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Diplomaticcorp Discussion Forum:  Winter Blitz

(4th Annual DC Winter Blitz (WB 2011))

Subject:< DC 413 Austrian thoughts >
Topic:Winter Blitz >
Category:< Active Games >
Posted:Mar 31, 2012 at 1:12 am
Viewed:652 times

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Well I give my "half way into a nice cab" broad perspective.
Normally if I have Austria my sole goal in the early game is to get as much pressure on Turkey as possible. There's just no getting around it! If Turkey survives to the middle game he'll bite, even if you have the till death alliance. However on the sole basis of an email address to the alma mater of more decades than I'll count basis, I thought - what the heck I'll propose an AT.
Without reviewing the game history here's my broad recall:
 I lost my nerve on the AT and thought to get Italy into Greece, that was the first of the great AI NMR run... I believe I tried the AT once more but I recall that cost me Rumania.
None the less AI got it together to stagger through to what is either country's only reasonable probability optimum outcome - the AIX draw 
Regarding G and R. Now look, 1901 Mun - Boh - I almost never use this youthful expression, but - SERIOUSLY. Now if it were negotiated as in "I'll cover Gal in the Fall - death to Russia!", then OK I'll use that to get even tighter on T. As a surprise - no. Now my  support to Sev of a German army was at the point back when I still had faint AT gleam and well heck get that german army away from me.  And all was to the good, the great GR feud was all to my liking. Not much later I tried coordinating my moves with Germany, so there would be no issues and he promptly blocked my move to Ukr. That was that. Each wanted to survive longer the other and Russia and I were able to work together on that basis. I am usually pretty good about carrying through on those, as long as the other party takes direction well Wink
France was an indirect factor to me. There is clearly no reason for France not to flatter Austria in the early game, an Austria survival to the middle game is almost always beneficial to France, a far more favorably situated country> Yet the AF can end happily and so it did for us.
So particular thanks to our GM who, even if he didn't let me sleep until 1 PM EST and still get my moves in, You did a great job and I appreciated the 'headlines'. And to my ally across the pond, for various reasons we left each other hanging with the NMRs, mine were due to life throwing too much at me as were yours I'm sure, perhaps we have some record for most 2 player misses in a three way draw.
Thanks ALL
From: untitled36(at)hotmail.com
To: welsh_stroud(at)msn.com; davidknight1955(at)gmail.com; ilovethechiefs(at)gmail.com; landru428(at)aol.com; greg.shtraks(at)gmail.com; matthew_barnes(at)brown.edu; rk(at)giorsoine.dk; orders(at)diplomaticcorp.com; blitz(at)diplomaticcorp.com
Subject: DC 413 Draw Passes!
Date: Thu, 29 Mar 2012 23:04:31 -0500

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Hey all,
At long last, the war is over. A Three-way draw is awarded to France, Austria, and Italy. Russia is granted a survival. Interestingly, The draws have come incredibly close to passing on several occassions, in fact each turn I believe the draw(s) were thwarted by only a single vote, which was occassionally the automatic NO assigned to an NMR. Congrats to the winners, and thanks to all the players. I hope it was enjoyable for you. I'd love to have you all share your EoG perspectives.
I'm sure I'll see some of you in round two, either as your GM once again, or as a fellow player. Best of luck to you all!


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DC 413 Austrian thoughts (ConradW) Mar 31, 01:12 am

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