From: kielmarch(at)
To: smegdwarf(at); camorse22(at); dirk(at); jhack16(at); kodiplomacy(at); m_don_j(at); mike(at); untitled36(at); michael.alan.walters(at)
Subject: dc340 DCI 2010 - F01 Results - Good Times?
Date: Thu, 16 Sep 2010 22:55:58 -0400
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Versions Abound - I Cannot Imagine the Negotiating Based on the Number of Changes I ReceivedOr Are You Just THAT Fickle?Bourgogne Tries Its Hand at Spanish Wine Making in SantanderBlack Sea Powers Play NiceHungary and Sicily Honor Venezian IndependenceBurgundy or Burmany?Byzantium Bears?How Many Polish Armies Does It Take...Wait, They Actually GAIN CentersPoland and Ukraine Fighting for Russian Dominance?Building 2 Seems All the Rage But Bourgogne and Polandia Buck the Trend!
All,What a thoroughly fun turn to watch from the sidelines. I can only guess the full extent of the fun based on the snippits that I get every now and again. We have no retreats so we move to Winter. We DO have some active SC's:
Burgundy - Build 3Sicily - Build 2Eire - Build 2Hungary - Build 2Israel - Build 2Poland - Build 3Spain - Build 2Ukraine - Build 2Byzantium - Build 2
Let's have builds by
Tuesday the 21st at 6pm CST. Happy building!
Lord of the March
Burgundy: A Gascony - SantanderF Helgoland Bight - DenmarkA Ruhr - Bavaria
Sicily: F Malta Sea - TunisiaA Tuscany - PiedmontF Tyrrhenian Sea - Utica Sea
Eire: F Irish Sea - Mid-Atlantic OceanF North Sea - NorwayA Yorkshire - Wessex
Hungary: F Adriatic Sea - Ionian SeaA Austria - BohemiaA Budapest - Austria
Israel: A Arabia - MesopotamiaF Libyan Sea - CyrenaicaA Syria - Armenia
Poland: F Baltic Sea - SwedenA Novgorod - Muscovy (*Bounce*)A Silesia - Saxony
Spain: F Bay of Biscay - BrittanyA Santander - PortugalF Western Mediterranean - Morroco
Ukraine: F East Black Sea - GeorgiaA Kiev - Muscovy (*Bounce*)A Rumania Hold
Byzantium: F Aegean Sea supports the Chicago BearsF Anatolia Supports A Syria - ArmeniaA Bulgaria Supports A Rumania