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G.M. emailcongressofvienna1814-at-yahoo-dot-com
MapWW2-1931  [Wiki]  [Stats]
Cur SeasonSpring 00
Next Deadline2010-03-01 @ 03:00:00 GMT
S. C.96
Start Date2009-09-17
End Date2010-01-15
Real-Life Time121 days
Slideshow SC Chart Message Board
| Default House Rules | Rating Calculation
Seq Country   Player Result S.C. Seas NMRs Rtg
0 Britain Captain of the Watch Gold Star9dknemeyerSurvival 10 13 0 -3.55 1222.12
0 China Nobleman Blank9LadyDaySurvival 8 13 0 -3.63 1199.32
0 France Order of the Ocelot Gold Star9txurceSolo 34 13 0 27.37 1371.82
0 Germany Esquire Blank9nathanalbrightSurvival 13 13 0 -3.5 1195.08
0 Italy Nobleman Blank9mikemorrisEliminated 0 4 0 -6.35 1204.94
0 Japan Order of the Mammoth Silver Star9ndeilySurvival 15 13 0 -2.73 1189.06
0 USA Knight Captain Silver Star9Kenshi777Survival 10 13 0 -3.9 1216.07
0 USSR Esquire Blank9hancockfcSurvival 6 13 0 -3.71 1208.68

PREV  Fall 1935 Adjudication:  NEXT    

ACD233 / DC276: The Fall 1935 season has been adjudicated. France ends up just short of victory at 30 SCs, two away from the victory condition of 32 SCs. A flurry of gains and losses across the board for France result in the French consolidation of total control over the Med and Africa and the total elimination of French power beyond these areas, with the Atlantic and South Asia being the primary battlegrounds going forward. The French were pushed back at the gate of victory, but a renewed effort is sure to come in 1936.

Elsewhere, the biggest winner was the United States, who gained most from being a primary opponent of France by taking 3 SCs in Panama, Argentina, and the Dutch West Indies. Those builds will be extremely valuable for President Hester. Despite the French danger, Germany continued looking primarily to the east, and gained Rumania from the Soviets while moving another fleet in position to besiege Leningrad. China also gained satisfaction against the Soviets on the Central Asian front in Tashkent. Otherwise, it was a dreadful year in Nanking. Japan renewed the conflict with China, reestablishing the rising sun flag on the Asian mainland outposts of Guangdong and Korea. The Chinese suffered a further losses at British hands in Hanoi and Tibet. Those gains should help the British build a new empire in Asia, as their old empire in Africa and South America is completely wiped out, and the Battle of Britain is not going so well with 3 of the 4 SCs on the
isle of Britain occupied by foreign powers.

Below the French, the competitors have drawn closer together with only 3 SCs separating 2nd place (Great Britain and Japan at 12) from 7th place (the Soviets at 9). If the French indeed have peaked in their quest for global domination, then it remains to be seen which member(s) of the pack can emerge to supplant the French as the leader(s).

Retreat orders are needed from 3 players: Great Britain, France, and the Soviet Union. The deadline is tomorrow night. The deadline for Winter 1935 is Mon 12/14.

