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Diplomaticcorp Discussion Forum:  dc123

(Sengoku - GM: Trout)

Subject:< DC123 Shade - Fall 1575 Deadline Reminder >
Topic:< dc123 >
Category:< Closed Games 
Posted:Sep 13, 2007 at 12:00 am
Viewed:1459 times

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be nice to the trout
or he might kick your ass out
'cause GMs have clout


aw snap...haiku that rhymes even. Damn I'm smooth...

Emperor B. of the Kinka-kuji

Former Trout <former.trout(at)gmail.com> wrote:



On Nov 27, 2007 10:34 PM, Felix Kam Chung <felixkamchung(at)mac.com ([email]felixkamchung(at)mac.com[/email])> wrote:

is not your forte

pray that fate is yours


On Nov 27, 2007, at 9:28 PM, Former Trout wrote:

[quote:5e8dafd3b6]The apple blossom
Falls once more come eighteen chimes
Will this be the last?

I have two sets of orders in guys. Need four more. Cheers!




Benjamin T. Hester
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There is 1 Message in this Thread:

DC123 Shade - Fall 1575 Deadline Reminder (test_gm) Sep 13, 12:00 am

Diplomacy games may contain lying, stabbing, or deliberately deceiving communications that may not be suitable for and may pose a hazard to young children, gullible adults, and small farm animals.

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