================================================================= Oceania DC508\Spring/2004 Press! Fall Moves Due! ================================================================= GM: The Big guns misfire! {F\F ENZ unordered, A Pap destination problem, A\A Cai mis-ordered} After having done so myself in numerous games I number my orders to reduce this possibility. Conflicts: France/Zealand dislodges F ENZ, Japan/Indonesia dislodges F SJS================================================================== 7) Why did Indonesia build 2 ships? He certainly doesn't need them to fight Japan.
6) Marshall Islands - anonymous zero pointer: As one in the center I know about draws including all survivors. They usually exclude the small center powers. So either I grow or I make sure others go down with me. 5) Marshall Islands - Japan: I've supported Mau to Mid 4) Marshall Islands - USA: Your choice 3)Marshall Islands - Australia: It would be nice if you went around the Islands, not through it. 2) All of you do realize that survival gets one zero points just as if you were eliminated? Which is why we need to stop the leaders and force a draw! 1) New Zealand to Australia: The messages I'm hearing suggest there is a chance. My fate is obviously in your hands, but if you
divert your fleets a bit north and allow me to defend against France, I will support and help you wherever I can. First I have to find a way to kick France out of my neighborhood.
======================================================================Deadlines and Rules---------------------------------------------------------------------- Adjudication Players Use Anticipated retreats and builds! They may be placed in brackets after orders;- ssi-coi ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Deadlines Will be every Thursday (spring/summer) and Sunday (fall/winter) at 1800MT Calgary time. Winter Builds/Removals will be stretched to no later than Tuesday if necessary. Next deadline is for SP04 on Sunday Oct 12/2014 at 1800MT. Fall/Winter Builds will be made as encountered in list; [BUILD: F coi,F cai, A bri] ======================================================================TROOP MOVEMENT SPRING/2004 Australia : A ssi-sci,[F stu-SAS],[F fij-SAS],A coi-van F bri-SCO,A tow-bri,F NTS S F WNZ F WNZ S F NTS,A cai H ,A per H [{Bad Order: A cai tow}]France : F TON-KES,[A kei-cha],F ava-TON [F sou S F ENZ-chc],[A pap H] ,[F ENZ H;
Dislodged] {Missing Convoy Navies: A pap - ava} {Action Error: F sou S F ENZ - chc}Indonesia : F NMS-SJS,F jay-WMS,F tim-ARS,A sor-wmi F EPS S F NMS-SJS,F NCS S F NMS-SJS,A man HJapan : A wmi-wci,[F SJS-NMS],A mau S A nsh A nsh S A wmi-wci,F CIS S F SJS-NMS {F SJS: Dislodged}Marshall_Islands : F WEM-smi,[A maj-pho],[A wak
S A mau-mid] F KIS S A maj-pho {Action Error: A wak S A mau - mid}Usoa : F chr-PHS,[A pho S A kir],A kir S A pho F mid HZealand : F wel-ENZ,[F SNZ-cha],F chc S F wel-ENZ RETREATS: Japa N SJS TO ryu,VOS,OTB Fran N ENZ TO SWP,wni,OTB ======================================================================TROOP MOBILIZATION RETREATS SU/2004 France : AUTO RETREAT F ENZ-SWP Japan : AUTO RETREAT F SJS-ryu --------------------------------------------------------------------- TROOP STATUS SU\2004 | =================================================================Australia | A bri, A cai, F fij, F NTS, A per, A sci
F SCO, F stu, A van, F WNZFrance | A kei, F KES, A pap, F sou, F SWP, F TONIndonesia | F ARS, F EPS, A man, F NCS, F SJS, A wmi F WMSJapan | F CIS, A mau, A nsh, F ryu, A wciMarshall_Islands | F KIS, A maj, F smi, A wakUsoa | A kir, F mid, A pho, F PHSZealand | F chc, F ENZ, F SNZMadman |=================================================================
----------------------------------------------------------------- SUPPLY CENTER STATUS SU\2004 |# SC| [HOME SUPPLY CENTER] (BUILD CENTER) =================================================================Australia |(10)|[AUST,cai,bri,coi],fij,hob,nou,per,sci ssi,stuFrance |( 6)|[FRAN,ava,pap,pit](kei),mar,togIndonesia |( 7)|[INDO,jay,sor,tim](man),dav,pmo,samJapan |(
5)|[JAPA,ryu,nsh],eci,mau,wciMarshall_Islands |( 4)|[MARS,kwa,smi,maj],wakUsoa |( 4)|[USOA,mid,hon,chr],phoZealand |( 3)|[ZEAL,chc,wel],chaNeutral |( 0)|=================================================================Total = ( 39)