Think that San had a bounce there leaving it unavailable for Irish retreat (they were the one bounced there).
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-----Original Message-----
From: John R
Date: Mon, 18 Oct 2010 13:35:24
To: ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;
Subject: RE: dc340 DCI 2010 - S03 Results: A Married GM
Hey Garry,
I know you've had a busy weekend(!) but I think you missed one possible retreat for both Cat and Gas. They can also go to San, right?
Just asking, since of course, my country is so directly affected by what happens in Western Spain.
From: kielmarch(at)
To: smegdwarf(at); camorse22(at); dirk(at); jhack16(at); kodiplomacy(at); m_don_j(at); mike(at); untitled36(at); michael.alan.walters(at); dci(at)
Subject: dc340 DCI 2010 - S03 Results: A Married GM
Date: Mon, 18 Oct 2010 01:28:49 -0400
Thanks for the patience and well wishes. Less fun commentary this time because I literally am trying to get this done before I have to fly out in the morn.
Two retreats both with only one option: F Gascony retreats to Bay of Biscayne and A Catalonia retreats to Estremedura. Both of these have an OTB option that can be taken if you choose. If so, please reply to all as such. Otherwise it is assumed the retreat taken was acceptable and we move to Fall03. We will resume with Fall03 in a few weeks. Deadline Thursday the 29th at 6pm CST.
A Bavaria Supports A Piedmont - Tyrol
A Brittany Supports A Dijon - Gascony
A Brussels - Ruhr
F Denmark - Bornholm Sea
A Dijon - Gascony
A Hague - Hesse
A Hesse - Mark
A Valencia Supports A Languedoc - Catalonia
F Algeria - Morroco
A Languedoc - Catalonia
F Malta Sea - Tyrrhenian Sea
A Piedmont - Tyrol
F Palma Sea Supports A Languedoc - Catalonia
A Tunisia - Sahara
A Venezia - Croatia (*Bounce*)
A Cymru - Alcluyd
F Dublin - North Atlantic Ocean
F Gascony - Santander (*Dislodged*)
F Irish Sea - Mid-Atlantic Ocean (*Fails*)
F North Sea - Skagerrak
F Sweden Supports F Denmark - Bornholm Sea (*Cut*)
A Austria - Croatia (*Bounce*)
A Bohemia - Tyrol (*Fails*)
A Budapest Supports A Serbia - Szeged
F Ionian Sea - Adriatic Sea
A Serbia - Szeged
F Aegean Sea Supports F Pylos Sea
A Cilicia Supports F Constantinople - Anatolia
A Mesopotamia - Iran
F Pylos Sea Supports F Aegean Sea
F Baltic Sea Convoys A Masuria - Sweden
A Finland - Norromark
A Livonia - Novgorod
A Masuria - Sweden (*Fails*)
A Saxony Hold
A Catalonia - Santander (*Dislodged*)
F Santander - Mid-Atlantic Ocean
F South Atlantic Ocean Supports F Santander - Mid-Atlantic Ocean
A Toledo - Santander (*Bounce*)
F Constantinople - Anatolia
F East Black Sea - Georgia
A Kiev - Muscovy
A Muscovy - Volga
A Rumania - Constantinople
A Transylvania - Rumania
F West Black Sea Convoys A Rumania - Constantinople
F Aitolia - Smyrna
F Armenia Supports F East Black Sea - Anatolia (*Void*)
F Athens - Ionian Sea
A Bulgaria Supports F West Black Sea - Constantinople (*Void*)
A Pisidia Supports F Aitolia - Smyrna