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DC 218 SHIFT LEFT: Reiterate: I'm out of this 1 - FlapJack   (Dec 22, 2008, 5:21 pm)

i think its obvious that i wasn't the only rookie at this variant so many of us made mistakes...i'd be willing to vote France a solo and restart the game with a random (or preferfence list) redraw of powers...

i would also agree that if we if all play this again and make the same mistakes then i'd be a lot more sympathetic toward what Michael is saying, but this is a mullt-player game and sometimes other players will make bad decisions...its like when u play a game with dice or any luck element--sometimes you have games where the die rolls go against you..that's part of the game...if u don't like it then don't play in games with chance elements because if you do u might have bad luck...\


On Mon, Dec 22, 2008 at 5:34 PM, graham allen <g_mod23(at)hotmail.com ([email]g_mod23(at)hotmail.com[/email])> wrote:

I don't think Turkeys moves are worst orders so far this game. Yes he should have kept Berlin and he probably should have moved F Kiel to Denmark, but I think there are 3 or 4 worse strategic choices.... I made 1, letting Italy through.... Germany gave up Black and didn't take Armenia.... Italy invaded France (poor play in game context).... Russia opened himself up too much and could easily be eliminated....

There are 4 bad plays by different people.... The only country that can win after all these moves is France, as they will get home (which is unusual) and they have the run of the Northern side of the board.... I am happy to vote for a French solo....

Download free emoticons today! Holiday cheer from Messenger.


DC 212 Reply to player posts - jstern78   (Dec 22, 2008, 5:21 pm)
I think the point is that if you have to delay for personal reasons, that's fine. But you can still see the time e-mails and moves were sent in, in order to see if they were before the deadline.

You can also always grant an extension regardless of personal scheduling issues. If a 24-hour extension is inconvenient for you, extend it for 48 hours. Or extend it for 24-hours and then just put the game on hold until you get back. But don't deny it, unless you are going to deny every extension. Maybe the game slows down a bit, but that's a small price to pay for having everyone feel like the rules are fair.

Again, nobody is complaining about late adjudications. People are complaining about you sometimes waiting for late orders and other times adjudicating immediately.

Nobody is saying that your family should play second fiddle. But putting the game on hold IS better than showing preferential treatment to some players/requests. Much better.

I feel like you keep jumping to the conclusion that I/we are saying that visiting your family is not a good enough reason to delay the game. Delay the game! No problem. What is not cool is sometimes granting extensions or sometimes waiting for late orders. My suggestion for your games would be:

- Grant any extension request of up to 48 hours once per player. If that means a deadline falls at an inconvenient time for you, delay the adjudication, but not the deadline.
- Allow a grace period of 12 or 24 hours for late orders. Once per player, and only once.
- Do not propose that a specific player as a replacement and ask the players as a group if that's ok.

Above all, be fair and consistent in your rulings. Your family activities are more important than the game, but you can still schedule around your real life without comprimising fairness.


On Mon, Dec 22, 2008 at 4:23 PM, Rachael Jameson <verticallychallangedcutie(at)yahoo.com ([email]verticallychallangedcutie(at)yahoo.com[/email])> wrote:

First off let me start off by saying I have in no way shown any type of favoritism or have I tried to throw the game. I stated in the very opening email that if you NMR twice I replace you. When I had to replace Turkey it was because he ASKED to be replaced because he had some personal things to attend to. Secondly, I always said Prelims were always encouraged in case you couldn't be online for a turn. When I first denied the very first extension request it was because I was going out of town to visit family that I hadn't seen in 3 years ( my parents and little brother ). I worked the game around the time I was traveling and visiting instead of just putting the game on hold.
I don't understand what inconsistency you are referring to. ONE time I put out an adjudication slightly over 24 hours late. The player did send me his retreat and on a timely matter. I do have two young children and they come before any game I GM or play in. With Christmas approaching I figured you guys would understand that a little. My husband is also active duty Navy and works 12 hour days leaving me home with a 4 year old and a 1 year old.
As for adjudicating 2 hours past the deadline, that's EXTRA time you get to send in moves. I have every right to send the turn out at the 7pm deadline. I DO NOT have to give anyone a GRACE period. Ask any MOD or GM on this site and they will tell you the same thing. IF I was doing so poorly in my GMing I am pretty sure one of the two MODS I include in every turn would have pointed something out.
David: As for you not turning in moves I sent you a PERSONAL reminder 11:38am the day orders were due informing you I was missing your orders. You had a WEEK to get your orders in. Just because you got sick the day they were due doesn't excuse you not sending in orders. My very first game ever of dip I missed the deadline by 2 minutes and my GM did not let me send in orders he NMR'd me. When was this extension request you sent to me? I never recieved it or I probably would have granted it. You can ALWAYS change your moves up until you receive the adjudication in your inbox. More then one player in this game sends me several sets of orders all the way up until the deadline. So when a new player joins the game you get EXTRA time to think about orders and talk to the new player. I thought replacing a player without delay was a good thing! I don't like to play a country in CD if I don't have to. Everyone signed up to play a 7 player game why not do so until countries are elimanted.
If you all want to cancel the game that's fine, or for the players who still would like to play I can find replacements. There are more then enough players on the website who would be willing to play.

Mods: If you have seen anything I have done wrong please let me know. I don't think I have.



DC 218 SHIFT LEFT: Reiterate: I'm out of this 1 - gman   (Dec 22, 2008, 4:34 pm)
I don't think Turkeys moves are worst orders so far this game. Yes he should have kept Berlin and he probably should have moved F Kiel to Denmark, but I think there are 3 or 4 worse strategic choices.... I made 1, letting Italy through.... Germany gave up Black and didn't take Armenia.... Italy invaded France (poor play in game context).... Russia opened himself up too much and could easily be eliminated.... 

There are 4 bad plays by different people.... The only country that can win after all these moves is France, as they will get home (which is unusual) and they have the run of the Northern side of the board....  I am happy to vote for a French solo....

Download free emoticons today! Holiday cheer from Messenger.


DC 217, Delay proposed - Slangers   (Dec 22, 2008, 4:33 pm)
Oh bum... not best pleased about this myself, but never mind. Having managed to get by in the opening move, despite being without guaranteed internet access, 3000 miles away from home, in deepest Vermont and having had my request for a delay at that time unacknowledged, I feel a little hard done by.

But what the heck, it's Christmas. The glorious Russian forces will take a break so that they can enter Berlin and Ankara (simultaneously), with clean uniforms and clear heads. Up the Russians.


Professor Simon Langley-Evans
Chair in Human Nutrition
School of Biosciences
University of Nottingham
Sutton Bonington
LE12 5RD

Tel: 0115 951 6139
Fax: 0115 951 6122

P Please consider the environment before printing this e-mail

From: Warren Fleming [mailto:alwayshunted(at)hotmail.com]
Sent: Mon 22/12/2008 22:23
To: 217 Austria; 217 Germany; 217 Russia `; 217 England; 217 France; 217 Turkey; 217 Italy; dc217(at)diplomaticcorp.com
Cc: Trout.; Stephen Lytton; alwayshunted(at)hotmail.com
Subject: DC 217, Delay proposed

Hey all,

I have had a request to delay the game before the fall orders tonight, due to some recent difficulty with e-mail contact, and general difficulty in communications around this festive time of year.

I have agreed to this delay, which in the long run will set the game back only a couple of days. The new deadline for fall will be the 5th of January, instead of having winter due on that date.

Sorry to those of you that are anxiously waiting for the next turn. Hope this is okay with everyone. Feel free to let me know your thoughts.


From: alwayshunted(at)hotmail.com
To: professorhill2002(at)yahoo.com; mclyker(at)msn.com; simon.langley-evans(at)nottingham.ac.uk; mistro914(at)gmail.com; drew3739o(at)yahoo.com; verticallychallangedcutie(at)yahoo.com; stipe505(at)gmail.com; dc217(at)diplomaticcorp.com
CC: former.trout(at)gmail.com; stevelytton(at)hotmail.com; alwayshunted(at)hotmail.com
Subject: DC 217, Update and deadline
Date: Mon, 22 Dec 2008 13:42:03 -0700

.ExternalClass .EC_hmmessage P {padding:0px;} .ExternalClass body.EC_hmmessage {font-size:10pt;font-family:Verdana;} Hey everyone,

Just a quick note to touch base. I have been travelling a lot lately and haven't been online much. Because of this I haven't given confirmations to many orders this week. I'll try to get to them all today...... sometime.

So the deadline is tonight, about 8 hours from now. I hope to be fairly prompt with it, so get your orders in BEFORE then if you can. Once I open my mail at, or after, the deadline, the inbox is CLOSED.

After this deadline I propose a break until the new year. Again I'm going to be travelling a lot, so contact will be spotty. Let me know your thoughts on this. I'm thinking around Monday the 5th for the next deadline after tonight.

Get 'em in!


From: alwayshunted(at)hotmail.com
To: professorhill2002(at)yahoo.com; mclyker(at)msn.com; simon.langley-evans(at)nottingham.ac.uk; mistro914(at)gmail.com; drew3739o(at)yahoo.com; verticallychallangedcutie(at)yahoo.com; stipe505(at)gmail.com; dc217(at)diplomaticcorp.com
CC: former.trout(at)gmail.com; stevelytton(at)hotmail.com; alwayshunted(at)hotmail.com
Subject: DC 217, spring/summer 1903
Date: Mon, 15 Dec 2008 22:25:50 -0700

.ExternalClass .EC_hmmessage P {padding:0px;} .ExternalClass body.EC_hmmessage {font-size:10pt;font-family:Verdana;} After the spring turn we had one retreat due from Turkey. There was only one option, so I have assumed that it would be taken. Rachael, please let me know if you would rather retreat it OTB.

One more turn to go, and then we will take a bit of time off for the holiday season. I'm going to suggest we start up again on the 5th, probably with winter 1903 due on that day. I'm open to feedback of course.

For now, Fall 1903 is due on Monday, December 22, 22:00 MST.

Here is the spring and summer adjudication:


England F BRE - PIC
England F ENG - MAO
England A HOL - BEL
England F NRT – NWY
England F EDI – NWG

A Burgundy - Ruhr
F Liverpool - Clyde
A Marseilles - Gascony
A Paris Supports A Marseilles - Gascony
A Portugal - Spain

F Baltic Sea Supports A Denmark - Sweden
A Denmark - Sweden
A Kiel - Ruhr
A Munich - Ruhr

A Ven -> Tyr
A Vie holds
A Tri -> Ser
F Nap -> Ion
F Apu -> Adr
F Ion -> Alb

FStPnc S FSwe-Nwy
AGal-S ABud
ARum S Italian A Tri-Ser
ABud S Italian ATri-Ser

F Aegean Sea - Eastern Mediterranean
A Ankara - Constantinople
F Constantinople - Aegean Sea
A Greece Hold
A Serbia Supports A Budapest
A Smyrna - Ankara


F Brest - Picardy
F Edinburgh - Norwegian Sea
F English Channel - Mid-Atlantic Ocean
A Holland - Belgium
F North Sea - Norway (*Fails*)

A Burgundy - Ruhr (*Bounce*)
F Liverpool - Clyde
A Marseilles - Gascony
A Paris Supports A Marseilles - Gascony
A Portugal - Spain

F Baltic Sea Supports A Denmark - Sweden
A Denmark - Sweden
A Kiel - Ruhr (*Bounce*)
A Munich - Ruhr (*Bounce*)

F Apulia - Adriatic Sea
F Ionian Sea - Albania
F Naples - Ionian Sea
A Trieste - Serbia
A Venice - Tyrolia
A Vienna Hold

A Budapest Supports A Trieste - Serbia
A Galicia Supports A Budapest
A Rumania Supports A Trieste - Serbia
F Sevastopol - Black Sea
F St Petersburg(nc) Supports F Sweden - Norway
F Sweden - Norway
A Warsaw - Silesia

F Aegean Sea - Eastern Mediterranean
A Ankara - Constantinople
F Constantinople - Aegean Sea
A Greece Hold
A Serbia Supports A Budapest (*Dislodged*)
A Smyrna - Ankara


There was one retreat due from Turkey, however I have retreated the unit to its only option,Bulgaria.

Fall 1903 is now due in one week, on December 22nd, 22:00 MST.

Maps are attached. Check everything.



DC 218 SHIFT LEFT: Reiterate: I'm out of this 1 - FlapJack   (Dec 22, 2008, 4:32 pm)
okay i got my answer and we'll just have to agree to disagree as I strongly disagree with your interpretation of my moves last season and your attitude toward my play.

first, i admit it,--you're right that i didn't play very well and i got the game wrong...my answer is so what is wrong with that? i wasn't trying to lose and i didn't purposely throw the game to anyone. and then you have to nerve to act like you're the injured party....excuse me, I'm the one whose about to be eliminated--that's my punishment...i'm sorry Michael but I don't think you have any reason to be so upset with me--i'm paying the penalty of the game, if that's not good enough for you then you shouldn't play on DC.

how do you expect people to learn except by playing the game?. i've done nothing for you to quit over and i think you're wrong to do so--if you quit due to what you see is poor play or disagreements over stradegy with another player you can quit virutally any variant and most standard games....

as for moving on ber last turn--IT WAS ALREADY LOST AND I COULD ONLY GET ONE UNIT ON IT-how in the can i take back a occupied center with one one unit--answer: you can't. so i tried to get back in Mun with Sil support and i made the move in good fatith and strongly protest you acting like it was a foolish move or a bad play...i will concede my first year was bad but i tried to recover as best i could. and i was (and still am) playing to win..

On Mon, Dec 22, 2008 at 4:12 PM, MICHAEL BOUTOT <vegas_iwish(at)yahoo.com ([email]vegas_iwish(at)yahoo.com[/email])> wrote:

ok - you wanted a response apparently. SL & 1600 are the 2 games that can draw me in (A Med sometimes) to play. 1600 due to map & flow. SL because it is quite like a version of Dip we had to create to get wargamers to play Dip. Early on Dep was a game one gently directed people unable to handle the complexity of morale; tactics; supply; troop quality; etc of even some of the simpler wargames. Wargamers(WGs) were the majority then. The 1st dip games I Gm'd in early 70s ran into WGs who absolutely walked out when faced with "ridiculous" rules such as beleagured garrisons & the idea 2 russian armies even equaled 1 german 1 in WWI (Tannenberg) let alone defeated same. SL is a taut, tactics-filled game where trapping & popping other units is everything. Most SL games played from this mindset are basically decided by yr 06 or 07 & with little or no building as there is no need (or likelihood with proper interdiction) for it. No need for a boring Standard to
appear at all. Not only did you not defend Ber as I mentioned you had to but you now actually turned around & attacked Mun which is inconceivable. Getting that back helps you not a whit. There are no strategies being employed here - traditional or otherwise. You avoid getting disbands & you inflict them on others. You are (were) the critical lynchpin between favored France and an easy win & you jumped out of his way 2 consecutive turns even after being warned what was going to happen. Austria is trying but can't do your work for you. If people are so desperate for the farce to continue with gunboat moves fine. I signed up for a SL & this ain't 1. No 1 looking at the map & knowing they can't rebuild lost units would do what has been done here.


DC 217, Delay proposed - alwayshunted   (Dec 22, 2008, 4:24 pm)
Hey all,

I have had a request to delay the game before the fall orders tonight, due to some recent difficulty with e-mail contact, and general difficulty in communications around this festive time of year.

I have agreed to this delay, which in the long run will set the game back only a couple of days. The new deadline for fall will be the 5th of January, instead of having winter due on that date.

Sorry to those of you that are anxiously waiting for the next turn. Hope this is okay with everyone. Feel free to let me know your thoughts.


From: alwayshunted(at)hotmail.com
To: professorhill2002(at)yahoo.com; mclyker(at)msn.com; simon.langley-evans(at)nottingham.ac.uk; mistro914(at)gmail.com; drew3739o(at)yahoo.com; verticallychallangedcutie(at)yahoo.com; stipe505(at)gmail.com; dc217(at)diplomaticcorp.com
CC: former.trout(at)gmail.com; stevelytton(at)hotmail.com; alwayshunted(at)hotmail.com
Subject: DC 217, Update and deadline
Date: Mon, 22 Dec 2008 13:42:03 -0700

.ExternalClass .EC_hmmessage P {padding:0px;} .ExternalClass body.EC_hmmessage {font-size:10pt;font-family:Verdana;} Hey everyone,

Just a quick note to touch base. I have been travelling a lot lately and haven't been online much. Because of this I haven't given confirmations to many orders this week. I'll try to get to them all today...... sometime.

So the deadline is tonight, about 8 hours from now. I hope to be fairly prompt with it, so get your orders in BEFORE then if you can. Once I open my mail at, or after, the deadline, the inbox is CLOSED.

After this deadline I propose a break until the new year. Again I'm going to be travelling a lot, so contact will be spotty. Let me know your thoughts on this. I'm thinking around Monday the 5th for the next deadline after tonight.

Get 'em in!


From: alwayshunted(at)hotmail.com
To: professorhill2002(at)yahoo.com; mclyker(at)msn.com; simon.langley-evans(at)nottingham.ac.uk; mistro914(at)gmail.com; drew3739o(at)yahoo.com; verticallychallangedcutie(at)yahoo.com; stipe505(at)gmail.com; dc217(at)diplomaticcorp.com
CC: former.trout(at)gmail.com; stevelytton(at)hotmail.com; alwayshunted(at)hotmail.com
Subject: DC 217, spring/summer 1903
Date: Mon, 15 Dec 2008 22:25:50 -0700

.ExternalClass .EC_hmmessage P {padding:0px;} .ExternalClass body.EC_hmmessage {font-size:10pt;font-family:Verdana;} After the spring turn we had one retreat due from Turkey. There was only one option, so I have assumed that it would be taken. Rachael, please let me know if you would rather retreat it OTB.

