All winter orders in except for Japan Removal!================================================================GM: Except for Zealand the great powers are getting greater and small powers smaller! The Western Pacific is almost unoccupied!France advances towards the Australian front line.Indonesia surrounds Marshall_Islands homeland.Japan may hold on for a time with final two units.will the great powers finally clash in 2008?=================================================================Oceania DC508\Winter/2007 Player Press!
================================================================= 16) Marshall Islands - All (and especially one-issue-party France): Yeah, let's stop Australia, he will win this game hands down if we don't pile on top of him. Oh and Indonesia, congrats on your victory!
15) Marshall Islands - All: I really enjoyed all the Marshall-prose. The only one that came from me was number 5. 14) Indonesia to Australia: You should have a look on NZ. If he changes to France there is much resistance against our 2-way-draw. I would build F Bri. 13) To Australia: Building army in bri, right? Perth is the
start. 12) France to NZ : taking back kei isn't very helpful to the cause but I can understand it and willnot try to defend it , as it was yours. From now on please help in stopping Australia. 11. USA to Marshall: As the ruler of Indonesia did not answer - probably he does not feel the need to communicate with such a minor power as the United States - and your new proposition is in agreement with the rules, I shall order as you suggested, i. e. A maj S M A kir - smi. 10. Marshalls to USA.USA.USA: The message before wasn`t from me. Can you support Kir-Smi. 9.Marshalls to USA.USA.USA: There are a lot people talking as Marshalls.
USA to Indonesia: I suggest mutual support F smi S U A maj xxx, A maj S I F smi xxx.
Please note that maj and smi belong to different island chains. I also request your order F NAS - kir to cut possible support. 7) USA to Marshall: The author of press no. 4 does not know the rules of the game. A kwa - smi is not possible. The rules state clearly that "armies can move _directly_ from one island chain to another". kwa and smi, however, do not belong to different island chains. 6) USA: I think the best way is I support you into Smi. 5) Marshall Islands applauds the writer of press no 4. 4) Marshalls to USA.USA.USA: Can you support Kwa-Smi 3) Why is Indonesia wasting time going to wmi and pmo? It was time for the stab! Don't wish to even TRY for the WIN? 2) France to NZ: Please join me in the attempt to stop Australia, no use in attacking me and let Australia win. 1) Nobody has ever won this variant but Japan. Looks like our current fearless leaders want a draw and keep Japan's record intact.=================================================================