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DC309 Autumn 1904 results (official) - untitled36   (May 25, 2010, 8:27 am)
Congrats Mike! Does she know about your diplomacy addiction?


From: Mike Tombu <mtombu(at)gmail.com>
To: The White Wolf <cloudhurler77(at)yahoo.com>


dc318 - Winter Blitz 2010 Italy EOG - ericjmarr   (May 25, 2010, 8:12 am)
Thank you to Joe for seeing our alliance through until the end, even with the both of us being so close to a solo. I must admit this wasn't my best victory, recognizing that a lot of my success came d


DC301 - TTP - Fall 1905: End of Game - Douglas_E_Fresh   (May 25, 2010, 6:49 am)
The Summer sun twinkled on the surface of the Saone, as the dignitaries made their slow procession over the bridge and in to the city of Macon. In the square in front of the Hôtel de Montrevel,


DC301 - TTP - Fall 1905: End of Game (dc301) dknemeyer May 25, 09:16 am
Hi Doug,
Thanks for being an excellent GM, consistently timely with a lot of
flavour text and fun little add-ons.
This was easily my least rewarding and fulfilling game of Dip played
so far. F
DC301 - TTP - Fall 1905: End of Game (dc301) Douglas_E_Fresh May 25, 09:41 am
Thanks for your comments Dirk - I think I gave access to the forum for redscape users - no matter, I shall post your comments for posterity!
Anyone else have anything to say?

On Tue, May 25, 2010
DC301 - TTP - Fall 1905: End of Game (dc301) LinDav123 May 25, 12:23 pm
> P.S. - David, at least from my side, all of our antipathy was in good
> fun, frustrated though I really was!!!

ha ha...well, from my side....MOST of it was in good fun Wink

DC301 - TTP - Fall 1905: End of Game (dc301) Kendercommander May 25, 05:42 pm
Good Evening!
Ordinarily I'm quite an advocate for EOGs, but my memory is honestly quite flagging. So, yes I'll do an EOG, but it will be rather short and lacking a thorough chronological journal.
DC301 - TTP - Fall 1905: End of Game (dc301) mistro May 25, 08:52 pm
To all, I usually don't make closing comments but I'm
compelled to in this one (after reading this you may see why I don't make
closing comments).
To Doug, you have my compliments on a good job
DC301 - TTP - Fall 1905: End of Game (dc301) livinglifeforothers May 26, 01:49 am
I'd like to echo what everyone has said about the flavor text and role playing that Doug wrote, it was very enjoyable. I'm only sorry I didn't have more time to add little details about my
DC301 - TTP - Fall 1905: End of Game (dc301) LinDav123 May 26, 03:34 pm

Blimey, enjoy your break Michael....I hope the next women you find is more of a looker Wink

DC313 Spring 1909 Adjudication - Samnuva   (May 25, 2010, 4:04 am)
Wow... We're in 1909. That was fast. Turkey makes some inroads in Italian territory while Italy tries to shift its units west.
A Moscow - Livonia
F English Channel Supports F I


DC313 Spring 1909 Adjudication (Winter Blitz) untitled36 May 26, 02:44 pm
Hey all,


I am going to be gone starting now through Friday. I'll actually be on vacation till wednesday, but I'll still try to check in on occassion. Thanks all.


Camel Spotting - f07 results! - AlanRFarrington   (May 25, 2010, 12:01 am)
Don't think for a second that just because all of my moves were rendered useless that I'll stop submitting them!  To the last man!

Emperor AlaNero Farrington

Hotmail is redefini


DC317; Spring 1909 Results - dipknight   (May 24, 2010, 7:36 pm)


DC309 Autumn 1904 results (official) - mtombu   (May 24, 2010, 6:56 pm)
Thanks - I will!

Sent from my iPhone
On 2010-05-24, at 6:30 PM, The White Wolf <cloudhurler77(at)yahoo.com> wrote:

Congratulations, Mike! Have a piece of cake for all of us.


Dc 315: Spring 1909 Adjudication - AlanRFarrington   (May 24, 2010, 6:12 pm)
Hey Everyone,

Turkey NMR.  The England/France draw fails to pass, and we have a new
proposition.  A DIAS (draw including all survivors)  Which would be a


DC309 Autumn 1904 results (official) - TheWhiteWolf   (May 24, 2010, 5:30 pm)
Congratulations, Mike! Have a piece of cake for all of us.
 I'm a Firefly fan and proud! Read my fiction:

From: mike Tombu <mtombu(at)gmail.