One more turn to go, and then we will take a bit of time off for the holiday season. I'm going to suggest we start up again on the 5th, probably with winter 1903 due on that day. I'm open to feedback of course.

For now, Fall 1903 is due on Monday, December 22, 22:00 MST.

Here is the spring and summer adjudication:


England F BRE - PIC
England F ENG - MAO
England A HOL - BEL
England F NRT – NWY
England F EDI – NWG

A Burgundy - Ruhr
F Liverpool - Clyde
A Marseilles - Gascony
A Paris Supports A Marseilles - Gascony
A Portugal - Spain

F Baltic Sea Supports A Denmark - Sweden
A Denmark - Sweden
A Kiel - Ruhr
A Munich - Ruhr

A Ven -> Tyr
A Vie holds
A Tri -> Ser
F Nap -> Ion
F Apu -> Adr
F Ion -> Alb

FStPnc S FSwe-Nwy
AGal-S ABud
ARum S Italian A Tri-Ser
ABud S Italian ATri-Ser

F Aegean Sea - Eastern Mediterranean
A Ankara - Constantinople
F Constantinople - Aegean Sea
A Greece Hold
A Serbia Supports A Budapest
A Smyrna - Ankara


F Brest - Picardy
F Edinburgh - Norwegian Sea
F English Channel - Mid-Atlantic Ocean
A Holland - Belgium
F North Sea - Norway (*Fails*)

A Burgundy - Ruhr (*Bounce*)
F Liverpool - Clyde
A Marseilles - Gascony
A Paris Supports A Marseilles - Gascony
A Portugal - Spain

F Baltic Sea Supports A Denmark - Sweden
A Denmark - Sweden
A Kiel - Ruhr (*Bounce*)
A Munich - Ruhr (*Bounce*)

F Apulia - Adriatic Sea
F Ionian Sea - Albania
F Naples - Ionian Sea
A Trieste - Serbia
A Venice - Tyrolia
A Vienna Hold

A Budapest Supports A Trieste - Serbia
A Galicia Supports A Budapest
A Rumania Supports A Trieste - Serbia
F Sevastopol - Black Sea
F St Petersburg(nc) Supports F Sweden - Norway
F Sweden - Norway
A Warsaw - Silesia

F Aegean Sea - Eastern Mediterranean
A Ankara - Constantinople
F Constantinople - Aegean Sea
A Greece Hold
A Serbia Supports A Budapest (*Dislodged*)
A Smyrna - Ankara


There was one retreat due from Turkey, however I have retreated the unit to its only option,Bulgaria.

Fall 1903 is now due in one week, on December 22nd, 22:00 MST.

Maps are attached. Check everything.



DC 217, Delay proposed (dc217) Slangers Dec 22, 04:33 pm
Oh bum... not best pleased about this myself, but never mind. Having managed to get by in the opening move, despite being without guaranteed internet access, 3000 miles away from home, in deepest Vermont and having had my request for a delay at that time unacknowledged, I feel a little hard done by.

But what the heck, it's Christmas. The glorious Russian forces will take a break so that they can enter Berlin and Ankara (simultaneously), with clean uniforms and clear heads. Up the Russians.


Professor Simon Langley-Evans
Chair in Human Nutrition
School of Biosciences
University of Nottingham
Sutton Bonington
LE12 5RD

Tel: 0115 951 6139
Fax: 0115 951 6122

P Please consider the environment before printing this e-mail

From: Warren Fleming [mailto:alwayshunted(at)hotmail.com]
Sent: Mon 22/12/2008 22:23
To: 217 Austria; 217 Germany; 217 Russia `; 217 England; 217 France; 217 Turkey; 217 Italy; dc217(at)diplomaticcorp.com
Cc: Trout.; Stephen Lytton; alwayshunted(at)hotmail.com
Subject: DC 217, Delay proposed

Hey all,

I have had a request to delay the game before the fall orders tonight, due to some recent difficulty with e-mail contact, and general difficulty in communications around this festive time of year.

I have agreed to this delay, which in the long run will set the game back only a couple of days. The new deadline for fall will be the 5th of January, instead of having winter due on that date.

Sorry to those of you that are anxiously waiting for the next turn. Hope this is okay with everyone. Feel free to let me know your thoughts.


From: alwayshunted(at)hotmail.com
To: professorhill2002(at)yahoo.com; mclyker(at)msn.com; simon.langley-evans(at)nottingham.ac.uk; mistro914(at)gmail.com; drew3739o(at)yahoo.com; verticallychallangedcutie(at)yahoo.com; stipe505(at)gmail.com; dc217(at)diplomaticcorp.com
CC: former.trout(at)gmail.com; stevelytton(at)hotmail.com; alwayshunted(at)hotmail.com
Subject: DC 217, Update and deadline
Date: Mon, 22 Dec 2008 13:42:03 -0700

.ExternalClass .EC_hmmessage P {padding:0px;} .ExternalClass body.EC_hmmessage {font-size:10pt;font-family:Verdana;} Hey everyone,

Just a quick note to touch base. I have been travelling a lot lately and haven't been online much. Because of this I haven't given confirmations to many orders this week. I'll try to get to them all today...... sometime.

So the deadline is tonight, about 8 hours from now. I hope to be fairly prompt with it, so get your orders in BEFORE then if you can. Once I open my mail at, or after, the deadline, the inbox is CLOSED.

After this deadline I propose a break until the new year. Again I'm going to be travelling a lot, so contact will be spotty. Let me know your thoughts on this. I'm thinking around Monday the 5th for the next deadline after tonight.

Get 'em in!


From: alwayshunted(at)hotmail.com
To: professorhill2002(at)yahoo.com; mclyker(at)msn.com; simon.langley-evans(at)nottingham.ac.uk; mistro914(at)gmail.com; drew3739o(at)yahoo.com; verticallychallangedcutie(at)yahoo.com; stipe505(at)gmail.com; dc217(at)diplomaticcorp.com
CC: former.trout(at)gmail.com; stevelytton(at)hotmail.com; alwayshunted(at)hotmail.com
Subject: DC 217, spring/summer 1903
Date: Mon, 15 Dec 2008 22:25:50 -0700

.ExternalClass .EC_hmmessage P {padding:0px;} .ExternalClass body.EC_hmmessage {font-size:10pt;font-family:Verdana;} After the spring turn we had one retreat due from Turkey. There was only one option, so I have assumed that it would be taken. Rachael, please let me know if you would rather retreat it OTB.

One more turn to go, and then we will take a bit of time off for the holiday season. I'm going to suggest we start up again on the 5th, probably with winter 1903 due on that day. I'm open to feedback of course.

For now, Fall 1903 is due on Monday, December 22, 22:00 MST.

Here is the spring and summer adjudication:


England F BRE - PIC
England F ENG - MAO
England A HOL - BEL
England F NRT – NWY
England F EDI – NWG

A Burgundy - Ruhr
F Liverpool - Clyde
A Marseilles - Gascony
A Paris Supports A Marseilles - Gascony
A Portugal - Spain

F Baltic Sea Supports A Denmark - Sweden
A Denmark - Sweden
A Kiel - Ruhr
A Munich - Ruhr

A Ven -> Tyr
A Vie holds
A Tri -> Ser
F Nap -> Ion
F Apu -> Adr
F Ion -> Alb

FStPnc S FSwe-Nwy
AGal-S ABud
ARum S Italian A Tri-Ser
ABud S Italian ATri-Ser

F Aegean Sea - Eastern Mediterranean
A Ankara - Constantinople
F Constantinople - Aegean Sea
A Greece Hold
A Serbia Supports A Budapest
A Smyrna - Ankara


F Brest - Picardy
F Edinburgh - Norwegian Sea
F English Channel - Mid-Atlantic Ocean
A Holland - Belgium
F North Sea - Norway (*Fails*)

A Burgundy - Ruhr (*Bounce*)
F Liverpool - Clyde
A Marseilles - Gascony
A Paris Supports A Marseilles - Gascony
A Portugal - Spain

F Baltic Sea Supports A Denmark - Sweden
A Denmark - Sweden
A Kiel - Ruhr (*Bounce*)
A Munich - Ruhr (*Bounce*)

F Apulia - Adriatic Sea
F Ionian Sea - Albania
F Naples - Ionian Sea
A Trieste - Serbia
A Venice - Tyrolia
A Vienna Hold

A Budapest Supports A Trieste - Serbia
A Galicia Supports A Budapest
A Rumania Supports A Trieste - Serbia
F Sevastopol - Black Sea
F St Petersburg(nc) Supports F Sweden - Norway
F Sweden - Norway
A Warsaw - Silesia

F Aegean Sea - Eastern Mediterranean
A Ankara - Constantinople
F Constantinople - Aegean Sea
A Greece Hold
A Serbia Supports A Budapest (*Dislodged*)
A Smyrna - Ankara


There was one retreat due from Turkey, however I have retreated the unit to its only option,Bulgaria.

Fall 1903 is now due in one week, on December 22nd, 22:00 MST.

Maps are attached. Check everything.

DC 217, Delay proposed (dc217) mclyker Dec 22, 07:00 pm
<?xml:namespace prefix="v" /><?xml:namespace prefix="o" /><![endif]--> Works fine.

----- Original Message -----
From: Warren Fleming ([email]alwayshunted(at)hotmail.com[/email])
To: 217 Austria ([email]professorhill2002(at)yahoo.com[/email]) ; 217 Germany ([email]mclyker(at)msn.com[/email]) ; 217 Russia ` ([email]simon.langley-evans(at)nottingham.ac.uk[/email]) ; 217 England ([email]mistro914(at)gmail.com[/email]) ; 217 France ([email]drew3739o(at)yahoo.com[/email]) ; 217 Turkey ([email]verticallychallangedcutie(at)yahoo.com[/email]) ; 217 Italy ([email]stipe505(at)gmail.com[/email]) ; dc217(at)diplomaticcorp.com ([email]dc217(at)diplomaticcorp.com[/email])
Cc: Trout. ([email]former.trout(at)gmail.com[/email]) ; Stephen Lytton ([email]stevelytton(at)hotmail.com[/email]) ; alwayshunted(at)hotmail.com ([email]alwayshunted(at)hotmail.com[/email])
Sent: Monday, December 22, 2008 3:23 PM
Subject: DC 217, Delay proposed

Hey all,

I have had a request to delay the game before the fall orders tonight, due to some recent difficulty with e-mail contact, and general difficulty in communications around this festive time of year.

I have agreed to this delay, which in the long run will set the game back only a couple of days. The new deadline for fall will be the 5th of January, instead of having winter due on that date.

Sorry to those of you that are anxiously waiting for the next turn. Hope this is okay with everyone. Feel free to let me know your thoughts.


From: alwayshunted(at)hotmail.com ([email]alwayshunted(at)hotmail.com[/email])
To: professorhill2002(at)yahoo.com ([email]professorhill2002(at)yahoo.com[/email]); mclyker(at)msn.com ([email]mclyker(at)msn.com[/email]); simon.langley-evans(at)nottingham.ac.uk ([email]simon.langley-evans(at)nottingham.ac.uk[/email]); mistro914(at)gmail.com ([email]mistro914(at)gmail.com[/email]); drew3739o(at)yahoo.com ([email]drew3739o(at)yahoo.com[/email]); verticallychallangedcutie(at)yahoo.com ([email]verticallychallangedcutie(at)yahoo.com[/email]); stipe505(at)gmail.com ([email]stipe505(at)gmail.com[/email]); dc217(at)diplomaticcorp.com ([email]dc217(at)diplomaticcorp.com[/email])
CC: former.trout(at)gmail.com ([email]former.trout(at)gmail.com[/email]); stevelytton(at)hotmail.com ([email]stevelytton(at)hotmail.com[/email]); alwayshunted(at)hotmail.com ([email]alwayshunted(at)hotmail.com[/email])
Subject: DC 217, Update and deadline
Date: Mon, 22 Dec 2008 13:42:03 -0700

.ExternalClass .EC_hmmessage P {padding:0px;} .ExternalClass body.EC_hmmessage {font-size:10pt;font-family:Verdana;} Hey everyone,

Just a quick note to touch base. I have been travelling a lot lately and haven't been online much. Because of this I haven't given confirmations to many orders this week. I'll try to get to them all today...... sometime.

So the deadline is tonight, about 8 hours from now. I hope to be fairly prompt with it, so get your orders in BEFORE then if you can. Once I open my mail at, or after, the deadline, the inbox is CLOSED.

After this deadline I propose a break until the new year. Again I'm going to be travelling a lot, so contact will be spotty. Let me know your thoughts on this. I'm thinking around Monday the 5th for the next deadline after tonight.

Get 'em in!


From: alwayshunted(at)hotmail.com
To: professorhill2002(at)yahoo.com; mclyker(at)msn.com; simon.langley-evans(at)nottingham.ac.uk; mistro914(at)gmail.com; drew3739o(at)yahoo.com; verticallychallangedcutie(at)yahoo.com; stipe505(at)gmail.com; dc217(at)diplomaticcorp.com
CC: former.trout(at)gmail.com; stevelytton(at)hotmail.com; alwayshunted(at)hotmail.com
Subject: DC 217, spring/summer 1903
Date: Mon, 15 Dec 2008 22:25:50 -0700

.ExternalClass .EC_hmmessage P {padding:0px;} .ExternalClass body.EC_hmmessage {font-size:10pt;font-family:Verdana;} After the spring turn we had one retreat due from Turkey. There was only one option, so I have assumed that it would be taken. Rachael, please let me know if you would rather retreat it OTB.

One more turn to go, and then we will take a bit of time off for the holiday season. I'm going to suggest we start up again on the 5th, probably with winter 1903 due on that day. I'm open to feedback of course.

For now, Fall 1903 is due on Monday, December 22, 22:00 MST.

Here is the spring and summer adjudication:


England F BRE - PIC
England F ENG - MAO
England A HOL - BEL
England F NRT – NWY
England F EDI – NWG

A Burgundy - Ruhr
F Liverpool - Clyde
A Marseilles - Gascony
A Paris Supports A Marseilles - Gascony
A Portugal - Spain

F Baltic Sea Supports A Denmark - Sweden
A Denmark - Sweden
A Kiel - Ruhr
A Munich - Ruhr

A Ven -> Tyr
A Vie holds
A Tri -> Ser
F Nap -> Ion
F Apu -> Adr
F Ion -> Alb

FStPnc S FSwe-Nwy
AGal-S ABud
ARum S Italian A Tri-Ser
ABud S Italian ATri-Ser

F Aegean Sea - Eastern Mediterranean
A Ankara - Constantinople
F Constantinople - Aegean Sea
A Greece Hold
A Serbia Supports A Budapest
A Smyrna - Ankara


F Brest - Picardy
F Edinburgh - Norwegian Sea
F English Channel - Mid-Atlantic Ocean
A Holland - Belgium
F North Sea - Norway (*Fails*)

A Burgundy - Ruhr (*Bounce*)
F Liverpool - Clyde
A Marseilles - Gascony
A Paris Supports A Marseilles - Gascony
A Portugal - Spain

F Baltic Sea Supports A Denmark - Sweden
A Denmark - Sweden
A Kiel - Ruhr (*Bounce*)
A Munich - Ruhr (*Bounce*)

F Apulia - Adriatic Sea
F Ionian Sea - Albania
F Naples - Ionian Sea
A Trieste - Serbia
A Venice - Tyrolia
A Vienna Hold

A Budapest Supports A Trieste - Serbia
A Galicia Supports A Budapest
A Rumania Supports A Trieste - Serbia
F Sevastopol - Black Sea
F St Petersburg(nc) Supports F Sweden - Norway
F Sweden - Norway
A Warsaw - Silesia

F Aegean Sea - Eastern Mediterranean
A Ankara - Constantinople
F Constantinople - Aegean Sea
A Greece Hold
A Serbia Supports A Budapest (*Dislodged*)
A Smyrna - Ankara


There was one retreat due from Turkey, however I have retreated the unit to its only option,Bulgaria.

Fall 1903 is now due in one week, on December 22nd, 22:00 MST.

Maps are attached. Check everything.


DC 217, Delay proposed (dc217) mclyker Dec 22, 07:00 pm
<?xml:namespace prefix="v" /><?xml:namespace prefix="o" /><![endif]--> Merry Christmas all!

----- Original Message -----
From: Warren Fleming ([email]alwayshunted(at)hotmail.com[/email])
To: 217 Austria ([email]professorhill2002(at)yahoo.com[/email]) ; 217 Germany ([email]mclyker(at)msn.com[/email]) ; 217 Russia ` ([email]simon.langley-evans(at)nottingham.ac.uk[/email]) ; 217 England ([email]mistro914(at)gmail.com[/email]) ; 217 France ([email]drew3739o(at)yahoo.com[/email]) ; 217 Turkey ([email]verticallychallangedcutie(at)yahoo.com[/email]) ; 217 Italy ([email]stipe505(at)gmail.com[/email]) ; dc217(at)diplomaticcorp.com ([email]dc217(at)diplomaticcorp.com[/email])
Cc: Trout. ([email]former.trout(at)gmail.com[/email]) ; Stephen Lytton ([email]stevelytton(at)hotmail.com[/email]) ; alwayshunted(at)hotmail.com ([email]alwayshunted(at)hotmail.com[/email])
Sent: Monday, December 22, 2008 3:23 PM
Subject: DC 217, Delay proposed

Hey all,

I have had a request to delay the game before the fall orders tonight, due to some recent difficulty with e-mail contact, and general difficulty in communications around this festive time of year.

