Oceania DC508HP\Winter/2005===========================================================A 2 way draw between Indonesia and Australia is proposed! Please vote with your Spring or Fall orders. Outcome will be posted with Winter results.=========================================================== OCEANIA PRESS RELEASES===========================================================Oceania DC508\Winter/2005 Press!14) Japan to Marshall Islands: Could you support nmi-mau?
13) Indonesia to the World: It's a 2 way draw with Australia. Shall we vote? Or play on? 12) USA USA USA 11) Indonesia to Australia: I didn't say anything about a draw, but I'm willing if you are. 10)Australia -> Indonesia: I am willing to a draw. Secondly I am willing to a deeper alliance. 11)Australia -> USA: I think I will take #9 as a declaration of War
9)USA, USA, USA to F and M: We have to stop A! This can only be done, if we collaborate. I suggest therefore F ava - TON and F KIS - SAS. This way A cannot conquer tog. And this island is the last defense we have against the Ozzies.
Australia to NZ: Which fleet have home-base in sou? 7)Japan to Marshall Islands: Please don't hit my units. I have no plans in attacking yours. 6) USA USA You're going DOWN 5) Ships in Tos and Coi?
4) Will Oz go for the win or accept the offered draw with Indonesia?
3) France help Oz into Kei? 2) Marshall Islands into Pho with Oz support? 1) OZ s USA Tog-Kei or NZ s OZ TOB-Kei? GM - Conflicts: Australia/France/USoA/Marshall COS,SNZ,stu, pho,tog; France/Zealand cha; Indonesia/Japan wmi,NMS; Marshall/USoA pho Australia tries to give Zealand a hand, USoA could have used France's help with different order for tog. Japan continues to hold on with 4 units but is being routed by Indonesia. Australia tries
to give Zealand a hand but Zealand continues to make due with out help.
===========================================================RULES AND DEADLINE----------------------------------------------------------- Deadlines Will be every Thursday (spring/summer) and Sunday (fall/winter) at 1800MT Calgary time. Winter Builds/Removals
will be stretched to no later than Tuesday if necessary. Next deadline is for Fall 05 on Thursday Oct 23/2014 at 1800MT.----------------------------------------------------------- Adjudication Players Use Anticipated retreats and builds! They may be placed in brackets after orders;- ssi-coi Fall/Winter Builds will be made as
encountered in list; [BUILD: F coi,F cai, A bri]----------------------------------------------------------- Adjudication Notes GM: Because of the way I handle orders you can send in general orders for retreats, Builds and move orders. They need to be based on an existing or not existing unit. eg. If army hon then move A wak to mni; if no A hon then move Wak to hon. Always retreat ber to pru. Standing Builds F Con, F Smy, A Ank.
When no order exists on that turn the standing order will be used! If you send in no anticipated retreat then the computer makes one for you. It checks for your Home build SC, Then your regular SC, Then
other Home SC, then other regular SC, then best area by most adjacent numbers, then by first it comes to in move check list.----------------------------------------------------------- PRESS RULES Press sent in with orders gets published with Results, not separately! Send in press you want sent out within 12 hrs as separate email from orders. I will try to do better than every 12 hrs but it is not guaranteed. Note Press will be numbered as received with newest on top. Game Master and GM bylines are reserved otherwise black press rules apply.===========================================================TROOP MOVEMENT Fall 2005Australia : [F SAS-COS],A fij-tog,[A tow-noa],[A per-noa] [A van-stu],F EFS-fij,F TON S A fij-tog [F NTS S F SNZ-sou],F SCO H ,A nsi H
{Action Error: F NTS S F SNZ - sou}France : [F SSP-COS],[F sou-SNZ],[F SWP-cha] [A ava S A tog],A kei S F SWP-cha {Action Error: A ava S A tog}Indonesia : F pmo-SOS,F WMS-CIS,F SJS-VOS F NMS S F WMS-CIS,F SPS S A wmi,A ryu S F nsh [A wmi S F nsh],F nsh HJapan : A mid-kau,[A nmi-wmi],[A wci-wmi],[F CIS-NMS] A mau-mid,{F CIS: Dislodged}Marshall_Islands : [A maj-pho],[F KIS-SAS],[F NAS-KIS] ,A wak H {Illegal Movement: F NAS - KIS}Usoa : [A tog-stu],F WHS-hon,[A pho S A tog-stu] F PHS S A pho,{A tog: Dislodged}Zealand : [F SNZ-cha],F ENZ S F SNZ-cha,F chc H ===========================================================TROOP MOBILZATION BUILDS & RETREATS WT/2005:
Australia : Build; A coi Indonesia : Build; A sor Japan : Retreats F CIS to EMS, Removes EMS
: DANGER! Japan has No Home Centers Left! ----------------------------------------------------------- SUPPLY CENTER STATUS WT\2005 |# SC| [HOME SUPPLY CENTER] (BUILD CENTER) ===========================================================Australia |(11)|[AUST,cai,bri,coi],fij,hob,nou,per,sci
ssi,stu,togFrance |( 5)|[FRAN,ava,pap,pit](kei),marIndonesia |( 9)|[INDO,jay,sor,tim][JAPA,man,ryu,nsh],dav pmo,samJapan |( 4)|,eci,mau,mid,wciMarshall_Islands |( 4)|[MARS,kwa,smi,maj],wakUsoa |( 3)|[USOA,hon,chr],phoZealand
|( 3)|[ZEAL,chc,wel],cha===========================================================Total = ( 39) ----------------------------------------------------------- TROOP STATUS WT\2005 | UNITS | ===========================================================Australia | ( 11) |A coi, F fij, A nsi, F NTS, A per F SAS, F SCO, A tog, F TON, A tow A vanFrance
| ( 5) |A ava, A kei, F sou, F SSP, F SWPIndonesia | ( 9) |F CIS, F NMS, F nsh, A ryu, A sor
F SOS, F SPS, F VOS, A wmiJapan | ( 4) |A kau, A mid, A nmi, A wciMarshall_Islands | ( 4) |F KIS, A maj, F NAS, A wakUsoa | ( 3) |F hon, A pho, F PHSZealand | ( 3) |F chc, F ENZ, F SNZ===========================================================Total
( 39) -----------------------------------------------------------