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Diplomaticcorp Discussion Forum:  dc273

(Not now, I've got to feed my llama!)

Post:< 15059 >
Subject:< NNIGTFML - Game End - Solo! >
Topic:< dc273 >
Category:< Closed Games 
Posted:Mar 17, 2010 at 6:46 pm
Viewed:1537 times

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so basically as far as peru is concerned--if venz won't help him take down col he's screwed? that doesn't sound very interesting to me so i still think the north needs work..peru has no real chance to go after columbia on his own..as you saw in this game...you had an extra build on me and the only chance peru has is to out guess columbia...i did not...i suppose i could have take less chances and probably survived but why? so we can both stay at 3 or 4 centers until another neighbor shows up to gobble us up from behind--I choose to be more aggressive figuring it wouldn't work unless you NMRed or made a big mistake since you had a much better positon with regards to builds in the beginning than i did..it didn't work wouldn't have mattered as somoene coming up from the south would have taken me out sooner or later...

i also agree with your take on the center powers and argentina...brazil is much too powerful in this game---it is like russia but brazil has a lot more territory to protect it than russia does in regular dip...paraguay and boliva are  kind of like italy/austria except they don't have a motherload of centers near by like i/a do in regular dip...i would put brazil's dots closer to the aciton and add some centers up north and in the center...i would also lower the andes wall up north altogether....let col/ven/per go at it....


On Wed, Mar 17, 2010 at 7:21 PM, Ross Webb <rodtheworm-at-hotmail.com ([email]rodtheworm-at-hotmail.com[/email])> wrote:

Columbia having nowhere else to go does make this map a little less balanced, as has been said, but to me that's only in as far as Turkey can only really hit either Russia or Austria initially.  I'd advise putting the Panama canal in (even if it wouldn't actually be completed for another 80-odd years) just because of the expanded tactical options it gives. 
I suppose as a replacement playing only 5 of the 12 years I missed out on the early negotiations where the really juicy stuff got sorted out.  My primary goal for this game was to survive, which I happily did - in fact, I was surprised at the come back Columbia made in ending the game in second place, though I suspect it was more by luck and outside circumstances than by skill on my own part.  Had Venezuela not been distracted by Brasil, I expect I would have made a quick exit, and though I was pleased to outmanoeuvre Peru in the two years or so after joining, I'm very aware that I only just got the block up in the south to fend off Chile's fleets as it was.  If that conflict had gone on a few more years Chile would have been pushing through there handily.
I'd like to point out that, in pursuit of this survival I allowed myself to be more ruthless in making promises or agreeing to alliances and breaking them, or manipulating others with no intention of reciprocating.  My play is not normally like this, so if we meet in a future game, please don't assume I'll be untrustworthy there too!  Usually I'd say I'm more inclined to be a straight talker than the average player, perhaps to my detriment as a diplomat.  Maybe I should learn from success in this game!
Further on the issue of balance, I think all the southern 2-centre powers get a very raw deal.  Bolivia has no guaranteed gains, and is practically thrown right into the fray against Chile from the outset as Golfo de Guafo borders a home centre for both.  Paraguay gets a slightly nore prosperous first year, but then is likely to come under heavy attack from the much larger Brasil, whil Argentina seems to be the Austria - nice initial growth potential, but in between lots of powers.
In the north, Venezuela probably gets two early builds to sit it on four centres and a comfortable size, though all four of these countries suffer the disadvantage of only being able to build two units a turn, which presumably can become important as the game goes on and powers are capable of taking many centres in a turn.
Compare this with the rich earlygrowth potential of Brasil and Columbia.  Brasil probably get 2 or 3 builds putting it on 5 or 6 centres, with a good offensive and defensive position and but a nasty case of early leader syndrome.  Columbia should really be getting two centres in the first year (if not, why not?), ideally putting it on 5 to Venezuela's 4 and Peru's 3.  As seen, these two can then team up on Columbia, but I don't think his position is any worse than a Russia with England and Turkey looking at him with hostility.  In fact, I still think a bit of deft play could see Peru repelled with an extra fleet, while Venezuela is stalled in the north with the remaining fleet and army.  Another build could see that flank becoming increasingly secure.
In my opinion, tactical play really starts working at four units and above, which I think is why all countries in Standard (bar England in the case of an aggressively northward-looking Russian) have at least one centre they can claim without contest.  With two, you basically have to guess whether or not to risk an opponent taking your home centre or not.  I think in the average game, the starting differences in size are more likely to magnify rather than equalise.   
Hopefully that's helped!
Subject: NNIGTFML - Game End - Solo!
Date: Wed, 17 Mar 2010 16:02:05 -0500
From: mike-at-fuzzylogicllc.net ([email]mike-at-fuzzylogicllc.net[/email])
To: jwmchughjr-at-gmail.com ([email]jwmchughjr-at-gmail.com[/email]); cloudhurler77-at-yahoo.com ([email]cloudhurler77-at-yahoo.com[/email]); screwtape777-at-gmail.com ([email]screwtape777-at-gmail.com[/email]); githraine-at-yahoo.com ([email]githraine-at-yahoo.com[/email]); brn2dip-at-yahoo.com ([email]brn2dip-at-yahoo.com[/email]); jchdipaccount-at-gmail.com ([email]jchdipaccount-at-gmail.com[/email]); Gregory_Olson-at-brown.edu ([email]Gregory_Olson-at-brown.edu[/email]); alley_cat_1990-at-hotmail.com ([email]alley_cat_1990-at-hotmail.com[/email]); fredrik-at-familjenblom.se ([email]fredrik-at-familjenblom.se[/email]); blom.fredrik-at-gmail.com ([email]blom.fredrik-at-gmail.com[/email]); rodtheworm-at-hotmail.com ([email]rodtheworm-at-hotmail.com[/email]); dc273-at-diplomaticcorp.com ([email]dc273-at-diplomaticcorp.com[/email])

