Greetings players! I'll (sadly) be your GM for round two! I hope that the game goes off well and I hope that you enjoy your backstabbing.
A few things:
Please include DC168 in all email subjects for this round.
Please include your country and season in your orders. (such as Fall 01 Turkey)
Please contact me with any problems you may have
Not doing these things will not invalidate your orders, but they make my life much much easier.
Now the assignments!
bridgejunky England bridgejunky(at) ([email]bridgejunky(at)[/email])
ndeily France ndeily(at) ([email]ndeily(at)[/email])
finchleywomble Russia finchleywomble(at) ([email]finchleywomble(at)[/email])
pintoski Itally the_great_pintoski(at) ([email]the_great_pintoski(at)[/email])
trezdk Austria rk(at) ([email]rk(at)[/email])
sturmkraehe Germany Sturmkraehe(at) ([email]Sturmkraehe(at)[/email])
unitedfan1389 Turkey
matthew.kremer(at) ([email]matthew.kremer(at)[/email])