Centres change hands, but the battle goes on. I need a retreat from France. Please forgive the dull adjudication; my appetite for war is significantly weakened given recent events.
Autumn 1428 retreat due 05 March. Our only need for winter is if France pulls the retreating unit and rebuilds somewhere else.
French A Guyenne can retreat to Aragon or Toulouse.
A Holland S Eng F Flanders
A Poitou - Guyenne
F Biscay S A Poitou - Guyenne
A Normandy - Anjou (*fails*)
A Calais - Normandy (*bounce*)
F Strait of Dover S A Calais - Normandy
A Anglia - London
A Brittany Hold
F Flanders Hold
A Dijon - Flanders (*fails*)
A Luxembourg S A Dijon - Flanders
A Dauphine - Paris
A Cantons - Dauphine
A Guyenne - Brittany (*dislodged*)
A Anjou S A Guyenne - Brittany (*cut*)
A Orleanais - Normandy (*bounce*)
A Castile, no move received