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DC460 Deadline approaches - Cartesian   (Sep 01, 2013, 2:06 pm)
*** Deadline: Spring 1904 Monday 2nd September 16:00 GMT ***

I'm turning my internet off at 1600 sharp and will then adjudicate the game :0) . Don't be late!


New Map Fog of War - untitled36   (Aug 30, 2013, 9:20 pm)
Got a brand new map to use. Start with a 1 center power, and grow into a mighty empire. But you can only see the spaces around your units, and your supply centers. So you never know who's waiting in the shadows. Sign up to re005 now!


DC 463, no longer re001 - alwayshunted   (Aug 30, 2013, 1:27 am)
Hey gang,
Well John was very quick at getting us set up, so we are now DC 463.  John please confirm that our mail address for the game is dc463(at)diplomaticcorp.com.  That's what I'm using.
Anyhow, the reason for this note is that someone has sent me a list of preferred countries to play, which normally I don't use.  I like to choose them randomly.  BUT, I'm open to suggestions here. If I get enough protest I could be persuaded to change my method.
FYI, I use the house rules at DC for my games.  Please read them and ask questions if you have them.  I will send a bunch more details about the game structure and stuff once we get going.

From: alwayshunted(at)hotmail.com
To: amn(at)benenden.kent.sch.uk; archer.l.smith(at)gmail.com; ed.mcintosh(at)gmail.com; awesome_pettry(at)hotmail.com; jakobworldpeace(at)bluewin.ch; jason4747(at)hotmail.com; lucasmayer1(at)gmx.de; slangers(at)me.com; untitled36(at)hotmail.com
Subject: re 001, starting soon
Date: Thu, 29 Aug 2013 22:00:32 -0600

Hi Group,
Thanks to all 8 of you for signing up.  John, I have CCd you on this mail because you recently admitted to me that you were now a moderator on DC, and I wanted to get one of you in the loop and let you know that we will need a game number soon.  If you're not the guy.... please let me know who I should get in touch with.
For all you potential players.  You MUST REPLY to this e-mail to confirm you willingness/desire to play.  I have 8 people signed up (quite a flurry at the end there....), so one of you may get bumped to the next one if all 8 of you confirm that you're still in.  The last one to sign up obviously, which I believe is Alfred.
Anyhow, get back to me ASAP, I'll have lots of time this weekend I hope. 


DC 463, no longer re001 (dc463) alwayshunted Sep 03, 01:01 am
Still not quite there with all the responses guys.  I'll give until tomorrow night, then move on.
From: alwayshunted(at)hotmail.com
To: amn(at)benenden.kent.sch.uk; archer.l.smith(at)gmail.com; ed.mcintosh(at)gmail.com; awesome_pettry(at)hotmail.com; jakobworldpeace(at)bluewin.ch; jason4747(at)hotmail.com; lucasmayer1(at)gmx.de; slangers(at)me.com; untitled36(at)hotmail.com; dc463(at)diplomaticcorp.com; alwayshunted(at)hotmail.com
Subject: DC 463, no longer re001
Date: Fri, 30 Aug 2013 00:27:54 -0600

Hey gang,
Well John was very quick at getting us set up, so we are now DC 463.  John please confirm that our mail address for the game is dc463(at)diplomaticcorp.com.  That's what I'm using.
Anyhow, the reason for this note is that someone has sent me a list of preferred countries to play, which normally I don't use.  I like to choose them randomly.  BUT, I'm open to suggestions here. If I get enough protest I could be persuaded to change my method.
FYI, I use the house rules at DC for my games.  Please read them and ask questions if you have them.  I will send a bunch more details about the game structure and stuff once we get going.

From: alwayshunted(at)hotmail.com
To: amn(at)benenden.kent.sch.uk; archer.l.smith(at)gmail.com; ed.mcintosh(at)gmail.com; awesome_pettry(at)hotmail.com; jakobworldpeace(at)bluewin.ch; jason4747(at)hotmail.com; lucasmayer1(at)gmx.de; slangers(at)me.com; untitled36(at)hotmail.com
Subject: re 001, starting soon
Date: Thu, 29 Aug 2013 22:00:32 -0600

Hi Group,
Thanks to all 8 of you for signing up.  John, I have CCd you on this mail because you recently admitted to me that you were now a moderator on DC, and I wanted to get one of you in the loop and let you know that we will need a game number soon.  If you're not the guy.... please let me know who I should get in touch with.
For all you potential players.  You MUST REPLY to this e-mail to confirm you willingness/desire to play.  I have 8 people signed up (quite a flurry at the end there....), so one of you may get bumped to the next one if all 8 of you confirm that you're still in.  The last one to sign up obviously, which I believe is Alfred.
Anyhow, get back to me ASAP, I'll have lots of time this weekend I hope. 
DC 463, no longer re001 (dc463) alwayshunted Sep 04, 09:45 pm
Okay group, I still haven't heard from either Jacob or Jakob, which leaves us at six including Alfred.
I'm sending a note individually to each, hopefully my group mails are going to spam folders or something.
Now, the starting countries......    I've got two that want random, two that want to use preferences, one that doesn't care, and one that hasn't told me.
So it's tied!!  We shall see what the final player says, and maybe if you're the individual that hasn't told me, you could do so.
More soon I hope
From: alwayshunted(at)hotmail.com
To: amn(at)benenden.kent.sch.uk; archer.l.smith(at)gmail.com; ed.mcintosh(at)gmail.com; awesome_pettry(at)hotmail.com; jakobworldpeace(at)bluewin.ch; jason4747(at)hotmail.com; lucasmayer1(at)gmx.de; slangers(at)me.com; untitled36(at)hotmail.com; dc463(at)diplomaticcorp.com; alwayshunted(at)hotmail.com
Subject: DC 463, no longer re001
Date: Fri, 30 Aug 2013 00:27:54 -0600

Hey gang,
Well John was very quick at getting us set up, so we are now DC 463.  John please confirm that our mail address for the game is dc463(at)diplomaticcorp.com.  That's what I'm using.
Anyhow, the reason for this note is that someone has sent me a list of preferred countries to play, which normally I don't use.  I like to choose them randomly.  BUT, I'm open to suggestions here. If I get enough protest I could be persuaded to change my method.
FYI, I use the house rules at DC for my games.  Please read them and ask questions if you have them.  I will send a bunch more details about the game structure and stuff once we get going.

From: alwayshunted(at)hotmail.com
To: amn(at)benenden.kent.sch.uk; archer.l.smith(at)gmail.com; ed.mcintosh(at)gmail.com; awesome_pettry(at)hotmail.com; jakobworldpeace(at)bluewin.ch; jason4747(at)hotmail.com; lucasmayer1(at)gmx.de; slangers(at)me.com; untitled36(at)hotmail.com
Subject: re 001, starting soon
Date: Thu, 29 Aug 2013 22:00:32 -0600

Hi Group,
Thanks to all 8 of you for signing up.  John, I have CCd you on this mail because you recently admitted to me that you were now a moderator on DC, and I wanted to get one of you in the loop and let you know that we will need a game number soon.  If you're not the guy.... please let me know who I should get in touch with.
For all you potential players.  You MUST REPLY to this e-mail to confirm you willingness/desire to play.  I have 8 people signed up (quite a flurry at the end there....), so one of you may get bumped to the next one if all 8 of you confirm that you're still in.  The last one to sign up obviously, which I believe is Alfred.
Anyhow, get back to me ASAP, I'll have lots of time this weekend I hope. 
DC456 Imperium - Spring 408 - Zoterik   (Aug 29, 2013, 3:48 pm)
Early reports of a conflict brewing between the Alamanni and Vandali have, it appears, been rather exaggerated.  Either they worked out their difficulties, or, as the Monaco odds deem more likely, we merely observed a centre transfer.  Aside:  does Monaco even exist yet?  Many headlines remain the same; the Saxones and Vandali continue to advance through the once-strong Franci territory, while the Alamanni siege of Byzantium continues without end.  However, a successful convoy may well tip the scales in favor of the Alamanni.  Much intrigue awaits us come the Fall deadline—03 September at 08:00 GMT.

War weariness sets in!  Two draw proposals have been made.  Standard procedure requires that all active players support an End Game Proposal in order for it to succeed.  As both are two-way draws, if both are accepted then the first proposed will take precedence (shown below as №1).  Please send in your votes with orders; the deadline is the end of Spring 409.  

EGP №1: Alamanni/Vandali
EGP №2: Gothi/Vandali


A Syracusæ – MacedoniaF Mare Ionium C A Syracusæ – Macedonia
F Rhegium S F Mare IoniumF Brundisium – Mare Adriaticum
A Dalmatia – Dacia (*fails*)A Vindobona – Iazygi
A Scytia – Byzantium (*bounce*)

A Aquitania – Viennensis (*fails*)A Rotomagus – Lutetia
F Litus Saxonicum S F Mare Germanicum – Belgica (*void*)A Flavia Cæsarensis – Londinium (*bounce*)


F Athenium – Mare Ionium (*fails*)
F Mare Internum S F Athenium – Mare IoniumF Numidia S F Mare Internum
A Hunni Quarti – Scytia (*fails*)A Thracia – Byzantium (*bounce*)
A Dacia – Thracia (*fails*)

F Mare Germanicum – Londinium (*bounce*)
F Olisipo – Tarraconensis F Eburacum/ec Hold

A Carthago – Mauretania
F Mare Tyrrhenicum – CarthagoF Baleares S F Mare Tyrrhenicum – Carthago
F Roma – Mare TyrrhenicumA Sequanorum – Viennensis
A Colonia Agrippa S A Sequanorum – ViennensisA Massilia – Aquitania (*fails*)
F Saguntum – Mare Ligusticum


Dc 449: Winter 1910 Adjudication - persuader   (Aug 28, 2013, 3:20 pm)
This was a satisfying game for me as it was my first in over 30 years.  I played by mail (the old fashined kind) for a period of time and stopped when my son was about 2 and we were expecting another. 
 I came in as a replacement for Germany, in season 2 I think.  I had an immediate choice in terms of alliance with France or England.  Both contacted me with interesting suggestions about how we ought to proceed, and ultimately I allied with France.  My reasoning had to do with my position on the board and belief that France offered Germany a better future.  England did everything a player in his position could, and I enjoyed our negotiations.
 I thought the Austrian player did a great job, but perhaps was too strong too soon.  I joined the stop Austria-Hungary movement and as Alfred said, once Russia and Turkey got involved Austria was stopped and ultimately defeated.  I enjoyed John's emails, he was a good player whose only mistake was scaring everyone into thinking he was going to run off and win the game.
 As to my alliance with France,  I would not have expected it to last as it did.  In part Al's regular emails helped and when I thought I had an excellent chance to stab him, I remembered how everyone joined together to stop Austria-Hungard and imagined the same would happen to me since I was not strong enough to withstand a coordinated effort.  Later on France had an opportunity to stab me and didn't - and althought I was never a fan of draws, be they 2 or 3 way, it seemed fitting that in this game France and I share the victory.  Had I seen a clear path to 18 I might have voted against the draw, blamed it on Turkey and done my best to grab the neeed centers, but there was no path and I just didn't want to stab France for the heck of it. 
 I have to say that while Turkey didn't ever become a major force, his emails were always well worth reading and I was glad to have gotten to play with Isaac.  I look forward to meeting up with players in this game in the future.
 Finally, thanks to Alan who did a great job. Jake

On Wed, Aug 28, 2013 at 11:00 AM, Alan Farrington <alley_cat_1990(at)hotmail.com> wrote:

After 10 Long years, there is peace in Europe once again!  A Draw has been agreed to by all the remaining powers.  France and Germany both tally up with 15 centers and Turkey gets to hold on to 4.

