Action in Southeast Asia... As the Chinese sweep downward into the French colonies, the Dutch fleet rises up to meet them. Will the French have an effect on this coming conflict, or will they just be caught in the middle? And once again, the telegraph lines are down in London, but fortunately the Crown's holdings are untouched. There are a few retreats this turn. Please bear in mind that the Russian army in Omsk is actually in Moscow, but I can't edit the map until the Summer is adjudicated. French A Upper Burma can retreat to Mandalay or Rangoon
Japanese F Upper Pacific can retreat to Middle Pacific or Tokyo
Russian F Yellow Sea can retreat to Port Arthur, Fusan or Kyushu
Deadline for retreats is October 21st. Britain
NMR China
A Akita - Otaru (*Fails*)
A Bengal - Upper Burma
A Chungking - Canton
F East China Sea - South China Sea (*Fails*)
A Kashgar - Tibet
A Kashmir Supports A Kashgar - Tibet
F Kyushu - Upper Pacific
F Manchuria Supports F Shanghai - Yellow Sea
F Nanchang Supports A Chungking - Canton
F Shanghai - Yellow Sea
A Tibet - Assam
A Yunnan Supports A Bengal - Upper Burma France
A Annam - Cambodia (*Bounce*)
A Cochin - Cambodia (*Bounce*)
A Hong Kong Supports A Annam - Cambodia (*Fails*)
A Malaya Hold
F South China Sea Convoys A Annam - Cambodia
F Tongking Supports F South China Sea
A Upper Burma, no move received (*Dislodged*) Japan
F Luzon Strait - Formosa
F Manila - Luzon Strait
F Okhotsk Sea Supports F Otaru - Sea of Japan (*Cut*)
F Otaru - Sea of Japan (*Bounce*)
F Upper Pacific Supports F Luzon Strait - Formosa (*Dislodged*) Turkey
F Arabian Sea - Gulf of Aden
F Constantinople Supports A Syria - Angora
F Persian Gulf - Shiraz (*Fails*)
A Shiraz - Tabriz (*Bounce*)
F Sudan - Egypt (*Fails*)
A Syria - Angora Holland
F Borneo - Celebes Sea
F Celebes Sea - Sulu Sea
F Ceylon - Gulf of Manaar
A Davao Supports F Lower Pacific - Davao (*Fails*)
F Lower Pacific - Davao (*Fails*)
F Singapore Hold
F Southeast Indian Ocean - West Indian Ocean
F Sumatra - Andaman Sea Russia
A Afghanistan Supports A Bokhara - Persia (*Fails*)
F Black Sea Supports F Odessa - Rumania
A Bokhara - Persia (*Fails*)
F Kyoto Supports F Kyushu - Upper Pacific
A Moscow - Baku
F Odessa - Rumania
A Omsk - Moscow (using Railroad)
A Persia - Tabriz (*Bounce*)
A Seoul - Vladivostok (*Fails*)
F Vladivostok - Okhotsk Sea (*Fails*)
F Yellow Sea - Sea of Japan (*Dislodged*)