Hey All,
We have a proposal that you can all vote on with your Spring orders. Italy must remove 1, Austria may build 3. I set the deadline for Saturday. If I'm missing any orders, I'll postpone.
The players:
Austria: Phil <ilovethechiefs(at)gmail.com>
England: Andy <cloudhurler77(at)yahoo.com> *eliminated Winter 1905*
France: Dan <ddz999cat23(at)yahoo.com>
Germany: Ray <mczet99(at)gmail.com> *eliminated Winter 1906*
Italy: Blue <blueinva(at)cox.net>
Russia: John <untitled36(at)yahoo.com>
Turkey: Nathan <ndeily(at)yahoo.com> *eliminated Winter 1904*
FAIR draw.
Orders as received:
Austria:A Kiel - Berlin
A Venice OTB
Armenia please
Orders as adjudicated by RP and me:
Austria: A Kiel - Berlindisband A Venice
Italy: A Smyrna - Armenia
Adjustments:Austria: 15 SCs. Can build 3.France: 7 SCs. Even.Italy: 6 SCs. Must remove 1.Russia: 6 SCs. Plays one short.
Winter 1907 orders are due Saturday the 28th of August at 9 pm ET.
Spring 1908 orders are due Wednesday the 1st of September at 9 pm ET.