Inquiring minds wanted to know…
How would I handle NMR’s?
If you’ve either played in one of my games or read my house rules ( you’d already know! Expect results to go out same day of a deadline, come rain or shine… or fog. Any NMR in the first year and I’ll replace, after that, it’s most likely just an NMR but handled case by case. Given the players in this game, I don’t envision NMR’s will be a problem at all.
What are the red arrows?
So that Rolf’s trolls may have a home, we can call them bridges! Even tho they’re not technically, they just mean the two spaces they point to are connected for direct movement (or support).
How many SC are needed to win?
52. A full deck.
There are a total of 102 supply centers.
Where are the space names from?
The names are taken from over 75 fantasy books, movies, shows, games, songs, places, mythologies, fairytales, folklore, and a few of them completely made up. The more you can relate to, the more you were probly a geek growing up!