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Diplomaticcorp Discussion Forum:  dc465

(The year is 1939, and much has changed since 1901... "War does not determine who is right - only who is left")

Subject:DC465 Blitzkrieg game start >
Topic:< dc465 >
Category:< Active Games >
Posted:Sep 04, 2013 at 2:32 pm
Viewed:954 times

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We've got eight confirmed players, so we're ready to play! I am still waiting for a game number, but we can go ahead for now without it.

Our player are as follows:
alwayshunted-Spain-Warren Fleming-alwayshunted(at)hotmail.com-Alberta Beach, AB, CA
beebs-England-Steven lambert-lamborino19(at)yahoo.com-Gilbert, AZ, US
bret_pollack-Balkans-Bret Pollack-bpollack92(at)gmail.com-Marriottsville, MD, US
Githraine-Italy-Jason K-Githraine(at)yahoo.com-Havertown, PA, US
MattKelly-Russia-Matthew Kelly-kelly058(at)verizon.net-Fredericksburg, VA, US
m_don_j-Turkey-Mikael Johansson-m_don_j(at)hotmail.com-SE
Rommel-France-Eugen Daddy-bpetkovski(at)ymail.com-Bellow the sky , AL
savwa4-Germany-Jim Atkins-savwa4(at)comcast.net-SF Bay, CA, US

To reiterate: Blitzkrieg adds an another player playing as Spain and the balance of power is different as well: England has 5 units, France 4 units, Germany 4 units and Turkey has 4 units (the other countries remain the same as the Standard game). This game will also be using "imperial builds" - new units can be built in any supply center controlled by you. This new map contains land bridges for armies to cross, plus makes Switzerland AND Sweden impassable.

Since there are 53 supply centers, 27 will be required to win the game solo. This could be a long game.

Our first move deadline will be Monday, Sept 9 at 8:30 PM MDT (10-09-13 03:30 GMT)

A couple of notes:

1. Be sure to check out the house rules, which are linked from the page of the game and included on this email.

2. The facility to send anonymous messages exists (gray press) - just forward me the message you want sent, and I'll pass it on.

3. I'd encourage you to send preliminary orders in - you never know when technology will let you down or you'll be caught without email access!

4. Any questions about the game or rules I'm happy to help - just drop me an email

5. I attached the Realpolitik variant file for your own use while playing.

Since this is a new map and there are some changes, I wanted to publish a list of all the official territories and their abbreviations that are used:

North Atlantic Ocean - nao
Arctic Ocean - arc
Iceland - ice
Barents Sea - bar
Mid-Atlantic Ocean - mao
South Atlantic Ocean - sao
Norwegian Sea - nwg
Leningrad - len
Siberia - sib
Kazakhstan - kaz
Caucasus - cau
Armenia - arm
Syria - syr
Iraq - ira
Transjordania - trs
Sudan - sud
Cyrenaica - cyr
Nigeria - nig
Sahara - sah
Mauretania - mau
Lapland -lap
Norway - nwy
Finland - fin
Gulf of Bothnia - gob
Lagoda Lake - lag
Estonia - est
Latvia - lat
Moscow - mos
Bielorusia - bie
Lithuania - lit
Gulf of Lyon - gol
North Sea - nth
Clyde - cly
Edinburgh - edi
Yorkshire - yor
London - lon
Bristol - bri
Wales - wal
Liverpool - lvp
North Ireland - nir
Dublin - dub
Irish Sea - iri
La Manche - lma
Skaggerak - ska
Denmark - den
Malmo - mlo
Baltic Sea - bal
Rio de Oro -rdo
Morocco - mor
French West Africa - fwa
Tanger - tan
Mellila - mel
Granada - gra
Lisabon - lis
Porto - pto
Western Mediterranean - wme
Navarre - nav
Salamanca - sal
Madrid - mad
Valencia - val
Bay of Biscay - bob
Gaskony - gas
Zaragoza - zar
Normandy - nor
Barcelona - bna
Vichy - vic
Palma Sea - pse
Utica Sea - uts
Algeria - alg
Tunisia - tun
Ghadames - gha
Libia - lib
Tripolitania - trp
Tobruk - tob
Tobruk Sea - tos
Egypt - egy
Alexandria - ale
Palestina - pal
Damascus - dam
Adana - ada
Smyrna - smy
Carian Sea - car
Lebanon Sea - lbs
Eastern Mediterranean - eme
Ankara - ank
Aegean Sea - aeg
Istambu - ist
Macedonia - mac
Greece - gre
Ionian Sea - ion
Malta Sea - mal
Tyrrhenian Sea - tys
Sicily - sic
Naples - nap
Rome - rom
Adriatic Sea - adr
Albania - alb
Taranto - tar
Venice - ven
Slovenia - slo
Croatia - cro
Bosnia - bos
Serbia - ser
Bulgaria - bul
West Black Sea - wbs
East Black Sea - ebs
Rumania - rum
Sevastopol - sev
Donbas - don
Genoa - gen
Milano - mil
Piedmont - pie
Marseilles - mar
Besarabia - bes
Hungary - hun
Austria - aus
Ukraine - ukr
Slovakia - slv
Stalingrad - sta
Warsaw - war
Danzig - dan
Berlin - ber
Kiel - kie
Helgoland Bight - hel
Holland - hol
Belgium - bel
Picardy - pic
Paris - par
Burgundy - bur
Saar - saa
Ruhr - ruh
Munich - mun
Tyrolia -l tyr
Silesia - sil
Czech - cze
Sardinia - sar

There is 1 Message in this Thread:

DC465 Blitzkrieg game start (cbconnell) Sep 04, 02:32 pm

Diplomacy games may contain lying, stabbing, or deliberately deceiving communications that may not be suitable for and may pose a hazard to young children, gullible adults, and small farm animals.

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