For Austria-Hungary... November 6th.
On 10/31/07,
Michael Sims <mike(at) ([email]mike(at)[/email])> wrote:
When is the first deadline?
-----Original Message-----
From: Gerald Todd [mailto: sgttodd(at) ([email]sgttodd(at)[/email])]
Sent: Wednesday, October 31, 2007 11:16 AM
To: Michael Sims; beartlab(at) ([email]beartlab(at)[/email]); danshot360(at) ([email]danshot360(at)[/email]); jacob.traeger(at) ([email]jacob.traeger(at)[/email]); coebq(at) ([email]coebq(at)[/email]); dipknight(at) ([email]dipknight(at)[/email]); clarklandry(at) ([email]clarklandry(at)[/email]); matthew.kremer(at) ([email]matthew.kremer(at)[/email]); former.trout(at) ([email]former.trout(at)[/email])
Cc: stevelytton(at) ([email]stevelytton(at)[/email])
Subject: DC130 Imperial1840 ~ Game Start
Below is the player list for dc130 (ne dc129)
House rules are forth-coming. I was waiting for a couple of confirmations and then there was a comet exploding, a rare clear night, and a 10" telescope calling me.
For those that use mail filters to sort through incoming email, I will begin the subject line of all emails related to this game as above "DC130 Imperial1840"
The deadline for Spring 1840 moves will be: November 5th, 2007 by midnight Greenwich Time. (that's 7pm EDT Yank time. The rest of you will have to figure it out for yourselves.)
Did I mention that the deadline for Spring 1840 moves will be: November 5th, 2007 by 2400 Zulu (Midnight Greenwich Time ).
ID = Diplomatic Corps Site ID.
Ctry = Country randomly assigned by authentic 1840's chit pull method.
Name = To help you keep track of which player you're talking to.
Email = very important tidbit in an online game.
ID: sgttodd
Ctry: GM
Name: Gerald Todd (Jerry)
Email: sgttodd(at) ([email]sgttodd(at)[/email])
ID: poobaloo
Ctry: Austria-Hungary/Prussia
Name: Michael Sims
Email: mike(at) ([email]mike(at)[/email])
ID: commandant
Ctry: Great Britain
Name: beartla de Búrca
Email: beartlab(at) ([email]beartlab(at)[/email])
ID: danshot360
Ctry: China
Name: Dan DuBois
Email: danshot360(at) ([email]danshot360(at)[/email])
ID: dip_king_89
Ctry: France
Name: Jacob Traeger
Email: jacob.traeger(at) ([email]jacob.traeger(at)[/email])
ID: coebq
Ctry: Holland
Name: Bruce Quinn
Email: coebq(at) ([email]coebq(at)[/email])
ID: dipknight
Ctry: Ottoman Empire
Name: Darryl Good
Email: dipknight(at) ([email]dipknight(at)[/email])
ID: cl2849
Ctry: Russia
Name: Clark Landry
Email: clarklandry(at) ([email]clarklandry(at)[/email])
ID: unitedfan1389
Ctry: Spain/Portugal
Name: Matt Kremer
Email: matthew.kremer(at) ([email]matthew.kremer(at)[/email])
ID: former.trout
Ctry: United States of America
Name: Former Trout
Email: former.trout(at) ([email]former.trout(at)[/email])
Sent through e-mol. E-mail, Anywhere, Anytime.