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Diplomaticcorp Discussion Forum:  Winter Blitz

(4th Annual DC Winter Blitz (WB 2011))

Subject:< DC 413 France EOG Statement >
Topic:Winter Blitz >
Category:< Active Games >
Posted:Mar 31, 2012 at 12:42 am
Viewed:707 times

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My girlfriend is calling this "Tolstoy's EOG Statement"   Sorry it's so verbose.   I hope everyone writes one.   I'd really love to get a different perspective on the game.   Anyway, here goes.

Never let France open up with 3 builds.    And if he does, please try to stop him.    Germany and England were so focused on Russia that I was able to slowly grow.    
The beginning of this game was all about Germany's bold foray into the east.   I always love moves that create unexpected diplomatic opportunities, and BOH then GAL certainly made things interesting!    Germany was talking to me about his alliance with Russia, but that turned out to all be a ruse that I wasn't in on.   He kept asking me to attack England which I was reticent to do.   Ultimately Germany and England had a plan to kill Russia which I was left out of.   Being left out and lied to told me everything I needed to know about where I stood.   I wish I had known about their plan to hit Russia  from the beginning because my original intent was to go after Italy due to his first round NMR.   We could have found ourselves in my favorite scenario, the Western Triple, except they didn't invite me to the party.   
The next significant moment for France came when I decided to violate the DMZ and take the Channel.   England was understandably upset, but my whole intention was not anti-English.   I realized that without a boat in the north I would be irrelevant and left out of whatever alliances were forming.   My intention was to have something to negotiate with no matter who emerged as the dominant power.    What I ended up doing was pissing England off so much that he never forgave me. 
The game changing moment came when England built F LVP at the end of 02.   At that point Italy and I were facing off in the Med and it looked like we wouldn't be able to untangle ourselves.   England's F LVP enabled me to make an impassioned plea to Italy to make peace.   Alliances were forming (EG+T)and we were being left out and isolated.    We were able to settle our differences and take control of the game.   Italy and I turned the other way and the game assumed the shape it would ultimately end with.
There was another strange moment in SP03.   Germany actually did what he said he was going to do, which I wasn't expecting.   If I had known I might have taken him up on his offer of alliance at that point, but having been lied to every season before that I figured he couldn't be trusted.   This further solidified the game structure.    
By the end of 03 Germany was surrounded by enemies and at risk of losing a center so he did something unexpected that saved me.  He thought we was saving himself by one-dotting England in Norway.   The result was that England didn't get a critical build and was on the defensive against me from that point on.
All this time I was offering England peace, but we were caught in a 'you first' loop.   My offer was sincere, but he must have felt that his position was strong or he would have at least considered it.    I wonder if he would have made a different decision had he known he'd be the first power to be eliminated.     I suppose the issue was still in doubt until F06 when I guessed right and took a second home center from him.    That was his end.
Germany made a late offer of alliance and even offered to help me solo.    The solo offer sounded like an appeal to my vanity, but I was still interested.   Ultimately I felt that he was too good a player and if I gave him even the smallest chance of getting back into the game I'd regret it.     And so the stalemate line formed.
I might have been able to solo had I taken advantage of the NMRs that Italy and Austria were prone to, but I don't regret it.   It's not the same to win just because your opponent gets distracted and fails to submit orders.    I'm happy with the 3 way and just wish I could have convinced Austria to split a 2 way with me.   No offense to Italy who was an excellent ally and extremely trustworthy, but he was sandwiched between Austria and I.   I was too far ahead by the time Austria and I started talking about it.  I should have brought it up sooner, but I have a feeling it wouldn't have mattered.
And that's my piece.  I hope others take a moment to recap the game from their perspectives.   Good game and best of luck in round 2!

On Mar 30, 2012, at 12:04 AM, John R wrote:
Hey all,
At long last, the war is over. A Three-way draw is awarded to France, Austria, and Italy. Russia is granted a survival. Interestingly, The draws have come incredibly close to passing on several occassions, in fact each turn I believe the draw(s) were thwarted by only a single vote, which was occassionally the automatic NO assigned to an NMR. Congrats to the winners, and thanks to all the players. I hope it was enjoyable for you. I'd love to have you all share your EoG perspectives. 
I'm sure I'll see some of you in round two, either as your GM once again, or as a fellow player. Best of luck to you all!

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DC 413 France EOG Statement (landru428) Mar 31, 12:42 am

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