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(Imperial 1840 - GM: Jerry)

Subject:< DC130 Imperial1840 ~ Variant Info >
Topic:< dc130 >
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Posted:Sep 13, 2007 at 12:00 am
Viewed:1392 times

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For those not using RP I've attached the Variant's description file. This should be a help for you.

Imperial 1840 Diplomacy variant files ~ v.1.0
A variant based on Imperial Diplomacy by Michael David Roberts
Map, variant, and Realpolotik files by Gerald Todd, August 2007

This is a global variant that begins in 1840. It was designed to provide a lighter version of Imperial Diplomacy with fewer players and a somewhat simpler map.

Like Imperial Diplomacy, this variant also begins with an historical setting, but it is not designed to recreate historical events. The names and borders are based on maps from the 1840's with their mispellings and misplaced borders. Note, a great deal of Africa was simply unknown in 1840.


This variant follows all of the rules in Standard Diplomacy, except the following.

Start Date

The game begins in Spring 1840. The Seasons work just like Standard Diplomacy (Spring\Fall).

Victory Conditions

To win, a single player must possess a majority of supply centers (56) at the end of any fall retreat.

Map Clarifications

Impassable - (Casbian Sea, Great Lakes, Rocky Mountains, Deep Desert, Himalayas, and Deepest Darkest Africa)
These zones act exactly like Switzerland in Standard Diplomacy.

Island Chains - (Hawaiian Islands, the Bahamas, the Antilles, Seychelles, Maldives, Okinawa, Marshalls, and New Zealand)
Island Chains are coastal territories that may be entered through any adjacent sea zones. They may be occupied by either armies or navies.

In order to move a Fleet directly from the Black Sea to the Aegean Sea, a player must move into Constantinople, just like Denmark.
Imperial 1840 doesn't require "ownership" of Constantinople.

Land Bridges - (New Orleans <-> Bahamas, Bahamas <-> Cuba, Cuba <-> Haiti, Bahamas <-> Haiti, Haiti <-> Virgin Islands, Dublin <-> Edinburgh, Gibraltar <-> Morocco, Denmark <-> Norway, Denmark <-> Sweden, Kagoshima <-> Edo, Edo <-> Sapporo, Sakhurlin <-> Vladivostok, Malaysia <-> Sumatra, Sumatra <-> Java)

These land bridges work exactly as they do in Standard Diplomacy. Though the provinces mentioned are separated by water, Both Armies and Fleets may move from one to the other.

Wraparound - (Bering Sea, West Pacific, South West Pacific, Antarctic Pacific)

You will note that some sea zones can be found on both ends of the map. They are actually the same sea zones. A Fleet coming from Kuril Sea could move into the West Pacific Ocean on the right side of the map and would be adjacent to the Hawaiian Islands on the left side of the map.

Monterey - Monterey is a USA home center, but it begins the game unoccupied. It counts, and may be built on by the US so long as they own it.

1. This is a large map as most global Diplomacy maps tend to be. To make the map smaller the Atlantic was narrowed a great deal, the poles were cut down, and the ends were brought in somewhat.

2. The Earth, being a sphere, and the map being flat means going off the right side bring you onto the left side, and vice-versa. ALL of the Pacific spaces at the left side of the map are merely place-holders, to show the connections. For example: the space that RP considers to be "WPA" [Western Pacific Ocean] is located on the right side of the map -- but there is a self-same "WPA" on the left side.

3. There are 2 kinds of SCs in Imperial Dip - but this is Imperial Dip 1840. A nations home centers are it's home centers and the only centers where it may build - just like standard Diplomacy. This may change after play-testing - we'll see.

4. Direct movement between the Black Sea and the Aegean Sea is through Constantinople - like Denmark, ie you move BLA-CON, and next turn you move CON-AEG, and so forth. "Ownership" of Constantinople not required.

