Norway, Austria? Jorge, Dan? In the end does it really matter either way? The point in this Christmas season is that we all find common ground. Why than focus on what divides us? I say vote YES no matter who "benefits". And really, aren't we all winners here?
From: Michael Sims <mike(at)>
To: ddz999cat23(at); drew3739o(at); Garry Bledsoe <kielmarch(at)>; jhack16(at); Maxatrest(at); m_don_j(at); frankmartin(at); jmsaralegui(at); nephilli99(at); matthew.kremer(at); smegdwarf(at); dci <dci(at)>
Sent: Wed, December 23, 2009 1:01:39 PM
Subject: RE: DCI w06 builds!
Actually Austria is in the lead by center-count as of this turn, Dan would win the DCI if it’s called a draw.
From: Michael Sims
Sent: Wednesday, December 23, 2009 1:06 PM
Subject: DCI w06 builds!
There is a draw proposed for the DCI: 3-way Austria France Norway. Vote yay / nay with fall orders. Requires 6 yes-votes to pass.
Note tho this is a draw for the stats, the DCI would go to the highest center-count, or Norway if it passes.
England: disband F London
Italy: A Venice - Rome
Austria: Build F Trieste, A Budapest
France: Build F Marseilles, A Paris
Germany: Remove A Silesia
Italy: Remove A Ukraine
Russia: Build F Sevastopol
Norway: Remove F London, F Norwegian Sea
That’s it for this short and sweet holiday turn. Want a bit slower for the next one?
Spring 07 is due Monday Jan 4, 3pm Central.