I have agreed to this delay, which in the long run will set the game back only a couple of days. The new deadline for fall will be the 5th of January, instead of having winter due on that date.

Sorry to those of you that are anxiously waiting for the next turn. Hope this is okay with everyone. Feel free to let me know your thoughts.


From: alwayshunted(at)hotmail.com ([email]alwayshunted(at)hotmail.com[/email])
To: professorhill2002(at)yahoo.com ([email]professorhill2002(at)yahoo.com[/email]); mclyker(at)msn.com ([email]mclyker(at)msn.com[/email]); simon.langley-evans(at)nottingham.ac.uk ([email]simon.langley-evans(at)nottingham.ac.uk[/email]); mistro914(at)gmail.com ([email]mistro914(at)gmail.com[/email]); drew3739o(at)yahoo.com ([email]drew3739o(at)yahoo.com[/email]); verticallychallangedcutie(at)yahoo.com ([email]verticallychallangedcutie(at)yahoo.com[/email]); stipe505(at)gmail.com ([email]stipe505(at)gmail.com[/email]); dc217(at)diplomaticcorp.com ([email]dc217(at)diplomaticcorp.com[/email])
CC: former.trout(at)gmail.com ([email]former.trout(at)gmail.com[/email]); stevelytton(at)hotmail.com ([email]stevelytton(at)hotmail.com[/email]); alwayshunted(at)hotmail.com ([email]alwayshunted(at)hotmail.com[/email])
Subject: DC 217, Update and deadline
Date: Mon, 22 Dec 2008 13:42:03 -0700

.ExternalClass .EC_hmmessage P {padding:0px;} .ExternalClass body.EC_hmmessage {font-size:10pt;font-family:Verdana;} Hey everyone,

Just a quick note to touch base. I have been travelling a lot lately and haven't been online much. Because of this I haven't given confirmations to many orders this week. I'll try to get to them all today...... sometime.

So the deadline is tonight, about 8 hours from now. I hope to be fairly prompt with it, so get your orders in BEFORE then if you can. Once I open my mail at, or after, the deadline, the inbox is CLOSED.

After this deadline I propose a break until the new year. Again I'm going to be travelling a lot, so contact will be spotty. Let me know your thoughts on this. I'm thinking around Monday the 5th for the next deadline after tonight.

Get 'em in!


From: alwayshunted(at)hotmail.com
To: professorhill2002(at)yahoo.com; mclyker(at)msn.com; simon.langley-evans(at)nottingham.ac.uk; mistro914(at)gmail.com; drew3739o(at)yahoo.com; verticallychallangedcutie(at)yahoo.com; stipe505(at)gmail.com; dc217(at)diplomaticcorp.com
CC: former.trout(at)gmail.com; stevelytton(at)hotmail.com; alwayshunted(at)hotmail.com
Subject: DC 217, spring/summer 1903
Date: Mon, 15 Dec 2008 22:25:50 -0700

.ExternalClass .EC_hmmessage P {padding:0px;} .ExternalClass body.EC_hmmessage {font-size:10pt;font-family:Verdana;} After the spring turn we had one retreat due from Turkey. There was only one option, so I have assumed that it would be taken. Rachael, please let me know if you would rather retreat it OTB.

One more turn to go, and then we will take a bit of time off for the holiday season. I'm going to suggest we start up again on the 5th, probably with winter 1903 due on that day. I'm open to feedback of course.

For now, Fall 1903 is due on Monday, December 22, 22:00 MST.

Here is the spring and summer adjudication:


England F BRE - PIC
England F ENG - MAO
England A HOL - BEL
England F NRT – NWY
England F EDI – NWG

A Burgundy - Ruhr
F Liverpool - Clyde
A Marseilles - Gascony
A Paris Supports A Marseilles - Gascony
A Portugal - Spain

F Baltic Sea Supports A Denmark - Sweden
A Denmark - Sweden
A Kiel - Ruhr
A Munich - Ruhr

A Ven -> Tyr
A Vie holds
A Tri -> Ser
F Nap -> Ion
F Apu -> Adr
F Ion -> Alb

FStPnc S FSwe-Nwy
AGal-S ABud
ARum S Italian A Tri-Ser
ABud S Italian ATri-Ser

F Aegean Sea - Eastern Mediterranean
A Ankara - Constantinople
F Constantinople - Aegean Sea
A Greece Hold
A Serbia Supports A Budapest
A Smyrna - Ankara


F Brest - Picardy
F Edinburgh - Norwegian Sea
F English Channel - Mid-Atlantic Ocean
A Holland - Belgium
F North Sea - Norway (*Fails*)

A Burgundy - Ruhr (*Bounce*)
F Liverpool - Clyde
A Marseilles - Gascony
A Paris Supports A Marseilles - Gascony
A Portugal - Spain

F Baltic Sea Supports A Denmark - Sweden
A Denmark - Sweden
A Kiel - Ruhr (*Bounce*)
A Munich - Ruhr (*Bounce*)

F Apulia - Adriatic Sea
F Ionian Sea - Albania
F Naples - Ionian Sea
A Trieste - Serbia
A Venice - Tyrolia
A Vienna Hold

A Budapest Supports A Trieste - Serbia
A Galicia Supports A Budapest
A Rumania Supports A Trieste - Serbia
F Sevastopol - Black Sea
F St Petersburg(nc) Supports F Sweden - Norway
F Sweden - Norway
A Warsaw - Silesia

F Aegean Sea - Eastern Mediterranean
A Ankara - Constantinople
F Constantinople - Aegean Sea
A Greece Hold
A Serbia Supports A Budapest (*Dislodged*)
A Smyrna - Ankara


There was one retreat due from Turkey, however I have retreated the unit to its only option,Bulgaria.

Fall 1903 is now due in one week, on December 22nd, 22:00 MST.

Maps are attached. Check everything.


DC 217, Update and deadline - Stips   (Dec 22, 2008, 3:59 pm)
Monday 5th is just fine.

Stjepan Mateljan

gsm: +385 95 877 59 86

Bitno je sanjati.


DC 217, Update and deadline - Slangers   (Dec 22, 2008, 3:48 pm)
Monday 5th sounds good to me. I am guessing that we're all busy at this time of year and even world domination must be put on hold for the festive season.


Professor Simon Langley-Evans
Chair in Human Nutrition
School of Biosciences
University of Nottingham
Sutton Bonington
LE12 5RD

Tel: 0115 951 6139
Fax: 0115 951 6122

P Please consider the environment before printing this e-mail

From: Warren Fleming [mailto:alwayshunted(at)hotmail.com]
Sent: Mon 22/12/2008 20:42
To: 217 Austria; 217 Germany; 217 Russia `; 217 England; 217 France; 217 Turkey; 217 Italy; dc217(at)diplomaticcorp.com
Cc: Trout.; Stephen Lytton; alwayshunted(at)hotmail.com
Subject: DC 217, Update and deadline

Hey everyone,

Just a quick note to touch base. I have been travelling a lot lately and haven't been online much. Because of this I haven't given confirmations to many orders this week. I'll try to get to them all today...... sometime.

So the deadline is tonight, about 8 hours from now. I hope to be fairly prompt with it, so get your orders in BEFORE then if you can. Once I open my mail at, or after, the deadline, the inbox is CLOSED.

After this deadline I propose a break until the new year. Again I'm going to be travelling a lot, so contact will be spotty. Let me know your thoughts on this. I'm thinking around Monday the 5th for the next deadline after tonight.

Get 'em in!


From: alwayshunted(at)hotmail.com
To: professorhill2002(at)yahoo.com; mclyker(at)msn.com; simon.langley-evans(at)nottingham.ac.uk; mistro914(at)gmail.com; drew3739o(at)yahoo.com; verticallychallangedcutie(at)yahoo.com; stipe505(at)gmail.com; dc217(at)diplomaticcorp.com
CC: former.trout(at)gmail.com; stevelytton(at)hotmail.com; alwayshunted(at)hotmail.com
Subject: DC 217, spring/summer 1903
Date: Mon, 15 Dec 2008 22:25:50 -0700

.ExternalClass .EC_hmmessage P {padding:0px;} .ExternalClass body.EC_hmmessage {font-size:10pt;font-family:Verdana;} After the spring turn we had one retreat due from Turkey. There was only one option, so I have assumed that it would be taken. Rachael, please let me know if you would rather retreat it OTB.

One more turn to go, and then we will take a bit of time off for the holiday season. I'm going to suggest we start up again on the 5th, probably with winter 1903 due on that day. I'm open to feedback of course.

For now, Fall 1903 is due on Monday, December 22, 22:00 MST.

Here is the spring and summer adjudication:


England F BRE - PIC
England F ENG - MAO
England A HOL - BEL
England F NRT – NWY
England F EDI – NWG

A Burgundy - Ruhr
F Liverpool - Clyde
A Marseilles - Gascony
A Paris Supports A Marseilles - Gascony
A Portugal - Spain

F Baltic Sea Supports A Denmark - Sweden
A Denmark - Sweden
A Kiel - Ruhr
A Munich - Ruhr

A Ven -> Tyr
A Vie holds
A Tri -> Ser
F Nap -> Ion
F Apu -> Adr
F Ion -> Alb

FStPnc S FSwe-Nwy
AGal-S ABud
ARum S Italian A Tri-Ser
ABud S Italian ATri-Ser

F Aegean Sea - Eastern Mediterranean
A Ankara - Constantinople
F Constantinople - Aegean Sea
A Greece Hold
A Serbia Supports A Budapest
A Smyrna - Ankara


F Brest - Picardy
F Edinburgh - Norwegian Sea
F English Channel - Mid-Atlantic Ocean
A Holland - Belgium
F North Sea - Norway (*Fails*)

A Burgundy - Ruhr (*Bounce*)
F Liverpool - Clyde
A Marseilles - Gascony
A Paris Supports A Marseilles - Gascony
A Portugal - Spain

F Baltic Sea Supports A Denmark - Sweden
A Denmark - Sweden
A Kiel - Ruhr (*Bounce*)
A Munich - Ruhr (*Bounce*)

F Apulia - Adriatic Sea
F Ionian Sea - Albania
F Naples - Ionian Sea
A Trieste - Serbia
A Venice - Tyrolia
A Vienna Hold

A Budapest Supports A Trieste - Serbia
A Galicia Supports A Budapest
A Rumania Supports A Trieste - Serbia
F Sevastopol - Black Sea
F St Petersburg(nc) Supports F Sweden - Norway
F Sweden - Norway
A Warsaw - Silesia

F Aegean Sea - Eastern Mediterranean
A Ankara - Constantinople
F Constantinople - Aegean Sea
A Greece Hold
A Serbia Supports A Budapest (*Dislodged*)
A Smyrna - Ankara


There was one retreat due from Turkey, however I have retreated the unit to its only option,Bulgaria.

Fall 1903 is now due in one week, on December 22nd, 22:00 MST.

Maps are attached. Check everything.



DC 212 Reply to player posts - Verticallychallangedcutie   (Dec 22, 2008, 3:24 pm)
First off let me start off by saying I have in no way shown any type of favoritism or have I tried to throw the game. I stated in the very opening email that if you NMR twice I replace you. When I had to replace Turkey it was because he ASKED to be replaced because he had some personal things to attend to. Secondly, I always said Prelims were always encouraged in case you couldn't be online for a turn. When I first denied the very first extension request it was because I was going out of town to visit family that I hadn't seen in 3 years ( my parents and little brother ). I worked the game around the time I was traveling and visiting instead of just putting the game on hold.
I don't understand what inconsistency you are referring to. ONE time I put out an adjudication slightly over 24 hours late. The player did send me his retreat and on a timely matter. I do have two young children and they come before any game I GM or play in. With Christmas approaching I figured you guys would understand that a little. My husband is also active duty Navy and works 12 hour days leaving me home with a 4 year old and a 1 year old.
As for adjudicating 2 hours past the deadline, that's EXTRA time you get to send in moves. I have every right to send the turn out at the 7pm deadline. I DO NOT have to give anyone a GRACE period. Ask any MOD or GM on this site and they will tell you the same thing. IF I was doing so poorly in my GMing I am pretty sure one of the two MODS I include in every turn would have pointed something out.
David: As for you not turning in moves I sent you a PERSONAL reminder 11:38am the day orders were due informing you I was missing your orders. You had a WEEK to get your orders in. Just because you got sick the day they were due doesn't excuse you not sending in orders. My very first game ever of dip I missed the deadline by 2 minutes and my GM did not let me send in orders he NMR'd me. When was this extension request you sent to me? I never recieved it or I probably would have granted it. You can ALWAYS change your moves up until you receive the adjudication in your inbox. More then one player in this game sends me several sets of orders all the way up until the deadline. So when a new player joins the game you get EXTRA time to think about orders and talk to the new player. I thought replacing a player without delay was a good thing! I don't like to play a country in CD if I don't have to. Everyone signed up to play a 7 player game why not do so until countries are elimanted.
If you all want to cancel the game that's fine, or for the players who still would like to play I can find replacements. There are more then enough players on the website who would be willing to play.

Mods: If you have seen anything I have done wrong please let me know. I don't think I have.



DC 212 Reply to player posts (dc212) jstern78 Dec 22, 05:21 pm
I think the point is that if you have to delay for personal reasons, that's fine. But you can still see the time e-mails and moves were sent in, in order to see if they were before the deadline.

You can also always grant an extension regardless of personal scheduling issues. If a 24-hour extension is inconvenient for you, extend it for 48 hours. Or extend it for 24-hours and then just put the game on hold until you get back. But don't deny it, unless you are going to deny every extension. Maybe the game slows down a bit, but that's a small price to pay for having everyone feel like the rules are fair.

Again, nobody is complaining about late adjudications. People are complaining about you sometimes waiting for late orders and other times adjudicating immediately.

Nobody is saying that your family should play second fiddle. But putting the game on hold IS better than showing preferential treatment to some players/requests. Much better.

I feel like you keep jumping to the conclusion that I/we are saying that visiting your family is not a good enough reason to delay the game. Delay the game! No problem. What is not cool is sometimes granting extensions or sometimes waiting for late orders. My suggestion for your games would be:

- Grant any extension request of up to 48 hours once per player. If that means a deadline falls at an inconvenient time for you, delay the adjudication, but not the deadline.
- Allow a grace period of 12 or 24 hours for late orders. Once per player, and only once.
- Do not propose that a specific player as a replacement and ask the players as a group if that's ok.

Above all, be fair and consistent in your rulings. Your family activities are more important than the game, but you can still schedule around your real life without comprimising fairness.


On Mon, Dec 22, 2008 at 4:23 PM, Rachael Jameson <verticallychallangedcutie(at)yahoo.com ([email]verticallychallangedcutie(at)yahoo.com[/email])> wrote:

First off let me start off by saying I have in no way shown any type of favoritism or have I tried to throw the game. I stated in the very opening email that if you NMR twice I replace you. When I had to replace Turkey it was because he ASKED to be replaced because he had some personal things to attend to. Secondly, I always said Prelims were always encouraged in case you couldn't be online for a turn. When I first denied the very first extension request it was because I was going out of town to visit family that I hadn't seen in 3 years ( my parents and little brother ). I worked the game around the time I was traveling and visiting instead of just putting the game on hold.
I don't understand what inconsistency you are referring to. ONE time I put out an adjudication slightly over 24 hours late. The player did send me his retreat and on a timely matter. I do have two young children and they come before any game I GM or play in. With Christmas approaching I figured you guys would understand that a little. My husband is also active duty Navy and works 12 hour days leaving me home with a 4 year old and a 1 year old.
As for adjudicating 2 hours past the deadline, that's EXTRA time you get to send in moves. I have every right to send the turn out at the 7pm deadline. I DO NOT have to give anyone a GRACE period. Ask any MOD or GM on this site and they will tell you the same thing. IF I was doing so poorly in my GMing I am pretty sure one of the two MODS I include in every turn would have pointed something out.
David: As for you not turning in moves I sent you a PERSONAL reminder 11:38am the day orders were due informing you I was missing your orders. You had a WEEK to get your orders in. Just because you got sick the day they were due doesn't excuse you not sending in orders. My very first game ever of dip I missed the deadline by 2 minutes and my GM did not let me send in orders he NMR'd me. When was this extension request you sent to me? I never recieved it or I probably would have granted it. You can ALWAYS change your moves up until you receive the adjudication in your inbox. More then one player in this game sends me several sets of orders all the way up until the deadline. So when a new player joins the game you get EXTRA time to think about orders and talk to the new player. I thought replacing a player without delay was a good thing! I don't like to play a country in CD if I don't have to. Everyone signed up to play a 7 player game why not do so until countries are elimanted.
If you all want to cancel the game that's fine, or for the players who still would like to play I can find replacements. There are more then enough players on the website who would be willing to play.

Mods: If you have seen anything I have done wrong please let me know. I don't think I have.


DC 212 Reply to player posts (dc212) former.trout Dec 23, 12:03 am
Rachael is doing a fine job IMHO - and it is not her responsibility to allow for players missing getting in their orders.

The GMs set a deadline. Orders should be in before that deadline. End of story. Players need to live up to that deadline.

Look - I'm actually really sorry that David missed the deadline because it screws me up just as much as it does him. But ultimate responsibility for that lies with him - not with Rachael.

The act of running the game takes a slight bit more time than the act of sending in orders. Sometimes we GMs set deadlines anticipating that we will have the time to adjudicate but it doesn't turn out that way - so we need to delay the adjudication. In NO WAY does that mean that the order deadline has changed, however...


On Mon, Dec 22, 2008 at 4:20 PM, Jon Stern <jstern78(at)gmail.com ([email]jstern78(at)gmail.com[/email])> wrote:

I think the point is that if you have to delay for personal reasons, that's fine. But you can still see the time e-mails and moves were sent in, in order to see if they were before the deadline.