Chileans can be heard singing "llama llama llama llama llama solo llama" everywhere as they wrap up a win under the awesome leadership of Gary.  Yes, Gary gets his gold star today w his second solo in dc!
What more can be said? 
Just "Gary".  "He's the man".  "With the only name nobody in South America will ever forget, for he leads it all!
Business cards are ordered.
"Gary - The South American Dominator".  "Got a country?  Call us!  We'll capture it, squash the resistance, and assimilate it into GaryLand".  "Your centers are our centers."  "Really".
"Got Centers?"  "Nope, Gary took'em".
EGS's are encouraged from all!
Hope it was fun,
RETREATS (irrelevant):
disband A Parana
A Rio Grande do Sul - Sao Paulo
A Santa Cruz - Riberalta
A Angostura - Caracas (*Fails*)
A Barinas Supports A Angostura - Caracas
F Boca de Navios - Cumana
F Golfo de Paria Supports F Boca de Navios - Cumana
A Iquitos - Cusco
A Manaus - Mato Grosso (*Fails*)
A Mato Grosso - Pantanal (*Bounce*)
A Orinoco Hold
A Parana Supports A Rio Grande do Sul - Misiones (*Dislodged*)
A Rio Grande do Sul - Misiones (*Dislodged*)
A Santa Cruz - Potosi (*Dislodged*)
A Santa Marta - Cartagena (*Bounce*)
A Sao Paulo - Rio de Janeiro
F Arequipa Supports F Bahia de Arica - Lima
A Asuncion Supports A Misiones - Parana
F Bahia de Arica - Lima (*Fails*)
F Bahia de Paranagua Supports F Montevideo - Rio Grande do Sul
F Bahia Todos os Santos - Salvador
A Chaco Supports A Potosi - Santa Cruz
A Concepcion - Pantanal (*Bounce*)
A La Paz Supports A Potosi - Santa Cruz
A Misiones - Parana
F Montevideo - Rio Grande do Sul
A Potosi - Santa Cruz
A Salta Hold
A Santa Fe - Misiones (*Bounce*)
F South Pacific Ocean - Golfo de San Jorge
F Pacific Ocean - Bahia Sechura (*Fails*)
A Aquiris Hold
F Bahia Sechura Hold
F Galapagos Supports F Bahia Sechura
F Lima Hold
A Llanos Supports A Maracaibo
A Panama - Cartagena (*Bounce*)
A Trujillo Supports F Lima
A Caracas Supports F Cumana (*Cut*)
F Cumana Supports A Caracas (*Disbanded*)
A Maracaibo Supports A Caracas

We want to hear all your funny, exciting and crazy Hotmail stories. Tell us now

This message is in reply to post 15048:

Chileans can be heard singing "llama llama llama llama llama solo llama" everywhere as they wrap up a win under the awesome leadership of Gary. Yes, Gary gets his gold star today w his second solo in dc!

What more can be said?
Just "Gary". "He's the man". "With the only name nobody in South America will ever forget, for he leads it all!

Business cards are ordered.

"Gary - The South American Dominator". "Got a country? Call us! We'll capture it, squash the resistance, and assimilate it into GaryLand". "Your centers are our centers." "Really".

"Got Centers?" "Nope, Gary took'em".

