Egypt apparently didn't want it. 2 rets with only 2 options each. Need P & E to confirm or change asap. As no great impact on others they should be planning F03. The fight around epirus was very interesting.
F Adriatic Sea Convoys A Ravenna - Epirus
A Dalmatia - Illyria
F Punic Sea - Gulf of Tacape
A Ravenna - Epirus (*Fails*)
F Roma - Neapolis
F Sicilia - Punic Sea (*Bounce*)
A Tarraconensis - Massilia
F Baleares - Berber Sea
F Carthage - Punic Sea (*Bounce*)
F Ligurian Sea Supports F Sardinia - Tyrrhenean Sea
A Lusitania - Gaul
A Numidia - Leptis (*Bounce*)
A Saguntum - Tarraconensis
F Sardinia - Tyrrhenean Sea
A Arabia Supports A Tyre - Jerusalem
F Cyprus Supports F Sidon - Syrian Sea
F Egyptian Sea - Gulf of Pelusium (*Dislodged*) RET CIL CAN BE MINOAN
F Sidon - Syrian Sea
A Sinope Supports A Chersonesus
A Tyre - Jerusalem
F Aegean Sea Supports F Messenian Sea - Crete
A Chersonesus Supports A Sinope
A Illyria - Epirus
F Ionian Sea Supports A Illyria - Epirus
F Messenian Sea - Crete
A Miletus Hold
F Alexandria - Libyan Sea
F Crete - Egyptian Sea
A Cyrene - Leptis (*Bounce*)
F Gulf of Pelusium Supports F Crete - Egyptian Sea
A Jerusalem Supports A Petra - Nabatea (*Dislodged*) RET PET CAN BE SINAI
A Petra - Nabatea
A Thebes - Alexandria