You can also always grant an extension regardless of personal scheduling issues. If a 24-hour extension is inconvenient for you, extend it for 48 hours. Or extend it for 24-hours and then just put the game on hold until you get back. But don't deny it, unless you are going to deny every extension. Maybe the game slows down a bit, but that's a small price to pay for having everyone feel like the rules are fair.

Again, nobody is complaining about late adjudications. People are complaining about you sometimes waiting for late orders and other times adjudicating immediately.

Nobody is saying that your family should play second fiddle. But putting the game on hold IS better than showing preferential treatment to some players/requests. Much better.

I feel like you keep jumping to the conclusion that I/we are saying that visiting your family is not a good enough reason to delay the game. Delay the game! No problem. What is not cool is sometimes granting extensions or sometimes waiting for late orders. My suggestion for your games would be:

- Grant any extension request of up to 48 hours once per player. If that means a deadline falls at an inconvenient time for you, delay the adjudication, but not the deadline.
- Allow a grace period of 12 or 24 hours for late orders. Once per player, and only once.
- Do not propose that a specific player as a replacement and ask the players as a group if that's ok.

Above all, be fair and consistent in your rulings. Your family activities are more important than the game, but you can still schedule around your real life without comprimising fairness.


On Mon, Dec 22, 2008 at 4:23 PM, Rachael Jameson <verticallychallangedcutie(at)yahoo.com ([email]verticallychallangedcutie(at)yahoo.com[/email])> wrote:
[quote:4fe5141c25] First off let me start off by saying I have in no way shown any type of favoritism or have I tried to throw the game. I stated in the very opening email that if you NMR twice I replace you. When I had to replace Turkey it was because he ASKED to be replaced because he had some personal things to attend to. Secondly, I always said Prelims were always encouraged in case you couldn't be online for a turn. When I first denied the very first extension request it was because I was going out of town to visit family that I hadn't seen in 3 years ( my parents and little brother ). I worked the game around the time I was traveling and visiting instead of just putting the game on hold.
I don't understand what inconsistency you are referring to. ONE time I put out an adjudication slightly over 24 hours late. The player did send me his retreat and on a timely matter. I do have two young children and they come before any game I GM or play in. With Christmas approaching I figured you guys would understand that a little. My husband is also active duty Navy and works 12 hour days leaving me home with a 4 year old and a 1 year old.
As for adjudicating 2 hours past the deadline, that's EXTRA time you get to send in moves. I have every right to send the turn out at the 7pm deadline. I DO NOT have to give anyone a GRACE period. Ask any MOD or GM on this site and they will tell you the same thing. IF I was doing so poorly in my GMing I am pretty sure one of the two MODS I include in every turn would have pointed something out.
David: As for you not turning in moves I sent you a PERSONAL reminder 11:38am the day orders were due informing you I was missing your orders. You had a WEEK to get your orders in. Just because you got sick the day they were due doesn't excuse you not sending in orders. My very first game ever of dip I missed the deadline by 2 minutes and my GM did not let me send in orders he NMR'd me. When was this extension request you sent to me? I never recieved it or I probably would have granted it. You can ALWAYS change your moves up until you receive the adjudication in your inbox. More then one player in this game sends me several sets of orders all the way up until the deadline. So when a new player joins the game you get EXTRA time to think about orders and talk to the new player. I thought replacing a player without delay was a good thing! I don't like to play a country in CD if I don't have to. Everyone signed up to play a 7 player game why not do so until countries are elimanted.
If you all want to cancel the game that's fine, or for the players who still would like to play I can find replacements. There are more then enough players on the website who would be willing to play.

Mods: If you have seen anything I have done wrong please let me know. I don't think I have.


DC209 W06 12/29/08 NEXT - vegas_iwish   (Dec 22, 2008, 3:23 pm)
Build F Ban

Build F DNa


DC 218 SHIFT LEFT: Reiterate: I'm out of this 1 - vegas_iwish   (Dec 22, 2008, 3:13 pm)
ok - you wanted a response apparently. SL & 1600 are the 2 games that can draw me in (A Med sometimes) to play. 1600 due to map & flow. SL because it is quite like a version of Dip we had to create to get wargamers to play Dip. Early on Dep was a game one gently directed people unable to handle the complexity of morale; tactics; supply; troop quality; etc of even some of the simpler wargames. Wargamers(WGs) were the majority then. The 1st dip games I Gm'd in early 70s ran into WGs who absolutely walked out when faced with "ridiculous" rules such as beleagured garrisons & the idea 2 russian armies even equaled 1 german 1 in WWI (Tannenberg) let alone defeated same. SL is a taut, tactics-filled game where trapping & popping other units is everything. Most SL games played from this mindset are basically decided by yr 06 or 07 & with little or no building as there is no need (or likelihood with proper interdiction) for it. No need for a boring Standard to
appear at all. Not only did you not defend Ber as I mentioned you had to but you now actually turned around & attacked Mun which is inconceivable. Getting that back helps you not a whit. There are no strategies being employed here - traditional or otherwise. You avoid getting disbands & you inflict them on others. You are (were) the critical lynchpin between favored France and an easy win & you jumped out of his way 2 consecutive turns even after being warned what was going to happen. Austria is trying but can't do your work for you. If people are so desperate for the farce to continue with gunboat moves fine. I signed up for a SL & this ain't 1. No 1 looking at the map & knowing they can't rebuild lost units would do what has been done here.

--- On Mon, 12/22/08, Jack McHugh <jwmchughjr(at)gmail.com> wrote:

From: Jack McHugh <jwmchughjr(at)gmail.com>
Subject: Re: DC 218 SHIFT LEFT: Reiterate: I'm out of this 1
To: vegas_iwish(at)yahoo.com
Cc: "The White Wolf" <cloudhurler77(at)yahoo.com>, "Stephen Worthy" <stephen(at)worthy1.fsnet.co.uk>, g_mod23(at)hotmail.com, matthew.kremer(at)yale.edu, scaponig(at)yahoo.com, "Packrat" <brn2dip(at)yahoo.com>, "Former Trout" <former.trout(at)gmail.com>, dc218(at)diplomaticcorp.com, "Steve Lytton" <stevelytton(at)gmail.com>, mike(at)southwall.com, stevelytton(at)hotmail.com
Date: Monday, December 22, 2008, 12:22 PM
whoops, on correction, my last sentence in the first
paragraph should read:

i would turn your complaint around and if you want people
to play "normal"
strategies then sign up for a "normal" dip game

gmail deleted a line on me...


On Mon, Dec 22, 2008 at 3:19 PM, Jack McHugh
<jwmchughjr(at)gmail.com> wrote:


while i sympathize with your frustration in view of

your opinion of our

play but this is a VARIANT.....which means traditional

strategies don't work

so i'm trying new things here--if they don't

work fine...then i'll learn

from my mistakes...iits like you sign up for a

varient chess game with

extra pieces and then you ar3 upset no one uses a king

pawn opening...i

would "normal" dip game start.

i am also a bit offended (don't worry i'll get

over it) by your complaining

about my play--as someone else said this is also game

of diplomacy,

sometimes people get taken in, i guess i was....but i

don't think getting to

your home centers so you can BUILD was such an awful

assumption to make and

i wish u would stop acting like it was some big

conspiracy to screw you....

Also quitting really sucks, as i assume everyone will

play out all the DC

game starts even if they don't like the game or

how they other players are

playing...you should play out the game unless there is

some clear evidence

of cheating or other illegal activity..i am currently

playing in dc207

viking dip..i really don't like the variant but i

played to see if i liked

and i'm going to play it out, even though i

don't like it, for me to quit

would be unfair to the other players, some of whom may

like it. I don't

assume because I don't like a game or am not

enjoying it therefore no one

else is...and i certainly don't blame the other

players for the variant

design or their play...anticipating how players will

play to me is part of

the designer's job, to blame them for taking

advantage of design is blaming

the effect for the cause...

just my two cents,


On Sun, Dec 21, 2008 at 8:35 AM, MICHAEL BOUTOT


Worst played game imaginable & they still

[/quote:be30df2014]don't acknowledge it. Dead

[quote:be30df2014]wrong: Stephen can not lose unless he tries to by

[/quote:be30df2014]continuing to negotiate

[quote:be30df2014]when it is needless to do so just to pretend a

[/quote:be30df2014]game is going on. Have played

[quote:be30df2014]& run dozens of these - interdict 1st or

[/quote:be30df2014]don't enter the game. Running home

[quote:be30df2014]means you want to play Standard - plenty of that

[/quote:be30df2014]simple stuff available

[quote:be30df2014]elsewhere. Sorry about your son but this game is

[/quote:be30df2014]hopeless. Both E's moves

[quote:be30df2014]were fine (blocked Ven as R should have & the

[/quote:be30df2014]like) so no issue there.

--- On Sat, 12/20/08, Packrat

[/quote:be30df2014]<brn2dip(at)yahoo.com> wrote:

[quote:be30df2014]From: Packrat <brn2dip(at)yahoo.com>
Subject: DC 218 SHIFT LEFT: I'm out

[/quote:be30df2014][/quote:be30df2014]of this 1

[quote:be30df2014][quote:be30df2014]To: vegas_iwish(at)yahoo.com, "The White

[/quote:be30df2014][/quote:be30df2014]Wolf" <cloudhurler77(at)yahoo.com>,

[quote:be30df2014]jwmchughjr(at)gmail.com, "Stephen Worthy"


[quote:be30df2014]g_mod23(at)hotmail.com, matthew.kremer(at)yale.edu,


[quote:be30df2014][quote:be30df2014]Cc: "Former Trout"

[/quote:be30df2014][/quote:be30df2014]<former.trout(at)gmail.com>, dc218(at)diplomaticcorp.com,

[quote:be30df2014]"Steve Lytton"

[/quote:be30df2014]<stevelytton(at)gmail.com>, mike(at)southwall.com,

[quote:be30df2014]Date: Saturday, December 20, 2008, 5:32 AM
A couple of things here folks -
Orders were due Friday and I will get to them

[/quote:be30df2014][/quote:be30df2014]at some point

[quote:be30df2014][quote:be30df2014]today. We had 1/2" or more
of ice on EVERY thing and my son was almost

[/quote:be30df2014][/quote:be30df2014]killed by

[quote:be30df2014][quote:be30df2014]falling branches. Sorry, but that
took priority.

Michael - I am sorry you feel that way but

[/quote:be30df2014][/quote:be30df2014]how, exactly,

[quote:be30df2014][quote:be30df2014]does your being a poor sport
and running for the hills help this game?

[/quote:be30df2014][/quote:be30df2014]You may see

[quote:be30df2014][quote:be30df2014]this game as over, but I think it
is a far cry from that and I also believe you

[/quote:be30df2014][/quote:be30df2014]are wrong.

[quote:be30df2014][quote:be30df2014]Unfortunately me being the GM
precludes me from commenting beyond that.

[/quote:be30df2014][/quote:be30df2014]There is a new

[quote:be30df2014][quote:be30df2014]Enland on the board and
his first set of moves has yet to be seen by

[/quote:be30df2014][/quote:be30df2014]anyone but

[quote:be30df2014][quote:be30df2014]me. Trust me, I have thrown
similar temper tantrums to yours (some worse)

[/quote:be30df2014][/quote:be30df2014]and this too

[quote:be30df2014][quote:be30df2014]will pass. I would prefer
that you stayed in the game and played it to

[/quote:be30df2014][/quote:be30df2014]the end but I

[quote:be30df2014][quote:be30df2014]am not going to beg you to.
I already think you are an ass as a GM,

[/quote:be30df2014][/quote:be30df2014]please do not give

[quote:be30df2014][quote:be30df2014]me reason to think you
are as a player as well.

ALL: I will adjudicate later today if I can,

[/quote:be30df2014][/quote:be30df2014]there are

[quote:be30df2014][quote:be30df2014]family events going on from
1-4 and 9-midnight so I will try and get it

[/quote:be30df2014][/quote:be30df2014]done between 4

[quote:be30df2014][quote:be30df2014]and 11. I will run
this season with the orders Michael submitted

[/quote:be30df2014][/quote:be30df2014]already and

[quote:be30df2014][quote:be30df2014]take it from there.

Michael - if you still want out just let me

[/quote:be30df2014][/quote:be30df2014]know and I will

[quote:be30df2014][quote:be30df2014]replace you. Otherwise
I will assume you were just blowing off steam

[/quote:be30df2014][/quote:be30df2014]and keep you

[quote:be30df2014][quote:be30df2014]on board.



DC 218 SHIFT LEFT: Reiterate: I'm out of this 1 - vegas_iwish   (Dec 22, 2008, 3:13 pm)
ok - you wanted a response apparently. SL & 1600 are the 2 games that can draw me in (A Med sometimes) to play. 1600 due to map & flow. SL because it is quite like a version of Dip we had to create to get wargamers to play Dip. Early on Dep was a game one gently directed people unable to handle the complexity of morale; tactics; supply; troop quality; etc of even some of the simpler wargames. Wargamers(WGs) were the majority then. The 1st dip games I Gm'd in early 70s ran into WGs who absolutely walked out when faced with "ridiculous" rules such as beleagured garrisons & the idea 2 russian armies even equaled 1 german 1 in WWI (Tannenberg) let alone defeated same. SL is a taut, tactics-filled game where trapping & popping other units is everything. Most SL games played from this mindset are basically decided by yr 06 or 07 & with little or no building as there is no need (or likelihood with proper interdiction) for it. No need for a boring Standard to
appear at all. Not only did you not defend Ber as I mentioned you had to but you now actually turned around & attacked Mun which is inconceivable. Getting that back helps you not a whit. There are no strategies being employed here - traditional or otherwise. You avoid getting disbands & you inflict them on others. You are (were) the critical lynchpin between favored France and an easy win & you jumped out of his way 2 consecutive turns even after being warned what was going to happen. Austria is trying but can't do your work for you. If people are so desperate for the farce to continue with gunboat moves fine. I signed up for a SL & this ain't 1. No 1 looking at the map & knowing they can't rebuild lost units would do what has been done here.

--- On Mon, 12/22/08, Jack McHugh <jwmchughjr(at)gmail.com> wrote:

From: Jack McHugh <jwmchughjr(at)gmail.com>
Subject: Re: DC 218 SHIFT LEFT: Reiterate: I'm out of this 1
To: vegas_iwish(at)yahoo.com
Cc: "The White Wolf" <cloudhurler77(at)yahoo.com>, "Stephen Worthy" <stephen(at)worthy1.fsnet.co.uk>, g_mod23(at)hotmail.com, matthew.kremer(at)yale.edu, scaponig(at)yahoo.com, "Packrat" <brn2dip(at)yahoo.com>, "Former Trout" <former.trout(at)gmail.com>, dc218(at)diplomaticcorp.com, "Steve Lytton" <stevelytton(at)gmail.com>, mike(at)southwall.com, stevelytton(at)hotmail.com
Date: Monday, December 22, 2008, 12:22 PM
whoops, on correction, my last sentence in the first
paragraph should read:

i would turn your complaint around and if you want people
to play "normal"
strategies then sign up for a "normal" dip game

gmail deleted a line on me...


On Mon, Dec 22, 2008 at 3:19 PM, Jack McHugh
<jwmchughjr(at)gmail.com> wrote:


while i sympathize with your frustration in view of

your opinion of our

play but this is a VARIANT.....which means traditional

strategies don't work

so i'm trying new things here--if they don't

work fine...then i'll learn

from my mistakes...iits like you sign up for a

varient chess game with

extra pieces and then you ar3 upset no one uses a king

pawn opening...i

would "normal" dip game start.

i am also a bit offended (don't worry i'll get

over it) by your complaining

about my play--as someone else said this is also game

of diplomacy,

sometimes people get taken in, i guess i was....but i

don't think getting to

your home centers so you can BUILD was such an awful

assumption to make and

i wish u would stop acting like it was some big

conspiracy to screw you....

Also quitting really sucks, as i assume everyone will

play out all the DC

game starts even if they don't like the game or

how they other players are

playing...you should play out the game unless there is

some clear evidence

of cheating or other illegal activity..i am currently

playing in dc207

viking dip..i really don't like the variant but i

played to see if i liked

and i'm going to play it out, even though i

don't like it, for me to quit

would be unfair to the other players, some of whom may

like it. I don't

assume because I don't like a game or am not

enjoying it therefore no one

else is...and i certainly don't blame the other

players for the variant

design or their play...anticipating how players will

play to me is part of

the designer's job, to blame them for taking

advantage of design is blaming

the effect for the cause...

just my two cents,


On Sun, Dec 21, 2008 at 8:35 AM, MICHAEL BOUTOT


Worst played game imaginable & they still

[/quote:30f4402538]don't acknowledge it. Dead

[quote:30f4402538]wrong: Stephen can not lose unless he tries to by

[/quote:30f4402538]continuing to negotiate

[quote:30f4402538]when it is needless to do so just to pretend a

[/quote:30f4402538]game is going on. Have played

[quote:30f4402538]& run dozens of these - interdict 1st or

[/quote:30f4402538]don't enter the game. Running home

[quote:30f4402538]means you want to play Standard - plenty of that

[/quote:30f4402538]simple stuff available

[quote:30f4402538]elsewhere. Sorry about your son but this game is

[/quote:30f4402538]hopeless. Both E's moves

[quote:30f4402538]were fine (blocked Ven as R should have & the

[/quote:30f4402538]like) so no issue there.

