China just sent in his build as I sent the adjudication out. The boy
has impeccable timing.
Deadline for Spring 1906: Thursday, May 15th, 2359 gmt
Adjustment orders for Winter of 1905. (dc154)
China: Build A Canton
England: Build F Joharra.
England: Build F Liverpool.
Italy: Build F Naples.
Italy: Build A Magudisco.
Russia: Build A Vladivostok.
Russia: Build A Omsk.
Turkey: Remove F Black Sea.
Turkey: Remove A Sind.
Unit locations:
Austria: F Aegean Sea, A Bulgaria, A Galicia, A Klug, A Montenegro, A
Trieste, A Vienna.
China: F East Indian Ocean, F Gulf of Siam, F Gulf of Tonkin, A
Kansu, A Sha, A Sinkiang, A Thailand, A Tibet, A Turkmenistan, A Canton.
England: F Barents Sea, F Joharra, F Liverpool, F Mid-Atlantic Ocean,
F Norway, F Off Board A, F Off Board B, F Portugal.
Germany: F Baltic Sea, A Brest, A Denmark, A Livonia, A Munich, A
Picardy, A Prussia, A Ruhr, A Silesia, F Sweden.
India: A Delhi.
Italy: F Arabian Sea, F Ceylon, F Constantinople, F Eastern
Mediterranean Sea, F Gulf of Lyon, F Ionian Sea, A Iran, F Madras, A
Magudisco, F Naples, A Piedmont, A Rajahstan, F Somalian Sea, F
Spain(sc), A Syria, A Venice.
Japan: F Andaman Sea, F Borneo, F Celebes Sea, F East China Sea, F
Java, F North Pacific Ocean, F Off Board L, F South Pacific Ocean.
Russia: A Ankara, A Calcutta, F Finland, A Moscow, A Omsk, A Rumania,
A Sevastopol, A Smyrna, A St. Petersburg, A Vladivostok, A Warsaw.
Deadline for Spring 1906: Thursday, May 15th, 2359 gmt