Deadlines will be 9 AM CDST (GMT -5) 1400 GMT. the 1st deadline is Monday March 24th.
Please include dc167 in the subject line so that my filter will send your orders to the correct folder.
Player list for dc167
Austria: Paul Russell Email: jehannum_raver(at)
England: Mikael Johansson Email: m_don_j(at)
France: Spencer Jensen Email: jensends(at)
Germany: Michael Thompson Email: psychosis(at)
Italy : Laurence Granier Email: speedybunny(at)
Russia: Mick Cox Email: mickstagman(at)
Turkey: Brian Lam Email: briankingfox(at)
My address is: dawench2(at)
I also have an auto receipt address that you may use, it sends a "received" but does not include a copy of the orders sent.
the Tournament mailbox: orders(at)
To post in our game forum you may send emails to
My mother taught me not to lie...... so I learned to tell the truth very "carefully".
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