--- On Sat, 12/20/08, Packrat

[/quote:30f4402538]<brn2dip(at)yahoo.com> wrote:

[quote:30f4402538]From: Packrat <brn2dip(at)yahoo.com>
Subject: DC 218 SHIFT LEFT: I'm out

[/quote:30f4402538][/quote:30f4402538]of this 1

[quote:30f4402538][quote:30f4402538]To: vegas_iwish(at)yahoo.com, "The White

[/quote:30f4402538][/quote:30f4402538]Wolf" <cloudhurler77(at)yahoo.com>,

[quote:30f4402538]jwmchughjr(at)gmail.com, "Stephen Worthy"


[quote:30f4402538]g_mod23(at)hotmail.com, matthew.kremer(at)yale.edu,


[quote:30f4402538][quote:30f4402538]Cc: "Former Trout"

[/quote:30f4402538][/quote:30f4402538]<former.trout(at)gmail.com>, dc218(at)diplomaticcorp.com,

[quote:30f4402538]"Steve Lytton"

[/quote:30f4402538]<stevelytton(at)gmail.com>, mike(at)southwall.com,

[quote:30f4402538]Date: Saturday, December 20, 2008, 5:32 AM
A couple of things here folks -
Orders were due Friday and I will get to them

[/quote:30f4402538][/quote:30f4402538]at some point

[quote:30f4402538][quote:30f4402538]today. We had 1/2" or more
of ice on EVERY thing and my son was almost

[/quote:30f4402538][/quote:30f4402538]killed by

[quote:30f4402538][quote:30f4402538]falling branches. Sorry, but that
took priority.

Michael - I am sorry you feel that way but

[/quote:30f4402538][/quote:30f4402538]how, exactly,

[quote:30f4402538][quote:30f4402538]does your being a poor sport
and running for the hills help this game?

[/quote:30f4402538][/quote:30f4402538]You may see

[quote:30f4402538][quote:30f4402538]this game as over, but I think it
is a far cry from that and I also believe you

[/quote:30f4402538][/quote:30f4402538]are wrong.

[quote:30f4402538][quote:30f4402538]Unfortunately me being the GM
precludes me from commenting beyond that.

[/quote:30f4402538][/quote:30f4402538]There is a new

[quote:30f4402538][quote:30f4402538]Enland on the board and
his first set of moves has yet to be seen by

[/quote:30f4402538][/quote:30f4402538]anyone but

[quote:30f4402538][quote:30f4402538]me. Trust me, I have thrown
similar temper tantrums to yours (some worse)

[/quote:30f4402538][/quote:30f4402538]and this too

[quote:30f4402538][quote:30f4402538]will pass. I would prefer
that you stayed in the game and played it to

[/quote:30f4402538][/quote:30f4402538]the end but I

[quote:30f4402538][quote:30f4402538]am not going to beg you to.
I already think you are an ass as a GM,

[/quote:30f4402538][/quote:30f4402538]please do not give

[quote:30f4402538][quote:30f4402538]me reason to think you
are as a player as well.

ALL: I will adjudicate later today if I can,

[/quote:30f4402538][/quote:30f4402538]there are

[quote:30f4402538][quote:30f4402538]family events going on from
1-4 and 9-midnight so I will try and get it

[/quote:30f4402538][/quote:30f4402538]done between 4

[quote:30f4402538][quote:30f4402538]and 11. I will run
this season with the orders Michael submitted

[/quote:30f4402538][/quote:30f4402538]already and

[quote:30f4402538][quote:30f4402538]take it from there.

Michael - if you still want out just let me

[/quote:30f4402538][/quote:30f4402538]know and I will

[quote:30f4402538][quote:30f4402538]replace you. Otherwise
I will assume you were just blowing off steam

[/quote:30f4402538][/quote:30f4402538]and keep you

[quote:30f4402538][quote:30f4402538]on board.



DC 217, Update and deadline - alwayshunted   (Dec 22, 2008, 2:42 pm)
Hey everyone,

Just a quick note to touch base. I have been travelling a lot lately and haven't been online much. Because of this I haven't given confirmations to many orders this week. I'll try to get to them all today...... sometime.

So the deadline is tonight, about 8 hours from now. I hope to be fairly prompt with it, so get your orders in BEFORE then if you can. Once I open my mail at, or after, the deadline, the inbox is CLOSED.

After this deadline I propose a break until the new year. Again I'm going to be travelling a lot, so contact will be spotty. Let me know your thoughts on this. I'm thinking around Monday the 5th for the next deadline after tonight.

Get 'em in!


From: alwayshunted(at)hotmail.com
To: professorhill2002(at)yahoo.com; mclyker(at)msn.com; simon.langley-evans(at)nottingham.ac.uk; mistro914(at)gmail.com; drew3739o(at)yahoo.com; verticallychallangedcutie(at)yahoo.com; stipe505(at)gmail.com; dc217(at)diplomaticcorp.com
CC: former.trout(at)gmail.com; stevelytton(at)hotmail.com; alwayshunted(at)hotmail.com
Subject: DC 217, spring/summer 1903
Date: Mon, 15 Dec 2008 22:25:50 -0700

.ExternalClass .EC_hmmessage P {padding:0px;} .ExternalClass body.EC_hmmessage {font-size:10pt;font-family:Verdana;} After the spring turn we had one retreat due from Turkey. There was only one option, so I have assumed that it would be taken. Rachael, please let me know if you would rather retreat it OTB.

One more turn to go, and then we will take a bit of time off for the holiday season. I'm going to suggest we start up again on the 5th, probably with winter 1903 due on that day. I'm open to feedback of course.

For now, Fall 1903 is due on Monday, December 22, 22:00 MST.

Here is the spring and summer adjudication:


England F BRE - PIC
England F ENG - MAO
England A HOL - BEL
England F NRT – NWY
England F EDI – NWG

A Burgundy - Ruhr
F Liverpool - Clyde
A Marseilles - Gascony
A Paris Supports A Marseilles - Gascony
A Portugal - Spain

F Baltic Sea Supports A Denmark - Sweden
A Denmark - Sweden
A Kiel - Ruhr
A Munich - Ruhr

A Ven -> Tyr
A Vie holds
A Tri -> Ser
F Nap -> Ion
F Apu -> Adr
F Ion -> Alb

FStPnc S FSwe-Nwy
AGal-S ABud
ARum S Italian A Tri-Ser
ABud S Italian ATri-Ser

F Aegean Sea - Eastern Mediterranean
A Ankara - Constantinople
F Constantinople - Aegean Sea
A Greece Hold
A Serbia Supports A Budapest
A Smyrna - Ankara


F Brest - Picardy
F Edinburgh - Norwegian Sea
F English Channel - Mid-Atlantic Ocean
A Holland - Belgium
F North Sea - Norway (*Fails*)

A Burgundy - Ruhr (*Bounce*)
F Liverpool - Clyde
A Marseilles - Gascony
A Paris Supports A Marseilles - Gascony
A Portugal - Spain

F Baltic Sea Supports A Denmark - Sweden
A Denmark - Sweden
A Kiel - Ruhr (*Bounce*)
A Munich - Ruhr (*Bounce*)

F Apulia - Adriatic Sea
F Ionian Sea - Albania
F Naples - Ionian Sea
A Trieste - Serbia
A Venice - Tyrolia
A Vienna Hold

A Budapest Supports A Trieste - Serbia
A Galicia Supports A Budapest
A Rumania Supports A Trieste - Serbia
F Sevastopol - Black Sea
F St Petersburg(nc) Supports F Sweden - Norway
F Sweden - Norway
A Warsaw - Silesia

F Aegean Sea - Eastern Mediterranean
A Ankara - Constantinople
F Constantinople - Aegean Sea
A Greece Hold
A Serbia Supports A Budapest (*Dislodged*)
A Smyrna - Ankara


There was one retreat due from Turkey, however I have retreated the unit to its only option,Bulgaria.

Fall 1903 is now due in one week, on December 22nd, 22:00 MST.

Maps are attached. Check everything.



DC 217, Update and deadline (dc217) Slangers Dec 22, 03:48 pm
Monday 5th sounds good to me. I am guessing that we're all busy at this time of year and even world domination must be put on hold for the festive season.


Professor Simon Langley-Evans
Chair in Human Nutrition
School of Biosciences
University of Nottingham
Sutton Bonington
LE12 5RD

Tel: 0115 951 6139
Fax: 0115 951 6122

P Please consider the environment before printing this e-mail

From: Warren Fleming [mailto:alwayshunted(at)hotmail.com]
Sent: Mon 22/12/2008 20:42
To: 217 Austria; 217 Germany; 217 Russia `; 217 England; 217 France; 217 Turkey; 217 Italy; dc217(at)diplomaticcorp.com
Cc: Trout.; Stephen Lytton; alwayshunted(at)hotmail.com
Subject: DC 217, Update and deadline

Hey everyone,

Just a quick note to touch base. I have been travelling a lot lately and haven't been online much. Because of this I haven't given confirmations to many orders this week. I'll try to get to them all today...... sometime.

So the deadline is tonight, about 8 hours from now. I hope to be fairly prompt with it, so get your orders in BEFORE then if you can. Once I open my mail at, or after, the deadline, the inbox is CLOSED.

After this deadline I propose a break until the new year. Again I'm going to be travelling a lot, so contact will be spotty. Let me know your thoughts on this. I'm thinking around Monday the 5th for the next deadline after tonight.

Get 'em in!


From: alwayshunted(at)hotmail.com
To: professorhill2002(at)yahoo.com; mclyker(at)msn.com; simon.langley-evans(at)nottingham.ac.uk; mistro914(at)gmail.com; drew3739o(at)yahoo.com; verticallychallangedcutie(at)yahoo.com; stipe505(at)gmail.com; dc217(at)diplomaticcorp.com
CC: former.trout(at)gmail.com; stevelytton(at)hotmail.com; alwayshunted(at)hotmail.com
Subject: DC 217, spring/summer 1903
Date: Mon, 15 Dec 2008 22:25:50 -0700

.ExternalClass .EC_hmmessage P {padding:0px;} .ExternalClass body.EC_hmmessage {font-size:10pt;font-family:Verdana;} After the spring turn we had one retreat due from Turkey. There was only one option, so I have assumed that it would be taken. Rachael, please let me know if you would rather retreat it OTB.

One more turn to go, and then we will take a bit of time off for the holiday season. I'm going to suggest we start up again on the 5th, probably with winter 1903 due on that day. I'm open to feedback of course.

For now, Fall 1903 is due on Monday, December 22, 22:00 MST.

Here is the spring and summer adjudication:


England F BRE - PIC
England F ENG - MAO
England A HOL - BEL
England F NRT – NWY
England F EDI – NWG

A Burgundy - Ruhr
F Liverpool - Clyde
A Marseilles - Gascony
A Paris Supports A Marseilles - Gascony
A Portugal - Spain

F Baltic Sea Supports A Denmark - Sweden
A Denmark - Sweden
A Kiel - Ruhr
A Munich - Ruhr

A Ven -> Tyr
A Vie holds
A Tri -> Ser
F Nap -> Ion
F Apu -> Adr
F Ion -> Alb

FStPnc S FSwe-Nwy
AGal-S ABud
ARum S Italian A Tri-Ser
ABud S Italian ATri-Ser

F Aegean Sea - Eastern Mediterranean
A Ankara - Constantinople
F Constantinople - Aegean Sea
A Greece Hold
A Serbia Supports A Budapest
A Smyrna - Ankara


F Brest - Picardy
F Edinburgh - Norwegian Sea
F English Channel - Mid-Atlantic Ocean
A Holland - Belgium
F North Sea - Norway (*Fails*)

A Burgundy - Ruhr (*Bounce*)
F Liverpool - Clyde
A Marseilles - Gascony
A Paris Supports A Marseilles - Gascony
A Portugal - Spain

F Baltic Sea Supports A Denmark - Sweden
A Denmark - Sweden
A Kiel - Ruhr (*Bounce*)
A Munich - Ruhr (*Bounce*)

F Apulia - Adriatic Sea
F Ionian Sea - Albania
F Naples - Ionian Sea
A Trieste - Serbia
A Venice - Tyrolia
A Vienna Hold

A Budapest Supports A Trieste - Serbia
A Galicia Supports A Budapest
A Rumania Supports A Trieste - Serbia
F Sevastopol - Black Sea
F St Petersburg(nc) Supports F Sweden - Norway
F Sweden - Norway
A Warsaw - Silesia

F Aegean Sea - Eastern Mediterranean
A Ankara - Constantinople
F Constantinople - Aegean Sea
A Greece Hold
A Serbia Supports A Budapest (*Dislodged*)
A Smyrna - Ankara


There was one retreat due from Turkey, however I have retreated the unit to its only option,Bulgaria.

Fall 1903 is now due in one week, on December 22nd, 22:00 MST.

Maps are attached. Check everything.

DC 217, Update and deadline (dc217) Stips Dec 22, 03:59 pm
Monday 5th is just fine.

Stjepan Mateljan

gsm: +385 95 877 59 86

Bitno je sanjati.
DC 218 SHIFT LEFT: Spring 02 results - Fall 1902 d... - stephen_worthy   (Dec 22, 2008, 2:29 pm)
Hi Folks, I forgot to say the other day, apologies to anyone who sent me a message and didn't get a reply over the last week or so. I'm recovering my inbox from a spam attack, and messages got backed up and/or obscured by spam apparently sent by myself. I'm back in business now and should by responding to messages shortly!regards,Stephen

========================================Message Received: Dec 22 2008, 03:35 AMFrom: "Packrat" To: "Packrat" , "MICHAEL BOUTOT" , "The White Wolf" , jwmchughjr(at)gmail.com, "Stephen Worthy" , g_mod23(at)hotmail.com, matthew.kremer(at)yale.edu, scaponig(at)yahoo.comCc: "Former Trout" , dc218(at)diplomaticcorp.com, "Steve Lytton" , mike(at)southwall.com, stevelytton(at)hotmail.comSubject: DC 218 SHIFT LEFT: Spring 02 results - Fall 1902 due 12-26 at 2100 EST

I am hoping Michael will continue on in this and will not be seeking a replacementat this time. I am going to set the deadline for 12/26 at 2100 EST. I *know* this is the day after Christmas so if that deadline does not work just let me know and Ican extend it.There are no retreats needed so we move straight to fall. Any questions or errorsjust let me know.
Austria: A Munich - Kiel (*Bounce*)A Piedmont - Tyrolia (*Bounce*)F Portugal - Spain - (*void*) - NO COAST specifiedEngland: F Adriatic Sea - Apulia (*Fails*)A Trieste - Venice (*Bounce*)A Vienna - Tyrolia (*Bounce*)France: A Berlin - Kiel (*Bounce*)F Black Sea - Rumania (*Bounce*)F Sweden - DenmarkA Warsaw - Silesia (*Fails*)Germany: F Aegean Sea Supports F Adriatic Sea - Ionian Sea (*Void*)A Bulgaria - GreeceA Smyrna - ConstantinopleItaly: F English Channel Convoys A Wales - BrestF Mid-Atlantic Ocean - Portugal (*Fails*)A Wales - BrestRussia: A Apulia - Venice (*Bounce*)F Ionian Sea - Tyrrhenian SeaA Serbia - Rumania (*Bounce*)Turkey: A Bohemia - Munich (*Fails*)A Silesia Supports A Bohemia - Munich (*Cut*)[ 218-sp02.GIF (30.9 Kb) ][ 218-sp02.dpy (4.8 Kb) ]


DC 218 SHIFT LEFT: Reiterate: I'm out of this 1 - FlapJack   (Dec 22, 2008, 2:22 pm)
whoops, on correction, my last sentence in the first paragraph should read:

i would turn your complaint around and if you want people to play "normal" strategies then sign up for a "normal" dip game

gmail deleted a line on me...


On Mon, Dec 22, 2008 at 3:19 PM, Jack McHugh <jwmchughjr(at)gmail.com ([email]jwmchughjr(at)gmail.com[/email])> wrote:


while i sympathize with your frustration in view of your opinion of our play but this is a VARIANT.....which means traditional strategies don't work so i'm trying new things here--if they don't work fine...then i'll learn from my mistakes...iits like you sign up for a varient chess game with extra pieces and then you ar3 upset no one uses a king pawn opening...i would "normal" dip game start.

i am also a bit offended (don't worry i'll get over it) by your complaining about my play--as someone else said this is also game of diplomacy, sometimes people get taken in, i guess i was....but i don't think getting to your home centers so you can BUILD was such an awful assumption to make and i wish u would stop acting like it was some big conspiracy to screw you....

Also quitting really sucks, as i assume everyone will play out all the DC game starts even if they don't like the game or how they other players are playing...you should play out the game unless there is some clear evidence of cheating or other illegal activity..i am currently playing in dc207 viking dip..i really don't like the variant but i played to see if i liked and i'm going to play it out, even though i don't like it, for me to quit would be unfair to the other players, some of whom may like it. I don't assume because I don't like a game or am not enjoying it therefore no one else is...and i certainly don't blame the other players for the variant design or their play...anticipating how players will play to me is part of the designer's job, to blame them for taking advantage of design is blaming the effect for the cause...

just my two cents,


On Sun, Dec 21, 2008 at 8:35 AM, MICHAEL BOUTOT <vegas_iwish(at)yahoo.com ([email]vegas_iwish(at)yahoo.com[/email])> wrote:
Worst played game imaginable & they still don't acknowledge it. Dead wrong: Stephen can not lose unless he tries to by continuing to negotiate when it is needless to do so just to pretend a game is going on. Have played & run dozens of these - interdict 1st or don't enter the game. Running home means you want to play Standard - plenty of that simple stuff available elsewhere. Sorry about your son but this game is hopeless. Both E's moves were fine (blocked Ven as R should have & the like) so no issue there.

