Wasn't referring to your NBR.
And it was a bit of a tongue-in-cheek remark
2010/5/18 Sean O'Donnell <sean_o_donnell(at)hotmail.com>
Hello Frank,
I apologize for my end of that; unfortunately, the damage is done without neither Michael nor I being sure what caused the problem. So, I am ensuring that the issue isn't repeated... I hate NMRing.
from Sean
From: bielschowsky.f(at)googlemail.com
Date: Mon, 17 May 2010 21:25:41 +0200
Subject: Re: DC302 Clarification
To: psychosis(at)sky.com
CC: stevenseph1(at)aim.com; chessman121212(at)gmail.com; porkbelly00(at)gmail.com; sean_o_donnell(at)hotmail.com; Simon.Langley-Evans(at)nottingham.ac.uk; mlb767(at)aim.com; dc302(at)diplomaticcorp.com
Regardless whether he's regarded to be in CD or not, I think it's unfair to the other players to NMR. Worse, it shows no respect at all for two powers that have just been eliminated despite all their efforts to stay alive...
2010/5/17 Michael Thompson <psychosis(at)sky.com>
I've received a couple of queries as to Italy's status in the game, given an NMR from him for Fall 1906 moves and also for Winter 1906 adjustments.
This *doesn't* place Italy in Civil Disorder...in my house rules, I note that civil disorders are caused by two consecutive NMRs. However, for the purposes of counting NMRs, Spring and Summer count as one season, and Fall, Autumn and Winter as another. To trigger the two consecutive rule, a player needs to miss a move submission in Spring/Summer and then again in Fall/Autumn/Winter (or Fall/Autumn/Winter and then again in Spring/Summer) - so an NMR in Spring and then the lack of a retreat in Summer only counts as one NMR. Or in the case of Italy recently, an NMR for Fall and then again for Winter only counts as one NMR.
Hope this makes sense. I'll acknowledge that this isn't 100% clear in my rules, but this rule is a fairly standard one across the DC site...
Upshot of this is, Italy isn't in civil disorder, as his previous NMR was for Spring 1905. However, if he misses Spring 1907 orders or any Summer 1907 retreats, then he will be placed in civil disorder.
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