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Diplomaticcorp Discussion Forum:  dc273

(Not now, I've got to feed my llama!)

Post:< 15063 >
Subject:< NNIGTFML - Game End - Solo! >
Topic:< dc273 >
Category:< Closed Games 
Posted:Mar 17, 2010 at 10:32 pm
Viewed:1405 times

  [New Post]  [Reply]  [Quote]

EOG for Peru:

Since the designer has already acknowledged, this design needs work, so I
won't bother complaining about how unbalanced it is and just skip a head to
my perspective on the game.

***Yes, but your specific thoughts on how to improve it are most
welcome, and may well be incorporated into revisions aimed at
balancing it out...

I thought that there would be more diplomacy among the three northern
powers, e.g. Peru, Columbia and Venzula. Once the game started and looked
over the map I realized that there really wasn't much room to negotiate as
Columbia, unlike Venezuela and Peru, has no where to go. My plan then was to
take out Columbia quickly with Venezuela and it appeared to work until
Brazil NMRed.

***This is surprising - while PeVe vs. Co certainly is a good alliance
option, I thought with Colombia's fleets split, they could choose to
attack one way, and use the other fleet (on the other side of Panama)
as a bargaining chip to help their ally on the other side. Just one
Colombian fleet should be enough to help Venezuela overcome the
Brasilian navy, or Peru overcome the Bolivia. Do you disagree that
this (intended) dynamic exists, or was it not considered? If it does
not exist, why not, and what can be done to accomplish that?***

I think Venezuela got distracted by Brazil's NMR and decided to attack
Brazill--the bigger long term threat before we finished with Columbia. At
the time I thought it was a mistake for both Venezuela's future as well as
mine and I was unfortunately correct.

Congrats to all who survived and the winner, although this is one of the
most unbalanced variants I've seen actually played to a conclusion.

***My apologies for that. I am willing to make significant revisions
to improve it - to include removing the Andes rule, redrawing
provinces entirely, or changing the starting unit/home SC assignments
- your thoughts would be greatly appreciated.


Diplomacy in Texas!

Realpolitik files available here for the Sengoku, Balkans1860, South
American Supremacy, and DarkAges Diplomacy Variants

This message is in reply to post 15048:

Chileans can be heard singing "llama llama llama llama llama solo llama" everywhere as they wrap up a win under the awesome leadership of Gary. Yes, Gary gets his gold star today w his second solo in dc!

What more can be said?
Just "Gary". "He's the man". "With the only name nobody in South America will ever forget, for he leads it all!

Business cards are ordered.

"Gary - The South American Dominator". "Got a country? Call us! We'll capture it, squash the resistance, and assimilate it into GaryLand". "Your centers are our centers." "Really".

"Got Centers?" "Nope, Gary took'em".

EGS's are encouraged from all!
Hope it was fun,

RETREATS (irrelevant):

disband A Parana
A Rio Grande do Sul - Sao Paulo
A Santa Cruz - Riberalta


A Angostura - Caracas (*Fails*)
A Barinas Supports A Angostura - Caracas
F Boca de Navios - Cumana
F Golfo de Paria Supports F Boca de Navios - Cumana
A Iquitos - Cusco
A Manaus - Mato Grosso (*Fails*)
A Mato Grosso - Pantanal (*Bounce*)
A Orinoco Hold
A Parana Supports A Rio Grande do Sul - Misiones (*Dislodged*)
A Rio Grande do Sul - Misiones (*Dislodged*)
A Santa Cruz - Potosi (*Dislodged*)
A Santa Marta - Cartagena (*Bounce*)
A Sao Paulo - Rio de Janeiro

F Arequipa Supports F Bahia de Arica - Lima
A Asuncion Supports A Misiones - Parana
F Bahia de Arica - Lima (*Fails*)
F Bahia de Paranagua Supports F Montevideo - Rio Grande do Sul
F Bahia Todos os Santos - Salvador
A Chaco Supports A Potosi - Santa Cruz
A Concepcion - Pantanal (*Bounce*)
A La Paz Supports A Potosi - Santa Cruz
A Misiones - Parana
F Montevideo - Rio Grande do Sul
A Potosi - Santa Cruz
A Salta Hold
A Santa Fe - Misiones (*Bounce*)
F South Pacific Ocean - Golfo de San Jorge
F Pacific Ocean - Bahia Sechura (*Fails*)

A Aquiris Hold
F Bahia Sechura Hold
F Galapagos Supports F Bahia Sechura
F Lima Hold
A Llanos Supports A Maracaibo
A Panama - Cartagena (*Bounce*)
A Trujillo Supports F Lima

A Caracas Supports F Cumana (*Cut*)
F Cumana Supports A Caracas (*Disbanded*)
A Maracaibo Supports A Caracas

There are 8 Messages in this Thread:

NNIGTFML - Game End - Solo! (FuzzyLogic) Mar 17, 04:02 pm

NNIGTFML - Game End - Solo! (FlapJack) Mar 17, 04:12 pm

NNIGTFML - Game End - Solo! (rodtheworm) Mar 17, 06:21 pm

NNIGTFML - Game End - Solo! (FlapJack) Mar 17, 06:46 pm

NNIGTFML - Game End - Solo! (Githraine) Mar 17, 07:08 pm

NNIGTFML - Game End - Solo! (Kenshi777) Mar 17, 10:32 pm

NNIGTFML - Game End - Solo! (Kenshi777) Mar 17, 10:43 pm

NNIGTFML - Game End - Solo! (Kenshi777) Mar 17, 10:50 pm

There are 46 Threads in dc273:

NNIGTFML - Game End - Solo! (FuzzyLogic) [7 Replies]

DC-273 NNIGTFML Venezuelan EoG (TheWhiteWolf)

NNIGTSMBLF? (s46 results!) (FuzzyLogic) [20 Replies]

(DC-273 Thread) (TheWhiteWolf)

NNIGTFML w45 builds! (FuzzyLogic) [11 Replies]

NNIGTFML f46 results! (FuzzyLogic)

NNIGTFML s46 results! (FuzzyLogic)

NNIGTFML f44 results! (if I had...) (FuzzyLogic)

NNIGTFML s44 results! (FuzzyLogic) [2 Replies]

NNIGTFML w1843 builds! (FuzzyLogic)

NNIGTFML f1843 results! (FuzzyLogic) [5 Replies]

NNIGTFML s1843 retreats (FuzzyLogic)

NNIGTFML s1843 (5 little...) (FuzzyLogic)

NNIGTFML w1842 builds (FuzzyLogic) [12 Replies]

NNIGTFML w1842 builds (update) (FuzzyLogic)

NNIGTFML f1842 (possum warfare) (FuzzyLogic)

NNIGTFML s1842 results! (FuzzyLogic)

NNIGTFML s1839 results! (FuzzyLogic)

NNIGTFML Friends, Romans, Llamas - lend me your - oh never mind - watch the video! (Kenshi777) [6 Replies]

NNIGTFML Friends, Romans, Llamas - lend me your - oh never mind - watch the video! (packrat)

1 - 20 of 46 shown [More]

Diplomacy games may contain lying, stabbing, or deliberately deceiving communications that may not be suitable for and may pose a hazard to young children, gullible adults, and small farm animals.

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