--- On Sat, 12/20/08, Packrat <brn2dip(at)yahoo.com ([email]brn2dip(at)yahoo.com[/email])> wrote:

[quote:d089b63b4c]From: Packrat <brn2dip(at)yahoo.com ([email]brn2dip(at)yahoo.com[/email])>
Subject: DC 218 SHIFT LEFT: I'm out of this 1
To: vegas_iwish(at)yahoo.com ([email]vegas_iwish(at)yahoo.com[/email]), "The White Wolf" <cloudhurler77(at)yahoo.com ([email]cloudhurler77(at)yahoo.com[/email])>, jwmchughjr(at)gmail.com ([email]jwmchughjr(at)gmail.com[/email]), "Stephen Worthy" <stephen(at)worthy1.fsnet.co.uk ([email]stephen(at)worthy1.fsnet.co.uk[/email])>, g_mod23(at)hotmail.com ([email]g_mod23(at)hotmail.com[/email]), matthew.kremer(at)yale.edu ([email]matthew.kremer(at)yale.edu[/email]), scaponig(at)yahoo.com ([email]scaponig(at)yahoo.com[/email])
Cc: "Former Trout" <former.trout(at)gmail.com ([email]former.trout(at)gmail.com[/email])>, dc218(at)diplomaticcorp.com ([email]dc218(at)diplomaticcorp.com[/email]), "Steve Lytton" <stevelytton(at)gmail.com ([email]stevelytton(at)gmail.com[/email])>, mike(at)southwall.com ([email]mike(at)southwall.com[/email]), stevelytton(at)hotmail.com ([email]stevelytton(at)hotmail.com[/email])
Date: Saturday, December 20, 2008, 5:32 AM
A couple of things here folks -
Orders were due Friday and I will get to them at some point
today. We had 1/2" or more
of ice on EVERY thing and my son was almost killed by
falling branches. Sorry, but that
took priority.

Michael - I am sorry you feel that way but how, exactly,
does your being a poor sport
and running for the hills help this game? You may see
this game as over, but I think it
is a far cry from that and I also believe you are wrong.
Unfortunately me being the GM
precludes me from commenting beyond that. There is a new
Enland on the board and
his first set of moves has yet to be seen by anyone but
me. Trust me, I have thrown
similar temper tantrums to yours (some worse) and this too
will pass. I would prefer
that you stayed in the game and played it to the end but I
am not going to beg you to.
I already think you are an ass as a GM, please do not give
me reason to think you
are as a player as well.

ALL: I will adjudicate later today if I can, there are
family events going on from
1-4 and 9-midnight so I will try and get it done between 4
and 11. I will run
this season with the orders Michael submitted already and
take it from there.

Michael - if you still want out just let me know and I will
replace you. Otherwise
I will assume you were just blowing off steam and keep you
on board.




DC 218 SHIFT LEFT: Reiterate: I'm out of this 1 - FlapJack   (Dec 22, 2008, 2:20 pm)

while i sympathize with your frustration in view of your opinion of our play but this is a VARIANT.....which means traditional strategies don't work so i'm trying new things here--if they don't work fine...then i'll learn from my mistakes...iits like you sign up for a varient chess game with extra pieces and then you ar3 upset no one uses a king pawn opening...i would "normal" dip game start.

i am also a bit offended (don't worry i'll get over it) by your complaining about my play--as someone else said this is also game of diplomacy, sometimes people get taken in, i guess i was....but i don't think getting to your home centers so you can BUILD was such an awful assumption to make and i wish u would stop acting like it was some big conspiracy to screw you....

Also quitting really sucks, as i assume everyone will play out all the DC game starts even if they don't like the game or how they other players are playing...you should play out the game unless there is some clear evidence of cheating or other illegal activity..i am currently playing in dc207 viking dip..i really don't like the variant but i played to see if i liked and i'm going to play it out, even though i don't like it, for me to quit would be unfair to the other players, some of whom may like it. I don't assume because I don't like a game or am not enjoying it therefore no one else is...and i certainly don't blame the other players for the variant design or their play...anticipating how players will play to me is part of the designer's job, to blame them for taking advantage of design is blaming the effect for the cause...

just my two cents,


On Sun, Dec 21, 2008 at 8:35 AM, MICHAEL BOUTOT <vegas_iwish(at)yahoo.com ([email]vegas_iwish(at)yahoo.com[/email])> wrote:

Worst played game imaginable & they still don't acknowledge it. Dead wrong: Stephen can not lose unless he tries to by continuing to negotiate when it is needless to do so just to pretend a game is going on. Have played & run dozens of these - interdict 1st or don't enter the game. Running home means you want to play Standard - plenty of that simple stuff available elsewhere. Sorry about your son but this game is hopeless. Both E's moves were fine (blocked Ven as R should have & the like) so no issue there.

--- On Sat, 12/20/08, Packrat <brn2dip(at)yahoo.com ([email]brn2dip(at)yahoo.com[/email])> wrote:

[quote:5386912030]From: Packrat <brn2dip(at)yahoo.com ([email]brn2dip(at)yahoo.com[/email])>
Subject: DC 218 SHIFT LEFT: I'm out of this 1
To: vegas_iwish(at)yahoo.com ([email]vegas_iwish(at)yahoo.com[/email]), "The White Wolf" <cloudhurler77(at)yahoo.com ([email]cloudhurler77(at)yahoo.com[/email])>, jwmchughjr(at)gmail.com ([email]jwmchughjr(at)gmail.com[/email]), "Stephen Worthy" <stephen(at)worthy1.fsnet.co.uk ([email]stephen(at)worthy1.fsnet.co.uk[/email])>, g_mod23(at)hotmail.com ([email]g_mod23(at)hotmail.com[/email]), matthew.kremer(at)yale.edu ([email]matthew.kremer(at)yale.edu[/email]), scaponig(at)yahoo.com ([email]scaponig(at)yahoo.com[/email])
Cc: "Former Trout" <former.trout(at)gmail.com ([email]former.trout(at)gmail.com[/email])>, dc218(at)diplomaticcorp.com ([email]dc218(at)diplomaticcorp.com[/email]), "Steve Lytton" <stevelytton(at)gmail.com ([email]stevelytton(at)gmail.com[/email])>, mike(at)southwall.com ([email]mike(at)southwall.com[/email]), stevelytton(at)hotmail.com ([email]stevelytton(at)hotmail.com[/email])
Date: Saturday, December 20, 2008, 5:32 AM
A couple of things here folks -
Orders were due Friday and I will get to them at some point
today. We had 1/2" or more
of ice on EVERY thing and my son was almost killed by
falling branches. Sorry, but that
took priority.

Michael - I am sorry you feel that way but how, exactly,
does your being a poor sport
and running for the hills help this game? You may see
this game as over, but I think it
is a far cry from that and I also believe you are wrong.
Unfortunately me being the GM
precludes me from commenting beyond that. There is a new
Enland on the board and
his first set of moves has yet to be seen by anyone but
me. Trust me, I have thrown
similar temper tantrums to yours (some worse) and this too
will pass. I would prefer
that you stayed in the game and played it to the end but I
am not going to beg you to.
I already think you are an ass as a GM, please do not give
me reason to think you
are as a player as well.

ALL: I will adjudicate later today if I can, there are
family events going on from
1-4 and 9-midnight so I will try and get it done between 4
and 11. I will run
this season with the orders Michael submitted already and
take it from there.

Michael - if you still want out just let me know and I will
replace you. Otherwise
I will assume you were just blowing off steam and keep you
on board.



DC 218 SHIFT LEFT: Reiterate: I'm out of this 1 (dc218) FlapJack Dec 22, 02:22 pm
whoops, on correction, my last sentence in the first paragraph should read:

i would turn your complaint around and if you want people to play "normal" strategies then sign up for a "normal" dip game

gmail deleted a line on me...


On Mon, Dec 22, 2008 at 3:19 PM, Jack McHugh <jwmchughjr(at)gmail.com ([email]jwmchughjr(at)gmail.com[/email])> wrote:


while i sympathize with your frustration in view of your opinion of our play but this is a VARIANT.....which means traditional strategies don't work so i'm trying new things here--if they don't work fine...then i'll learn from my mistakes...iits like you sign up for a varient chess game with extra pieces and then you ar3 upset no one uses a king pawn opening...i would "normal" dip game start.

i am also a bit offended (don't worry i'll get over it) by your complaining about my play--as someone else said this is also game of diplomacy, sometimes people get taken in, i guess i was....but i don't think getting to your home centers so you can BUILD was such an awful assumption to make and i wish u would stop acting like it was some big conspiracy to screw you....

Also quitting really sucks, as i assume everyone will play out all the DC game starts even if they don't like the game or how they other players are playing...you should play out the game unless there is some clear evidence of cheating or other illegal activity..i am currently playing in dc207 viking dip..i really don't like the variant but i played to see if i liked and i'm going to play it out, even though i don't like it, for me to quit would be unfair to the other players, some of whom may like it. I don't assume because I don't like a game or am not enjoying it therefore no one else is...and i certainly don't blame the other players for the variant design or their play...anticipating how players will play to me is part of the designer's job, to blame them for taking advantage of design is blaming the effect for the cause...

just my two cents,


On Sun, Dec 21, 2008 at 8:35 AM, MICHAEL BOUTOT <vegas_iwish(at)yahoo.com ([email]vegas_iwish(at)yahoo.com[/email])> wrote:
Worst played game imaginable & they still don't acknowledge it. Dead wrong: Stephen can not lose unless he tries to by continuing to negotiate when it is needless to do so just to pretend a game is going on. Have played & run dozens of these - interdict 1st or don't enter the game. Running home means you want to play Standard - plenty of that simple stuff available elsewhere. Sorry about your son but this game is hopeless. Both E's moves were fine (blocked Ven as R should have & the like) so no issue there.

--- On Sat, 12/20/08, Packrat <brn2dip(at)yahoo.com ([email]brn2dip(at)yahoo.com[/email])> wrote:

[quote:d089b63b4c]From: Packrat <brn2dip(at)yahoo.com ([email]brn2dip(at)yahoo.com[/email])>
Subject: DC 218 SHIFT LEFT: I'm out of this 1
To: vegas_iwish(at)yahoo.com ([email]vegas_iwish(at)yahoo.com[/email]), "The White Wolf" <cloudhurler77(at)yahoo.com ([email]cloudhurler77(at)yahoo.com[/email])>, jwmchughjr(at)gmail.com ([email]jwmchughjr(at)gmail.com[/email]), "Stephen Worthy" <stephen(at)worthy1.fsnet.co.uk ([email]stephen(at)worthy1.fsnet.co.uk[/email])>, g_mod23(at)hotmail.com ([email]g_mod23(at)hotmail.com[/email]), matthew.kremer(at)yale.edu ([email]matthew.kremer(at)yale.edu[/email]), scaponig(at)yahoo.com ([email]scaponig(at)yahoo.com[/email])
Cc: "Former Trout" <former.trout(at)gmail.com ([email]former.trout(at)gmail.com[/email])>, dc218(at)diplomaticcorp.com ([email]dc218(at)diplomaticcorp.com[/email]), "Steve Lytton" <stevelytton(at)gmail.com ([email]stevelytton(at)gmail.com[/email])>, mike(at)southwall.com ([email]mike(at)southwall.com[/email]), stevelytton(at)hotmail.com ([email]stevelytton(at)hotmail.com[/email])
Date: Saturday, December 20, 2008, 5:32 AM
A couple of things here folks -
Orders were due Friday and I will get to them at some point
today. We had 1/2" or more
of ice on EVERY thing and my son was almost killed by
falling branches. Sorry, but that
took priority.

Michael - I am sorry you feel that way but how, exactly,
does your being a poor sport
and running for the hills help this game? You may see
this game as over, but I think it
is a far cry from that and I also believe you are wrong.
Unfortunately me being the GM
precludes me from commenting beyond that. There is a new
Enland on the board and
his first set of moves has yet to be seen by anyone but
me. Trust me, I have thrown
similar temper tantrums to yours (some worse) and this too
will pass. I would prefer
that you stayed in the game and played it to the end but I
am not going to beg you to.
I already think you are an ass as a GM, please do not give
me reason to think you
are as a player as well.

ALL: I will adjudicate later today if I can, there are
family events going on from
1-4 and 9-midnight so I will try and get it done between 4
and 11. I will run
this season with the orders Michael submitted already and
take it from there.

Michael - if you still want out just let me know and I will
replace you. Otherwise
I will assume you were just blowing off steam and keep you
on board.


DC 218 SHIFT LEFT: Reiterate: I'm out of this 1 (dc218) vegas_iwish Dec 22, 03:13 pm
ok - you wanted a response apparently. SL & 1600 are the 2 games that can draw me in (A Med sometimes) to play. 1600 due to map & flow. SL because it is quite like a version of Dip we had to create to get wargamers to play Dip. Early on Dep was a game one gently directed people unable to handle the complexity of morale; tactics; supply; troop quality; etc of even some of the simpler wargames. Wargamers(WGs) were the majority then. The 1st dip games I Gm'd in early 70s ran into WGs who absolutely walked out when faced with "ridiculous" rules such as beleagured garrisons & the idea 2 russian armies even equaled 1 german 1 in WWI (Tannenberg) let alone defeated same. SL is a taut, tactics-filled game where trapping & popping other units is everything. Most SL games played from this mindset are basically decided by yr 06 or 07 & with little or no building as there is no need (or likelihood with proper interdiction) for it. No need for a boring Standard to
appear at all. Not only did you not defend Ber as I mentioned you had to but you now actually turned around & attacked Mun which is inconceivable. Getting that back helps you not a whit. There are no strategies being employed here - traditional or otherwise. You avoid getting disbands & you inflict them on others. You are (were) the critical lynchpin between favored France and an easy win & you jumped out of his way 2 consecutive turns even after being warned what was going to happen. Austria is trying but can't do your work for you. If people are so desperate for the farce to continue with gunboat moves fine. I signed up for a SL & this ain't 1. No 1 looking at the map & knowing they can't rebuild lost units would do what has been done here.

--- On Mon, 12/22/08, Jack McHugh <jwmchughjr(at)gmail.com> wrote:

From: Jack McHugh <jwmchughjr(at)gmail.com>
Subject: Re: DC 218 SHIFT LEFT: Reiterate: I'm out of this 1
To: vegas_iwish(at)yahoo.com
Cc: "The White Wolf" <cloudhurler77(at)yahoo.com>, "Stephen Worthy" <stephen(at)worthy1.fsnet.co.uk>, g_mod23(at)hotmail.com, matthew.kremer(at)yale.edu, scaponig(at)yahoo.com, "Packrat" <brn2dip(at)yahoo.com>, "Former Trout" <former.trout(at)gmail.com>, dc218(at)diplomaticcorp.com, "Steve Lytton" <stevelytton(at)gmail.com>, mike(at)southwall.com, stevelytton(at)hotmail.com
Date: Monday, December 22, 2008, 12:22 PM
whoops, on correction, my last sentence in the first
paragraph should read:

i would turn your complaint around and if you want people
to play "normal"
strategies then sign up for a "normal" dip game

gmail deleted a line on me...


On Mon, Dec 22, 2008 at 3:19 PM, Jack McHugh
<jwmchughjr(at)gmail.com> wrote:


while i sympathize with your frustration in view of

your opinion of our

play but this is a VARIANT.....which means traditional

strategies don't work

so i'm trying new things here--if they don't

work fine...then i'll learn

from my mistakes...iits like you sign up for a

varient chess game with

extra pieces and then you ar3 upset no one uses a king

pawn opening...i

would "normal" dip game start.

i am also a bit offended (don't worry i'll get

over it) by your complaining

about my play--as someone else said this is also game

of diplomacy,

sometimes people get taken in, i guess i was....but i

don't think getting to

your home centers so you can BUILD was such an awful

assumption to make and

i wish u would stop acting like it was some big

conspiracy to screw you....

Also quitting really sucks, as i assume everyone will

play out all the DC

game starts even if they don't like the game or

how they other players are

playing...you should play out the game unless there is

some clear evidence

of cheating or other illegal activity..i am currently

playing in dc207

viking dip..i really don't like the variant but i

played to see if i liked

and i'm going to play it out, even though i

don't like it, for me to quit

would be unfair to the other players, some of whom may

like it. I don't

assume because I don't like a game or am not

enjoying it therefore no one

else is...and i certainly don't blame the other

players for the variant

design or their play...anticipating how players will

play to me is part of

the designer's job, to blame them for taking

advantage of design is blaming

the effect for the cause...

just my two cents,


On Sun, Dec 21, 2008 at 8:35 AM, MICHAEL BOUTOT


Worst played game imaginable & they still

[/quote:be30df2014]don't acknowledge it. Dead

[quote:be30df2014]wrong: Stephen can not lose unless he tries to by

[/quote:be30df2014]continuing to negotiate

[quote:be30df2014]when it is needless to do so just to pretend a

[/quote:be30df2014]game is going on. Have played

[quote:be30df2014]& run dozens of these - interdict 1st or

[/quote:be30df2014]don't enter the game. Running home

[quote:be30df2014]means you want to play Standard - plenty of that

[/quote:be30df2014]simple stuff available

[quote:be30df2014]elsewhere. Sorry about your son but this game is

[/quote:be30df2014]hopeless. Both E's moves

[quote:be30df2014]were fine (blocked Ven as R should have & the

[/quote:be30df2014]like) so no issue there.

