It appears that a kind sould has had mercy on us and decided to join in the game: Please welcome Tony Tella, our new Italian Prime Minister.
Turkey: Dan Huck (aefgirt7-at-yahoo-dot-com)
Italy: Tony Tella (jafainri-at-hotmail-dot-com)
England: Dirk Knemeyer (dirk-at-knemeyer-dot-com)
Russia: Jeffrey Cole (jeffcole854-at-gmail-dot-com)
Germany: Jeffrey Clay (jmc66-at-mac-dot-com)
Austria: Michael Sims (mike-at-fuzzylogicllc-dot-net)
France: John Clarke (john-dot-c1arke-at-btinternet-dot-com)
I'll see if we can keep a weekly schedule, and make the adjudications be due on Wednesday evenings at 8:00pm (Sweden, GMT + 1). The first turn will now be due the 21th of October, which should leave Tony plenty of time to talk to you all. You can see the status of the game on Diplomatic Corps - including the due date, etc.
I cannot stress enough the importance of preliminary orders. Get them in and be sure that you will not receive an NMR. Also: make all the orders complete. I do not want to go hunting for orders from a previous order-set - only the latest received results will be adjudicated.
If you have not received a confirmation from me, I have not received your orders. I try to respond within 24-hours. I will try to give you a 24-hour warning if I have not received any orders, but I make no guarantees.
Make my life easier:
I would appreciate if your subject line on mail to me look like the following:
dc278 - {Country} {Season} [revision]
dc278 - England Spring 1901 [1]
At the very least put the game number (dc27
in the subject line so that I will find the mail when I need it.
The forum will be set up soon. If there are any other questions, do not hesitate to ask.
Good luck, and happy diploming.