DC309 Autumn 1904 results (official) - mtombu   (May 24, 2010, 5:09 pm)
Hey All,

Here's the official adjudications. Enjoy the break! I'm moving and getting married between now and the next deadline, so I may not have great access.


Austria: Phil &


DC309 Autumn 1904 results (official) (dc309) TheWhiteWolf May 24, 05:30 pm
Congratulations, Mike! Have a piece of cake for all of us.
 I'm a Firefly fan and proud! Read my fiction:

From: mike Tombu <mtombu(at)gmail.
DC309 Autumn 1904 results (official) (dc309) mtombu May 24, 06:56 pm
Thanks - I will!

Sent from my iPhone
On 2010-05-24, at 6:30 PM, The White Wolf <cloudhurler77(at)yahoo.com> wrote:

Congratulations, Mike! Have a piece of cake for all of us.
DC309 Autumn 1904 results (official) (dc309) untitled36 May 25, 08:27 am
Congrats Mike! Does she know about your diplomacy addiction?


From: Mike Tombu <mtombu(at)gmail.com>
To: The White Wolf <cloudhurler77(at)yahoo.com>
DC309 Autumn 1904 results (official) (dc309) mtombu May 25, 12:39 pm
Lol! She knows I play a game, but I'm not sure she knows it's dip. I'm usually only involved in one game at a time, so it's not that big of a deal... Or at least I hope it isn't! Any married guys out
DC309 Autumn 1904 results (official) (dc309) untitled36 May 25, 12:47 pm
I'm married. It's not normally an issue. Except when she's like "let's take the kids to (fill in the blank)," and I say "I can't! If I don't write this email RIGHT NOW, then the centaurs and fairies w
DC309 Autumn 1904 results (official) (dc309) TheWhiteWolf May 25, 02:32 pm
Yeah, my wife played for a while. We only argued when we were in the same game and I turned into a raging jerk over negotiations. Or when it's my turn to do (insert chore here) and I have to write tha
DC309 Autumn 1904 results (official) (dc309) blueinva May 25, 10:56 pm
>Actually, it's not that bad.
I know Andy (white wolf) and his wife both play.
Rachael plays, Andy, well, I'll let this game
speak for itself... *grin*
Blue (whose wi
DC309 Autumn 1904 results (official) (dc309) TheWhiteWolf May 26, 02:34 pm
I'm still convinced it's "beginner's luck" or "new player pity" or some such...
 From: Sean Cable <blueinva(at)cox.net>

Rachael plays, Andy, well, I'll le
dc285: Persian EOG - offdisc   (May 24, 2010, 4:51 pm)
(Many apologies for the bad subject in last message!)
On Mon, May 24, 2010 at 3:51 PM, Mike Hoffman wrote:
Persian EOG:

Many apologies for my tardiness in writing this EOG, especially when


dc285: The preparation and serving of Carthage - offdisc   (May 24, 2010, 4:51 pm)
Persian EOG:
Many apologies for my tardiness in writing this EOG, especially when
you consider how little there really is to say.
The game started out with a lot of diplomacy flying around, but the


dc318 - Winter Blitz 2010 Italy EOG - chaosonejoe   (May 24, 2010, 4:32 pm)
Thanks to Eric for sharing the victory.
It was an interesting early dynamic, with no England around. The power vacuum served me quite well, because I didn't have to be too concerned a


dc318 - Winter Blitz 2010 Italy EOG (Winter Blitz) ericjmarr May 25, 08:12 am
Thank you to Joe for seeing our alliance through until the end, even with the both of us being so close to a solo. I must admit this wasn't my best victory, recognizing that a lot of my success came d
Camel Spotting - f07 results! - FuzzyLogic   (May 24, 2010, 3:50 pm)
Rome gets an order too... Sparta supported Crete-Mess, so Rome can take Mess to Aus, or OTB and Build 1...

