One correction, Austria did capture Rum!
Hey folks, this was a rare turn to be pushed back so far. Be sure to be
in on time, or if not, then let me know you need more time, BEFORE the
next turn starts!
Builds now due Wednesday 11/19, 10am Pacific!
A: 7/6 +1
B: 4/3 +1
F: 6/5 +1
G: 5/5
I: 4/4
R: 6/7 -1
O: 3/3
A Ser support A Tra move Rum (*Cut*)
A Tra move Rum
A Gal support A Tra move Rum
A Tri support A Ser
F Gre support F ION
F ION support F Gre
F (NTH) - Den
F (Lon) - NTH
A (Edi) - Lpl (*Bounce*)
F Iri - Lpl (*Bounce*)
A Fla - Bel
F Eng S A Fla - Bel
A Lor - Swa (*Fails*)
A Spa - Mar
A Denmark -> Kiel (*Bounce, Dislodged to Swe*)
A Silisia -> Berlin
A Prussia -> Livonia
A Swabia Support Belgium (*Cut*)
F Belgium Support Holland (*Ordered to Move, Disbanded*)
F Holland -> Kiel (*Bounce*)
1) A SWI Hold, Support A PIE
2) A VEN Hold, Support A SWI
3) A PIE Hold, Support A SWI
7) F TYS Hold
F NAO (and army) - Fnt
A Swe - Nwy
F SBS supports F Nth - Den
A War Holds
A WhR supports A War
F Erz - Black Sea (*Fails*)
F BLA supp A Rum (*Cut*)
A Rum supp A Bul-Ser (*Disbanded*)
A Bul-Ser (*Fails*)
F AEG-Gre (*Fails*)