I'd very much like to hear any end game commentary that you all have.  I'm quite surprised that the German/France alliance lasted so long and was never broken.  I'm curious as to if it was never broken because of a great commitment by both players or if the opportunity never really arouse.

Build A Marseilles

Build A Kiel
Build A Berlin

Remove F Black Sea

Ownership of Supply Centers

France:    Belgium, Brest, Greece, Liverpool, London,

           Marseilles, Naples, Paris, Portugal, Rome, Serbia,
           Spain, Trieste, Tunis, Venice.
Germany:   Berlin, Budapest, Denmark, Edinburgh, Holland, Kiel,
           Moscow, Munich, Norway, Rumania, Sevastopol, St

           Petersburg, Sweden, Vienna, Warsaw.
Turkey:    Ankara, Bulgaria, Constantinople, Smyrna.

Alan Farrington


end game statement - alfdog   (Aug 28, 2013, 10:15 am)
Dear all
I am at my desk so I may as well respond
Firstly many thanks for the thoughtful and organised manner in which Alan adjudicated. Cheers to you!
Now to the game.
In many respects this was the most satisfying game I have ever played, for three reasons.
1 I like making alliances and in this game the replacement Germany was an excellent ally. We spent a long time discussing, sometimes disagreeing and frequently
haggling to establish a great alliance that did last. It took endless emails to negotiate the end of England, division of his resources and suitable stalemate in the north, freeing up as many units as possible for other areas of conflict. I am grateful to
Jake for this. I think there was one year he could have stabbed me, he had a three centre lead but at that time ah was not yet dead and he was far from sure of a solo. I also had a chance about two years ago to inflict a stab, had it have paid off I probably
would have solo’d but it was not certain and had it have gone wrong i would have ruined an alliance for a petty four way draw so I planned to stick with it. Had I have got to 17 I probably would have dropped into edi, sorry Jake, but it never came to that
and I kept pushing for a two way draw anyway. A great alliance Jake well done!
2 It was also good as I did not have it easy. In the early years both England and Italy conducted uncoordinated and unfruitful attacks on me. By about 03
I feared the worst but they failed to make any real progress and Italy turned his back on ah who gobbled him up. Eng failed to make a decent enough offer to Germany and the rest is history. But having been attacked so fiercely and determinedly, even to the
attacker’s detriment, I am pleased to have come out with a two way.
3 In a previous game I had solo’d as AH. In fact I was in almost exactly the same position as ah was at their zenith, but no alliance of the willing was forthcoming
and so I solo’d. so this game became satisfying as at AH’s height I absolutely went email crazy persuading everyone and anyone to attack ah. My main target was to stop turkey and Russia fighting and to turn on AH, as it was their stalemate and Italy’s neglect
that had led to ah’s meteoric rise (plus of course his good play). It was pleasing to be able to organise in some small way a coalition against the dominant player thus saving my skin and allowing me into Italy and Tunis. I have a pet theory that when a game
is populated by good players, no one should solo as if a solo is spotted early enough, and people are willing to adjust strategy accordingly, it can usually be stopped. Solos usually occur when one player’s rise is not spotted or reacted too and fruitless
stalemates are prolonged. Had r/t kept fighting AH probably would have solo’d. So all those emails were worthwhile.
Best wishes to all players and many thanks
I hope to cross swords another day

From: Alan Farrington [mailto:alley_cat_1990(at)hotmail.com]

Sent: 28 August 2013 16:00

To: Dc 449; ed.mcintosh(at)gmail.com; thanksliving(at)hotmail.com; NICOL, Alfred (AMN); schwakiller9(at)gmail.com; john.c1arke(at)btinternet.com; jakewalters27(at)gmail.com; isaac.zinner(at)gmail.com

Subject: Dc 449: Winter 1910 Adjudication

After 10 Long years, there is peace in Europe once again!  A Draw has been agreed to by all the remaining powers.  France and Germany both tally up with 15 centers and Turkey gets to hold
on to 4.

I'd very much like to hear any end game commentary that you all have.  I'm quite surprised that the German/France alliance lasted so long and was never broken.  I'm curious as to if it was never broken because of a great commitment by both players or if the
opportunity never really arouse.



Build A Marseilles


Build A Kiel

Build A Berlin


Remove F Black Sea

Ownership of Supply Centers

France:    Belgium, Brest, Greece, Liverpool, London,

           Marseilles, Naples, Paris, Portugal, Rome, Serbia,

           Spain, Trieste, Tunis, Venice.

Germany:   Berlin, Budapest, Denmark, Edinburgh, Holland, Kiel,

           Moscow, Munich, Norway, Rumania, Sevastopol, St

           Petersburg, Sweden, Vienna, Warsaw.

Turkey:    Ankara, Bulgaria, Constantinople, Smyrna.


Alan Farrington

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Dc 449: Winter 1910 Adjudication - AlanRFarrington   (Aug 28, 2013, 10:00 am)
After 10 Long years, there is peace in Europe once again!  A Draw has been agreed to by all the remaining powers.  France and Germany both tally up with 15 centers and Turkey gets to hold on to 4.
I'd very much like to hear any end game commentary that you all have.  I'm quite surprised that the German/France alliance lasted so long and was never broken.  I'm curious as to if it was never broken because of a great commitment by both players or if the opportunity never really arouse.

Build A Marseilles

Build A Kiel
Build A Berlin

Remove F Black Sea

Ownership of Supply Centers

France:    Belgium, Brest, Greece, Liverpool, London,
           Marseilles, Naples, Paris, Portugal, Rome, Serbia,
           Spain, Trieste, Tunis, Venice.
Germany:   Berlin, Budapest, Denmark, Edinburgh, Holland, Kiel,
           Moscow, Munich, Norway, Rumania, Sevastopol, St
           Petersburg, Sweden, Vienna, Warsaw.
Turkey:    Ankara, Bulgaria, Constantinople, Smyrna.

Alan Farrington


Dc 449: Winter 1910 Adjudication (dc449) persuader Aug 28, 03:20 pm
This was a satisfying game for me as it was my first in over 30 years.  I played by mail (the old fashined kind) for a period of time and stopped when my son was about 2 and we were expecting another. 
 I came in as a replacement for Germany, in season 2 I think.  I had an immediate choice in terms of alliance with France or England.  Both contacted me with interesting suggestions about how we ought to proceed, and ultimately I allied with France.  My reasoning had to do with my position on the board and belief that France offered Germany a better future.  England did everything a player in his position could, and I enjoyed our negotiations.
 I thought the Austrian player did a great job, but perhaps was too strong too soon.  I joined the stop Austria-Hungary movement and as Alfred said, once Russia and Turkey got involved Austria was stopped and ultimately defeated.  I enjoyed John's emails, he was a good player whose only mistake was scaring everyone into thinking he was going to run off and win the game.
 As to my alliance with France,  I would not have expected it to last as it did.  In part Al's regular emails helped and when I thought I had an excellent chance to stab him, I remembered how everyone joined together to stop Austria-Hungard and imagined the same would happen to me since I was not strong enough to withstand a coordinated effort.  Later on France had an opportunity to stab me and didn't - and althought I was never a fan of draws, be they 2 or 3 way, it seemed fitting that in this game France and I share the victory.  Had I seen a clear path to 18 I might have voted against the draw, blamed it on Turkey and done my best to grab the neeed centers, but there was no path and I just didn't want to stab France for the heck of it. 
 I have to say that while Turkey didn't ever become a major force, his emails were always well worth reading and I was glad to have gotten to play with Isaac.  I look forward to meeting up with players in this game in the future.
 Finally, thanks to Alan who did a great job. Jake

On Wed, Aug 28, 2013 at 11:00 AM, Alan Farrington <alley_cat_1990(at)hotmail.com> wrote:

After 10 Long years, there is peace in Europe once again!  A Draw has been agreed to by all the remaining powers.  France and Germany both tally up with 15 centers and Turkey gets to hold on to 4.

I'd very much like to hear any end game commentary that you all have.  I'm quite surprised that the German/France alliance lasted so long and was never broken.  I'm curious as to if it was never broken because of a great commitment by both players or if the opportunity never really arouse.

Build A Marseilles

Build A Kiel
Build A Berlin

Remove F Black Sea

Ownership of Supply Centers

France:    Belgium, Brest, Greece, Liverpool, London,

           Marseilles, Naples, Paris, Portugal, Rome, Serbia,
           Spain, Trieste, Tunis, Venice.
Germany:   Berlin, Budapest, Denmark, Edinburgh, Holland, Kiel,
           Moscow, Munich, Norway, Rumania, Sevastopol, St

           Petersburg, Sweden, Vienna, Warsaw.
Turkey:    Ankara, Bulgaria, Constantinople, Smyrna.

Alan Farrington
dc442 f12 results! - FuzzyLogic   (Aug 28, 2013, 7:44 am)
This turn the little guys establish their place in this game as "unnecessary" to the world powers as they are stomped out from every direction.  Who will last longer - the Hobbits or the Magicians?  Almost everyone else builds at their expense...
BUILDS tomorrow!  Thursday 3pm Central.
Magicians:  F Tgr-Tim
Hobbits:  F Riv-LHU
Archers: Build 2
Elves: Build 1
Gnomes: Build 3
Hobbits: Remove 2 (and can change LHU to Elo if desired)
Knights: Build 1
Leprechauns: Build 2
Magicians: Remove 3