--- On Sat, 12/20/08, Packrat

[/quote:be30df2014]<brn2dip(at)yahoo.com> wrote:

[quote:be30df2014]From: Packrat <brn2dip(at)yahoo.com>
Subject: DC 218 SHIFT LEFT: I'm out

[/quote:be30df2014][/quote:be30df2014]of this 1

[quote:be30df2014][quote:be30df2014]To: vegas_iwish(at)yahoo.com, "The White

[/quote:be30df2014][/quote:be30df2014]Wolf" <cloudhurler77(at)yahoo.com>,

[quote:be30df2014]jwmchughjr(at)gmail.com, "Stephen Worthy"


[quote:be30df2014]g_mod23(at)hotmail.com, matthew.kremer(at)yale.edu,


[quote:be30df2014][quote:be30df2014]Cc: "Former Trout"

[/quote:be30df2014][/quote:be30df2014]<former.trout(at)gmail.com>, dc218(at)diplomaticcorp.com,

[quote:be30df2014]"Steve Lytton"

[/quote:be30df2014]<stevelytton(at)gmail.com>, mike(at)southwall.com,

[quote:be30df2014]Date: Saturday, December 20, 2008, 5:32 AM
A couple of things here folks -
Orders were due Friday and I will get to them

[/quote:be30df2014][/quote:be30df2014]at some point

[quote:be30df2014][quote:be30df2014]today. We had 1/2" or more
of ice on EVERY thing and my son was almost

[/quote:be30df2014][/quote:be30df2014]killed by

[quote:be30df2014][quote:be30df2014]falling branches. Sorry, but that
took priority.

Michael - I am sorry you feel that way but

[/quote:be30df2014][/quote:be30df2014]how, exactly,

[quote:be30df2014][quote:be30df2014]does your being a poor sport
and running for the hills help this game?

[/quote:be30df2014][/quote:be30df2014]You may see

[quote:be30df2014][quote:be30df2014]this game as over, but I think it
is a far cry from that and I also believe you

[/quote:be30df2014][/quote:be30df2014]are wrong.

[quote:be30df2014][quote:be30df2014]Unfortunately me being the GM
precludes me from commenting beyond that.

[/quote:be30df2014][/quote:be30df2014]There is a new

[quote:be30df2014][quote:be30df2014]Enland on the board and
his first set of moves has yet to be seen by

[/quote:be30df2014][/quote:be30df2014]anyone but

[quote:be30df2014][quote:be30df2014]me. Trust me, I have thrown
similar temper tantrums to yours (some worse)

[/quote:be30df2014][/quote:be30df2014]and this too

[quote:be30df2014][quote:be30df2014]will pass. I would prefer
that you stayed in the game and played it to

[/quote:be30df2014][/quote:be30df2014]the end but I

[quote:be30df2014][quote:be30df2014]am not going to beg you to.
I already think you are an ass as a GM,

[/quote:be30df2014][/quote:be30df2014]please do not give

[quote:be30df2014][quote:be30df2014]me reason to think you
are as a player as well.

ALL: I will adjudicate later today if I can,

[/quote:be30df2014][/quote:be30df2014]there are

[quote:be30df2014][quote:be30df2014]family events going on from
1-4 and 9-midnight so I will try and get it

[/quote:be30df2014][/quote:be30df2014]done between 4

[quote:be30df2014][quote:be30df2014]and 11. I will run
this season with the orders Michael submitted

[/quote:be30df2014][/quote:be30df2014]already and

[quote:be30df2014][quote:be30df2014]take it from there.

Michael - if you still want out just let me

[/quote:be30df2014][/quote:be30df2014]know and I will

[quote:be30df2014][quote:be30df2014]replace you. Otherwise
I will assume you were just blowing off steam

[/quote:be30df2014][/quote:be30df2014]and keep you

[quote:be30df2014][quote:be30df2014]on board.

DC 218 SHIFT LEFT: Reiterate: I'm out of this 1 (dc218) vegas_iwish Dec 22, 03:13 pm
ok - you wanted a response apparently. SL & 1600 are the 2 games that can draw me in (A Med sometimes) to play. 1600 due to map & flow. SL because it is quite like a version of Dip we had to create to get wargamers to play Dip. Early on Dep was a game one gently directed people unable to handle the complexity of morale; tactics; supply; troop quality; etc of even some of the simpler wargames. Wargamers(WGs) were the majority then. The 1st dip games I Gm'd in early 70s ran into WGs who absolutely walked out when faced with "ridiculous" rules such as beleagured garrisons & the idea 2 russian armies even equaled 1 german 1 in WWI (Tannenberg) let alone defeated same. SL is a taut, tactics-filled game where trapping & popping other units is everything. Most SL games played from this mindset are basically decided by yr 06 or 07 & with little or no building as there is no need (or likelihood with proper interdiction) for it. No need for a boring Standard to
appear at all. Not only did you not defend Ber as I mentioned you had to but you now actually turned around & attacked Mun which is inconceivable. Getting that back helps you not a whit. There are no strategies being employed here - traditional or otherwise. You avoid getting disbands & you inflict them on others. You are (were) the critical lynchpin between favored France and an easy win & you jumped out of his way 2 consecutive turns even after being warned what was going to happen. Austria is trying but can't do your work for you. If people are so desperate for the farce to continue with gunboat moves fine. I signed up for a SL & this ain't 1. No 1 looking at the map & knowing they can't rebuild lost units would do what has been done here.

--- On Mon, 12/22/08, Jack McHugh <jwmchughjr(at)gmail.com> wrote:

From: Jack McHugh <jwmchughjr(at)gmail.com>
Subject: Re: DC 218 SHIFT LEFT: Reiterate: I'm out of this 1
To: vegas_iwish(at)yahoo.com
Cc: "The White Wolf" <cloudhurler77(at)yahoo.com>, "Stephen Worthy" <stephen(at)worthy1.fsnet.co.uk>, g_mod23(at)hotmail.com, matthew.kremer(at)yale.edu, scaponig(at)yahoo.com, "Packrat" <brn2dip(at)yahoo.com>, "Former Trout" <former.trout(at)gmail.com>, dc218(at)diplomaticcorp.com, "Steve Lytton" <stevelytton(at)gmail.com>, mike(at)southwall.com, stevelytton(at)hotmail.com
Date: Monday, December 22, 2008, 12:22 PM
whoops, on correction, my last sentence in the first
paragraph should read:

i would turn your complaint around and if you want people
to play "normal"
strategies then sign up for a "normal" dip game

gmail deleted a line on me...


On Mon, Dec 22, 2008 at 3:19 PM, Jack McHugh
<jwmchughjr(at)gmail.com> wrote:


while i sympathize with your frustration in view of

your opinion of our

play but this is a VARIANT.....which means traditional

strategies don't work

so i'm trying new things here--if they don't

work fine...then i'll learn

from my mistakes...iits like you sign up for a

varient chess game with

extra pieces and then you ar3 upset no one uses a king

pawn opening...i

would "normal" dip game start.

i am also a bit offended (don't worry i'll get

over it) by your complaining

about my play--as someone else said this is also game

of diplomacy,

sometimes people get taken in, i guess i was....but i

don't think getting to

your home centers so you can BUILD was such an awful

assumption to make and

i wish u would stop acting like it was some big

conspiracy to screw you....

Also quitting really sucks, as i assume everyone will

play out all the DC

game starts even if they don't like the game or

how they other players are

playing...you should play out the game unless there is

some clear evidence

of cheating or other illegal activity..i am currently

playing in dc207

viking dip..i really don't like the variant but i

played to see if i liked

and i'm going to play it out, even though i

don't like it, for me to quit

would be unfair to the other players, some of whom may

like it. I don't

assume because I don't like a game or am not

enjoying it therefore no one

else is...and i certainly don't blame the other

players for the variant

design or their play...anticipating how players will

play to me is part of

the designer's job, to blame them for taking

advantage of design is blaming

the effect for the cause...

just my two cents,


On Sun, Dec 21, 2008 at 8:35 AM, MICHAEL BOUTOT


Worst played game imaginable & they still

[/quote:30f4402538]don't acknowledge it. Dead

[quote:30f4402538]wrong: Stephen can not lose unless he tries to by

[/quote:30f4402538]continuing to negotiate

[quote:30f4402538]when it is needless to do so just to pretend a

[/quote:30f4402538]game is going on. Have played

[quote:30f4402538]& run dozens of these - interdict 1st or

[/quote:30f4402538]don't enter the game. Running home

[quote:30f4402538]means you want to play Standard - plenty of that

[/quote:30f4402538]simple stuff available

[quote:30f4402538]elsewhere. Sorry about your son but this game is

[/quote:30f4402538]hopeless. Both E's moves

[quote:30f4402538]were fine (blocked Ven as R should have & the

[/quote:30f4402538]like) so no issue there.

--- On Sat, 12/20/08, Packrat

[/quote:30f4402538]<brn2dip(at)yahoo.com> wrote:

[quote:30f4402538]From: Packrat <brn2dip(at)yahoo.com>
Subject: DC 218 SHIFT LEFT: I'm out

[/quote:30f4402538][/quote:30f4402538]of this 1

[quote:30f4402538][quote:30f4402538]To: vegas_iwish(at)yahoo.com, "The White

[/quote:30f4402538][/quote:30f4402538]Wolf" <cloudhurler77(at)yahoo.com>,

[quote:30f4402538]jwmchughjr(at)gmail.com, "Stephen Worthy"


[quote:30f4402538]g_mod23(at)hotmail.com, matthew.kremer(at)yale.edu,


[quote:30f4402538][quote:30f4402538]Cc: "Former Trout"

[/quote:30f4402538][/quote:30f4402538]<former.trout(at)gmail.com>, dc218(at)diplomaticcorp.com,

[quote:30f4402538]"Steve Lytton"

[/quote:30f4402538]<stevelytton(at)gmail.com>, mike(at)southwall.com,

[quote:30f4402538]Date: Saturday, December 20, 2008, 5:32 AM
A couple of things here folks -
Orders were due Friday and I will get to them

[/quote:30f4402538][/quote:30f4402538]at some point

[quote:30f4402538][quote:30f4402538]today. We had 1/2" or more
of ice on EVERY thing and my son was almost

[/quote:30f4402538][/quote:30f4402538]killed by

[quote:30f4402538][quote:30f4402538]falling branches. Sorry, but that
took priority.

Michael - I am sorry you feel that way but

[/quote:30f4402538][/quote:30f4402538]how, exactly,

[quote:30f4402538][quote:30f4402538]does your being a poor sport
and running for the hills help this game?

[/quote:30f4402538][/quote:30f4402538]You may see

[quote:30f4402538][quote:30f4402538]this game as over, but I think it
is a far cry from that and I also believe you

[/quote:30f4402538][/quote:30f4402538]are wrong.

[quote:30f4402538][quote:30f4402538]Unfortunately me being the GM
precludes me from commenting beyond that.

[/quote:30f4402538][/quote:30f4402538]There is a new

[quote:30f4402538][quote:30f4402538]Enland on the board and
his first set of moves has yet to be seen by

[/quote:30f4402538][/quote:30f4402538]anyone but

[quote:30f4402538][quote:30f4402538]me. Trust me, I have thrown
similar temper tantrums to yours (some worse)

[/quote:30f4402538][/quote:30f4402538]and this too

[quote:30f4402538][quote:30f4402538]will pass. I would prefer
that you stayed in the game and played it to

[/quote:30f4402538][/quote:30f4402538]the end but I

[quote:30f4402538][quote:30f4402538]am not going to beg you to.
I already think you are an ass as a GM,

[/quote:30f4402538][/quote:30f4402538]please do not give

[quote:30f4402538][quote:30f4402538]me reason to think you
are as a player as well.

ALL: I will adjudicate later today if I can,

[/quote:30f4402538][/quote:30f4402538]there are

[quote:30f4402538][quote:30f4402538]family events going on from
1-4 and 9-midnight so I will try and get it

[/quote:30f4402538][/quote:30f4402538]done between 4

[quote:30f4402538][quote:30f4402538]and 11. I will run
this season with the orders Michael submitted

[/quote:30f4402538][/quote:30f4402538]already and

[quote:30f4402538][quote:30f4402538]take it from there.

Michael - if you still want out just let me

[/quote:30f4402538][/quote:30f4402538]know and I will

[quote:30f4402538][quote:30f4402538]replace you. Otherwise
I will assume you were just blowing off steam

[/quote:30f4402538][/quote:30f4402538]and keep you

[quote:30f4402538][quote:30f4402538]on board.

DC 218 SHIFT LEFT: Reiterate: I'm out of this 1 (dc218) FlapJack Dec 22, 04:32 pm
okay i got my answer and we'll just have to agree to disagree as I strongly disagree with your interpretation of my moves last season and your attitude toward my play.

first, i admit it,--you're right that i didn't play very well and i got the game wrong...my answer is so what is wrong with that? i wasn't trying to lose and i didn't purposely throw the game to anyone. and then you have to nerve to act like you're the injured party....excuse me, I'm the one whose about to be eliminated--that's my punishment...i'm sorry Michael but I don't think you have any reason to be so upset with me--i'm paying the penalty of the game, if that's not good enough for you then you shouldn't play on DC.

how do you expect people to learn except by playing the game?. i've done nothing for you to quit over and i think you're wrong to do so--if you quit due to what you see is poor play or disagreements over stradegy with another player you can quit virutally any variant and most standard games....

as for moving on ber last turn--IT WAS ALREADY LOST AND I COULD ONLY GET ONE UNIT ON IT-how in the can i take back a occupied center with one one unit--answer: you can't. so i tried to get back in Mun with Sil support and i made the move in good fatith and strongly protest you acting like it was a foolish move or a bad play...i will concede my first year was bad but i tried to recover as best i could. and i was (and still am) playing to win..

On Mon, Dec 22, 2008 at 4:12 PM, MICHAEL BOUTOT <vegas_iwish(at)yahoo.com ([email]vegas_iwish(at)yahoo.com[/email])> wrote:

ok - you wanted a response apparently. SL & 1600 are the 2 games that can draw me in (A Med sometimes) to play. 1600 due to map & flow. SL because it is quite like a version of Dip we had to create to get wargamers to play Dip. Early on Dep was a game one gently directed people unable to handle the complexity of morale; tactics; supply; troop quality; etc of even some of the simpler wargames. Wargamers(WGs) were the majority then. The 1st dip games I Gm'd in early 70s ran into WGs who absolutely walked out when faced with "ridiculous" rules such as beleagured garrisons & the idea 2 russian armies even equaled 1 german 1 in WWI (Tannenberg) let alone defeated same. SL is a taut, tactics-filled game where trapping & popping other units is everything. Most SL games played from this mindset are basically decided by yr 06 or 07 & with little or no building as there is no need (or likelihood with proper interdiction) for it. No need for a boring Standard to
appear at all. Not only did you not defend Ber as I mentioned you had to but you now actually turned around & attacked Mun which is inconceivable. Getting that back helps you not a whit. There are no strategies being employed here - traditional or otherwise. You avoid getting disbands & you inflict them on others. You are (were) the critical lynchpin between favored France and an easy win & you jumped out of his way 2 consecutive turns even after being warned what was going to happen. Austria is trying but can't do your work for you. If people are so desperate for the farce to continue with gunboat moves fine. I signed up for a SL & this ain't 1. No 1 looking at the map & knowing they can't rebuild lost units would do what has been done here.

DC 218 SHIFT LEFT: Reiterate: I'm out of this 1 (dc218) gman Dec 22, 04:34 pm
I don't think Turkeys moves are worst orders so far this game. Yes he should have kept Berlin and he probably should have moved F Kiel to Denmark, but I think there are 3 or 4 worse strategic choices.... I made 1, letting Italy through.... Germany gave up Black and didn't take Armenia.... Italy invaded France (poor play in game context).... Russia opened himself up too much and could easily be eliminated.... 

There are 4 bad plays by different people.... The only country that can win after all these moves is France, as they will get home (which is unusual) and they have the run of the Northern side of the board....  I am happy to vote for a French solo....

Download free emoticons today! Holiday cheer from Messenger.
DC 218 SHIFT LEFT: Reiterate: I'm out of this 1 (dc218) FlapJack Dec 22, 05:21 pm

i think its obvious that i wasn't the only rookie at this variant so many of us made mistakes...i'd be willing to vote France a solo and restart the game with a random (or preferfence list) redraw of powers...

i would also agree that if we if all play this again and make the same mistakes then i'd be a lot more sympathetic toward what Michael is saying, but this is a mullt-player game and sometimes other players will make bad decisions...its like when u play a game with dice or any luck element--sometimes you have games where the die rolls go against you..that's part of the game...if u don't like it then don't play in games with chance elements because if you do u might have bad luck...\


On Mon, Dec 22, 2008 at 5:34 PM, graham allen <g_mod23(at)hotmail.com ([email]g_mod23(at)hotmail.com[/email])> wrote:

I don't think Turkeys moves are worst orders so far this game. Yes he should have kept Berlin and he probably should have moved F Kiel to Denmark, but I think there are 3 or 4 worse strategic choices.... I made 1, letting Italy through.... Germany gave up Black and didn't take Armenia.... Italy invaded France (poor play in game context).... Russia opened himself up too much and could easily be eliminated....

There are 4 bad plays by different people.... The only country that can win after all these moves is France, as they will get home (which is unusual) and they have the run of the Northern side of the board.... I am happy to vote for a French solo....

Download free emoticons today! Holiday cheer from Messenger.

DC 218 SHIFT LEFT: Reiterate: I'm out of this 1 (dc218) packrat Dec 22, 05:35 pm
As the GM I will follow with what you guys want to do - but I think this line of
discussion is ludicrous. To vote a solo to a player with SIX DOTS is nuts. SL
or not, please don't let one players delusions sway you to an endgame that is far
from assured. Yes, Michael has some points and they may even have some merit,
but there is life in this game if you clowns would just get together it would be different

One player's view is just that, one player's view. England is a new player and the prior
England was inexperienced to say the least. There has been relatively NO coordination
between any players and I don't gave a hoot what variant you play, if players do not
work together then crap happens.

