GM’s remarks:
The German Solo EGP fails . . . . However, Germany still achieves the Solo Victory with 18 Supply Centers. Congratulations Joe on your victory in Round 1, of Winter Blitz 2010.
I have not asked for End-of-Game Statements from any one that was eliminated earlier; however, everyone has elected to remain in the distribution. So, if you all (including you guys that were eliminated) would put together your EoG Statement, I am sure that there would be some interest. Please remember that people are going to be interested in earlier action such as why you decided to go the direction you did at the beginning of the game.
Best of Luck in Round 2 of Winter Blitz 2010!
The Players:
Austria: Will Fleming ([email][/email])
England: Eric Hunter ([email][/email])
France: Eliminated Fall 1907
Germany: Joe Hackett ([email][/email])
Italy: Eliminated Winter 1908
Russia: Eliminated Winter 1906
Turkey: Eliminated Winter 1911
The Orders:
F adr - apu
A boh, no move received
A bud Supports A gal
A gal Supports F spa(sc) (*Fails*)
F ion Supports F tun
A mar Supports F naf (*Disbanded*)
A nap - rom
A pie Supports A mar
A rom - tus
A rum Supports A ukr
A sev - mos (*Fails*)
F tun Supports F tys - wes (*Cut*)
A trl Supports F spa(sc) (*Fails*)
F tys - wes (*Fails*)
A ukr Supports A sev - mos
A vie Supports A boh
F naf - tun (*Fails*)
F spa(sc) Supports A gas - mar
Eliminated Fall 1907
A ber Supports A sil
A bur Supports A gas - mar
F eng - mao
A gas - mar
F lyo Supports A gas - mar
A kie Supports A mun
A lvn Supports A war
F mao - por
A mos Hold
A mun Hold
A sil Hold
A stp Supports A mos
A war Hold
F wes Supports F naf - tun (*Cut*)
Eliminated Winter 1908
Eliminated Winter 1906
Eliminated Winter 1911
None Required
Centers and Unit Positions:
Centers (15) ank, bud, bul, con, gre, nap, rom, rum, ser, sev, smy, tri, tun, ven, vie.
Units: F apu, A boh, A bud, A gal, F ion, A pie, A rom, A rum, A sev, F tun, A tus, A trl, F tys, A ukr, A vie
Build/Disband: 0
Centers (1) spa.
Units: F naf, F spa(sc)
Build/Disband: 0
Eliminated Fall 1907
Centers (1
: bel, ber, bre, den, edi, hol, kie, lvp, lon, mar, mos, mun, nwy, par, por, stp, swe, war.
Units: A ber, A bur, F lyo, A kie, A lvn, A mar, F mao, A mos, A mun, F por, A sil, A stp, A war, F wes
Build/Disbands: 0
Eliminated Winter 1908
Eliminated Winter 1906
Eliminated Winter 1911