A Oz - Endor
F Gumdrop Isle Supports F Myth Drannor - Port Ghaast
F Myth Drannor - Port Ghaast
A Kara-Tur - Baldurs Gate (*Fails*)
A Far Far Away - Pans Labyrinth
A Daisy Meadows - Oz
A Ancient Necropolis Supports A Spirit Pond - Twisted Tunnels
A Snow Witch Supports A Spirit Pond - Twisted Tunnels
A Venatori Umbrarum - Hoarluk (*Fails*)
F CHOCOLATE RIVER Convoys A Oz - Endor
F RUGGED COAST Convoys A Oz - Endor
F RIFT CANYON - Myth Drannor
F RAZORS EDGE Supports A Kara-Tur - Baldurs Gate (*Cut*)
F Mount Nimro Supports F WEST MIRIANIC OCEAN (*Ordered to Move*)
A Hollow Earth Supports F Mount Nimro
A Spirit Pond - Twisted Tunnels
A Cliffs of Insanity Supports F Myth Drannor (*Ordered to Move*)
F Rohan Supports F SEA OF FALLEN STARS - Rivendell
F Waterdeep Supports A Candlekeep
A City of Splendors Supports F Waterdeep
A Devils Canyon Supports A Twisted Tunnels
A Forbidden City Supports A Devils Canyon
A Krikkit Supports A Nowwhat
A Two Towers - Mordor (*Fails*)
A Candlekeep Supports A Two Towers - Mordor (*Cut*)
A Zhentil Keep Supports F Great Glacier
A Cormyr - Faerun
F Thirsty Desert Supports A Candlekeep
A The Wilderland Supports A Nowwhat
A Nowwhat Hold
F Dragon Coast Supports F Great Glacier
A Newa River - Abby Normal
F Riku Supports F THON THALAS - HIGH SEAS (*Fails*)
F Grendel Supports F THON THALAS - HIGH SEAS (*Fails*)
A Cyriss Supports F HIGH SEAS - Tarsis (*Cut*)
F Never Never Land Supports F THON THALAS - HIGH SEAS (*Fails*)
A Moominvalley Supports A Cyriss
F Abby Normal - Kahvi
F The High Way Supports F Never Never Land
A Undermountain - Nowwhat (*Fails*)
F GRIEF REEF Convoys A Newa River - Abby Normal
F HIGH SEAS - Tarsis (*Fails*)
A Mordor Supports A Baldurs Gate - Candlekeep (*Cut*)
A Baldurs Gate - Candlekeep (*Fails*)
F Yuirwood Supports A Mordor
F Rivendell - SEA OF FALLEN STARS (*Dislodged*)
A Telmar - Orboros
A Orboros - Pygmy
F Dargaard Keep - Palmaris (*Fails*)
A Corona Supports F Walk of Clouds - To-Gai-Ru
F Dimmsdale Supports F TILVA STRAIT - Walk of Clouds
A Plains of Dust - Cyriss (*Fails*)
A Lost Woods - Ergoth (*Fails*)
A Kender - Lost Woods (*Fails*)
F Walk of Clouds - To-Gai-Ru
A Tymwyvenne - Cave of Ordeals
A Yggdrasil Supports A Ancient Necropolis
A Carpantha Supports F Mount Nimro
F SUNLESS SEA Convoys A Telmar - Orboros
F BEAVERSDAM - The Silver city
F TILVA STRAIT - Walk of Clouds
F POOL OF RADIANCE Convoys A Kender - Lost Woods
A Lindon Supports F Rohan
A Skellington - Everglot
A Fafhrd, no move received
F Great Glacier Hold
F The Julianthes - WEST MIRIANIC OCEAN (*Fails*)
F Ithin'Carthia(wc) Supports F WAY THE HECK
A Hoarluk Supports A Twisted Tunnels (*Cut*)
A Powry, no move received
A Twisted Tunnels Hold (*Disbanded*)
F WAY THE HECK Supports F Ithin'Carthia(wc)
F BIKINI BOTTOM - Enchanted Isles
F RIVER STYX - Skellington
F ALL SAINTS BAY Supports F To-Gai-Ru (*Cut*)
F Tarsis, no move received
F Ergoth, no move received
F Krynn, no move received
F To-Gai-Ru Hold (*Dislodged*)
A Palmaris, no move received
F WEST SEA OF SHADOWS, no move received
F MERMAIDS LAGOON Convoys A Far Far Away - Pans Labyrinth



DC455 Aberration - Winter 1907 - Zoterik   (Aug 28, 2013, 2:57 am)
Well well well, what have we here?  This winter didn't quite shape up how I expected.  Poland expands his army significantly, but in the east, possibly indicating a shift of battle away from the war-ravaged fields of Burgundy.  Spain and Sicily both build in Africa, and war may come between these two Mediterranean powers (what will Israel do if war does indeed come?).  After seven years, no power has been eliminated, but Éire now joins Byzantium at one centre only.  

Don't forget your draw votes for the EGP: 4-way, Israel/Poland/Spain/Sicily.

Spring 1908 orders due 03 September at 19:00 GMT. 

Disband F Yorkshire


PolandBuild A Novgorod
Build A Warsaw
Build A Muscovy
Build A Kiev

Build F RomeBuild F Tunisia

Build A Morocco


Dc456 Imperium - Winter 407 - Zoterik   (Aug 24, 2013, 2:47 am)
A relatively quiet end to 407 may germinate the seeds of great turmoil in years to come.  

Build F Brundisium

Defaults, removing F Narbonensis

Spring 408 orders are due 29 August at 19:00 GMT.


DC455 Aberration - Fall 407 - Zoterik   (Aug 24, 2013, 2:41 am)
I apologize that I cannot give my usual attention to the adjudication this turn; I find myself in a bit of a hurry.  But, welcome back to the game after a month-long hiatus!  Some of you, I see, are still on vacation.  Perhaps as a result of war weariness, we have our first End Game Proposal, for which I would like the votes of all Active players by the end of Fall 408.  In the present, however, Poland makes it a big year, and expands on his lead at the expense of smaller powers.

EGP №1:  4-way draw; Israel/Poland/Sicily/Spain

Winter 407 adjustments are due 27 August at 19:00 GMT.  As usual, adjustments can be found beneath the orders.

F Brussels, no move received (*Disbanded*)
F Dublin, no move received
A Picardy, no move received

F Albania - Zara (*Fails*)
F Apulia - Adriatic Sea
A Bulgaria - Serbia
F Constantinople - Bulgaria
F Languedoc Hold
F Ligurian Sea Supports F Languedoc
A Macedonia Supports A Bulgaria - Serbia

A Piedmont Supports F Languedoc
A Venezia Supports A Piedmont
F Zara - Croatia (*Fails*)

F Edinburgh - Clyde
F Yorkshire - Edinburgh (*Fails*)

A Croatia, no move received
A Schwyz, no move received

A Serbia, no move received (*Disbanded*)
A Tyrol, no move received

F Aegean Sea - Pylos Sea
A Azerbaijan - Circassia
F East Black Sea - Yalta (*Fails*)
A Georgia Supports A Azerbaijan - Circassia

F Ionian Sea - Malta Sea
A Turkestan - Kazakhstan (*Fails*)
F West Black Sea Supports F East Black Sea - Yalta (*Cut*)

F Anglican Sea - Yorkshire (*Fails*)
A Hague Supports A Ruhr - Brussels

A Kazakhstan Hold
A Kuban Hold
F North Sea - Edinburgh
F Norwegian Sea Supports F North Sea - Edinburgh
A Podolia Supports A Rumania
A Ruhr - Brussels
A Rumania Supports A Macedonia - Bulgaria (*Void*)

A Swabia - Bavaria
A Taurida Supports F Yalta

F Brittany - Picardy (*Fails*)
F Catalonia Supports A Gascony - Languedoc
F Cornwall - Irish Sea
A Dijon Supports A Gascony - Languedoc
A Gascony - Languedoc (*Fails*)

F Gibraltar - Western Mediterranean
F Wessex Hold

F Odessa - West Black Sea (*Fails*)
F Yalta Supports F Odessa - West Black Sea (*Cut*)

F Anatolia Hold

Burgundy: 0 (2)Byzantium: 0 (1)
Eire: -1 (1)Hungary: +1 (4)
Israel: 0 (7)Poland: +4 (15)
Sicily: +2 (12)Spain: +1 (Cool
Ukraine: 0 (2)


Dc 449: Fall 1910 Adjudication - AlanRFarrington   (Aug 23, 2013, 7:23 pm)
Hey All,

Who's going to get to 18 first?  At one point I thought Turkey would play a kingmaker and be wooed into helping one side or the other - but it looks like its going to be a race to 18 through Turkey.  Will Either France or Germany stab the other first?

Next Deadline:
Winter 19 Orders are due Monday, August 26th at Midnight GMT, (7:00pm EST)
(Unless I get a full set earlier - giving extra time for the American holiday)

A Belgium - Holland (*Fails*)
A Burgundy Hold
F English Channel Supports F North Sea
F Greece - Bulgaria(sc) (*Bounce*)
F Ionian Sea - Eastern Mediterranean (*Fails*)
F Mid-Atlantic Ocean Hold
F North Atlantic Ocean - Norwegian Sea (*Bounce*)
F North Sea Hold
A Picardy Hold
A Piedmont Hold
A Serbia Supports F Greece - Bulgaria(sc)
A Trieste Supports A Serbia
F Tunis - Ionian Sea (*Fails*)
A Venice Supports A Trieste

A Budapest Supports A Rumania
F Denmark - North Sea (*Fails*)
A Galicia Supports A Budapest
F Helgoland Bight Supports F Holland
F Holland Hold
A Moscow Supports A Sevastopol
A Munich Supports A Tyrolia
F Norway - Norwegian Sea (*Bounce*)
A Rumania, no move received
A Sevastopol Supports A Rumania
A St Petersburg - Norway (*Fails*)
A Tyrolia Supports A Munich
A Ukraine Supports A Rumania

A Armenia Hold
F Black Sea Supports A Constantinople - Bulgaria
F Bulgaria(sc) - Aegean Sea
A Constantinople - Bulgaria (*Bounce*)
F Eastern Mediterranean Supports F Bulgaria(sc) - Aegean Sea (*Cut*)

Austria:   Supp  0 Unit  0 Build  0
England:   Supp  0 Unit  0 Build  0
France:    Supp 15 Unit 14 Build  1
Germany:   Supp 15 Unit 13 Build  2
Italy:     Supp  0 Unit  0 Build  0
Russia:    Supp  0 Unit  0 Build  0
Turkey:    Supp  4 Unit  5 Remove  1


Austria's end game statement - stevieh   (Aug 23, 2013, 12:49 pm)
Congratulations Simon


On 8/23/2013 4:11 AM, Jeremiah Attento wrote:

Well, this took some time for me to do. I've been quite
busy these past few days. And, oh, it's been an interesting
thread I've seen so far. 
Now for my end game statement. It's been a pleasure to play
with all of you, even if I got eliminated after Turkey. One
thing I've learned about playing with Austria is that I should
always do the Hedgehog opening from now on. (Sigh.) I had
hoped to make peace with Italy, but it seems he wanted me out
immediately. I do remember that I lost my temper with Italy on
one occasion, and as a result he (graciously) returned one of
my SC's. I still wonder why he did that. It allowed me to
survive a few turns, though. I wish Germany was more vocal and
open with me; he would have helped me stare down Italy in
Tyrolia, allowing me to do the Balkan Gambit without any
problems. But since nobody wanted to talk to me, I decided to
ally with Russia, mainly to destroy Turkey, but when he turned
against me, I decided to ally with him still. Some of you may
wonder why I did it, but it was because I wanted to
inconvenience Italy. I would rather not bitch about getting
stabbed; I would have done the same. The best I could hope for
was to take somebody down with me. It's not a nice game, but
that's the way things have to be. To paraphrase a quote from a
favorite series of mine, "When you play the game of Diplomacy,
you win or you lose; there is no middle ground." 
Well, there you have it. It's not much of an end game
statement, but I don't think I can say anything more. Somebody
in the email thread mentioned something about Simon having
some Jedi mind powers or whatnot: as a Diplomacy fan, I'd like
to learn that as well. Smile I hope to play with you guys next



Austria's end game statement - johnterrencekelly   (Aug 23, 2013, 5:11 am)
Well, this took some time for me to do. I've been quite busy these past few days. And, oh, it's been an interesting thread I've seen so far. Now for my end game statement. It's been a pleasure to play with all of you, even if I got eliminated after Turkey. One thing I've learned about playing with Austria is that I should always do the Hedgehog opening from now on. (Sigh.) I had hoped to make peace with Italy, but it seems he wanted me out immediately. I do remember that I lost my temper with Italy on one occasion, and as a result he (graciously) returned one of my SC's. I still wonder why he did that. It allowed me to survive a few turns, though. I wish Germany was more vocal and open with me; he would have helped me stare down Italy in Tyrolia, allowing me to do the Balkan Gambit without any problems. But
since nobody wanted to talk to me, I decided to ally with Russia, mainly to destroy Turkey, but when he turned against me, I decided to ally with him still. Some of you may wonder why I did it, but it was because I wanted to inconvenience Italy. I would rather not bitch about getting stabbed; I would have done the same. The best I could hope for was to take somebody down with me. It's not a nice game, but that's the way things have to be. To paraphrase a quote from a favorite series of mine, "When you play the game of Diplomacy, you win or you lose; there is no middle ground." Well, there you have it. It's not much of an end game statement, but I don't think I can say anything more. Somebody in the email thread mentioned something about Simon having some Jedi mind powers or whatnot: as a Diplomacy fan, I'd like to learn that as well. Smile I hope to play with you guys next time. 


