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Diplomaticcorp Discussion Forum:  dc154

(Youngstown: Romping Room)

Subject:DC 154: RR: Fall 03 - It's all goin' down >
Topic:< dc154 >
Category:< Closed Games 
Posted:Mar 17, 2008 at 8:31 am
Viewed:1518 times

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Were the retreat / build results published?


Scott / Japan

On 3/12/08, Alexander Schmidt <wecanworkthisout(at)yahoo.com ([email]wecanworkthisout(at)yahoo.com[/email])> wrote:

Yo dippers. Apollogies for the delay, but it was an unfortunate byproduct of my hectic schedule. I am a theater actor and was recently cast in an original work called The Clash and Celebration of American Culture. The rehersel schedule has forced me to alter things in my dip schedule, but, alack, I will find synchronicity again!!

This is what we're looking at:

Maps: Attached but not in .GIF format because of the computer I'm on. I will have to update the website at another time.
.DPY: Attached
Head: Attached at the neck

These results are most certainly dedicated to Tubby, who is the new board leader! (Is this his second dedication?... no, really, I can't remember...)

Many retreats! All retreats may go OTB

Russian F Ankara can retreat to Black Sea.
French A Gascony can retreat to Burgundy.
French A Marseilles can retreat to Burgundy.
Turkish A Rumania can retreat to Galicia or Bulgaria.
French F Saigon can retreat to Annam.
German A Silesia can retreat to Galicia.
Russian F Sea of Okhotsk can retreat to Siberia or North Pacific
Ocean or Sakhalin.
Indian A Thailand can retreat to Sha.

Austria: Supp 6 Unit 6 Build 0
China: Supp 8 Unit 5 Build 2
England: Supp 9 Unit 7 Build 2
France: Supp 1 Unit 5 Remove 4 (2 if all retreat OTB)
Germany: Supp 9 Unit 8 Build 1 (2 if retreat OTB)
India: Supp 4 Unit 4 Build 0 (1 if retreat is OTB)
Italy: Supp 12 Unit 10 Build 2
Japan: Supp 6 Unit 5 Build 1
Russia: Supp 11 Unit 12 Remove 1 (0 if retreat OTB)
Turkey: Supp 6 Unit 6 Build 0 (1 if retreat is OTB)

[u:5ff462f523]Deadlines [/u:5ff462f523]
Retreats are due to me immediately, but certainly by tomorrow at 12:00 Noon PST
Builds/Adjustments are due to me by Friday at 12:00 Noon PST
Spring 1903 orders are due to me Monday, March 24th (SPPPRRRIINNNG BRREEAAAKK!!) by 12:00 Noon PST because of my week vacation the 18th through the 21st

Ctry : Austria 0
Name : Guile Contreras
Email: irocktilldeath(at)yahoo.com ([email]irocktilldeath(at)yahoo.com[/email])
A Budapest - Serbia
A Klug Supports A Serbia - Rumania
F Montenegro - Albania
A Serbia - Rumania
A Trieste Hold
A Vienna Hold

ID : FlapJack
Ctry : China 0
Name : Jack McHugh
Email: jwmchughjr(at)gmail.com ([email]jwmchughjr(at)gmail.com[/email])
A Annam - Laos
A Cambodia Supports F South China Sea - Saigon
F Formosa - South China Sea
A Peking Hold
F South China Sea - Saigon

ID : briankingfox
Ctry : England 0
Name : Brian Lam
Email: briankingfox(at)hotmail.com ([email]briankingfox(at)hotmail.com[/email])
F English Channel Supports F Irish Sea - Mid-Atlantic Ocean
F Gulf of Siam Supports F Joharra - Thailand(ec)
F Irish Sea - Mid-Atlantic Ocean
F Joharra - Thailand(ec)
F Mid-Atlantic Ocean - Morocco
F Norwegian Sea Supports F Norway
F Norway Hold

ID : Hacos
Ctry : France 0
Name : Hac Phan
Email: hac.diplomacy(at)yahoo.com ([email]hac.diplomacy(at)yahoo.com[/email])
A Gascony Supports A Marseilles (*Dislodged*)
A Marseilles Hold (*Dislodged*)
F Morocco - South Atlantic Ocean
A Portugal Supports F Spain(sc) (*Ordered to Move*)
F Saigon Hold (*Dislodged*)
F Spain(sc) - Gulf of Lyon

