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Diplomaticcorp Discussion Forum:  Winter Blitz

(4th Annual DC Winter Blitz (WB 2011))

Post:< 22921 >
Subject:< dc408 fall 1910 results! >
Topic:Winter Blitz >
Category:< Active Games >
Posted:Mar 29, 2012 at 8:44 pm
Viewed:667 times

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Good riddance to this game.  It started good, then Dorian took Munich and I worried it would all be downhill.  Then that got resolved and France got kicked, and we got to the midgame, which I usually don't enjoy.  But Scott made it fun, and it was always nice to talk to Tim a few times each turn.  

Then I don't know what happened.  Scott and I explicitly agreed Tim was playing us, but then we kept siding with him at crucial points.  In the spring, I voted for the ET but decided, if it didn't pass for some reason, that Tim should win.  There was really no malice towards Scott, it just seemed like the only game-changing thing I could do.

Brian, sorry we could never get our act together.  You tried hard to get a GR going, and though I still fundamentally disagree with that as an idea, I shouldn't have doubted you.  I thought you were just trying to lull me into false security.  So I pre-empted for nothing.

Dorian, it was an odd game but glad we could work together towards the end.  Andrew, bravo on using your fleet to such destruction, and also bravo for such a cold-hearted stab re: not convoying.  It coulda been cool!  Mike, sorry that........ you were Austria?  Things just went terribly, despite my attempts at convincing Scott/Tim otherwise.

Tim, congrats on the win, it was great talking with you, and now I know not to believe a word you say.  Except that I'm sure you'll convince me to do something crazy next game, too.  Sigh.

Thanks Cory for GMing, it's tough GMing on a weekly schedule so I can't imagine doing it on WB's schedule.
Take care, and hope to see you all in another game soon!

Also, I'd be remiss if I didn't take this opportunity to ask (beg?) you to look at the new variant Matt Kremer and I created, Game of Thrones.  Playtest game is happening on DC - we got 6 players but we need a 7th.  If you're a fan of the series, you should definitely get in on this.

Good game all around,-Maslow

On Thu, Mar 29, 2012 at 2:43 PM, <johnston.scott(at)comcast.net> wrote:

Thanks everyone for a great game.

Congrats to Tim for pulling the solo... you played us all like a fiddle. My English fleets couldn't stop your armies ( where was Lawrence of Arabia when I needed him?)

I look forward to playing in the next round and after.

Thanks to Cory for his GMing even if he was missing for a couple turns.


From: "Cory Burris" <coryfucius(at)yahoo.com>

To: "Mike Hoffman" <mrh(at)panix.com>, "Dorian Love" <dlove(at)roedeanschool.co.za>, "Alex Maslow" <blueraider0(at)gmail.com>, "Brian Lam" <briankingfox(at)hotmail.com>, "Andrew Tanner" <amtrating(at)gmail.com>, "Winter Blitz" <blitz(at)diplomaticcorp.com>, "Scott Johnston" <johnston.scott(at)comcast.net>, "Timothy Crosby" <tim_crosby(at)hotmail.com>

Sent: Thursday, March 29, 2012 3:13:59 PM
Subject: dc408 fall 1910 results!

The E/T endgame proposal fails, so the game continues... long enough for a Turkish solo!
 Germany bounces Turkey's attempt to take Moscow and holds on to Warsaw, but the Turks march into Munich.  England's attempt to regain Spain fails to specify a coast, but would not have succeeded anyway.  With Turkey also taking control of Marseilles, that gives him a total of 18 centers and a solo victory.  The final game map and Dip file are attached for your reference.
 Thanks for playing, everyone, and good luck in round 2 of the Blitz! Cory P.S.  My apologies for mediocre GMing early in this game.  I resolve to do better in round
2. ----- Fall 1910 results: England:
F Brest Supports F Mid-Atlantic Ocean (*Ordered to Move*)
F Denmark - Kiel
F English Channel Supports F Mid-Atlantic Ocean (*Ordered to Move*)