Austria's end game statement (dc450) stevieh Aug 23, 12:49 pm
Congratulations Simon


On 8/23/2013 4:11 AM, Jeremiah Attento wrote:

Well, this took some time for me to do. I've been quite
busy these past few days. And, oh, it's been an interesting
thread I've seen so far. 
Now for my end game statement. It's been a pleasure to play
with all of you, even if I got eliminated after Turkey. One
thing I've learned about playing with Austria is that I should
always do the Hedgehog opening from now on. (Sigh.) I had
hoped to make peace with Italy, but it seems he wanted me out
immediately. I do remember that I lost my temper with Italy on
one occasion, and as a result he (graciously) returned one of
my SC's. I still wonder why he did that. It allowed me to
survive a few turns, though. I wish Germany was more vocal and
open with me; he would have helped me stare down Italy in
Tyrolia, allowing me to do the Balkan Gambit without any
problems. But since nobody wanted to talk to me, I decided to
ally with Russia, mainly to destroy Turkey, but when he turned
against me, I decided to ally with him still. Some of you may
wonder why I did it, but it was because I wanted to
inconvenience Italy. I would rather not bitch about getting
stabbed; I would have done the same. The best I could hope for
was to take somebody down with me. It's not a nice game, but
that's the way things have to be. To paraphrase a quote from a
favorite series of mine, "When you play the game of Diplomacy,
you win or you lose; there is no middle ground." 
Well, there you have it. It's not much of an end game
statement, but I don't think I can say anything more. Somebody
in the email thread mentioned something about Simon having
some Jedi mind powers or whatnot: as a Diplomacy fan, I'd like
to learn that as well. Smile I hope to play with you guys next

dc458 s06 results! - FuzzyLogic   (Aug 22, 2013, 3:57 pm)
This is spring 06...

This could be it for Russia!  With Sev popped and StP wide open, there isn't much keeping him alive... is that army in Armenia valueable to someone?  Find out this fall!  NEXT we'll set for Monday 9/2 - 3pm Central, since someone is away much of next week.
A Ankara - Armenia (*Fails*)
A Budapest Supports A Galicia
F Constantinople - Black Sea
A Galicia Supports A Vienna - Bohemia
A Rumania Supports A Ukraine - Sevastopol
A Tyrolia Supports A Vienna - Bohemia
A Ukraine - Sevastopol
A Vienna - Bohemia
A Belgium - Picardy
A Edinburgh Supports A Liverpool
F Gulf of Lyon Supports F Spain(sc) - Marseilles
A Liverpool Supports A Edinburgh
A Marseilles - Gascony
F Spain(sc) - Marseilles
F Tyrrhenian Sea - Western Mediterranean
F Western Mediterranean - Mid-Atlantic Ocean
A Burgundy - Paris
A Holland - Belgium
A Kiel - Munich
A London - Yorkshire
A Moscow Supports A Ukraine - Sevastopol
A Munich - Burgundy
F North Sea - English Channel
F Norwegian Sea - North Sea
A Silesia - Warsaw
A Warsaw - Ukraine
F Greece - Ionian Sea
F Naples - Tyrrhenian Sea
A Piedmont Supports A Tuscany
F Smyrna Hold
A Tunis - North Africa
A Tuscany Supports A Piedmont
A Armenia Supports A Sevastopol (*Cut*)
A Sevastopol Supports A Warsaw - Ukraine (*Disbanded*)


dc458 s05 results! - FuzzyLogic   (Aug 22, 2013, 3:52 pm)
This could be it for Russia!  With Sev popped and StP wide open, there isn't much keeping him alive... is that army in Armenia valueable to someone?  Find out this fall!  NEXT we'll set for Monday 9/2 - 3pm Central, since someone is away much of next week.
A Ankara - Armenia (*Fails*)
A Budapest Supports A Galicia
F Constantinople - Black Sea
A Galicia Supports A Vienna - Bohemia
A Rumania Supports A Ukraine - Sevastopol
A Tyrolia Supports A Vienna - Bohemia
A Ukraine - Sevastopol
A Vienna - Bohemia
A Belgium - Picardy
A Edinburgh Supports A Liverpool
F Gulf of Lyon Supports F Spain(sc) - Marseilles
A Liverpool Supports A Edinburgh
A Marseilles - Gascony
F Spain(sc) - Marseilles
F Tyrrhenian Sea - Western Mediterranean
F Western Mediterranean - Mid-Atlantic Ocean
A Burgundy - Paris
A Holland - Belgium
A Kiel - Munich
A London - Yorkshire
A Moscow Supports A Ukraine - Sevastopol
A Munich - Burgundy
F North Sea - English Channel
F Norwegian Sea - North Sea
A Silesia - Warsaw
A Warsaw - Ukraine
F Greece - Ionian Sea
F Naples - Tyrrhenian Sea
A Piedmont Supports A Tuscany
F Smyrna Hold
A Tunis - North Africa
A Tuscany Supports A Piedmont
A Armenia Supports A Sevastopol (*Cut*)
A Sevastopol Supports A Warsaw - Ukraine (*Disbanded*)


DC450 France EOG - Slangers   (Aug 22, 2013, 8:00 am)
I guess what you are all trying to do is say "well done, Simon". I accept your good wishes graciously. Wink

Simon Langley-EvansProfessor of Human NutritionDeputy Head of School of BiosciencesUniversity of Nottingham

On Aug 22, 2013, at 1:08 PM, Douglas Kent <dougray30(at)yahoo.com> wrote:

Motivations in Diplomacy are different for different people in different
situations when you are no longer going to win.....

From: Isaac Zinner
Sent: Thursday, August 22, 2013 6:55 AM
To: Douglas Kent
Cc: Simon
Langley-Evans ; Craig - Austria Galad ; Doug1 -
France Galad ; Jeremiah Attento ; kaficek8(at)gmail.com
; Steve Hills
; dc450(at)diplomaticcorp.com ; Douglas Kent ;
Subject: Re: DC450 France EOG
I thought you knew about it ONLY AFTER Fall 1906,
Now I see you knew about it already from 1906. When it all started.
So apparently you did work with him from 1906 , just as I said you
And now it is me who gave Simon the game and it's all my fault.
Unfortunately, I still can't understand you. However if that makes you feel
better, suit yourself. I don't mind.
On a side note, I don't take diplomacy games ( or any other game for that
matter ) personally. And I'm ready to accept losing games or being eliminated,
I've had my share of both.
Therefore I didn't get angry and I hope I wasn't rude by anyway.
If you think that helping Simon ( who did take Steve's comments personally
and who REALLY got angry ) is a punishment for me , so be it , though I think
this is somewhat childish. 

On Thu, Aug 22, 2013 at 2:18 PM, Douglas Kent <dougray30(at)yahoo.com> wrote:

Exactly Isaac...1906...BEFORE that I was not working with Russia. 
Once it became clear that YOU personally had given Russia a huge advantage by
telegraphing moves to the wrong player, making it nearly impossible to stop
him from winning, I congratulated Simon on his sneakiness and he agreed that
rather than attack me we would punish the foolishness of the person who made
it so easy for him to win.  We would eliminate Germany and he would hold
off from taking 18 until then, and I would attack you...if there was a way to
eliminate you too before he got to 18 we would have done that.  But it
was too difficult to figure out.
The reason for the attack wasn???t just because you gave him the game by
falling for his tricks, but also because you were unable to see how funny they
were.  You got angry.  *I???m* the one he impersonated and *I* saw how
funny it was that you fell for it hook line and sinker.  Those who get
angry (or rude) over a game of Diplomacy should be punished....so I agreed to
make Simon???s victory take less time, not drag it out.


From: Isaac Zinner
Sent: Thursday, August 22, 2013 2:01 AM
To: Simon Langley-Evans

Cc: Douglas Kent ; Craig - Austria Galad ; Doug1 - France Galad ; Jeremiah Attento ; kaficek8(at)gmail.com ; Steve Hills ; dc450(at)diplomaticcorp.com ; Douglas Kent ; John Langley

Subject: Re: DC450 France EOG

Till 1906 Italy was fighting Austria , and would not stop ( Steve
did asked them so a couple of times ) , though it was clear there was a huge
Russia emerging. So till then there is no direct evidence.
However in Spring 1906 ( while I was conducting a lot of dip with the
other Doug ) and Russia had 12 !! SC and was a clear threat , what did Italy
do ?
Did he try to stop Russia ? the other way round,  he ordered this

A Tyrolia - Munich     - - This had Russian support

A Venice - Piedmont
Italy decided to turn West and attack France and Germany with Russian
On Fall 1906 he ordered:

F Ionian Sea - Tyrrhenian Sea
A Piedmont - Marseilles (*Bounce*)

A Munich Supports A Russia Galicia - Silesia (*Void*)
Italy continued to attack France. while leaving Russia to continue to
grow to 14 SC. and then said it is too late to stop Russia.
And during all this time he never tried to approach me .( while I thought
I'm dipping with him).
I don't see why working with you to eliminate Germany was a much better
option for me , since it was clear Germany was going to attack you
And having Russia growing on and on with no one to stop it wasn't in my
interest. ( Although it apparently was an Italian one).
As for "fair play" I still feel that impersonating another player might
be a legal and victorious way of a play , however it's on the very edge of
"fair play".
I have learned much from this , and will do my best not to fall for this
dirty ( and legal ) trick a second time.