The Player Powers

Austria-Hungary: Ferdinand I of Hapsburg-Lorraine
Great Britain: Albert of Hanover [Saxe-Coburg-Gotha] (Prince-Consort)
China: Min Ning, Qing
France: Louis Philip of Bourbon-Orleans
Holland: William II of Orange-Nassau
Ottoman Empire: Abdülmecid I, Osman
Russia: Nicholas I, Romanov
Spain: Francis of Assisi of Bourbon (King - Consort)
/Portugal: Ferdinand of Braganza [Saxe-Coburg-Gotha] (King-Consort)
USA: Martin van Buren (President)

** Map Space names and abbreviations **
Starting Positions
Austria-Hungary/Prussia (4)
Budapest, bud A
Venice, ven A
Vienna, vie A
Berlin, ber A
Britain (12)
London, lon F
Dublin, dub A
Edinburgh, edi F
Quebec, qbc F
Ontario, ont A
British Guiana, brg A
Cape Colony, cac A
Bombay, bom A
Delhi, del A
Malaysia, mal F
New South Wales, nsw F
Perth, pth A
China (4)
Beijing, bei A
Chongqing, cho A
Guang Dong, gua A
Shanghai, shg A
France (9)
Paris, prs A
Nantes, nan F
Marseilles, mar A
French Guiana, frg F
Sierra Leone, sie F
Guinea, gui A
Madagascar, mgr F
Maldives, mld F
Society Islands, sct F
Holland (Cool
Holland, hol F
Dutch Guiana, dug F
Natal, nat A
Ceylon, cey F
Kagoshima, kag A
Java, jav A
Borneo, bor F
New Guinea, ngu F
Ottoman Empire (5)
Angora, ang F
Bagdad, bag A
Constantinople, con A
Egypt, egy A
Sofia, sof
Russia (7)
Moskow, mos A
Sevastopol, sev F
St Petersburg, stp F(sc)
Warsaw, war A
Kamchatka, kam A
Irkutsk, irk A
Orenburg, orn A
Spain (10)
Madrid, mad A
Columbia, col A
Coruna, crn A
Cuba, cub F
Lisbon, lis F
Mexico City, mxc A
Peru, per A
Philippenes, phi F
Rio de Janeiro, rio F
Zanguebar, zan F
United States (5 centers/4 units)
Boston, bos F
Charleston, cha A
New Orleans, nol A
Washington DC, wdc A
Monterey, mty -
The Rest of the World
Denmark, den
Greece, gre
Kiel, kie
Norway, nor nwy
Rome, rom
Rumania, rum
Salerno, sal
Serbia, ser
Sweden, swe
Armenia, arm
Bavaria, bav
Stuttgart, stu
Bordeaux, bdx
Bosnia, bsn
Catalunia, cat
Cadiz, cad
Croatia, cro
Finland, fin
Galicia, gal
Metz, met
Livonia, liv lvn
Piedmont, pie
Prussia, pru
Rouen, rou
Sicily, sic
Silesia, sil
Switzerland, sws
Wallacia, wlc
# Africa
Abyssinia, aby
Biafra, bia
Liberia, lib
Loango, loa
Tunisia, tun
Ethiopia, eth
Algiers, alg
Bambarra, bam
Caffrabia, caf
Congo, cgo
Cimbebas, cim
Donga, don
Fezzan, fez
Kuar, kua
Hahira, hah
Mongearts, mgt
Morocco, mor
Mozambique, moz
Nubia, nub
South Africa, saf
Sene Gabaia, sga
Somolia, som
Soudan, sou
Tripoli, tri
# Asia/Pacific
Syria, syr
Ade, ade
Afganistan, afg
Bengal, ben
Korea, kor
Edo, edo
Hue, hue
Hunan, hun
Kasmir, kas
Tehran, teh
Tashkent, tsh
Yongmingcheng, yon
Omsk, oms
Bangalore, ban
Celebes, cel
Evenki, eve
Georgia, grg
Fujiang, fuj
Hadramaut, hdr
Heilongjiang, hei
Hyderabad, hyd
Inner Mongolia, imo
Khiva, khv
Liaoning, lia
Krasnoyarsk, kra
Birmah, bir
Bokhara, bkh
Baku, bku
Lucknow, lck
Madras, mds
Mandlah, mdh
Mecca, mec
Mongolia, mon
Nei Mongol, nem
Nejaaz, nej
Oman, oma
Perm, prm
Punjab, pun
