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Diplomaticcorp Discussion Forum:  Winter Blitz

(4th Annual DC Winter Blitz (WB 2011))

Post:< 23416 >
Subject:< DC 424 Spring 06 >
Topic:Winter Blitz >
Category:< Active Games >
Posted:May 14, 2012 at 9:36 am
Viewed:773 times

  [New Post]  [Reply]  [Quote]

Argh. with all the EGP talk I forgot the basic retreat. Vienna can retreat to Boh or Gal. That's due tomorrow.

From: untitled36(at)hotmail.com
To: amtrating(at)gmail.com; bret_pollack(at)hotmail.com; davidknight1955(at)gmail.com; dip.power.915(at)gmail.com; jerome777(at)ymail.com; rich3520(at)aol.com; rick_powell_2000(at)yahoo.com; blitz(at)diplomaticcorp.com
Subject: DC 424 Spring 06
Date: Mon, 14 May 2012 09:32:37 -0500

*Austria Didn't Get the Memo*
*Cool Heads Talk Peace*
*Italians Swap Tri for Vie*

Hey all,
First off, sorry for being out of communication this weekend. I know an end game proposal was suggested, but I was away from my computer and unable to officially put that out. Also, lots of revisions this turn, so make sure I got your most recent set of moves. I was most concerned about Austria's set, but I double checked it and it appears to be correct.
End game proposal-wise. Here's how I deal with that. I will generally ask for a vote on any end game proposal suggested (whether it is proposed in public or privately to me). If someone replies to all with a vote, I will consider it their vote unless they privately message me saying they actually want to vote differently. I will not say who proposed what vote, or who voted what. Results will be pass or fail. Even after the game is over I will not list who voted for what, although obviously if a proposal passes, that means everyone voted yes. Also, if there are two end game proposals and both pass, the MORE inclusive proposal succeeds. Lastly, you CAN propose a draw and then vote against it. I had a GM once who would not allow that, but I'm fine with it.
For this season we have two EGP's, on both extremes. There's a Russian Solo and a DIAS on the table. Votes are due with fall moves. Again, votes must be unanimous to pass, and a failure to vote counts as a "no" vote.
Whew. Hope that covers everything. Any questions, feel free to ask.
A Albania Supports A Trieste (*Ordered to Move*)
A Tunis - North Africa
F Denmark Supports F Edinburgh - North Sea
F Edinburgh - North Sea
F London - English Channel
F Wales Supports F London - English Channel
F Belgium - Holland
A Brest - Paris
A Burgundy - Ruhr
F Helgoland Bight Supports F Denmark
A Kiel Supports A Munich - Berlin
A Munich - Berlin (*Fails*)
F Aegean Sea - Greece
F Eastern Mediterranean - Aegean Sea
F Gascony - Brest
F Ionian Sea Convoys A Tunis - Apulia (*Void*)
F Mid-Atlantic Ocean - North Atlantic Ocean
A Trieste - Vienna
A Tyrolia Supports A Trieste - Vienna
F Baltic Sea Supports A Berlin
A Berlin Supports A Warsaw - Silesia (*Cut*)
A Budapest Supports A Serbia - Trieste
F Bulgaria(ec) - Black Sea
A Norway Supports A Sweden
F Norwegian Sea Supports F Edinburgh - North Sea
A Rumania - Serbia
A Sevastopol - Rumania
A Sweden Supports F Denmark
A Vienna Supports A Serbia - Trieste (*Dislodged*)
A Warsaw - Silesia
A Ankara Supports F Syria - Smyrna
F Constantinople Supports F Syria - Smyrna
A Serbia - Trieste
F Syria - Smyrna


This message is in reply to post 23415:

*Austria Didn't Get the Memo*
*Cool Heads Talk Peace*
*Italians Swap Tri for Vie*