On Wed, Aug 21, 2013 at 7:32 PM, Simon Langley-Evans
<slangers(at)me.com> wrote:

Can you back that up with actual evidence, as Doug and I had only
sporadic communication up to 1906? There were no cooperative moves and I was
merely fortunate that the intractable Italy-Austria war allowed me to expand
through a friendless Turkey and the Balkans with no credible
It is very difficult to accurately interpret the motives of other
players in the game, especially when the events are not in your immediate
sphere of action. For example, until yesterdayI had no idea that Craig had
started the game trying to get you all to neutralize me. Craig! I thought
you were a friend I had wronged, but now I see your demise was fully
deserved. Doug played a strange game from my perspective and the first few
years left me baffled as to who he was working with (turned out it was
nobody). And Isaac, I felt that you were quite unreasonably wedded to
Germany and illogically fixated on eliminating England (a lengthy process
when Germany was entirely eastward facing) when working with me to seize
German centre was a much better option for you.
As for what's "fair play", I simply refer you to the tag line on the DC
"Diplomacy games may contain lying, stabbing, or deliberately
deceiving communications that may not be suitable for and may pose a hazard
to young children, gullible adults, and small farm

Simon Langley-Evans
Professor of Human Nutrition
Deputy Head of School of Biosciences
University of Nottingham

On Aug 21, 2013, at 10:57 AM, Isaac Zinner <isaac.zinner(at)gmail.com> wrote:

Given the way  Italy was playing before this phony mail issue
happened , I doubt it very much , it would have changed anything.
As we are talking on period from Spring 06 to Fall 06.  Before
and after that, Italy was playing just the same old game of supporting
Russia without any logical explanation.

On Tue, Aug 20, 2013 at 6:47 PM, Douglas Kent <dougray30(at)yahoo.com> wrote:

I will try to write a full EOG later, but let me just state that I
???helped??? Russia in the end game for two reasons...one, because nobody
would write me (which leads to reason #2)...and two, France was
conducting all his Diplomacy with Russia thinking it was me, and I felt
it only right to punish that foolishness by eliminating Germany and
making sure Russia took the win.  It wouldn???t have mattered,
because any hope of an E/F/I or F/G/I was destroyed with France writing
to a fake email address...


From: garry b
Sent: Tuesday, August 20, 2013 10:38 AM
To: Isaac Zinner ; Craig - Austria Galad ; Doug1 - France Galad ; freeman_ass(at)yahoo.com ; kaficek8(at)gmail.com ;
stevieh(at)taosnet.com ; dc450(at)diplomaticcorp.com ; Cartesian ;
Michael Sims ; Douglas Kent ; Doug2 - France Galad ; Simon Langley-Evans

Subject: RE: DC450 France EOG

As an unaffected party (and DC Moderator), I think it is
only fair to point out several things:

1. Italy (Doug) is a very
established player who also publishes Diplomacy World (an e-zine about
Diplomacy). While it is odd the way things unraveled I can assure you he
is both real and typically a strong, passionate player.

2. With a
third solo it might be time to realize that Simon has some weird Jedi
Mind Trick that enables him to make the best of us make bad Diplomacy

3. Having played against him, I can't figure out how
he does it and I too have been frustrated and on the receiving end of a
Simon beat down. I feel your pain Isaac but so far I have seen nothing
that would convince me that he is nothing more than annoyingly

As a player-run community we try to self-police any
shenanigans; typically if they exist they work themselves out because
players have no tolerance for such. I encourage you to join another game
and give it a whirl.


From: isaac.zinner(at)gmail.com
Date: Tue, 20 Aug 2013
10:57:59 +0300
Subject: Re: DC450 France EOG
To: cbconnell(at)gmail.com;
diplomacyworld(at)yahoo.com; isaac.zinner(at)gmail.com; freeman_ass(at)yahoo.com; kaficek8(at)gmail.com;
stevieh(at)taosnet.com; dc450(at)diplomaticcorp.com; cartesian.i(at)googlemail.com; mike(at)fuzzylogicllc.net; kielmarch(at)hotmail.com; dougray3o(at)yahoo.com;
dougray30(at)yahoo.com; slangers(at)me.com

Sorry ,forgot to include some.

On Tue, Aug 20, 2013 at 10:26 AM, Isaac Zinner <isaac.zinner(at)gmail.com> wrote:

Thanks Justin for GMing, you did a great job.

As for the game, It's hard to understand the reason for Russia's
glorifying himself for his Solo.
This was more of a joint Italian / Russian cooperation in order
to get the Solo for Russia.
It does appear as if the Italian was playing for one purpose - to
get a solo for Russia.
Italy conceded his SC (at least 6 SC in 2 turns ) to Russia and
instead of trying to fight Russia had been trying to help him even
more.   Go figure.
As it was more of a joint Italian / Russian solo  - 
congratulations for both Simon and Doug for achieving it.
BTW it turned out that there was a fake email address pretending
to be that of Italy, with which I had made quite a lot of dipping,
till this day I'm not sure if this email address was Russia or Italy
after all.
However this put together with the way Italy was playing made me
wonder if there is an Italian player at


DC450 France EOG - egni   (Aug 22, 2013, 6:55 am)
 I thought you knew about it ONLY AFTER Fall 1906, Now I see you knew about it already from 1906. When it all started. So apparently you did work with him from 1906 , just as I said you did.

And now it is me who gave Simon the game and it's all my fault. Unfortunately, I still can't understand you. However if that makes you feel better, suit yourself. I don't mind.

On a side note, I don't take diplomacy games ( or any other game for that matter ) personally. And I'm ready to accept losing games or being eliminated, I've had my share of both. 
Therefore I didn't get angry and I hope I wasn't rude by anyway. If you think that helping Simon ( who did take Steve's comments personally and who REALLY got angry ) is a punishment for me , so be it , though I think this is somewhat childish.  

On Thu, Aug 22, 2013 at 2:18 PM, Douglas Kent <dougray30(at)yahoo.com> wrote:

Exactly Isaac...1906...BEFORE that I was not working with Russia. 
Once it became clear that YOU personally had given Russia a huge advantage by
telegraphing moves to the wrong player, making it nearly impossible to stop him
from winning, I congratulated Simon on his sneakiness and he agreed that rather
than attack me we would punish the foolishness of the person who made it so easy
for him to win.  We would eliminate Germany and he would hold off from
taking 18 until then, and I would attack you...if there was a way to eliminate
you too before he got to 18 we would have done that.  But it was too
difficult to figure out.
The reason for the attack wasn't just because you gave him the game by
falling for his tricks, but also because you were unable to see how funny they
were.  You got angry.  *I'm* the one he impersonated and *I* saw how
funny it was that you fell for it hook line and sinker.  Those who get
angry (or rude) over a game of Diplomacy should be punished....so I agreed to
make Simon's victory take less time, not drag it out.

From: Isaac Zinner
Sent: Thursday, August 22, 2013 2:01 AM
To: Simon
Cc: Douglas Kent ; Craig - Austria
Galad ; Doug1 - France Galad ; Jeremiah
Attento ; kaficek8(at)gmail.com ; Steve Hills ; dc450(at)diplomaticcorp.com ; Douglas Kent ;
Subject: Re: DC450 France EOG
Till 1906 Italy was fighting Austria , and would not stop ( Steve
did asked them so a couple of times ) , though it was clear there was a huge
Russia emerging. So till then there is no direct evidence.
However in Spring 1906 ( while I was conducting a lot of dip with the other
Doug ) and Russia had 12 !! SC and was a clear threat , what did Italy do
Did he try to stop Russia ? the other way round,  he ordered this
A Tyrolia - Munich     - - This had Russian support
A Venice - Piedmont
Italy decided to turn West and attack France and Germany with Russian
On Fall 1906 he ordered:
F Ionian Sea - Tyrrhenian Sea
A Piedmont - Marseilles (*Bounce*)

A Munich Supports A Russia Galicia - Silesia (*Void*)
Italy continued to attack France. while leaving Russia to continue to grow
to 14 SC. and then said it is too late to stop Russia.
And during all this time he never tried to approach me .( while I thought
I'm dipping with him).
I don't see why working with you to eliminate Germany was a much better
option for me , since it was clear Germany was going to attack you
And having Russia growing on and on with no one to stop it wasn't in my
interest. ( Although it apparently was an Italian one).
As for "fair play" I still feel that impersonating another player might be
a legal and victorious way of a play , however it's on the very edge of "fair
I have learned much from this , and will do my best not to fall for this
dirty ( and legal ) trick a second time.

On Wed, Aug 21, 2013 at 7:32 PM, Simon Langley-Evans
<slangers(at)me.com> wrote:

Can you back that up with actual evidence, as Doug and I had only
sporadic communication up to 1906? There were no cooperative moves and I was
merely fortunate that the intractable Italy-Austria war allowed me to expand
through a friendless Turkey and the Balkans with no credible opposition.
It is very difficult to accurately interpret the motives of other players
in the game, especially when the events are not in your immediate sphere of
action. For example, until yesterdayI had no idea that Craig had started the
game trying to get you all to neutralize me. Craig! I thought you were a
friend I had wronged, but now I see your demise was fully deserved. Doug
played a strange game from my perspective and the first few years left me
baffled as to who he was working with (turned out it was nobody). And Isaac, I
felt that you were quite unreasonably wedded to Germany and illogically
fixated on eliminating England (a lengthy process when Germany was entirely
eastward facing) when working with me to seize German centre was a much better
option for you.
As for what's "fair play", I simply refer you to the tag line on the DC
"Diplomacy games may contain lying, stabbing, or deliberately
deceiving communications that may not be suitable for and may pose a hazard to
young children, gullible adults, and small farm

Simon Langley-Evans
Professor of Human Nutrition
Deputy Head of School of Biosciences
University of Nottingham

On Aug 21, 2013, at 10:57 AM, Isaac Zinner <isaac.zinner(at)gmail.com> wrote:

Given the way  Italy was playing before this phony mail issue
happened , I doubt it very much , it would have changed anything.
As we are talking on period from Spring 06 to Fall 06.  Before and
after that, Italy was playing just the same old game of supporting Russia
without any logical explanation.

On Tue, Aug 20, 2013 at 6:47 PM, Douglas Kent <dougray30(at)yahoo.com> wrote:

I will try to write a full EOG later, but let me just state that I
"helped" Russia in the end game for two reasons...one, because nobody
would write me (which leads to reason #2)...and two, France was conducting
all his Diplomacy with Russia thinking it was me, and I felt it only right
to punish that foolishness by eliminating Germany and making sure Russia
took the win.  It wouldn't have mattered, because any hope of an
E/F/I or F/G/I was destroyed with France writing to a fake email


From: garry b
Sent: Tuesday, August 20, 2013 10:38 AM
To: Isaac Zinner ; Craig - Austria Galad ; Doug1 - France Galad ; freeman_ass(at)yahoo.com ; kaficek8(at)gmail.com ; stevieh(at)taosnet.com ; dc450(at)diplomaticcorp.com ; Cartesian ; Michael Sims ; Douglas Kent ; Doug2 - France Galad ;
Subject: RE: DC450 France EOG

As an unaffected party (and DC Moderator), I think it is only
fair to point out several things:

1. Italy (Doug) is a very
established player who also publishes Diplomacy World (an e-zine about
Diplomacy). While it is odd the way things unraveled I can assure you he
is both real and typically a strong, passionate player.

2. With a
third solo it might be time to realize that Simon has some weird Jedi Mind
Trick that enables him to make the best of us make bad Diplomacy

3. Having played against him, I can't figure out how he
does it and I too have been frustrated and on the receiving end of a Simon
beat down. I feel your pain Isaac but so far I have seen nothing that
would convince me that he is nothing more than annoyingly good.

a player-run community we try to self-police any shenanigans; typically if
they exist they work themselves out because players have no tolerance for
such. I encourage you to join another game and give it a whirl.