From: Michael Sims
Sent: Mon 5/24/2010 3:02 PM
To: al


Camel Spotting - f07 results! - Kenshi777   (May 24, 2010, 3:40 pm)
Mike - please recheck the adjudication. My order for Fleet Sparta is
missing. I did support Egypt's fleet in Crete to Messenian Sea. This
should result in another retreat as well.


dc311 Spring '09 Results - notasb   (May 24, 2010, 3:18 pm)
Austria - Bruce Ray
England - Daniel Dzikowicz
France - Nick Powell
Germany - Dirk Knemeyer
Italy - Jason K
Russia - Paul Russell
Turkey - Hamish Williams

GM Notes:

We have 2 End Game prop


Camel Spotting - f07 results! - FuzzyLogic   (May 24, 2010, 3:02 pm)
2 adjustments due Wed!  3pm Central... (or whenever I get both orders)
Egypt:  Retreat Phaz to Bay, or OTB and Build 1
Persia:  Build 1
What a calm winter! 


Camel Spotting - f07 results! (dc304) Kenshi777 May 24, 03:40 pm
Mike - please recheck the adjudication. My order for Fleet Sparta is
missing. I did support Egypt's fleet in Crete to Messenian Sea. This
should result in another retreat as well.
Camel Spotting - f07 results! (dc304) FuzzyLogic May 24, 03:50 pm
Rome gets an order too... Sparta supported Crete-Mess, so Rome can take Mess to Aus, or OTB and Build 1...

From: Michael Sims
Sent: Mon 5/24/2010 3:02 PM
To: al
Camel Spotting - f07 results! (dc304) AlanRFarrington May 25, 12:01 am
Don't think for a second that just because all of my moves were rendered useless that I'll stop submitting them!  To the last man!

Emperor AlaNero Farrington

Hotmail is redefini
FLWC s06 tentative samurai moves. - untitled36   (May 24, 2010, 3:01 pm)
Ha... Guess I'll be changing some of those moves now. oops.





FLWC s06 tentative samurai moves. - untitled36   (May 24, 2010, 2:58 pm)
A Tra - Fra
F Fjo - BIK
A Cos - Mom
A Kri - Thd
A Two - Mor
A Pon - Ear
A Shi - Cos
A Now - Ven
F WTH - Ith(wc)
F SFS Supports A Nnl



FLWC s06 tentative samurai moves. (dc303) untitled36 May 24, 03:01 pm
Ha... Guess I'll be changing some of those moves now. oops.



DC319: Fall 1938 Moves - Nigs   (May 24, 2010, 2:17 pm)

thanks for GM'ing.

Guys - I hope you enjoy it.



From: charlesf(at)web.de
To: charlesf(at)web.de; dc319(at)diplomaticcorp.com; psychosis(at)sky.com; jlqueiros3(at)hotmail.com; Jimm


DC319: Fall 1938 Moves - charlesf   (May 24, 2010, 2:07 pm)
Hallo zusammen,
Spanish Republic, rest in peace! After three years of struggle, the
republic has succumbed to a united front of Latin fascists.
To mark this seminal event, I picke


DC319: Fall 1938 Moves (dc319) Nigs May 24, 02:17 pm

thanks for GM'ing.

Guys - I hope you enjoy it.



From: charlesf(at)web.de
To: charlesf(at)web.de; dc319(at)diplomaticcorp.com; psychosis(at)sky.com; jlqueiros3(at)hotmail.com; Jimm
dc318 - Winter Blitz 2010 Winter 1908 results - z93blom   (May 24, 2010, 1:31 pm)
There's peace across Europe as Italy and Germany decide to not fight it out. Turkey earns a survival, while the rest of the great powers have been eliminated. Congratulations to Joe an


DC327 - Spring 1 - adjudication - bielf11   (May 24, 2010, 1:26 pm)
First year - Spring: everyone still friendly, no border disputes. Rather boring Wink
A big thank you to Jerry for his research and improvements of the RP files.


dc224 Fall 19 Reminder and Another Note about EGP'... - garry.bledsoe   (May 24, 2010, 11:28 am)
Elven ones are always appreciated!


Noted. As you should all expect, there will be a DIAS referenced in the Fall 19 results that you can vote on for Spring 20.




dc224 Fall 19 Reminder and Another Note about EGP'... - FuzzyLogic   (May 24, 2010, 11:24 am)
Altho someone has probly suggested it, pls repropose the DIAS for the next avail oppor.  And the DIAS+Elves too.
(Surely I win some sort of favor w the GM for these?)



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