EGS's are encouraged from all!
Hope it was fun,

RETREATS (irrelevant):

disband A Parana
A Rio Grande do Sul - Sao Paulo
A Santa Cruz - Riberalta


A Angostura - Caracas (*Fails*)
A Barinas Supports A Angostura - Caracas
F Boca de Navios - Cumana
F Golfo de Paria Supports F Boca de Navios - Cumana
A Iquitos - Cusco
A Manaus - Mato Grosso (*Fails*)
A Mato Grosso - Pantanal (*Bounce*)
A Orinoco Hold
A Parana Supports A Rio Grande do Sul - Misiones (*Dislodged*)
A Rio Grande do Sul - Misiones (*Dislodged*)
A Santa Cruz - Potosi (*Dislodged*)
A Santa Marta - Cartagena (*Bounce*)
A Sao Paulo - Rio de Janeiro

F Arequipa Supports F Bahia de Arica - Lima
A Asuncion Supports A Misiones - Parana
F Bahia de Arica - Lima (*Fails*)
F Bahia de Paranagua Supports F Montevideo - Rio Grande do Sul
F Bahia Todos os Santos - Salvador
A Chaco Supports A Potosi - Santa Cruz
A Concepcion - Pantanal (*Bounce*)
A La Paz Supports A Potosi - Santa Cruz
A Misiones - Parana
F Montevideo - Rio Grande do Sul
A Potosi - Santa Cruz
A Salta Hold
A Santa Fe - Misiones (*Bounce*)
F South Pacific Ocean - Golfo de San Jorge
F Pacific Ocean - Bahia Sechura (*Fails*)

A Aquiris Hold
F Bahia Sechura Hold
F Galapagos Supports F Bahia Sechura
F Lima Hold
A Llanos Supports A Maracaibo
A Panama - Cartagena (*Bounce*)
A Trujillo Supports F Lima

A Caracas Supports F Cumana (*Cut*)
F Cumana Supports A Caracas (*Disbanded*)
A Maracaibo Supports A Caracas

There are 8 Messages in this Thread:

NNIGTFML - Game End - Solo! (FuzzyLogic) Mar 17, 04:02 pm

NNIGTFML - Game End - Solo! (FlapJack) Mar 17, 04:12 pm

NNIGTFML - Game End - Solo! (rodtheworm) Mar 17, 06:21 pm

NNIGTFML - Game End - Solo! (FlapJack) Mar 17, 06:46 pm

NNIGTFML - Game End - Solo! (Githraine) Mar 17, 07:08 pm

NNIGTFML - Game End - Solo! (Kenshi777) Mar 17, 10:32 pm

NNIGTFML - Game End - Solo! (Kenshi777) Mar 17, 10:43 pm

NNIGTFML - Game End - Solo! (Kenshi777) Mar 17, 10:50 pm

There are 46 Threads in dc273:

NNIGTFML - Game End - Solo! (FuzzyLogic) [7 Replies]

DC-273 NNIGTFML Venezuelan EoG (TheWhiteWolf)

NNIGTSMBLF? (s46 results!) (FuzzyLogic) [20 Replies]

(DC-273 Thread) (TheWhiteWolf)

NNIGTFML w45 builds! (FuzzyLogic) [11 Replies]

NNIGTFML f46 results! (FuzzyLogic)

NNIGTFML s46 results! (FuzzyLogic)

NNIGTFML f44 results! (if I had...) (FuzzyLogic)

NNIGTFML s44 results! (FuzzyLogic) [2 Replies]

NNIGTFML w1843 builds! (FuzzyLogic)

NNIGTFML f1843 results! (FuzzyLogic) [5 Replies]

NNIGTFML s1843 retreats (FuzzyLogic)

NNIGTFML s1843 (5 little...) (FuzzyLogic)

NNIGTFML w1842 builds (FuzzyLogic) [12 Replies]

NNIGTFML w1842 builds (update) (FuzzyLogic)

NNIGTFML f1842 (possum warfare) (FuzzyLogic)

NNIGTFML s1842 results! (FuzzyLogic)

NNIGTFML s1839 results! (FuzzyLogic)

NNIGTFML Friends, Romans, Llamas - lend me your - oh never mind - watch the video! (Kenshi777) [6 Replies]

NNIGTFML Friends, Romans, Llamas - lend me your - oh never mind - watch the video! (packrat)

1 - 20 of 46 shown [More]

Diplomacy games may contain lying, stabbing, or deliberately deceiving communications that may not be suitable for and may pose a hazard to young children, gullible adults, and small farm animals.

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