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G.M. emailcongressofvienna1814-at-yahoo-dot-com
MapWW2-1931  [Wiki]  [Stats]
Cur SeasonSpring 00
Next Deadline2010-03-01 @ 03:00:00 GMT
S. C.96
Start Date2009-09-17
End Date2010-01-15
Real-Life Time121 days
Slideshow SC Chart Message Board
| Default House Rules | Rating Calculation
Seq Country   Player Result S.C. Seas NMRs Rtg
0 Britain Captain of the Watch Gold Star9dknemeyerSurvival 10 13 0 -3.55 1222.12
0 China Nobleman Blank9LadyDaySurvival 8 13 0 -3.63 1199.32
0 France Order of the Ocelot Gold Star9txurceSolo 34 13 0 27.37 1371.82
0 Germany Esquire Blank9nathanalbrightSurvival 13 13 0 -3.5 1195.08
0 Italy Nobleman Blank9mikemorrisEliminated 0 4 0 -6.35 1204.94
0 Japan Order of the Mammoth Silver Star9ndeilySurvival 15 13 0 -2.73 1189.06
0 USA Knight Captain Silver Star9Kenshi777Survival 10 13 0 -3.9 1216.07
0 USSR Esquire Blank9hancockfcSurvival 6 13 0 -3.71 1208.68

PREV  Fall 1931 Adjudication:  NEXT    

ACD233 / DC276: The Fall 1931 season has been adjudicated. The French were the big winners this year, with a whopping 6 builds coming their way. The British did quite well also, with the British and French cooperating in numerous places all over the board to their mutual benefit, including Brazil, Benelux, Libya, and Siam. Italy suffered the most from the juggernaut pairing, losing Rome and Libya without any offsetting gains. The United States looks to have some trouble in the Atlantic, with a British-French flotilla pouring west and SCs grabbed in Iceland, the Azores, and Brazil. The Americans will surely be happy to see that they were not punished for for their gamble of leaving Washington DC uncovered.

The Germans and Soviets each had quietly successful years, gaining 3 SCs each in the European theater. China also gained 3 SCs, expanding China almost to its contemporary borders (save Manchukuo and Yunnan). Japan had a nice year as well, gaining 3 contentious SCs (Manchukuo, Sakhalin, and Dutch New Guinea) and establishing a vital land base in Manchukuo for what appears to be an upcoming attack on China.

I apologize again for the late adjudication. I had a couple questions about whether we should expect bugs in the adjudications going forward. I don't think so, as I tested it extensively and probably have 98% of the problems caught. This issue was not with the adjudication but with the "full names" program, which I hadn't tested before except when it worked the other day, but now it isn't working for some reason. I came with up a different solution for it, and so this will be fine going forward. The main problem was my mono... I thought I could power through until the adjudication, but I had to lie down and take a little nap around 8:45, and woke up at 10:30 pm.

Finally with some good news: I have solved the problem with the maps not showing up correctly in attachments. FYI, when you attach something in Yahoo with this new system, there is an options menu where it has 3 options: small, medium, or original. The default is small, which condenses the file greatly into the mush that you saw. I needed to change the setting to "original".

Also, I have attached the History file. It is a file that my adjudication program creates that has the game history, with all of the adjudications, maps, and a lot of other info. If you don't have Excel, it is not necessary for playing in the game. You will be able to see the adjudication on the Diplomatic Corps website also.

The deadline for the Fall 1931 Retreat season will be tomorrow Fri Sep 25th. Retreat orders are needed from France and Italy The deadline for the Winter 1931 season will be Mon Sep 28th. Feel free to send in your winter orders early.

Before the adjudication, we have two sets of press:

Press #1 (French):

In 1650, France found itself under attack from an evil empire to the east that spanned from Italy to the Baltic. Louis XIV’s response to the invaders was “You will find France a tougher nut to crack than you imagine.” in the end, France succumbed to the forces of the Holy Roman Empire three hundred years ago, but Louis XIV’s immortal words come to mind today, when France finds itself similarly under siege.

Today, democracy in Europe is once again threatened by the ruthless armies of the that most Unholy Empire, the Axis. Confident in their ability to dominate by brute force, Messrs. Hitler and Mussolini made no effort to negotiate with the land whose tongue is the language of diplomacy, nor made a secret of their alliance, and its true target - France. Why should they? Don’t they have the numerical superiority to do what they want? And so on they came, tank treads crushing the four most peaceful countries in Europe: Holland, Belgium, Switzerland and Luxemburg. No doubt they were counting on their blitzkrieg catching outnumbered France huddled behind the Maginot Line.

But that is not what happened. Taking advantage of the Axis’ virtual broadcasting of their intent, the defenders of freedom took a page from Herr Guderian’s playbook and – rather than meet such a brutish plan with brute force – let them advance while turning their right flank on both fronts. And so, while the black uniforms spread panic in four defenseless countries, France drew home blood. Incredibly, the capitals of Berlin and Rome are already threatened with capture. Messrs. Hitler and Mussolini have discovered that this is not your father’s French armed forces.

The future of a democratic Europe is still in doubt. The peoples of the United Kingdom have put aside their resentment of French cultural superiority and sent one small fleet in support. Will the Soviets hit their philosophical arch-enemies the fascists from behind? Or will Chairman Stalin cynically allow the West to expend itself? We don’t know the answer to that question. But we do know that the Axis will find France a far tougher nut to crack than they ever imagined.

