Yahoo has been driving me nuts with sorting of e-mails removed & saved lists for e-mail going on & off. Had a terrible outbreak (esp for GB04 & 5 for some reason) right off but seemed ok til this wk when the list picked up some strange symbols after it & would not add the 5 names onto the mail. Seems ok again but was pretty sure I saw the 5 names pop up when sent F02. Rome says did not see S02 also but no 1 else. His correct e-mail on the list so unsure as is reliable. If you other 4 didn't have among you some 1 entering his 15th yr of grousing at me you would have a better chance of being believed
Many have been complaining that long so no id exposure...
Build F Roma
Build F Neapolis
Build A Ravenna
Build F Thapsus
Build F Sidon
Build A Antioch
Build A Damascus
Build A Macedonia
Build F Sparta