got seven confirmed players, so we're ready to rock and roll!?? Our game
number is DC436. The game number's important as I need you to use it in
the headers of any emails you send me, per the house rules. It makes
everything??easier!??It is not good enough to simply reply to emails from me with your orders. You??must??put very specific information in your subject lines to me every time you send an email:
the accepted format is: DC436 [country name] [season] [order version]examples: DC436 England Fall 02 v1; DC436 France Winter Builds 1904 v3; DC436 Germany Spring 05
Our first move deadline will be Monday, October 1 at 8:30 PM MDT (02:30 02-10-12 GMT)
However, I will accept any press you wish to send out as we are planning Spring 01 moves.
send them to me with "DC436: [country name] PRESS" before
Friday, September 28 at 6:00 PM MDT (00:00 GMT 29-10-12)
A couple of notes:
??1. Be sure to check out the house rules, which are linked from the page of the game and included on a previous email.
2. In this game, you will (may?) rely on press to
communicate with other players?? - just forward me the message you want
sent, and I'll pass it on.
I'd encourage you to send preliminary orders in - you never know when
technology will let you down or you'll be caught without email access!
4. Any questions about the game or rules I'm happy to help - just drop me an email
---just keep swimming!