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Diplomaticcorp Discussion Forum:  dc310


Subject:< DC310 Fall 1904 Adjudication >
Topic:< dc310 >
Category:< Active Games >
Posted:Jul 04, 2010 at 8:08 am
Viewed:1072 times

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To start off with, England and Austria both NMR. We allready have to replace one player next week, so if either of you are still playing, please tell me, so I don't seek a replacement.  
Anyway, thanks to the three people who did send in orders. Turkey takes back Con and gains Rom, while Russia holds of the French attack on Berlin and Takes Bulgaria. France also sneaks into England's backyard.
France: A ruh -> munFrance: F mao -> iriFrance: A mar HoldsFrance: F hol HoldsFrance: F eng Supports F mao -> iriFrance: A bur Supports A ruh -> munFrance: A bel Supports F hol
Russia: A war -> silRussia: A ukr -> galRussia: F swe Supports A stp -> nwyRussia: A stp -> nwyRussia: A ser -> budRussia: A rum Supports A ser -> budRussia: A kie Supports A munRussia: A ber Supports A kie
Turkey: F tys -> lyoTurkey: F rom HoldsTurkey: F ion -> adrTurkey: F con HoldsTurkey: A bul -> serTurkey: A alb -> tri
Those moves should have been in the body of the email, but if they are not, they should be attached. 
Austrian A Bud can retreat to A Vie (auto)English F Nwy can retreat to Ska, Nwg, or Bar.English Iri can retreat to Nao, Lvp, or Wal. 
Retreats are due on Monday, July 5th, at 9:00 ET (36 hours from now), but If people need an extension, I understand. -Sam Your GM

There is 1 Message in this Thread:

DC310 Fall 1904 Adjudication (Samnuva) Jul 04, 08:08 am

There are 53 Threads in dc310:

dc310 Game End - Draw! (FuzzyLogic)

dc310 f07 results! (FuzzyLogic)

dc310 s07 results! (FuzzyLogic)

dc310 w06 builds! (FuzzyLogic)

dc310 f06 results! (FuzzyLogic)

dc310 s06 retreats! (FuzzyLogic)

dc310 s06 results! (FuzzyLogic)

dc310 update (FuzzyLogic)

dc310: DIAS? (dknemeyer) [3 Replies]

DIAS (redblueeagleuk)

DC310 24 Hour Delay (Samnuva)

DC310- I have my internet back! (Samnuva)

DC310 Retreats (Samnuva) [3 Replies]

DC310 Fall 1905 Adjudication (Samnuva)

Warning (Samnuva)

DC310 Extention (Samnuva) [2 Replies]

DC310 Spring 1905 Adjudication (Samnuva)

DC310 Warning (Samnuva)

DC310: Game On (Samnuva)

DC310 Winter 1904 Adjudication (Samnuva)

1 - 20 of 53 shown [More]

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