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Diplomaticcorp Discussion Forum:  Gunboat Tournament

(Gunboat Tournament)

Subject:< DC542 SH GUNBOAT S07 >
Topic:< Gunboat Tournament >
Category:< Active Games >
Posted:Feb 27, 2016 at 1:58 pm
Viewed:1263 times

  [New Post]  [Reply]  [Quote]

S has 24 hrs to change. if no 1 hears from me by then is final. Anyone needing  to pump in quick turn due to trip or the like can just send 'if..then' orders as always accepted in this scenario. 3/3 latest for next which ends penultimate yr - 3 moves left.  http://www.diplomaticcorp.com/game_page.php?game_id=dc542East:
F Amazon Village Supports F Aphrodite's Beach - Sea Of Waves
F Aphrodite's Beach - Sea Of WavesNorth:
F Centaur Forest - Narcissus' Reflection
A Village Of Aeolus Hold
F Hercules' Respite - Gulf Of Chains
A Morpheus' Palace Hold
F Prometheus' Cliff Supports F Aphrodite's Beach - Sea Of Arrows (*Void*)South:
F Eastern Ocean Supports F Serina's Village - Scholars Channel
F Lover's Lane - Convent of the Vestal Virgins (*Dislodged*) POS CAN BE SOA
A Nestor's Kingdom Hold
F Serina's Village - Scholars Channel
F Depths Of Hades - Sea of Tears
F Tartarus - Sea Of Fire (*Bounce*)West:
F Isle Of Lesbos - Sea Of Fire (*Bounce*)
F Convent of the Vestal Virgins Supports F Cupid's Cloud - Lover's Lane
F Cupid's Cloud - Lover's Lane

There is 1 Message in this Thread:

DC542 SH GUNBOAT S07 (vegas_iwish) Feb 27, 01:58 pm

There are 283 Threads in Gunboat Tournament:

DC556 COL F1885 (vegas_iwish)

DC556 COL Draw? (FuzzyLogic)

DC556 COL W1885 (vegas_iwish) [3 Replies]

DC556 COL S1885 (vegas_iwish)

DC556 COL W 1884 (vegas_iwish)

DC556 F1884 (vegas_iwish)

DC556 COL S1884 (vegas_iwish)

DC556 COL W1883 (vegas_iwish)

DC556 COL F1882 (vegas_iwish)

DC556 COL S 1882 (vegas_iwish)

DC556 COL W 1881 (vegas_iwish)

DC556 COL S1881 (vegas_iwish)

DC556 COL W1880 (vegas_iwish)

DC556 COL F1879 (vegas_iwish)

DC556 COL S1879 (vegas_iwish)

DC556 COL DC556 W1878 (vegas_iwish)

DC556 COL F1878 (vegas_iwish)

DC556 COL S 1878 (vegas_iwish)

DC556 COL W1877 (vegas_iwish)

DC556 COL F1877 (vegas_iwish)

1 - 20 of 283 shown [More]

Diplomacy games may contain lying, stabbing, or deliberately deceiving communications that may not be suitable for and may pose a hazard to young children, gullible adults, and small farm animals.

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