-Paul Doumer
President of France

Press #2 (Japanese)
Autumn winds carry
the fallen, bloodstained banner
of defeated foes

let the daimyo's blade
bring a swift, merciful death
to his enemies

a nation's will forged
tempered into deadly steel
wielded with resolve


1931 Fall Adjudications
1931 Fall Adjudications
American A Alberta -> Ontario
American F Bismarck Sea -> Philippines *Bounce*
American F Caribbean -> West Indies
American F South Pacific Ocean -> Argentina *Bounce*
American F West Atlantic Ocean -> North Atlantic Ocean
American Q Gulf of Alaska -> Alaska
British A India S A Iran
British A Sudan S A Chad -> Libya
British A Yorkshire H
British A Yunnan S A Hanoi -> Siam
British F Atlantic Southern Ocean -> Argentina *Bounce*
British F Bay of Bengal -> Dutch West Indies
British F Bay of Biscay -> Azores
British F North Atlantic Ocean -> Iceland
British F New York City -> West Atlantic Ocean
British F Suez -> Ionian Sea
British F Timor Sea -> Sydney
British F Tyrrhenian Sea -> Rome
British Q London S F Dunkirk -> Benelux
Chinese A Beijing S A Manchuria *Cut*
Chinese A Gansu -> East Turkestan
Chinese A Hunan -> Guangdong
Chinese A Tibet S A Gansu -> East Turkestan
Chinese F Guangdong -> Shanghai
Chinese F Nanjing -> Yellow Sea *Bounce*
Chinese P Sichuan S F Guangdong -> Shanghai
French A Burgundy -> Switzerland
French A Chad -> Libya
French A Hanoi -> Siam
French A Rhineland -> Bavaria *Bounce* *Dislodged*
French A Transjordan -> Saudi Arabia
French F Arabian Sea S A India
French F Dunkirk -> Benelux
French F Piedmont -> Tuscany *Bounce*
French F South Atlantic Ocean -> Brazil
French F Spratly Islands -> Philippines *Bounce*
French P Paris S A Burgundy -> Switzerland
German A Bavaria S P Berlin -> Rhineland
German A Benelux -> Hamburg
German A East Prussia -> Poland
German A Sudentenland S A East Prussia -> Poland
German F Denmark -> Oslo
German P Berlin -> Rhineland
Italian A Libya H *Dislodged*
Italian A Switzerland H *Dislodged*
Italian A Venice -> Tuscany *Bounce*
Italian F Abyssinia -> Somalia
Italian F Ionian Sea -> Tyrrhenian Sea
Italian P Rome S A Switzerland *Cut* *Dislodged*
Japan A Hokkaido -> Sakhalin
Japan A Korea -> Manchuria
Japan F East China Sea -> Shanghai *Bounce*
Japan F Inland Sea -> Philippine Sea
Japan F Solomon Sea -> Dutch New Guinea
Japan F West Sea of Japan S A Korea -> Manchuria
Japan F Yellow Sea -> Beijing *Bounce*
Japan Q Tsushima Straits S A Korea -> Manchuria
Soviet A Azerbaijan S F Black Sea -> Turkey
Soviet A Novosibirsk -> Vladivostok
Soviet A Stalingrad -> Rumania
Soviet A Tashkent H
Soviet F Black Sea -> Turkey
Soviet F Gulf of Bothnia -> Sweden
Soviet F Trondheim -> Norwegian Sea
Soviet F Vladivostok -> Okhostk Sea
Soviet P Turkmenistan -> Gorky
Neutral A Hungary H
Neutral A Iberia H
Neutral A Iran H
Neutral A Manchuria H *Dislodged* *Disbanded*
Neutral A Poland H *Dislodged* *Disbanded*
Neutral A Siam H *Dislodged* *Disbanded*
Neutral A Turkey H *Dislodged* *Disbanded*
Neutral A Yugoslavia H

Retreat Possibilities
French A Rhineland can retreat to Alsace-Lorraine, Dunkirk or disband
Italian A Libya can retreat to Casablanca, El Alamein, Mali or disband
Italian A Switzerland can retreat to Alsace-Lorraine, Austria or disband
Italian P Rome can retreat to Taranto or disband
Neutral A Manchuria is destroyed (neutral)
Neutral A Poland is destroyed (neutral)
Neutral A Siam is destroyed (neutral)
Neutral A Turkey is destroyed (neutral)

Position Power Abb 1930 1931 Change SCs changing possession
1 Great Britain B 13 18 +5 +Azo, +DWI, +Ice, +Rom, +Yun
2 France F 11 17 +6 +BNL, +Bra, +Lib, +Sau, +Sia, +Swi
3 USSR S 9 12 +3 +Rum, +Swe, +Tur
4 Japanese J 8 11 +3 +DNG, +Man, +Sak
5 Republic of China C 7 10 +3 +ETu, +Gua, +Tib
6 Germany G 6 9 +3 +Osl, +Pol, +Sud
7 United States A 6 8 +2 +Ala, +Win
8 Italy I 6 4 -2 -Lib, -Rom
9 Neutral N 30 7 -23 -Ala, -Azo, -BNL, -Bra, -DNG, -DWI, -ETu, -Gua, -Ice, -Man, -Osl, -Pol, -Rum, -Sak, -Sau, -Sia, -Sud, -Swe, -Swi, -Tib

Diplomacy games may contain lying, stabbing, or deliberately deceiving communications that may not be suitable for and may pose a hazard to young children, gullible adults, and small farm animals.

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