I have two completed variants that are in various stages of playtesting. This is a general call for anyone that feels like trying their hand at GMing a variant, so that I can observe the game and make the last revisions (afterward) to balance the variants and publish the final versions. Both are simple historical map variants with very few if any special rules. Both are also at least *fairly* balanced and definitely playable. And most importantly, ALL of my variants (four total) have Realpolitik files available - manual adjudication *not* required.
I also intend to GM one of these soon myself as soon as the mods approve me. So without further ado, the variants are:
Dark Ages[/list:u:03b6839ff8] - a Northern Europe scenario in the age of the Vikings.
Balkans 1860[/list:u:03b6839ff8] - a SE Europe scenario in the year, (you guessed it) 1860.
There are also two completed variants - Sengoku and South American Supremacy - if anyone would like to give them a spin.
All maps and Realpolitik files can be found at http://nairenvorbeck.angelfire.com See the DipWikis for Dark Ages and Sengoku also on the Diplomatic Corp website for extra content.