From: isaac.zinner(at)gmail.com
Date: Tue, 20 Aug 2013
10:57:59 +0300
Subject: Re: DC450 France EOG
To: cbconnell(at)gmail.com;
diplomacyworld(at)yahoo.com; isaac.zinner(at)gmail.com; freeman_ass(at)yahoo.com; kaficek8(at)gmail.com; stevieh(at)taosnet.com;
dc450(at)diplomaticcorp.com; cartesian.i(at)googlemail.com; mike(at)fuzzylogicllc.net; kielmarch(at)hotmail.com; dougray3o(at)yahoo.com;
dougray30(at)yahoo.com; slangers(at)me.com

Sorry ,forgot to include some.

On Tue, Aug 20, 2013 at 10:26 AM, Isaac Zinner <isaac.zinner(at)gmail.com> wrote:

Thanks Justin for GMing, you did a great job.

As for the game, It's hard to understand the reason for Russia's
glorifying himself for his Solo.
This was more of a joint Italian / Russian cooperation in order to
get the Solo for Russia.
It does appear as if the Italian was playing for one purpose - to
get a solo for Russia.
Italy conceded his SC (at least 6 SC in 2 turns ) to Russia and
instead of trying to fight Russia had been trying to help him even
more.   Go figure.
As it was more of a joint Italian / Russian solo  - 
congratulations for both Simon and Doug for achieving it.
BTW it turned out that there was a fake email address pretending to
be that of Italy, with which I had made quite a lot of dipping, till
this day I'm not sure if this email address was Russia or Italy after
However this put together with the way Italy was playing made me
wonder if there is an Italian player at


DC450 France EOG - egni   (Aug 22, 2013, 2:18 am)
I don't think so,I have written as a reply to Simon, why I think so. 

On Wed, Aug 21, 2013 at 8:24 PM, Douglas Kent <dougray30(at)yahoo.com> wrote:

I think, Isaac, you are blatantly mischaracterizing my moves up to the
final game year or two....in other words, up to when you were conducting "my"
diplomacy with someone else....

From: Simon Langley-Evans
Sent: Wednesday, August 21, 2013 11:32 AM
To: Isaac Zinner
Cc: Douglas Kent ; Craig - Austria
Galad ; Doug1 - France Galad ; Jeremiah
Attento ; kaficek8(at)gmail.com ; Steve Hills ; dc450(at)diplomaticcorp.com ; Douglas Kent ;
Subject: Re: DC450 France EOG

Can you back that up with actual
evidence, as Doug and I had only sporadic communication up to 1906? There were
no cooperative moves and I was merely fortunate that the intractable
Italy-Austria war allowed me to expand through a friendless Turkey and the
Balkans with no credible opposition.
It is very difficult to accurately
interpret the motives of other players in the game, especially when the events
are not in your immediate sphere of action. For example, until yesterdayI had no
idea that Craig had started the game trying to get you all to neutralize me.
Craig! I thought you were a friend I had wronged, but now I see your demise was
fully deserved. Doug played a strange game from my perspective and the first few
years left me baffled as to who he was working with (turned out it was nobody).
And Isaac, I felt that you were quite unreasonably wedded to Germany and
illogically fixated on eliminating England (a lengthy process when Germany was
entirely eastward facing) when working with me to seize German centre was a much
better option for you.
As for what's "fair play", I simply
refer you to the tag line on the DC site.
games may contain lying, stabbing, or deliberately deceiving communications that
may not be suitable for and may pose a hazard to young children, gullible
adults, and small farm animals

Simon Langley-Evans
Professor of Human Nutrition
Deputy Head of School of Biosciences
University of Nottingham

On Aug 21, 2013, at 10:57 AM,
Isaac Zinner <isaac.zinner(at)gmail.com>

Given the way  Italy was playing before this phony mail issue
happened , I doubt it very much , it would have changed anything.
As we are talking on period from Spring 06 to Fall 06.  Before and
after that, Italy was playing just the same old game of supporting Russia
without any logical explanation.

On Tue, Aug 20, 2013 at 6:47 PM, Douglas Kent <dougray30(at)yahoo.com> wrote:

I will try to write a full EOG later, but let me just state that I
"helped" Russia in the end game for two reasons...one, because nobody would
write me (which leads to reason #2)...and two, France was conducting all his
Diplomacy with Russia thinking it was me, and I felt it only right to punish
that foolishness by eliminating Germany and making sure Russia took the
win.  It wouldn't have mattered, because any hope of an E/F/I or F/G/I
was destroyed with France writing to a fake email address...


From: garry b
Sent: Tuesday, August 20, 2013 10:38 AM
To: Isaac Zinner ; Craig - Austria Galad ; Doug1 - France
Galad ; freeman_ass(at)yahoo.com
; kaficek8(at)gmail.com ; stevieh(at)taosnet.com ; dc450(at)diplomaticcorp.com ; Cartesian ; Michael Sims ; Douglas Kent ; Doug2 - France Galad ;
Subject: RE: DC450 France EOG

As an unaffected party (and DC Moderator), I think it is only
fair to point out several things:

1. Italy (Doug) is a very
established player who also publishes Diplomacy World (an e-zine about
Diplomacy). While it is odd the way things unraveled I can assure you he is
both real and typically a strong, passionate player.

2. With a third
solo it might be time to realize that Simon has some weird Jedi Mind Trick
that enables him to make the best of us make bad Diplomacy

3. Having played against him, I can't figure out how he
does it and I too have been frustrated and on the receiving end of a Simon
beat down. I feel your pain Isaac but so far I have seen nothing that would
convince me that he is nothing more than annoyingly good.

As a
player-run community we try to self-police any shenanigans; typically if
they exist they work themselves out because players have no tolerance for
such. I encourage you to join another game and give it a whirl.


From: isaac.zinner(at)gmail.com
Date: Tue, 20 Aug 2013 10:57:59
Subject: Re: DC450 France EOG
To: cbconnell(at)gmail.com; diplomacyworld(at)yahoo.com; isaac.zinner(at)gmail.com; freeman_ass(at)yahoo.com;
kaficek8(at)gmail.com; stevieh(at)taosnet.com; dc450(at)diplomaticcorp.com; cartesian.i(at)googlemail.com; mike(at)fuzzylogicllc.net; kielmarch(at)hotmail.com;

Sorry ,forgot to include some.

On Tue, Aug 20, 2013 at 10:26 AM, Isaac Zinner <isaac.zinner(at)gmail.com> wrote:

Thanks Justin for GMing, you did a great job.

As for the game, It's hard to understand the reason for Russia's
glorifying himself for his Solo.
This was more of a joint Italian / Russian cooperation in order to
get the Solo for Russia.
It does appear as if the Italian was playing for one purpose - to get
a solo for Russia.
Italy conceded his SC (at least 6 SC in 2 turns ) to Russia and
instead of trying to fight Russia had been trying to help him even
more.   Go figure.
As it was more of a joint Italian / Russian solo  - 
congratulations for both Simon and Doug for achieving it.
BTW it turned out that there was a fake email address pretending to
be that of Italy, with which I had made quite a lot of dipping, till this
day I'm not sure if this email address was Russia or Italy after all.

However this put together with the way Italy was playing made me
wonder if there is an Italian player at all.


DC450 France EOG - egni   (Aug 22, 2013, 2:01 am)
Till 1906 Italy was fighting Austria , and would not stop ( Steve did asked them so a couple of times ) , though it was clear there was a huge Russia emerging. So till then there is no direct evidence.However in Spring 1906 ( while I was conducting a lot of dip with the other Doug ) and Russia had 12 !! SC and was a clear threat , what did Italy do ?

Did he try to stop Russia ? the other way round,  he ordered this :
A Tyrolia - Munich     - - This had Russian support A Venice - Piedmont
Italy decided to turn West and attack France and Germany with Russian support. 

On Fall 1906 he ordered:
F Ionian Sea - Tyrrhenian SeaA Piedmont - Marseilles (*Bounce*)
A Munich Supports A Russia Galicia - Silesia (*Void*) 

Italy continued to attack France. while leaving Russia to continue to grow to 14 SC. and then said it is too late to stop Russia.And during all this time he never tried to approach me .( while I thought I'm dipping with him).

I don't see why working with you to eliminate Germany was a much better option for me , since it was clear Germany was going to attack youAnd having Russia growing on and on with no one to stop it wasn't in my interest. ( Although it apparently was an Italian one).

As for "fair play" I still feel that impersonating another player might be a legal and victorious way of a play , however it's on the very edge of "fair play".I have learned much from this , and will do my best not to fall for this dirty ( and legal ) trick a second time.

On Wed, Aug 21, 2013 at 7:32 PM, Simon Langley-Evans <slangers(at)me.com> wrote:

Can you back that up with actual evidence, as Doug and I had only sporadic communication up to 1906? There were no cooperative moves and I was merely fortunate that the intractable Italy-Austria war allowed me to expand through a friendless Turkey and the Balkans with no credible opposition.

It is very difficult to accurately interpret the motives of other players in the game, especially when the events are not in your immediate sphere of action. For example, until yesterdayI had no idea that Craig had started the game trying to get you all to neutralize me. Craig! I thought you were a friend I had wronged, but now I see your demise was fully deserved. Doug played a strange game from my perspective and the first few years left me baffled as to who he was working with (turned out it was nobody). And Isaac, I felt that you were quite unreasonably wedded to Germany and illogically fixated on eliminating England (a lengthy process when Germany was entirely eastward facing) when working with me to seize German centre was a much better option for you. 

As for what's "fair play", I simply refer you to the tag line on the DC site. 
"Diplomacy games may contain lying, stabbing, or deliberately deceiving communications that may not be suitable for and may pose a hazard to young children, gullible adults, and small farm animals."


Simon Langley-EvansProfessor of Human Nutrition
Deputy Head of School of BiosciencesUniversity of Nottingham

On Aug 21, 2013, at 10:57 AM, Isaac Zinner <isaac.zinner(at)gmail.com> wrote:

Given the way  Italy was playing before this phony mail issue happened , I doubt it very much , it would have changed anything. As we are talking on period from Spring 06 to Fall 06.  Before and after that, Italy was playing just the same old game of supporting Russia without any logical explanation.

On Tue, Aug 20, 2013 at 6:47 PM, Douglas Kent <dougray30(at)yahoo.com> wrote:

I will try to write a full EOG later, but let me just state that I "helped"
Russia in the end game for two reasons...one, because nobody would write me
(which leads to reason #2)...and two, France was conducting all his Diplomacy
with Russia thinking it was me, and I felt it only right to punish that
foolishness by eliminating Germany and making sure Russia took the win.  It
wouldn't have mattered, because any hope of an E/F/I or F/G/I was destroyed with
France writing to a fake email address...