1935 Fall Adjudications
American A New York City -> Scotland *Bounce*
American F Azores -> East Atlantic Ocean
American F Dutch West Indies S F Timor Sea -> Indian Ocean
American F East Pacific Ocean -> Panama
American F North Atlantic Ocean C A New York City -> Scotland
American F South Pacific Ocean -> Argentina
American F Western Australia S F Timor Sea -> Indian Ocean
American Q San Francisco S F East Pacific Ocean -> Panama
British A Abyssinia -> Somalia *Bounce* *Dislodged*
British A India -> Tibet
British A Siam -> Hanoi
British A Trondheim -> Oslo
British F Cape Horn S F South Pacific Ocean -> Argentina
British F Peru S F South Pacific Ocean -> Argentina
British F Saigon S A Siam -> Hanoi
British F West Atlantic Ocean -> Caribbean
British F West Indies S F West Atlantic Ocean -> Caribbean
British Q Gibraltar S F North Sea -> London *Cut* *Dislodged*
British Q Iceland S A New York City -> Scotland
British Q Ireland S F North Sea -> London
Chinese A Afghanistan S A Turkmenistan -> Tashkent
Chinese A Beijing S A Manchuria
Chinese A East Turkestan S A Turkmenistan -> Tashkent
Chinese A Hefei -> Sichuan
Chinese A Manchuria S F Korea *Cut*
Chinese A Turkmenistan -> Tashkent
Chinese F Hanoi H *Dislodged* *Disbanded*
Chinese F Korea S F Yellow Sea *Cut* *Dislodged* *Disbanded*
Chinese F Shanghai H
Chinese F Yellow Sea S F Korea *Cut*
Chinese P Gansu S A Turkmenistan -> Tashkent
Chinese P Hunan S F Yellow Sea
Chinese Q Nanjing S F Korea
French A British East Africa -> Abyssinia
French A Greece -> Bulgaria
French A Hungary S A Poland -> Rumania
French A Mesopotamia S F Beirut -> Turkey
French A Sudan S A British East Africa -> Abyssinia
French A Taranto -> Venice
French A Transjordan -> Beirut
French A Yugoslavia S A Poland -> Rumania
French F Adriatic Sea S A Yugoslavia
French F Argentina H *Dislodged*
French F Arabian Sea -> Somalia
French F Atlantic Southern Ocean S F Argentina
French F Benelux -> English Channel
French F Beirut -> Turkey
French F Caribbean -> South Atlantic Ocean
French F East Atlantic Ocean -> Gibraltar
French F Eastern Mediterranean S F Beirut -> Turkey
French F Gulf of Guinea -> South Africa
French F Gulf of Tonkin S F South China Sea -> Guangdong
French F Indian Ocean H *Dislodged*
French F Ionian Sea -> Tyrrhenian Sea
French F Liverpool S F Scotland
French F Normandy -> Bay of Biscay
French F Panama H *Dislodged*
French F Scotland H
French F Toulouse -> Gulf of Lyon
French P Austria S A Danzig -> Poland
French Q Iberia S F Normandy -> Bay of Biscay
French Q Saw S F Arabian Sea -> Somalia
German A Danzig -> Poland
German A Hamburg S A Rhineland -> Benelux
German A Poland -> Rumania
German A Rhineland -> Benelux
German A Sudentenland S A Danzig -> Poland
German F Baltic Sea S F East Prussia -> Lithuania
German F East Prussia -> Lithuania
German F Finland -> Leningrad *Bounce*
German P Berlin S A Danzig -> Poland
Japanese A Mongolia -> Manchuria *Bounce*
Japanese F Bismarck Sea -> Spratly Islands
Japanese F Nagasaki -> Yellow Sea *Bounce*
Japanese F Philippines S F Bismarck Sea -> Spratly Islands
Japanese F South China Sea -> Guangdong
Japanese F Timor Sea -> Indian Ocean
Japanese F Tsushima Straits -> Korea
Japanese Q East Sea of Japan S F Tsushima Straits -> Korea
Japanese Q Okinawa S F Nagasaki -> Yellow Sea
Japanese Q West Sea of Japan S F Tsushima Straits -> Korea
Soviet A Azerbaijan -> Stalingrad
Soviet A Bulgaria S A Rumania
Soviet A Gorky S A Stalingrad -> Turkmenistan
Soviet A Lithuania -> Leningrad *Bounce* *Dislodged* *Disbanded*
Soviet A Moscow S A Azerbaijan -> Stalingrad
Soviet A Rumania S A Azerbaijan -> Stalingrad *Cut* *Dislodged*
Soviet A Stalingrad -> Turkmenistan
Soviet A Tashkent S A Stalingrad -> Turkmenistan *Cut* *Dislodged*
Soviet A Yakutsk -> Vladivostok
Soviet F North Sea -> London
Soviet F Turkey -> Black Sea
Neutral A Iran H

Retreat Possibilities
British A Abyssinia can retreat to Jubaland, Yemen or disband
British Q Gibraltar can retreat to Casablanca (nc), Casablanca, Casablanca (wc) or disband
Chinese F Hanoi is destroyed (no valid retreats)
Chinese F Korea is destroyed (no valid retreats)
French F Argentina can retreat to Brazil or disband
French F Indian Ocean can retreat to Arabian Sea, Bay of Bengal, Ceylon, Indian Southern Ocean, Madagascar, Pacific Southern Ocean or disband
French F Panama can retreat to Columbia (ec), Columbia (wc), Gulf of Mexico, Mexico, Mxe, Mxw, South Pacific Ocean or disband
Soviet A Lithuania is destroyed (no valid retreats)
Soviet A Rumania can retreat to Yalta or disband
Soviet A Tashkent can retreat to Novosibirsk or disband

Diplomacy games may contain lying, stabbing, or deliberately deceiving communications that may not be suitable for and may pose a hazard to young children, gullible adults, and small farm animals.

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