GM’s remarks:
Our two missing players have responded. My records show that they have not been late before; therefore, we will continue with them. However, per the house rules, should they be late again, they will be removed and a replacement found without further ado.
The German retreat had only one available avenue of retreat; so, it has been performed automatically. Joe, if you would have preferred that unit be retreated off-the-board, please let me know as soon as possible so that I can send out a correction. Thanks.
The Players:
Austria: Dan Huck aefgirt7(at) ([email]aefgirt7(at)[/email])
England: Eliminated Winter 1906
France: Michael Thompson psychosis(at) ([email]psychosis(at)[/email])
Germany: Joe Babinsack chaosonejoe(at) ([email]chaosonejoe(at)[/email])
Italy: Civil Disorder
Russia: Joe Payne josepayne(at) ([email]josepayne(at)[/email])
Turkey: Brandon Wade bwhotmale1(at) ([email]bwhotmale1(at)[/email])
The Orders:
F bul(sc) Supports F con
A gal - boh
F nap - tys
A rom Hold
A rum Supports A sev
A ser - tri
A sev Supports A ukr - mos
A trl Supports A gal - boh
A ukr - mos (*Fails*)
A ven - pie
A vie Supports A gal - boh
Eliminated Winter 1906
F por Hold
A boh Supports A sil - gal (*Dislodged*)
A den - swe
A gas Supports F mao - spa(nc)
F bot Supports A den - swe
F iri - mao
A mar Supports F mao - spa(nc)
F mao - spa(nc)
A mun Supports A boh
A naf - tun
A pru Supports A war
A sil - gal
F swe - nwy
A war Supports A sil - gal
A spa, no move received (*Disbanded*)
F wes, no move received
A arm - ank
F bla Supports A arm - ank
A mos Supports A war - ukr (*Void*)
A smy Supports A arm - ank
A stp Supports A mos
F con Hold
Germany A boh - sil
Centers and Unit Positions:
Centers (11) bud, bul, gre, nap, rom, rum, ser, sev, tri, ven, vie.
Units: A boh, F bul(sc), A pie, A rom, A rum, A sev, A tri, A trl, F tys, A ukr, A vie
Build/Disband: 0
Eliminated Winter 1906
Centers (1): por.
Units: F por
Build/Disband: 0
Centers (17): bel, ber, bre, den, edi, hol, kie, lvp, lon, mar, mun, nwy, par, spa, swe, tun, war.
Units: A gal, A gas, F bot, A mar, F mao, A mun, F nwy, A pru, A sil, F spa(nc), A swe, A tun, A war
Build/Disbands: +2
Centers (0):
Units: F wes
Build/Disband: -1
Centers: (4): ank, mos, smy, stp.
Units: A ank, F bla, A mos, A smy, A stp
Build/Disband: -1
Centers (1): con.
Units: F con
Build/Disband: 0
1908 Winter Build/Disbands: Monday; February 15, 24:00 Hrs GMT
Maps of the Orders, Retreats and Results, and the dpy file are attached for your use.
Best of luck in the next season,
Darryl (GM)