From: garry b
Sent: Tuesday, August 20, 2013 10:38 AM
To: Isaac Zinner ; Craig - Austria
Galad ; Doug1 - France Galad ; freeman_ass(at)yahoo.com ; kaficek8(at)gmail.com
; stevieh(at)taosnet.com ; dc450(at)diplomaticcorp.com ; Cartesian ; Michael
Sims ; Douglas Kent ; Doug2 - France
Galad ; Simon
Subject: RE: DC450 France EOG
As an unaffected party (and DC Moderator), I think it is only fair
to point out several things:

1. Italy (Doug) is a very established player
who also publishes Diplomacy World (an e-zine about Diplomacy). While it is odd
the way things unraveled I can assure you he is both real and typically a
strong, passionate player.

2. With a third solo it might be time to
realize that Simon has some weird Jedi Mind Trick that enables him to make the
best of us make bad Diplomacy decisions.

3. Having played against him, I
can't figure out how he does it and I too have been frustrated and on the
receiving end of a Simon beat down. I feel your pain Isaac but so far I have
seen nothing that would convince me that he is nothing more than annoyingly

As a player-run community we try to self-police any shenanigans;
typically if they exist they work themselves out because players have no
tolerance for such. I encourage you to join another game and give it a whirl.


From: isaac.zinner(at)gmail.com
Date: Tue, 20 Aug 2013 10:57:59
Subject: Re: DC450 France EOG
To: cbconnell(at)gmail.com;
diplomacyworld(at)yahoo.com; isaac.zinner(at)gmail.com; freeman_ass(at)yahoo.com;
kaficek8(at)gmail.com; stevieh(at)taosnet.com; dc450(at)diplomaticcorp.com;
cartesian.i(at)googlemail.com; mike(at)fuzzylogicllc.net; kielmarch(at)hotmail.com;
dougray3o(at)yahoo.com; dougray30(at)yahoo.com; slangers(at)me.com

Sorry ,forgot to include some.

On Tue, Aug 20, 2013 at 10:26 AM, Isaac Zinner <isaac.zinner(at)gmail.com> wrote:

Thanks Justin for GMing, you did a great job.

As for the game, It's hard to understand the reason for Russia's
glorifying himself for his Solo.
This was more of a joint Italian / Russian cooperation in order to get
the Solo for Russia.
It does appear as if the Italian was playing for one purpose - to get a
solo for Russia.
Italy conceded his SC (at least 6 SC in 2 turns ) to Russia and instead
of trying to fight Russia had been trying to help him even more.  
Go figure.
As it was more of a joint Italian / Russian solo  - 
congratulations for both Simon and Doug for achieving it.
BTW it turned out that there was a fake email address pretending to be
that of Italy, with which I had made quite a lot of dipping, till this day I'm
not sure if this email address was Russia or Italy after all.
However this put together with the way Italy was playing made me wonder
if there is an Italian player at all.


DC450 France EOG - Slangers   (Aug 21, 2013, 12:42 pm)
Of course no hard feelings Craig. Only a fool takes grudges from one game to another.

Simon Langley-EvansProfessor of Human NutritionDeputy Head of School of BiosciencesUniversity of Nottingham

On Aug 21, 2013, at 6:00 PM, Craig Connell <cbconnell(at)gmail.com> wrote:

No hard feelings I hope Simon? Obviously none of those plans really worked to help me.

This was a strange game from my perspective as well. Everyone seemed to be out for them self with no interest in making any solid alliances. Even after the stab in Norway, Simon was kind enough to do what he said he would do in helping me against Germany.

As to impersonating players.. I understand that even back in the days of playing by postal mail, attempts were made to impersonate other players. Even today, the use of Gray or Black press is an attempt at impersonation. While players may not experience this kind of email impersonation in most games played on Diplomaticcorp, I don't see any problems if it is done. The real problem is the player who is not careful enough to know who he is communicating with (I am guilty of THAT myself in this game).


On Wed, Aug 21, 2013 at 10:32 AM, Simon Langley-Evans <slangers(at)me.com> wrote:

Can you back that up with actual evidence, as Doug and I had only sporadic communication up to 1906? There were no cooperative moves and I was merely fortunate that the intractable Italy-Austria war allowed me to expand through a friendless Turkey and the Balkans with no credible opposition.

It is very difficult to accurately interpret the motives of other players in the game, especially when the events are not in your immediate sphere of action. For example, until yesterdayI had no idea that Craig had started the game trying to get you all to neutralize me. Craig! I thought you were a friend I had wronged, but now I see your demise was fully deserved. Doug played a strange game from my perspective and the first few years left me baffled as to who he was working with (turned out it was nobody). And Isaac, I felt that you were quite unreasonably wedded to Germany and illogically fixated on eliminating England (a lengthy process when Germany was entirely eastward facing) when working with me to seize German centre was a much better option for you. 

As for what's "fair play", I simply refer you to the tag line on the DC site. 
"Diplomacy games may contain lying, stabbing, or deliberately deceiving communications that may not be suitable for and may pose a hazard to young children, gullible adults, and small farm animals."


Simon Langley-EvansProfessor of Human Nutrition
Deputy Head of School of BiosciencesUniversity of Nottingham

On Aug 21, 2013, at 10:57 AM, Isaac Zinner <isaac.zinner(at)gmail.com> wrote:

Given the way  Italy was playing before this phony mail issue happened , I doubt it very much , it would have changed anything. As we are talking on period from Spring 06 to Fall 06.  Before and after that, Italy was playing just the same old game of supporting Russia without any logical explanation.

On Tue, Aug 20, 2013 at 6:47 PM, Douglas Kent <dougray30(at)yahoo.com> wrote:

I will try to write a full EOG later, but let me just state that I ???helped???
Russia in the end game for two reasons...one, because nobody would write me
(which leads to reason #2)...and two, France was conducting all his Diplomacy
with Russia thinking it was me, and I felt it only right to punish that
foolishness by eliminating Germany and making sure Russia took the win.  It
wouldn???t have mattered, because any hope of an E/F/I or F/G/I was destroyed with
France writing to a fake email address...

From: garry b
Sent: Tuesday, August 20, 2013 10:38 AM
To: Isaac Zinner ; Craig - Austria
Galad ; Doug1 - France Galad ; freeman_ass(at)yahoo.com ; kaficek8(at)gmail.com
; stevieh(at)taosnet.com ; dc450(at)diplomaticcorp.com ; Cartesian ; Michael
Sims ; Douglas Kent ; Doug2 - France
Galad ; Simon
Subject: RE: DC450 France EOG
As an unaffected party (and DC Moderator), I think it is only fair
to point out several things:

1. Italy (Doug) is a very established player
who also publishes Diplomacy World (an e-zine about Diplomacy). While it is odd
the way things unraveled I can assure you he is both real and typically a
strong, passionate player.

2. With a third solo it might be time to
realize that Simon has some weird Jedi Mind Trick that enables him to make the
best of us make bad Diplomacy decisions.

3. Having played against him, I
can't figure out how he does it and I too have been frustrated and on the
receiving end of a Simon beat down. I feel your pain Isaac but so far I have
seen nothing that would convince me that he is nothing more than annoyingly

As a player-run community we try to self-police any shenanigans;
typically if they exist they work themselves out because players have no
tolerance for such. I encourage you to join another game and give it a whirl.


From: isaac.zinner(at)gmail.com
Date: Tue, 20 Aug 2013 10:57:59
Subject: Re: DC450 France EOG
To: cbconnell(at)gmail.com;
diplomacyworld(at)yahoo.com; isaac.zinner(at)gmail.com; freeman_ass(at)yahoo.com;
kaficek8(at)gmail.com; stevieh(at)taosnet.com; dc450(at)diplomaticcorp.com;
cartesian.i(at)googlemail.com; mike(at)fuzzylogicllc.net; kielmarch(at)hotmail.com;
dougray3o(at)yahoo.com; dougray30(at)yahoo.com; slangers(at)me.com

Sorry ,forgot to include some.

On Tue, Aug 20, 2013 at 10:26 AM, Isaac Zinner <isaac.zinner(at)gmail.com> wrote:

Thanks Justin for GMing, you did a great job.

As for the game, It's hard to understand the reason for Russia's
glorifying himself for his Solo.
This was more of a joint Italian / Russian cooperation in order to get
the Solo for Russia.
It does appear as if the Italian was playing for one purpose - to get a
solo for Russia.
Italy conceded his SC (at least 6 SC in 2 turns ) to Russia and instead
of trying to fight Russia had been trying to help him even more.  
Go figure.
As it was more of a joint Italian / Russian solo  - 
congratulations for both Simon and Doug for achieving it.
BTW it turned out that there was a fake email address pretending to be
that of Italy, with which I had made quite a lot of dipping, till this day I'm
not sure if this email address was Russia or Italy after all.
However this put together with the way Italy was playing made me wonder
if there is an Italian player at all.


Correction: DC460 Puppetmasters Winter 1903 Builds - Cartesian   (Aug 21, 2013, 12:17 pm)
Attached, amended file and map

On 21 August 2013 18:07, John Langley <cartesian.i(at)gmail.com> wrote:

Turkey's build was F Ankara, not Smy.
My mistake. Apologies to Wesley and to the rest of you.

New map and .dpy to follow.
Holiday has addled my poor GM brain.


On 21 August 2013 16:54, John Langley <cartesian.i(at)gmail.com> wrote:

France conquered, but will peace now break out?Reports suggest not...

*** Deadline: Spring 1904 Monday 2nd September 16:00 GMT ***

Note this is slightly longer - holiday season!

Zuricher Tagblatt: When you said "you certainly would" and I believed you, was it a mistake by me or expert persuasion by you?

Germany: Build A MunichBuild A Berlin
Italy: Build A Venice
Russia: Build A Sevastopol

Turkey: Build F Smyrna

RP FileMovements MapResolved Map


Correction: DC460 Puppetmasters Winter 1903 Builds - Cartesian   (Aug 21, 2013, 12:07 pm)
Turkey's build was F Ankara, not Smy.
My mistake. Apologies to Wesley and to the rest of you.
New map and .dpy to follow.
Holiday has addled my poor GM brain.


On 21 August 2013 16:54, John Langley <cartesian.i(at)gmail.com> wrote:

France conquered, but will peace now break out?Reports suggest not...

*** Deadline: Spring 1904 Monday 2nd September 16:00 GMT ***

Note this is slightly longer - holiday season!

Zuricher Tagblatt: When you said "you certainly would" and I believed you, was it a mistake by me or expert persuasion by you?

Germany: Build A MunichBuild A Berlin
Italy: Build A Venice
Russia: Build A Sevastopol

Turkey: Build F Smyrna

RP FileMovements MapResolved Map


Correction: DC460 Puppetmasters Winter 1903 Builds (dc460) Cartesian Aug 21, 12:17 pm
Attached, amended file and map

On 21 August 2013 18:07, John Langley <cartesian.i(at)gmail.com> wrote:

Turkey's build was F Ankara, not Smy.
My mistake. Apologies to Wesley and to the rest of you.

New map and .dpy to follow.
Holiday has addled my poor GM brain.


On 21 August 2013 16:54, John Langley <cartesian.i(at)gmail.com> wrote:

France conquered, but will peace now break out?Reports suggest not...

*** Deadline: Spring 1904 Monday 2nd September 16:00 GMT ***

Note this is slightly longer - holiday season!