ID : Diplomancer
Ctry : Germany 0
Name : Dylan Hirshkowitz
Email: dylan.hirshkowitz(at)gmail.com ([email]dylan.hirshkowitz(at)gmail.com[/email])
F Baltic Sea - Posen
A Brest Supports A Paris - Gascony
A Holland - Belgium
A Kiel - Berlin
F North Sea - Denmark
A Paris - Gascony
A Ruhr - Munich
A Silesia - Saxony (*Dislodged*)

ID : Twig
Ctry : India 0
Name : Spencer Jensen
Email: jensends(at)yahoo.com ([email]jensends(at)yahoo.com[/email])
A Afghanistan - Delhi
A Calcutta - Madras (*Bounce*)
F Ceylon - East Indian Ocean (*Fails*)
A Thailand - Burma (*Dislodged*)

ID : Tubby
Ctry : Italy 0
Name : Jacob Roberts
Email: salexander37(at)gmail.com ([email]salexander37(at)gmail.com[/email])
F East Indian Ocean - Madras (*Bounce*)
F Gulf of Aden - Arabian Sea
F Gulf of Lyon - Marseilles
F Ionian Sea - Eastern Mediterranean Sea
A Jordan - Baghdad (*Fails*)
A Piedmont Supports F Gulf of Lyon - Marseilles
F Somalian Sea - West Indian Ocean
F Tyrrhenian Sea - Ionian Sea
A Venice - Apulia
F Western Mediterranean Sea - Spain(sc)

ID : Lequinian
Ctry : Japan 1
Name : Scott Hickey
Email: thase+dipcorp(at)dalarin.net ([email]Hickeythase+dipcorp(at)dalarin.net[/email])
F Celebes Sea - Java
F East China Sea - Philippines
F South Pacific Ocean - Celebes Sea
F Kar - Sea of Okhotsk
F Sea of Japan Supports F Kar - Sea of Okhotsk

ID : diplomacyworld
Ctry : Russia 0
Name : Douglas Kent
Email: diplomacyworld(at)yahoo.com ([email]diplomacyworld(at)yahoo.com[/email])
F Ankara - Armenia (*Dislodged*)
A Bohemia - Saxony (*Bounce*)
A Finland - Sweden
A Iran Supports F Ankara - Armenia (*Cut*)
F Korea - Vladivostok (*Bounce*)
A Prussia Supports A Warsaw - Silesia
A Sevastopol Supports A Iran (*Cut*)
F Sea of Okhotsk - Vladivostok (*Dislodged*)
F Sweden - Baltic Sea
A Tibet - Burma (*Bounce*)
A Ukraine Supports A Sevastopol
A Warsaw - Silesia

ID : Grapeman
Ctry : Turkey 0
Name : Chad Bannert
Email: chadban(at)telus.net ([email]chadban(at)telus.net[/email])
A Armenia - Ankara
F Baghdad Supports A Sind - Iran (*Cut*)
A Bulgaria - Greece
F Constantinople Supports A Armenia - Ankara
A Rumania - Sevastopol (*Dislodged*)
A Sind - Iran (*Fails*)

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There is 1 Message in this Thread:

DC 154: RR: Fall 03 - It's all goin' down (Lequinian) Mar 17, 08:31 am

There are 44 Threads in dc154:

dc154 ~ Romping Room (sgttodd)

dc154 ~ Romping Room ~ A New Austria (edgreen86)

DC 154: RR: Fall 03 - It's all goin' down (Lequinian)

dc154 ~ Romping Room (test_gm)

dc154 ~ Romping Room (test_gm)

dc154 ~ Romping Room (test_gm)

dc154 ~ Romping Room (test_gm)

dc154 ~ Romping Room (test_gm)

dc154 ~ Romping Room (test_gm)

dc154 ~ Romping Room (test_gm)

dc154 ~ Romping Room (test_gm)

dc154 ~ Romping Room (test_gm)

Dc154 Winter 1903 (test_gm)

dc154 ~ Romping Room ~ Game Over! (test_gm)

Dc154 - 48 hour warning. (test_gm)

DC154 Youngstown - Status Check (test_gm)

dc154 ~ Greetings (test_gm)

dc154 ~ Romping Room (test_gm)

dc154 Romping Room (test_gm)

dc154 ~ Romping Room (test_gm)

1 - 20 of 44 shown [More]

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