Hello folks,
I will be your GM for dc154 until your original GM gets back, or the game finishes, whichever comes first.
My name is Jerry Todd
My email address is: sgttodd(at)mainecav.org.
I live in Maryland USA (EDT).
I am currently GMing dc130 and dc155, as well as playing in a couple of others.
Bureaucratic stuff:
I will send you an acknowledgment when I receive your orders. If I do not, you should assume I didn't get them and resend them.
I always check the diplomaticcorp.com forum for PMs (private messages) before adjudications as a back-up to email - even if I have orders from everyone. If you did not get an acknowledgment of your last emailed orders from me you should consider using the forum's PM feature.
Adjudications will be emailed - I do not attach the dpy or maps to the email, instead, I make the orders, maps, and the RP .dpy file available online at: http://mainecav.org/diplomacy/dc154 The game's page will also be updated at Diplomaticcorp.com
Because my games have had people world-wide playing in them, I set my deadlines for 2359 (11:59 pm) Greenwich Mean Time (gmt). It is up to the players to figure out what that translates to in his/her local time.
My house-rules are available at: http://mainecav.org/diplomacy/gthr.html
It looks like you folks were just getting into Winter 1904 adjustments, so if you would would send me those adjustments, we'll get this baby back up to speed.
If someone can forward the last DPY I'd appreciate it - I'd like to have the game's history the file contains instead of starting one at Winter 04.
So, let us then set the deadline for Winter 1904 at: Wednesday, April 23, 2359 gmt.
Jerry Todd
Sent through e-mol. E-mail, Anywhere, Anytime. http://www.e-mol.com