Zuricher Tagblatt: When you said "you certainly would" and I believed you, was it a mistake by me or expert persuasion by you?

Germany: Build A MunichBuild A Berlin
Italy: Build A Venice
Russia: Build A Sevastopol

Turkey: Build F Smyrna

RP FileMovements MapResolved Map
DC450 France EOG - cbconnell   (Aug 21, 2013, 12:00 pm)
No hard feelings I hope Simon? Obviously none of those plans really worked to help me.

This was a strange game from my perspective as well. Everyone seemed to be out for them self with no interest in making any solid alliances. Even after the stab in Norway, Simon was kind enough to do what he said he would do in helping me against Germany.

As to impersonating players.. I understand that even back in the days of playing by postal mail, attempts were made to impersonate other players. Even today, the use of Gray or Black press is an attempt at impersonation. While players may not experience this kind of email impersonation in most games played on Diplomaticcorp, I don't see any problems if it is done. The real problem is the player who is not careful enough to know who he is communicating with (I am guilty of THAT myself in this game).


On Wed, Aug 21, 2013 at 10:32 AM, Simon Langley-Evans <slangers(at)me.com> wrote:

Can you back that up with actual evidence, as Doug and I had only sporadic communication up to 1906? There were no cooperative moves and I was merely fortunate that the intractable Italy-Austria war allowed me to expand through a friendless Turkey and the Balkans with no credible opposition.

It is very difficult to accurately interpret the motives of other players in the game, especially when the events are not in your immediate sphere of action. For example, until yesterdayI had no idea that Craig had started the game trying to get you all to neutralize me. Craig! I thought you were a friend I had wronged, but now I see your demise was fully deserved. Doug played a strange game from my perspective and the first few years left me baffled as to who he was working with (turned out it was nobody). And Isaac, I felt that you were quite unreasonably wedded to Germany and illogically fixated on eliminating England (a lengthy process when Germany was entirely eastward facing) when working with me to seize German centre was a much better option for you.??

As for what's "fair play", I simply refer you to the tag line on the DC site.??
"Diplomacy games may contain lying, stabbing, or deliberately deceiving communications that may not be suitable for and may pose a hazard to young children, gullible adults, and small farm animals."


Simon Langley-EvansProfessor of Human Nutrition
Deputy Head of School of BiosciencesUniversity of Nottingham

On Aug 21, 2013, at 10:57 AM, Isaac Zinner <isaac.zinner(at)gmail.com> wrote:

Given the way ??Italy was playing before this phony mail issue happened , I doubt it very much , it would have changed anything.??As we are talking on period from Spring 06 to Fall 06. ??Before and after that, Italy was playing just the same old game of supporting Russia without any logical explanation.

On Tue, Aug 20, 2013 at 6:47 PM, Douglas Kent <dougray30(at)yahoo.com> wrote:

I will try to write a full EOG later, but let me just state that I ???helped???
Russia in the end game for two reasons...one, because nobody would write me
(which leads to reason #2)...and two, France was conducting all his Diplomacy
with Russia thinking it was me, and I felt it only right to punish that
foolishness by eliminating Germany and making sure Russia took the win.?? It
wouldn???t have mattered, because any hope of an E/F/I or F/G/I was destroyed with
France writing to a fake email address...

From: garry b
Sent: Tuesday, August 20, 2013 10:38 AM
To: Isaac Zinner ; Craig - Austria
Galad ; Doug1 - France Galad ; freeman_ass(at)yahoo.com ; kaficek8(at)gmail.com
; stevieh(at)taosnet.com ; dc450(at)diplomaticcorp.com ; Cartesian ; Michael
Sims ; Douglas Kent ; Doug2 - France
Galad ; Simon
Subject: RE: DC450 France EOG
As an unaffected party (and DC Moderator), I think it is only fair
to point out several things:

1. Italy (Doug) is a very established player
who also publishes Diplomacy World (an e-zine about Diplomacy). While it is odd
the way things unraveled I can assure you he is both real and typically a
strong, passionate player.

2. With a third solo it might be time to
realize that Simon has some weird Jedi Mind Trick that enables him to make the
best of us make bad Diplomacy decisions.

3. Having played against him, I
can't figure out how he does it and I too have been frustrated and on the
receiving end of a Simon beat down. I feel your pain Isaac but so far I have
seen nothing that would convince me that he is nothing more than annoyingly

As a player-run community we try to self-police any shenanigans;
typically if they exist they work themselves out because players have no
tolerance for such. I encourage you to join another game and give it a whirl.


From: isaac.zinner(at)gmail.com
Date: Tue, 20 Aug 2013 10:57:59
Subject: Re: DC450 France EOG
To: cbconnell(at)gmail.com;
diplomacyworld(at)yahoo.com; isaac.zinner(at)gmail.com; freeman_ass(at)yahoo.com;
kaficek8(at)gmail.com; stevieh(at)taosnet.com; dc450(at)diplomaticcorp.com;
cartesian.i(at)googlemail.com; mike(at)fuzzylogicllc.net; kielmarch(at)hotmail.com;
dougray3o(at)yahoo.com; dougray30(at)yahoo.com; slangers(at)me.com

Sorry ,forgot to include some.

On Tue, Aug 20, 2013 at 10:26 AM, Isaac Zinner <isaac.zinner(at)gmail.com> wrote:

Thanks Justin for GMing, you did a great job.

As for the game, It's hard to understand the reason for Russia's
glorifying himself for his Solo.
This was more of a joint Italian / Russian cooperation in order to get
the Solo for Russia.
It does appear as if the Italian was playing for one purpose - to get a
solo for Russia.
Italy conceded his SC (at least 6 SC in 2 turns ) to Russia and instead
of trying to fight Russia had been trying to help him even more.????
Go figure.
As it was more of a joint Italian / Russian solo?? -??
congratulations for both Simon and Doug for achieving it.
BTW it turned out that there was a fake email address pretending to be
that of Italy, with which I had made quite a lot of dipping, till this day I'm
not sure if this email address was Russia or Italy after all.
However this put together with the way Italy was playing made me wonder
if there is an Italian player at all.


DC450 France EOG - Slangers   (Aug 21, 2013, 11:32 am)
Can you back that up with actual evidence, as Doug and I had only sporadic communication up to 1906? There were no cooperative moves and I was merely fortunate that the intractable Italy-Austria war allowed me to expand through a friendless Turkey and the Balkans with no credible opposition.
It is very difficult to accurately interpret the motives of other players in the game, especially when the events are not in your immediate sphere of action. For example, until yesterdayI had no idea that Craig had started the game trying to get you all to neutralize me. Craig! I thought you were a friend I had wronged, but now I see your demise was fully deserved. Doug played a strange game from my perspective and the first few years left me baffled as to who he was working with (turned out it was nobody). And Isaac, I felt that you were quite unreasonably wedded to Germany and illogically fixated on eliminating England (a lengthy process when Germany was entirely eastward facing) when working with me to seize German centre was a much better option for you. 
As for what's "fair play", I simply refer you to the tag line on the DC site. 
"Diplomacy games may contain lying, stabbing, or deliberately deceiving communications that may not be suitable for and may pose a hazard to young children, gullible adults, and small farm animals."

Simon Langley-EvansProfessor of Human NutritionDeputy Head of School of BiosciencesUniversity of Nottingham

On Aug 21, 2013, at 10:57 AM, Isaac Zinner <isaac.zinner(at)gmail.com> wrote:

Given the way  Italy was playing before this phony mail issue happened , I doubt it very much , it would have changed anything. As we are talking on period from Spring 06 to Fall 06.  Before and after that, Italy was playing just the same old game of supporting Russia without any logical explanation.

On Tue, Aug 20, 2013 at 6:47 PM, Douglas Kent <dougray30(at)yahoo.com> wrote:

I will try to write a full EOG later, but let me just state that I ???helped???
Russia in the end game for two reasons...one, because nobody would write me
(which leads to reason #2)...and two, France was conducting all his Diplomacy
with Russia thinking it was me, and I felt it only right to punish that
foolishness by eliminating Germany and making sure Russia took the win.  It
wouldn???t have mattered, because any hope of an E/F/I or F/G/I was destroyed with
France writing to a fake email address...

From: garry b
Sent: Tuesday, August 20, 2013 10:38 AM
To: Isaac Zinner ; Craig - Austria
Galad ; Doug1 - France Galad ; freeman_ass(at)yahoo.com ; kaficek8(at)gmail.com
; stevieh(at)taosnet.com ; dc450(at)diplomaticcorp.com ; Cartesian ; Michael
Sims ; Douglas Kent ; Doug2 - France
Galad ; Simon
Subject: RE: DC450 France EOG
As an unaffected party (and DC Moderator), I think it is only fair
to point out several things:

1. Italy (Doug) is a very established player
who also publishes Diplomacy World (an e-zine about Diplomacy). While it is odd
the way things unraveled I can assure you he is both real and typically a
strong, passionate player.

2. With a third solo it might be time to
realize that Simon has some weird Jedi Mind Trick that enables him to make the
best of us make bad Diplomacy decisions.

3. Having played against him, I
can't figure out how he does it and I too have been frustrated and on the
receiving end of a Simon beat down. I feel your pain Isaac but so far I have
seen nothing that would convince me that he is nothing more than annoyingly

As a player-run community we try to self-police any shenanigans;
typically if they exist they work themselves out because players have no
tolerance for such. I encourage you to join another game and give it a whirl.


From: isaac.zinner(at)gmail.com
Date: Tue, 20 Aug 2013 10:57:59
Subject: Re: DC450 France EOG
To: cbconnell(at)gmail.com;
diplomacyworld(at)yahoo.com; isaac.zinner(at)gmail.com; freeman_ass(at)yahoo.com;
kaficek8(at)gmail.com; stevieh(at)taosnet.com; dc450(at)diplomaticcorp.com;
cartesian.i(at)googlemail.com; mike(at)fuzzylogicllc.net; kielmarch(at)hotmail.com;
dougray3o(at)yahoo.com; dougray30(at)yahoo.com; slangers(at)me.com

Sorry ,forgot to include some.

On Tue, Aug 20, 2013 at 10:26 AM, Isaac Zinner <isaac.zinner(at)gmail.com> wrote:

Thanks Justin for GMing, you did a great job.

As for the game, It's hard to understand the reason for Russia's
glorifying himself for his Solo.
This was more of a joint Italian / Russian cooperation in order to get
the Solo for Russia.
It does appear as if the Italian was playing for one purpose - to get a
solo for Russia.
Italy conceded his SC (at least 6 SC in 2 turns ) to Russia and instead
of trying to fight Russia had been trying to help him even more.  
Go figure.
As it was more of a joint Italian / Russian solo  - 
congratulations for both Simon and Doug for achieving it.
BTW it turned out that there was a fake email address pretending to be
that of Italy, with which I had made quite a lot of dipping, till this day I'm
not sure if this email address was Russia or Italy after all.
However this put together with the way Italy was playing made me wonder
if there is an Italian player at all.


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Diplomacy games may contain lying, stabbing, or deliberately deceiving communications that may not be suitable for and may pose a hazard to young children, gullible adults, and small farm animals.

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