Like I said, if you guys want to vote France a solo that is your choice and if someone actually
proposes it for real I will put it out for a vote. However, I think to do that in the Spring/Summer
of 1902 is absolutely nuts. I have played this variant too and THIS GAME is FAR from being

From: Jack McHugh <jwmchughjr(at)gmail.com>
To: graham allen <g_mod23(at)hotmail.com>
Cc: vegas_iwish(at)yahoo.com; cloudhurler77(at)yahoo.com; stephen(at)worthy1.fsnet.co.uk; matthew.kremer(at)yale.edu; scaponig(at)yahoo.com; brn2dip(at)yahoo.com; former.trout(at)gmail.com; dc218(at)diplomaticcorp.com; stevelytton(at)gmail.com; mike(at)southwall.com; stevelytton(at)hotmail.com
Sent: Monday, December 22, 2008 6:21:12 PM
Subject: Re: DC 218 SHIFT LEFT: Reiterate: I'm out of this 1


i think its obvious that i wasn't the only rookie at this variant so many of us made mistakes...i'd be willing to vote France a solo and restart the game with a random (or preferfence list) redraw of powers...

i would also agree that if we if all play this again and make the same mistakes then i'd be a lot more sympathetic toward what Michael is saying, but this is a mullt-player game and sometimes other players will make bad decisions...its like when u play a game with dice or any luck element--sometimes you have games where the die rolls go against you..that's part of the game...if u don't like it then don't play in games with chance elements because if you do u might have bad luck...\

DC 218 SHIFT LEFT: Reiterate: I'm out of this 1 (dc218) TheWhiteWolf Dec 22, 09:46 pm
Don't worry, Packrat, I'll vote no for any solo that isn't for Italy. Wink
Anybody wanna team up against Michael and help him end his tenure in this game honorably?


I'm a Firefly fan and proud! Read my fiction:

--- On Mon, 12/22/08, Packrat <brn2dip(at)yahoo.com> wrote:

From: Packrat <brn2dip(at)yahoo.com>
Subject: Re: DC 218 SHIFT LEFT: Reiterate: I'm out of this 1
To: "Jack McHugh" <jwmchughjr(at)gmail.com>, "graham allen" <g_mod23(at)hotmail.com>
Cc: vegas_iwish(at)yahoo.com, cloudhurler77(at)yahoo.com, stephen(at)worthy1.fsnet.co.uk, matthew.kremer(at)yale.edu, scaponig(at)yahoo.com, former.trout(at)gmail.com, dc218(at)diplomaticcorp.com, stevelytton(at)gmail.com, mike(at)southwall.com, stevelytton(at)hotmail.com
Date: Monday, December 22, 2008, 6:34 PM

As the GM I will follow with what you guys want to do - but I think this line of
discussion is ludicrous. To vote a solo to a player with SIX DOTS is nuts. SL
or not, please don't let one players delusions sway you to an endgame that is far
from assured. Yes, Michael has some points and they may even have some merit,
but there is life in this game if you clowns would just get together it would be different

One player's view is just that, one player's view. England is a new player and the prior
England was inexperienced to say the least. There has been relatively NO coordination
between any players and I don't gave a hoot what variant you play, if players do not
work together then crap happens.

Like I said, if you guys want to vote France a solo that is your choice and if someone actually
proposes it for real I will put it out for a vote. However, I think to do that in the Spring/Summer
of 1902 is absolutely nuts. I have played this variant too and THIS GAME is FAR from being

DC 218 SHIFT LEFT: Reiterate: I'm out of this 1 (dc218) stephen_worthy Dec 23, 04:54 am
I've no interest in a solo when the game is so open. Sure things are going well for me at the moment, but there's plenty of time yet, and there's still fun to be had, even in a 'tweaked standard' variant. Let's just play and leave the acrimony behind.regards,Stephen

========================================Message Received: Dec 23 2008, 03:45 AMFrom: "The White Wolf" To: "Jack McHugh" , "graham allen" , "Packrat" Cc: vegas_iwish(at)yahoo.com, stephen(at)worthy1.fsnet.co.uk, matthew.kremer(at)yale.edu, scaponig(at)yahoo.com, former.trout(at)gmail.com, dc218(at)diplomaticcorp.com, stevelytton(at)gmail.com, mike(at)southwall.com, stevelytton(at)hotmail.comSubject: Re: DC 218 SHIFT LEFT: Reiterate: I'm out of this 1Don't worry, Packrat, I'll vote no for any solo that isn't for Italy. WinkAnybody wanna team up against Michael and help him end his tenure in this game honorably?WolfI'm a Firefly fan and proud! Read my fiction:http://www.fanfiction.net/u/1369632/--- On Mon, 12/22/08, Packrat wrote:[quote:4e6e56cd29]From: Packrat Subject: Re: DC 218 SHIFT LEFT: Reiterate: I'm out of this 1To: "Jack McHugh" , "graham allen" Cc: vegas_iwish(at)yahoo.com, cloudhurler77(at)yahoo.com, stephen(at)worthy1.fsnet.co.uk, matthew.kremer(at)yale.edu, scaponig(at)yahoo.com, former.trout(at)gmail.com, dc218(at)diplomaticcorp.com, stevelytton(at)gmail.com, mike(at)southwall.com, stevelytton(at)hotmail.comDate: Monday, December 22, 2008, 6:34 PM

As the GM I will follow with what you guys want to do - but I think this line ofdiscussion is ludicrous. To vote a solo to a player with SIX DOTS is nuts. SLor not, please don't let one players delusions sway you to an endgame that is farfrom assured. Yes, Michael has some points and they may even have some merit,but there is life in this game if you clowns would just get together it would be differentindeed.One player's view is just that, one player's view. England is a new player and the priorEngland was inexperienced to say the least. There has been relatively NO coordinationbetween any players and I don't gave a hoot what variant you play, if players do notwork together then crap happens.Like I said, if you guys want to vote France a solo that is your choice and if someone actuallyproposes it for real I will put it out for a vote. However, I think to do that in the Spring/Summerof 1902 is absolutely nuts. I have played this variant too and THIS GAME is FAR from beingdecided.

DC 211: 1904 Adjustments - AceRimmer   (Dec 22, 2008, 1:42 pm)
Austria builds A Vienna
Italy builds F Venice (new coast!)
Turkey scraps everything but F Black Sea

And now you get two weeks until your next orders:

Spring 1905 dues Monday, January 5, 2009 at 1000 CST.

If you have a spare moment between Christmas fraternizing, you might seize a reflective moment to re-orient your seismic strategies.

Good luck,


dc187 fall 07 results - catsfather   (Dec 22, 2008, 12:57 pm)
Two retreats. Both units have only one place on the board to go. I
could assume those orders and move on to winter, but we've got draw
proposals to vote upon.

In fact, we have two draw proposals to vote upon:

1) A draw between France, Russia, and Turkey.

2) A draw between all survivors (France, Germany, Russia, and Turkey).

Please send your votes for, or against those proposals by the deadline.
If either proposal gets no votes against (and someone not voting counts
as a vote against) then we'll declare a draw before the retreats are
adjudicated. If both draws proposals have votes against, or if anyone
didn't vote then we'll continue.

Now, let's decide upon the deadline for the retreat orders and the draw
votes. I'd like to give 3-days, but that puts us on Christmas day.
Let's make the deadline 29 December at 6pm GMT. Of course, if I get
four retreat/votes marked final before then...


Movement results for Fall of 1907. (dc187)

France: A Edinburgh - Holland.
France: F English Channel Supports F North Sea.
France: F Gulf of Lyon Supports F Tyrrhenian Sea.
France: A Kiel Supports A Berlin (*Dislodged*).
France: A Munich Supports A Tyrolia (*Cut*).
France: F North Sea Convoys A Edinburgh - Holland.
France: A Piedmont Supports A Tyrolia.
France: F Tunis - Ionian Sea (*Fails*).
France: A Tuscany - Venice (*Fails*).
France: A Tyrolia Supports A Silesia - Bohemia.
France: F Tyrrhenian Sea Supports F Tunis - Ionian Sea.
France: F Western Mediterranean - Mid-Atlantic Ocean.

Germany: A Berlin Supports A Kiel (*Cut*).
Germany: F Helgoland Bight - Denmark (*Bounce*).
Germany: A Silesia - Bohemia.

Russia: F Baltic Sea Supports F Denmark - Kiel.
Russia: A Bohemia - Munich (*Dislodged*).
Russia: F Denmark - Kiel.
Russia: F Norway - North Sea (*Fails*).
Russia: A Prussia - Berlin (*Fails*).
Russia: A Rumania - Budapest (*Bounce*).
Russia: A Sweden - Denmark (*Bounce*).
Russia: A Vienna - Budapest (*Bounce*).
Russia: A Warsaw - Silesia.

Turkey: F Adriatic Sea Supports A Venice.
Turkey: F Aegean Sea Supports F Ionian Sea.
Turkey: F Ankara - Black Sea.
Turkey: F Apulia Supports A Venice.
Turkey: A Bulgaria - Rumania (*Fails*).
Turkey: F Ionian Sea Hold.
Turkey: A Naples Supports F Rome.
Turkey: F Rome Hold.
Turkey: A Trieste Supports A Venice.
Turkey: A Venice Supports A Trieste (*Cut*).

The following units were dislodged:

Russian A Bohemia can retreat to Galicia.
French A Kiel can retreat to Ruhr.

Unit locations:

France: F English Channel, F Gulf of Lyon, A Holland, F Mid-Atlantic
A Munich, F North Sea, A Piedmont, F Tunis, A Tuscany, A
Tyrolia, F
Tyrrhenian Sea.
Germany: A Berlin, A Bohemia, F Helgoland Bight.
Russia: F Baltic Sea, F Kiel, F Norway, A Prussia, A Rumania, A
Silesia, A
Sweden, A Vienna.
Turkey: F Adriatic Sea, F Aegean Sea, F Apulia, F Black Sea, A
Bulgaria, F
Ionian Sea, A Naples, F Rome, A Trieste, A Venice.

Ownership of supply centers:

France: Belgium, Brest, Edinburgh, Holland, Liverpool, London,
Munich, Paris, Portugal, Spain, Tunis.
Germany: Berlin, Denmark, Kiel.
Russia: Budapest, Moscow, Norway, Rumania, Sevastopol, St Petersburg,
Sweden, Vienna, Warsaw.
Turkey: Ankara, Bulgaria, Constantinople, Greece, Naples, Rome, Serbia,
Smyrna, Trieste, Venice.

Austria: 0 Supply centers, 0 Units: Builds 0 units.
England: 0 Supply centers, 0 Units: Builds 0 units.
France: 12 Supply centers, 11 Units: Builds 0 units.
Germany: 3 Supply centers, 3 Units: Builds 0 units.
Italy: 0 Supply centers, 0 Units: Builds 0 units.
Russia: 9 Supply centers, 8 Units: Builds 0 units.
Turkey: 10 Supply centers, 10 Units: Builds 0 units.

The next phase of dc187 will be Retreats for Fall of 1907.


DC 218 SHIFT LEFT: I'm out of this 1 - FlapJack   (Dec 22, 2008, 11:21 am)
so in other words..the game is fine but the players need to play a particular way?....maybe the game just isn't that great if takes five players playing a certain way for the game to be any good...just a thought..

On Sat, Dec 20, 2008 at 4:32 AM, MICHAEL BOUTOT <vegas_iwish(at)yahoo.com ([email]vegas_iwish(at)yahoo.com[/email])> wrote:

On top of a game with a very slow start some of the openings have just handed this 1 to France so why waste more time? Worst SL I have ever seen. He can't lose if he just stops negotiating & moves ahead. Russian moves that should have had R elim or at 1 in 03 + no interdiction at all. No interdiction by T & still not going to get home if that's the goal. Italy not lined up to intedict. Can't do end runs around & let people through. F even made the 1 move he can't make with out making an implacable foe (also can't benefit from it) but it doesn't matter because most players are refusing to play SL & are instead making up thier own game,. Give me the abandon shame - can't stomach this any more. Great scenario if played properly.


DC219, GM out of town - m_don_j   (Dec 22, 2008, 2:33 am)
Fellow players,

I got only 2 adjustments on time. However, I did put this deadline out there with very short notice, so I'm gonna give a bit more extra time. Now, I will be away so I won't have access to the Realpolitik, but I will instead send out builds and ask Mr Trout to throw a map together. When that is done, I'll set the next deadline, which will include a break for holidays.

/ Mikael
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Dc199 - 26 hour warning - deathblade_penguin   (Dec 21, 2008, 11:58 pm)
Dc199 Fall 1909 Tuesday 23rd December at 8am GMT

This is your 26 hour warning.

I have NO moves from :-


Stephen Lytton
Knight of the Rose

Find your ideal job with SEEK Time for change?


DC224 - Christmas Break and Winter 01 Extension - former.trout   (Dec 21, 2008, 11:49 pm)
Hiya folks,

Apologies to everyone but in my rush to schedule the first winter turn I missed the fact that a couple of our players were already on vacation for the holidays. They had notified me and I simply didn't recall when scheduling the Winter turn.

As such, I guess its time to wish you all the best for your holidays and hope that Santa is good to all of you. The Winter 01 deadline will be extended until Monday, December 29th (11:59 PM GMT).

Best wishes to you and all of your families. =)

Candy Cane Trout


DC205 - Spring 07 Delay - former.trout   (Dec 21, 2008, 11:47 pm)
Heya folks,

Santa's little elves must be out gallivanting because they're not at home writing orders. The deadline for Spring 1907 orders passed roughly 6 hours ago yet I'm still missing two sets of orders. I blame myself for scheduling a deadline on the weekend before egg-nog day.

Those players whose orders I need have been notified in a seperate email. We'll delay 24 hours or so in hopes that the nog will wear off...



DC222 - Spring 02 Missing Order Sets - former.trout   (Dec 21, 2008, 11:33 pm)
Heya folks,

Guess a weekend deadline so close to Christmas was probably a bad idea. Here we are 24 hours past the deadline and I'm still missing three sets of orders. Those players whose orders I'm missing have been notified in a seperate email.

Sorry about the delay, but tis the season and all that jazz. We'll extend until tomorrow night in hopes of roping in the strays. My thanks for the patience to everyone.



DC201 (Viking) - Winter 959 adjustments - CORRECTI... - deathblade_penguin   (Dec 21, 2008, 10:08 pm)
It's because PRZ is a Slavic Home SC and technically Sweden should not be allowed to build there.

Stephen Lytton
Knight of the Rose

Date: Sun, 21 Dec 2008 22:36:23 -0500
From: bielschowsky.f(at)googlemail.com
To: dc201(at)diplomaticcorp.com; dougray30(at)yahoo.com; jwmchughjr(at)gmail.com; jmsaralegui(at)gmail.com; stevelytton(at)hotmail.com; sturmkraehe(at)comcast.net
Subject: DC201 (Viking) - Winter 959 adjustments - CORRECTION

Please note that for some reason RealPolitik removed the army Sweden just built in Przemysl.
It allows me to build it there but when I choose Resolve and the Commit, the unit is gone.
While I try to resolve this, please keep in mind that the unit is actually there.


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: F Bielschowsky <bielschowsky.f(at)googlemail.com ([email]bielschowsky.f(at)googlemail.com[/email])>
Date: 2008/12/18
Subject: DC201 (Viking) - Winter 959 adjustments & Vote
To: dc201(at)diplomaticcorp.com ([email]dc201(at)diplomaticcorp.com[/email]), "Douglas Kent (DC201 Burgundy)" <dougray30(at)yahoo.com ([email]dougray30(at)yahoo.com[/email])>, "Jack McHugh - Flapjack (DC223 AH / DC201 Sverige)" <jwmchughjr(at)gmail.com ([email]jwmchughjr(at)gmail.com[/email])>, "Jorge Saralegui (DC201 ERE)" <jmsaralegui(at)gmail.com ([email]jmsaralegui(at)gmail.com[/email])>, "Steve Lytton (DC195 Columbia / DC201 Norge)" <stevelytton(at)hotmail.com ([email]stevelytton(at)hotmail.com[/email])>, "Kurt Weihs - Sturmkraehe (DC201 Slavic)" <sturmkraehe(at)comcast.net ([email]sturmkraehe(at)comcast.net[/email])>
Cc: "Andy Stroup - ajiowa (DC201 Arab)" <ajstroup1(at)yahoo.com ([email]ajstroup1(at)yahoo.com[/email])>, "Former Trout (DC190 South Africa / DC176 Austria / DC195 Argentina / DC201 France)" <former.trout(at)gmail.com ([email]former.trout(at)gmail.com[/email])>, "Jackson Foster - Kai (DC201 Danmark)" <jrobfoster(at)gmail.com ([email]jrobfoster(at)gmail.com[/email])>, "Lee Taylor (DC201 former Burgundy)" <leewarrentaylor(at)yahoo.co.uk ([email]leewarrentaylor(at)yahoo.co.uk[/email])>

The Winter 959 adjustments:

SlavicNations: Build A Vitebsk
Sverige: Build A Przemysl

Then the vote for a DIAS: after having received all votes, it appears the proposal was VOTED DOWN.
So, sadly Wink, we have to continue a while longer.

Everyone was okay with the dates so deadline for Spring 960 orders is Monday Dec 29, at 23:00 GMT.
And a note to everyone: since we started I have had to remind several players that their orders were overdue. I like to get the adjudications out as per the deadline. I don't mind adjudicating a few hours later to avoid an impact on gameplay, but at the same time I'd like to ask everyone to watch those deadlines more carefully.


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