No retreats for the first time in a while, so on to Fall 1905! I would
like to cut the normal 4 days short by a day so that we can have the
deadline this Friday, Nov. 2, at 9 pm eastern. If anyone thinks this is
too short and needs more time let me know and I'll push it back to
Monday (since it's my policy not to have deadlines on weekends);
otherwise we'll stick with Friday. I've always been a fan of faster
paced games anyways...
Mos S Pru - War: Cut by Sev;
Ank - Con: Defeated by Bul 3:1;
Cly - Edi: OK
Ven H: OK
Pie S Mar H: OK
Wes - MAt: Defeated by Eng 2:1;
Nap - Tyn: OK
Aeg - Ion: OK
Smy S Bul - Con: OK
Pru - War: Defeated by Gal 2:1;
StP S Mos H: OK
Ber - Sil: Bounce with Sil;
Gas - Par: OK
Pic S Gas - Par: OK
Bur S Mun H: OK
Mun H: OK
Bel - Eng: OK
Gal - War: OK
Mar H: OK
Par H: Dislodged by Gas 2:1;
Spa H: OK
MAt - NAf: OK
Eng - MAt: OK
Bre S Eng - MAt: OK
Edi - Liv: OK
Nwy - Nth: OK
Ukr S Gal - War: OK
Sev - Mos: Bounce with Mos;
Sil - Pru: Bounce with Pru;
Boh - Mun: Bounce with Mun;
Tyr S Boh - Mun: OK
Bul - Con: OK
Bla S Bul - Con: OK
Bud - Gal: OK
France disbands unit in Par
Map Attached