Sakhurlin, sak
Sapporo, sap
Siam, sia
Solomons, sol
Marshalls, msi
Northern Terr., ntr
Queensland, que
South Austrailia, sau
New Zeland, nze
Sumatra, sum
Tai Won, tai
Tabrize, tbr
Tibet, tib
Xining, xin
Xinjiang, xjg
Yakutsk, yak
Yunnan, yun
# South America
Chili, chl
Patagonia, pat
La Plata, lap
Montevideo, mvd
Sacpaulo, sac
Paraguay, pgy
Bolivia, bol
Bahia, baa
Plauhy, pla
Amazona, ama
Matto Grosso, mat
Equador, equ
Venezuela, vzl
# North America
Honduras, hon
Guatemala, gtm
Haiti, hai
Oaxaca, oax
Mazatlan, maz
Coahula, coa
Chihuahua, chi
Republic of Texas, rot
Nevada, nev
Oregon Terr., org
British Columbia, bco
Alaska, alk
North West Terr., nwt
Alberta, alb
Saskatchewan, ssk
Unorganized Terr., ung
Iowa Territories, iow
Missouri Terr., mis
Appalachia, apl
Florida, fla
Chicago, chc
Washington DC, wdc
Montreal, mtl
PrinceRupert Land, prt
Maritimes, mrt
# Atlantic Sea Zones
Hudson Bay, hud
Labrador Sea, lab
Greenland Sea, grs
Barents Sea, bar
Norwegian Sea, nwg
North Sea, nth
Skagerrak, ska
Helgoland Bight, hel
Baltic Sea, bal
Gulf of Bothnia, gob
English Channel, ech
Irish Sea, iri
Bay of Biscay, bob
Western Mediterranean, wme
Gulf of Lyon, gol
Tyrrhenian Sea, tyr
Ionian Sea, ion
Adriatic Sea, adr
Aegean Sea, aeg
Black Sea, bla
Eastern Mediterranean, eme
Canaries Seaway, cas
N.Atlantic Ocean, nao
Gulf of Maine, gme
Bay of Florida, bof
Bahama Islands, bah
Gulf of Mexico, gom
Western Carribean, wca
Eastern Carribean, eca
Antilles, ant
The Doldrums, dol
The Azores, azr
Sargasso Sea, sar
Mid-Atlantic Ocean, mao
Amazon Basin, amb
Brazilian Bight, brb
Gulf of Guinea, ggu
Cimbebas Coast, cbc
S.Atlantic Ocean, sao
Rio de Plate, rdp
Drake Passage, dra
Ant-Atlantic Ocean, aat
# Indian Sea Zones
Roaring Forties, rft
Mozabaique Channel, moc
Horn of Africa, hoa
Red Sea, red
Persian Gulf, pgu
Arabian Sea, ara
Bay of Bengal, bgl
N.E.Indian Ocean, nei
N.W.Indian Ocean, nwi
S.E.Indian Ocean, sei
S.W.Indian Ocean, swi
Ant-Indian Ocean, ain
Barrier Sea, bas
# Western Pacific Sea Zones
Ant-Pacific Ocean, apa
Tasman Sea, tas
Coral Sea, cos
Timor Sea, tim
Java Sea, jas
Celebes Sea, ces
Gulf of Siam, gos
China Sea, chs
Phillipene Sea, phs
Eastern Sea, ese
Yellow Sea, yel
Sea of Japan, soj
Sea of Okhotsk, okh
Kuril Sea, kur
Bering Sea, bes
N.W.Pacific Ocean, nwp
Izu Sea, izu
W.Pacific Ocean, wpa
Bismark Sea, bis
# Eastern Pacific Sea Zones
Hawaii, haw
N.Pacific Ocean, npa
Gulf of Alaska, goa
N.E.Pacific Ocean, nep
Gulf of Catalina, gca
Gulf of California, goc
E.Pacific Ocean, epa
Gulf of Panama, gop
Chilean Basin, cba
S.Pacific Ocean, spa
S.W.Pacific Ocean, swp

There is 1 Message in this Thread:

DC130 Imperial1840 ~ Variant Info (test_gm) Sep 13, 12:00 am

Diplomacy games may contain lying, stabbing, or deliberately deceiving communications that may not be suitable for and may pose a hazard to young children, gullible adults, and small farm animals.

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