Hey all,
First off, sorry for being out of communication this weekend. I know an end game proposal was suggested, but I was away from my computer and unable to officially put that out. Also, lots of revisions this turn, so make sure I got your most recent set of moves. I was most concerned about Austria's set, but I double checked it and it appears to be correct.
End game proposal-wise. Here's how I deal with that. I will generally ask for a vote on any end game proposal suggested (whether it is proposed in public or privately to me). If someone replies to all with a vote, I will consider it their vote unless they privately message me saying they actually want to vote differently. I will not say who proposed what vote, or who voted what. Results will be pass or fail. Even after the game is over I will not list who voted for what, although obviously if a proposal passes, that means everyone voted yes. Also, if there are two end game proposals and both pass, the MORE inclusive proposal succeeds. Lastly, you CAN propose a draw and then vote against it. I had a GM once who would not allow that, but I'm fine with it.
For this season we have two EGP's, on both extremes. There's a Russian Solo and a DIAS on the table. Votes are due with fall moves. Again, votes must be unanimous to pass, and a failure to vote counts as a "no" vote.
Whew. Hope that covers everything. Any questions, feel free to ask.
A Albania Supports A Trieste (*Ordered to Move*)
A Tunis - North Africa
F Denmark Supports F Edinburgh - North Sea
F Edinburgh - North Sea
F London - English Channel
F Wales Supports F London - English Channel
F Belgium - Holland
A Brest - Paris
A Burgundy - Ruhr
F Helgoland Bight Supports F Denmark
A Kiel Supports A Munich - Berlin
A Munich - Berlin (*Fails*)
F Aegean Sea - Greece
F Eastern Mediterranean - Aegean Sea
F Gascony - Brest
F Ionian Sea Convoys A Tunis - Apulia (*Void*)
F Mid-Atlantic Ocean - North Atlantic Ocean
A Trieste - Vienna
A Tyrolia Supports A Trieste - Vienna
F Baltic Sea Supports A Berlin
A Berlin Supports A Warsaw - Silesia (*Cut*)
A Budapest Supports A Serbia - Trieste
F Bulgaria(ec) - Black Sea
A Norway Supports A Sweden
F Norwegian Sea Supports F Edinburgh - North Sea
A Rumania - Serbia
A Sevastopol - Rumania
A Sweden Supports F Denmark
A Vienna Supports A Serbia - Trieste (*Dislodged*)
A Warsaw - Silesia
A Ankara Supports F Syria - Smyrna
F Constantinople Supports F Syria - Smyrna
A Serbia - Trieste
F Syria - Smyrna


There are 12 Messages in this Thread:

DC 424 Spring 06 (untitled36) May 14, 09:32 am

DC 424 Spring 06 (untitled36) May 14, 09:36 am

DC 424 Spring 06 (untitled36) May 14, 09:38 am

DC 424 Spring 06 (AMT) May 14, 09:42 am

DC 424 Spring 06 (AMT) May 14, 10:15 am

DC 424 Spring 06 (jerome777) May 14, 10:27 am

DC 424 Spring 06 (diplomat1) May 14, 10:33 am

DC 424 Spring 06 (rickyp) May 14, 02:03 pm

DC 424 Spring 06 (diplomat1) May 14, 03:28 pm

DC 424 Spring 06 (AMT) May 14, 09:25 pm

DC 424 Spring 06 (untitled36) May 14, 10:09 pm

DC 424 Spring 06 (RICH3520) May 15, 05:14 am

There are 3710 Threads in Winter Blitz:

One Chair Short Diplomacy (hapolley)

winter Blitz? (bunwarpgazoo)

WB16? (Blueraider0)

Winter Blitz 2015 (gizmo8204)

dc492 four-way draw declared (catsfather) [6 Replies]

dc492 reminder (catsfather) [15 Replies]

dc492 draw proposal (catsfather)

dc492 Spring 1914 (catsfather)

dc492 Winter 1913 (catsfather)

dc492 Fall 1913 (catsfather)

dc492 Summer 1913 (catsfather)

dc492 Spring 1913 (catsfather)

dc492 Fall 1912 (catsfather) [6 Replies]

dc492 Summer 1912 (catsfather)

dc492 Spring 1912 (catsfather)

dc492 Winter 1911 (catsfather)

dc492 Fall 1911 (catsfather)

dc492 Summer 1911 (catsfather)

dc492 Spring 1911 (catsfather)

Fwd: dc492 Winter 1910 (catsfather)

1 - 20 of 3710 shown [More]

Diplomacy games may contain lying, stabbing, or deliberately deceiving communications that may not be suitable for and may pose a hazard to young children, gullible adults, and small farm animals.

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