) - Portugal
A Munich - Bohemia
A Piedmont - Tuscany

F Spain(sc) - Portugal
F Tunis Supports F Tyrrhenian Sea
F Tyrrhenian Sea Supports A Piedmont - Tuscany
A Ukraine - Warsaw
F Western Mediterranean - Gulf of Lyon

A Moscow Hold
F Portugal Hold

F Sweden - Norway

F Adriatic Sea Hold
F Gulf of Lyon Hold
A Trieste - Vienna
A Venice Hold

F Norway - North Sea

F Aegean Sea, no move received
F Albania S F Eastern Mediterranean - Ionian Sea (Failed)

A Budapest Supports A Trieste - Vienna
F Greece S F Eastern Mediterranean - Ionian Sea (Failed)
F Ionian Sea - Tyrrhenian Sea
A Prussia - Silesia
A Serbia - Rumania
A St Petersburg - Moscow
A Warsaw Hold

See you all soon,
Alan Farrington

"It's like in the great stories, Mr. Frodo. The ones that really mattered. Full of darkness and danger they were. and sometimes you didn't want to know the end because how could the end be happy? How could the world go back to the way it was when so much bad had happened? But in the end, it's only a passing thing. The shadow, even the darkness must pass. A new day will come. And when the sun shines it will shine out the clearer. Those were the stories that stayed with you - That meant something. Even if you were too small to understand why. But I think, Mr. Frodo, I do understand. I know now. Folk in those stories had lots of chances of turning back only they didn't. They kept going because they were holding onto something."

"What are we holding onto, Sam?"
"That there's some good in this world, Mr. Frodo. And it's worth fighting for."
DC 409: Winter 1910 Non-Adjudication - AceRimmer   (Mar 30, 2012, 2:32 pm)
I call it a "non-adjudication", because there's nothing to adjudicate.
France and Germany refuse to build. Keep your map from the Fall 1910 adjudication; it's still good.
Don't forget, there's a proposal for an FG draw. Votes due with your Spring 1911 orders.
By the way, to update those other games... DC 413 was declared a draw, and DC 408 ended in a Turkish solo. Our game and DC 411 (which looks very 3-way-drawish) are the only ones left going.


dc411 Winter results - notasb   (Mar 30, 2012, 8:12 am)

Austria - RickHunter - Mike Brady
England - metalwarlord - Stuart Winch
France- Godzilla - Marc Peters
Germany - Pete - Pete Marinaro
Italy - RICH3520 - RICH SLOPER - eliminated Winter '04
Russia - dkleiman - Dave Kleiman - eliminated Winter '08
Turkey - fantomas - jean-luc granier




Spring '11 is due Monday April 2nd 8 AM CDST  (GMT -5)  1300 GMT

Orders and Results:


disband F Smyrna


Build F Marseilles

Supply Center and Unit Count:

Austria:    12 / 12
England:     8 /  8
France:     12 / 12
Germany:     1 /  1
Italy:       0 /  0
Russia:      0 /  0
Turkey:      1 /  1

Dream of Heaven, Angels are calling your name. - Sabaton


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Rows per page:

Diplomacy games may contain lying, stabbing, or deliberately deceiving communications that may not be suitable for and may pose a hazard to young children, gullible adults, and small farm animals.

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