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Diplomaticcorp Discussion Forum:  Community


Post:27794 >
Subject:< Garry Bledsoe >
Topic:Community >
Category:General >
Posted:Mar 06, 2017 at 11:39 pm
Viewed:1827 times

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Hello all. I am a hopeful one or more of you may be in touch with Garry. As you may know, Garry is GMing DC560. He has not answered his mail since a deadline passed on Friday, March 3rd.

Naturally, all in DC560 would like to know he is ok. A post with a simple advisement would be very helpful. Thanks to any and all who can be helpful in this regard.

Larry Hill - DC 560

There are 2 Messages in this Thread:

Garry Bledsoe (stadiumowl) Mar 06, 11:39 pm

Garry Bledsoe (garry.bledsoe) Mar 13, 10:49 pm

There are 181 Threads in Community:

Back after a while and hoping to play. (diplocowboy) [2 Replies]

Back after a while and hoping to play. (diplocowboy)

DC Games (DealingFungus66)

Cousins game (Sean2010) [3 Replies]

Cousins game (Sean2010)

Looking for one more player (Slangers)

Just Joined (Spindoctor6)

is DC dead ? (ruler462)

Brother's War (Conquest) (Sean2010)

Getting Started (DealingFungus66)

Sign Ups not working (umbletheheep)

2021 Winter Blitz? (umbletheheep)


A Dip Read (THC)

Time for Games? (garry.bledsoe)

Spaces for Standard players (Slangers)

Offering a new way to play Diplomacy (Slangers)

New Member (Skeleton) [2 Replies]

First Intimate Game Ends! (Slangers)

Weekly Diplomacy Newsletter (umbletheheep)

1 - 20 of 181 shown [More]

Diplomacy games may contain lying, stabbing, or deliberately deceiving communications that may not be suitable for and may pose a hazard to young children, gullible adults, and small farm animals.

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