apologies to the plater(s) involved.. I missed this
All: I am up for any draw that includes the 6 finalists and have been voting accordingly.
Wales & Britons: If the game continues I think the way to go is to form a WBA vs. DNS. The three largest vs. the three smallest. This would expedite the ending and we have worked well together thus far. The Danes would crumble fairly quickly with pressure from the south and the Scots are going to be receding every year until the game is over. Shall we? We should quickly get to the point where the DNS would be willing to accept survival over elimination. To really expedite things we could suggest a WBAN vs. DS. But I would rather the former. The three of us should be able to balance so that no one of us is threatening a solo for fear of the other two.
Wales: Will keep on supporting Ayr-Arg. If it looks like you are going to gain a SC (Arm or Arg) may I take Che? I could use another fleet. Bouncing in Wil works fine, let's do it.
- Angles
Stephen Lytton
aka Deathblade_penguin (Knight of the Rose)
at www.diplomaticcorp.com
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