======================================================================RULES AND DEADLINES--------------------------------------------------------------------- Adjudication Players Use Anticipated retreats and builds! They may be placed in brackets after orders;-
ssi-coi --------------------------------------------------------------------- Deadlines Will be every Thursday (spring/summer) and Sunday (fall/winter) at 1800MT Calgary time. Winter Builds/Removals will be stretched to no later than
Tuesday if necessary. Next deadline is for SP04 on Thursday Oct 9/2014 at 1800MT. Fall/Winter Builds will be made as encountered in list; [BUILD: F coi,F cai, A bri] ======================================================================TROOP MOVEMENT Fall 03 Australia : F TUS-stu,A sci-ssi,F NIS-WNZ,[A coi-nou] F NTS S F NIS-WNZ,A tow H ,A per H ,F fij HFrance : A mar-pap,[F ava-TON],[A pit-ava],F kei-ENZ A tog-kei,[F chc S F kei-ENZ],F TON H {Illegal Movement: F TON - WFS}{F chc: Dislodged}Indonesia : [A wmi-nmi],[F NCS-SJS],F WMS-NMS,[A sor-wmi] F EPS S F WMS-NMS,A man H ,{A wmi: Dislodged}Japan : [A mau-nmi],F NMS-CIS,A wci-wmi A ryu S A wci-wmi,A nsh S A ryu [F SJS S A ryu]Marshall_Islands : [A van-nou],[A wak-smi],[F WEM-smi]
F KIS S A maj,A maj HUsoa : [A kir-maj],A pho S A kir-maj,F mid H F chr HZealand : F ENZ-wel,F WNZ-chc,F SNZ S F WNZ-chc ======================================================================TROOP MOBILIZATION BUILDS & RETREATS WT/2003 Australia : Build; A cai, F bri France : Remove; A pit, AUTO F chc-sou Indonesia : Build; F jay, F tim Japan : Remove; A ryu Marshall_Islands : Remove; A van --------------------------------------------------------------------- SUPPLY CENTER STATUS WT03 WT\2003 |# SC| [HOME SUPPLY CENTER] (BUILD CENTER) =================================================================Australia |(10)|[AUST,cai,bri,coi],fij,hob,nou,per,sci ssi,stuFrance |( 6)|[FRAN,ava,pap,pit](kei),mar,togIndonesia |( 7)|[INDO,jay,sor,tim](man),dav,pmo,samJapan |( 5)|[JAPA,ryu,nsh],eci,mau,wciMarshall_Islands |( 4)|[MARS,kwa,smi,maj],wakUsoa |( 4)|[USOA,mid,hon,chr],phoZealand |( 3)|[ZEAL,chc,wel],cha=================================================================Total = ( 39) --------------------------------------------------------------------- TROOP STATUS WTO3 WT\2003 | Number| UNITS =================================================================Australia | ( 10) |F bri, A cai, A
coi, F fij, F NTS A per, A ssi, F stu, A tow, F WNZFrance | ( 6) |F ava, F ENZ, A kei, A pap, F sou F TONIndonesia | ( 7) |F EPS, F jay, A man, F NCS, F NMS A sor, F timJapan
| ( 5) |F CIS, A mau, A nsh, F SJS, A wmiMarshall_Islands | ( 4) |F KIS, A maj, A wak, F WEMUsoa | ( 4) |F chr, A kir, F mid, A phoZealand | ( 3) |F chc, F SNZ, F wel=================================================================Total ( ) ( 39) --------------------------------------------------------------------- OCEANIA PRESS RELEASES=====================================================================PRESS RULESPress sent in with orders gets published with Results, not separately! Send in press you want sent out within 12 hrs as separate email from orders. I will try to do better than every 12 hrs but it is not guaranteed. Note Press will be numbered as received with newest on top. Game Master and GM bylines are reserved otherwise black press rules apply. --------------------------------------------------------------------- Player Press 19) Australia -> Marshall: Don't let USA intimedate you. 1
USA => Marshall: If you disband A Van, then Australia will become unstoppable. In this case I do not feel bound to any promise I made to you in an earlier 'press' any more. 17) Australia -> Marshall: Thanks. Will be appreciated. (BTW a janissary were a elite soldiers in the Ottoman Empire often recruited among the Christian areas of the Ottoman Empire). 16) Australian -> New Zealand: I am willing to talk peace and an alliance with NZ. 15) USA => Marshall: Let us bury the hatchet! I shall make
no further attempt to attack Maj. 14) Marshall Islands - Australia: It was worth a try. But since it seems organized opposition against you is impossible, at least with USA breathing down my neck, I'll disband A Van and consider myself another janissary to the Oz-cause... 13) Australia: I'm just a big
Teddy Bear and want to be friends and have DMZ's with EVERYBODY! Let's just declare it a Draw. 12) France: This Nigerian businessman just sent me an email saying that I have inherited $5000.00 but I need to send him $500 to pay taxes and finders fees. Anybody want to share in my good fortune? $50 to Paypal via Hugh will get you 10% of my inheritance. 11) Australia to France: Sounds interesting. DMZ is OK. Australia to New Zealand: An interesting offer. Will analyse. Australia to Marshall Island. You are to close. Your advance looks hostile. 10) 'New Zealand to Australia: I hope that you will allow New Zealand to survive in her homeland. In return I
will help you go around me to the north, or guard your back against France who will surely not stop once he takes my island. Help me against the French and I will be your palisade against the inevitable.' 9) :franc France to Australia : I don't mind if you take fij As long as you and can get together. Which means SAS and EFS are DMZ. Do you agree ?
France, stop the groveling. De Nile is not just another river in Egypt. For Oz to win has to be at your expense sooner than later. 7) A- you can have Fiji, but not Tog or Stu. 6) Japan is Australia's best friend. Keep up the good fight! 5) Who's next to crumble after New Zealand?
4) Where can Oz get enough SCs to win? He is the clear game leader. Shouldn't the rest of us try to stop him? 3) Marshall Dillon is cleaning up the USA. 2) Is a serving of French toast next on the menu? 1) France to Australia : I would like very much to be on your side. I have no intentions of going towards your direction. Since there maybe some black press on my name , I built an Army on Pit.---------------------------------------------------------------------- GM PressFrench chain orders fail as fleet TON looks for place called (WES,WFS)? Australia continues as the boards superpower taking Southern Tuvalu from Marshall! France and Australia deploy along Zealand homeland! Under watchful eye of Australia Zealand takes back her home port of Christchurch and forces France to lose a unit. One on one wars continue to escalate between France/Zealand, Indonesia/Japan, and Marshall_Islands/Usoa/Australia! -- Next year will The World Press acquire a greater role in upcoming events? If some of the smaller powers can hang on for one more year; conflict between major power could break out.--