A Holland - Belgium
F Mid-Atlantic Ocean - Spain (*Invalid Coast*)
A Munich Supports F Denmark - Kiel (*Disbanded*)
F Portugal Supports F Mid-Atlantic Ocean (*Ordered to Move*)
A Ruhr Supports A Munich
A Berlin - Munich (*Fails*)
A Burgundy - Picardy
A Livonia - Moscow (*Bounce*)
A Warsaw Hold Italy:
A Paris Supports A Burgundy - Picardy Russia:

A Prussia, no move received Turkey:
F Armenia Hold
F Black Sea Hold
A Bohemia Supports A Silesia - Munich
A Budapest - Galicia
F Gulf of Lyon - Marseilles
A Marseilles -
F North Africa Hold
A Sevastopol - Moscow (*Bounce*)
A Silesia - Munich
F Spain(sc) Hold
A Trieste - Vienna
F Tuscany - Gulf of Lyon
A Tyrolia Supports A Silesia - Munich
A Ukraine - Warsaw (*Fails*)

F Western Mediterranean Supports F Spain(sc)

"It's like in the great stories, Mr. Frodo. The ones that really mattered. Full of darkness and danger they were. and sometimes you didn't want to know the end because how could the end be happy? How could the world go back to the way it was when so much bad had happened? But in the end, it's only a passing thing. The shadow, even the darkness must pass. A new day will come. And when the sun shines it will shine out the clearer. Those were the stories that stayed with you - That meant something. Even if you were too small to understand why. But I think, Mr. Frodo, I do understand. I know now. Folk in those stories had lots of chances of turning back only they didn't. They kept going because they were holding onto something."

"What are we holding onto, Sam?"
"That there's some good in this world, Mr. Frodo. And it's worth fighting for."

This message is in reply to post 22919:

The E/T endgame proposal fails, so the game continues... long enough for a Turkish solo! Germany bounces Turkey's attempt to take Moscow and holds on to Warsaw, but the Turks march into Munich.  England's attempt to regain Spain fails to specify a coast, but would not have succeeded anyway.  With Turkey also taking control of Marseilles, that gives him a total of 18 centers and a solo victory.  The final game map and Dip file are attached for your reference. Thanks for playing, everyone, and good luck in round 2 of the Blitz! Cory P.S.  My apologies for mediocre GMing early in this game.  I resolve to do better in round
2. ----- Fall 1910 results: England:
F Brest Supports F Mid-Atlantic Ocean (*Ordered to Move*)
F Denmark - Kiel
F English Channel Supports F Mid-Atlantic Ocean (*Ordered to Move*)
A Holland - Belgium
F Mid-Atlantic Ocean - Spain (*Invalid Coast*)
A Munich Supports F Denmark - Kiel (*Disbanded*)
F Portugal Supports F Mid-Atlantic Ocean (*Ordered to Move*)
A Ruhr Supports A Munich Germany:
A Berlin - Munich (*Fails*)
A Burgundy - Picardy
A Livonia - Moscow (*Bounce*)
A Warsaw Hold Italy:
A Paris Supports A Burgundy - Picardy Russia:
A Prussia, no move received Turkey:
F Armenia Hold
F Black Sea Hold
A Bohemia Supports A Silesia - Munich
A Budapest - Galicia
F Gulf of Lyon - Marseilles
A Marseilles -
F North Africa Hold
A Sevastopol - Moscow (*Bounce*)
A Silesia - Munich
F Spain(sc) Hold
A Trieste - Vienna
F Tuscany - Gulf of Lyon
A Tyrolia Supports A Silesia - Munich
A Ukraine - Warsaw (*Fails*)
F Western Mediterranean Supports F Spain(sc)

There are 5 Messages in this Thread:

dc408 fall 1910 results! (coryfucius) Mar 29, 05:13 pm

dc408 fall 1910 results! (Koensig) Mar 29, 05:43 pm

dc408 fall 1910 results! (Blueraider0) Mar 29, 08:44 pm

dc408 fall 1910 results! (offdisc) Mar 29, 10:35 pm

dc408 fall 1910 results! (AMT) Mar 30, 12:18 am

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