We have a new German player! Say hi to Frank Bielschowsky!
We can now get on with the game. Revised deadline for the Spring 1902 moves is Tuesday 16th March 2100GMT. Note that those who'd already sent in moves prior to us losing Ajay will need to resubmit moves
Austria...Steve Andrew (stevenseph1-at-aim.com)
England...Matt Barnes (mlb767-at-aim.com)
France...Simon Langley-Evans (Simon.Langley-evans-at-nottingham.ac.uk)
Germany...Frank Bielschowsky (bielschowsky.f-at-googlemail.com)
Italy...Brian Miller(chessman121212-at-gmail.com)
Russia...Sean O'Donnell (sean_o_donnell-at-hotmail.com)
Turkey...Mike Read (porkbelly00-at-gmail.com)